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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7574500 No.7574500 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here all in on a coin? If so, which? Post blockfolios if you'd like

>> No.7574625

some fiat waiting to buy more

>> No.7574652

IOST until May

>> No.7574688


i did that once and missed out on about 300k this year

>> No.7574719

have 20k in UKG

>> No.7574738


I'm all in on BAT.

Things aren't too hot right now.

>> No.7574776

all in 8.5k ven

>> No.7574836

15k into BTC @ $4,200.

Sold at 17k

Bought back in at 12k and haven't touched it since.

>> No.7574880


>> No.7574994

All in on tether

>> No.7575338

Mobius, am poorfag so only 9.3k but hopefully it moons

>> No.7575376

I'm basically 40/40 OMG / HPB
20 on some other coins like BDG, COV, CPC - basically cheap coins that could easily 10 - 20x
and I have 310 ETC I'm moving into HPB and OMG after the Callisto airdrop

>> No.7575382
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dbc. could never go wrong with an AI-computing network backed by NEO.

>> No.7575503

Did I fuck up

>> No.7575522

all in omg til eoy and accumulating on the way
>bless me money skelly

>> No.7575544


>> No.7575566

I took out a loan and put it all on RLC
It's going to 10x this year, probably within a couple months

>> No.7575708

100% on PRL

>> No.7575792

PFR feels like a shitcoin to me. Don't know why but it just feels like it's not going to go anywhere.

>> No.7575819

TRX. Nice and cheap, can hold 100s, going to moon on Star trek phase 4 so comfy. Bought in at .00032 but it's ok it's a long term hold.

>> No.7575854


>> No.7575885
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> star trek

top kek
guaranteed shit coin.

>> No.7575906

No but the wait is hard

>> No.7575929

Local Bitcoins just lost 90% of traffic due to KYC. If PFR can sweep in the coin will be worth a lot.

>> No.7575935

All in into carVertical and Winding Tree

>> No.7575941

94% in on VEN

>> No.7575950

the team can't even get on an exchange without begging for more money from investors. That shit isn't going anywhere but down the toilet

>> No.7575973

Anyone else all in on NEO? If NEO goes to 1k I'll have so much worth of NEO and enough Money generated by GAS I'll probably never have to work full time in my life, and I'm 18.

>> No.7575978

All in on CEFS a few hours ago. Already up 25%

>> No.7576030

I used to do, do like fuck, iota;
we boomed i took deep into january's protits.
now i feel smart because we don't drop so much.
Fact truth; i always hold wtc and I'm selling even golden boy for more iota. go figure.

>> No.7576177
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all in TEL

>> No.7576198

All in elix basically

Smallcap ftw

>> No.7576790

All in BTC trading the chop. Don't trust altcoins when BTC is on the edge like this.

>> No.7576815


>> No.7577828

LINK. Literally 100%. I only have 50K tho

>> No.7577971


ADA, it’s holding it’s value, expecting it to moon over a dollar in March, 5-10 EOY

>> No.7578087
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Got $50 bucks waiting for a dip. Going to reach 20 OMG. Going to get out of this 99 Toyota Corolla soon right guys? Right...

>> No.7578158

looking forward to being a millionaire

>> No.7579135

ICON, am i fucked?

>> No.7579141

All on VEN fags

>> No.7579162

Unironically NANO.

Comfiest hold for me. The FUD actually feeds my comfort and the meme’s are just icing on top.

DYOR, and a lot of it

>> No.7579188
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ZCL all the way (until the 28th)

>> No.7579281

Why May?
Really interested in this coin

>> No.7579329

that's not blockfolio you retarded nigger

>> No.7579363
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all in ICX

>> No.7579447


Why hpb

>> No.7579478


And if the Chinese government so much as queefs in Neos direction the coin will tank and be promptly replaced by any of the other rising Asian blockchains literally overnight. What could go wrong.

>> No.7579518

Zcl and enj

>> No.7579585

accumulate zilliqa as much as i can

>> No.7579619
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I hope you guys bought in at 3.7 and are ready to make that comfy 20% gain today/tomorrow, I know I am. No you are not fucked, it will go back to $4.5 at least, and many people in the community think it will go 2-3x in march when it gets listed on Korean exchanges.

>> No.7579624

*Mullato butts (mullato butts)*

>> No.7579654
File: 446 KB, 1679x1258, 8CF6D410146C40DBAEBDD3422D48BAFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% XLM / 10% LINK
Literally the chadfolio.

>> No.7579660

ELIX. Solid idea, almost weekly updates, etc. The team always follows through, has a great idea, and the market cap is extremely low so why not.

>> No.7579663
File: 85 KB, 300x300, LUX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LUX although they're kinda slacking right now with release dates. Worth the wait though.