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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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757588 No.757588 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't this board pointless? Everyone posts the same questions and no real advice is given. The people who have real advice on how they are making money won't say because that would mean more competition for them. Also why would you give some dumb fuck asking how to turn $100 into $1,000 your techniques for free? This board is just jews trying to jew other jews.

>> No.757590

Damn jewed again! Damn the jews who jew, jews!

>> No.757611
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I see this board more of a launch pad for newbie investors. Becoming a better trader or investor is like 80% self development anyways.

The questions asked on here are more like "what is the golden formula", rather than "how do i approach solving for the golden formula" which indicates this is mostly a place for lazy people who wants to earn a fast dime. Or for the people genuinely interested in money management. But probably not for the people already familiar with the basic concepts.

The furthest we've got is probably the /biz/ literature, and I'd gladly see more posts about business psychology, career advancement or macro economics.

>> No.757618
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been meaning to make a sticky and some more in-depth stock research threads, maybe a regular marketwatch trading paper game everyone can come in and play, it would be fun to see what 4chan thinks of that

however I have to devote a lot of time to studying

>> No.757653

If we could just have a single paragraph sticky with "save all you can, invest in index funds, visit investopedia, read ben graham" we'd be miles ahead I think.

>> No.757684

I really like this board, I not skilled in financing or investments, but I think it is very interesting. I've learned a lot from people here. I still haven't done anything with it, but I think I will

>> No.757695


Index funds = always behind the market

>> No.757925

1) it's the best fucking thing to happen to 4chan IMHO. This site was a constant distraction even with other tabs open in browser. Tits & ass and shitposts too tempting sometimes. Dual screen or triple screen is the way forward if you want real success in short time. /biz/ has a unique USP, in that it's pretty much no holds barred and instant. There are pros and cons to other forums, but yes, there will be an overall quality tradeoff.
Nevertheless, I like the variety of experience, opinion, even with all the bullshit, honesty seems to come naturally through anonymity, whereas people overedit what they really think even on forums, there are many rules. I get ideas and inspiration I wouldn't get any where else.

2) 'there is no spoon' = there is no competition.
I'm less worried about what others are doing, and more focused on what I'm doing. 99% of people will talk themselves out of opportunity anyway, or let someone else do it for them.

3) see above. Ideas are worthless, execution is everything. I used to hold on to my precious plans, than just started telling everybody everything. It's amusing that it makes no difference whatsoever. If I've already done it or am doing it, who cares? Half of you won't believe me anyway, or think it's A waste of time, or think some Jewish tactics were involved or I'm scamming you etc, If you're just getting started, you're maybe 1-5 years behind me. Real opportunities don't need a hard sell.

TL;dr - Biz is useful to me, there is no competition

>> No.757954


It's occasionally useful. I've learned a few things here.

>> No.758449

>The people who have real advice on how they are making money won't say because that would mean more competition for them. Also why would you give some dumb fuck asking how to turn $100 into $1,000 your techniques for free?

Whether or not the majority of people here know what they're talking about, there are certainly people here who know how investment banks work, who know economics and even heterodox economics well, and who know about the computer industry. For computer people, perhaps Hacker News might be a better forum, but some people here do know what they're talking about.

Secondly, you're wrong people won't share advice. Listen to Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett, Paul Graham, Bill Gates etc. They freely give advice.

Guess what? Success is a lot of hard work! Almost everyone knows the formula to success - get good grades in high school, get a good SAT/ACT score, go to the best school you can get into and afford, take a major you can pass and which is lucrative and which you enjoy somewhat, learn it and get good grades, get a job and work your way up.

There's no secret, no techniques. Most people are too lazy to do this. Some might have problems at home but how to succeed is still known - they get a job, and an apartment, save some money up, then start taking classes at night or on weekends until they get their degree.

Successful people don't have to fear telling people "work really hard for many years, and it will pay off years from now". Because, for one thing, the vast majority of people will NOT do this, they will give up.

>> No.758474


It's funny you mention Bill Gates, because I'm always looking at what more successful people read and recommend, and I only found out about a week ago that Bill Gates has a blog, and reads a lot and recommends books and reviews them very often on his blog.

Shit like that should seem obvious, but there you go. I guess Bill Gates doesn't advertise on PornHub much, so I guess I missed it.

This is it, anon - changing your habits.