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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 1023x1280, 1494972189747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7573635 No.7573635 [Reply] [Original]

Lock the fuck in. ChainLink price singularity is upon us. Superconference in ten days. New partnership with Tesla.

That makes Swift, Sony, Tesla, Request Network, Town Crier, Zeppelin so far. We're already the motherfucking defacto oracle network.

Calling it right now. $50 by June, $150 EOY.

>> No.7573826

My boipucci is ready.

>> No.7573875
File: 60 KB, 1440x1164, 5ed1013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who browses biz and is NOT already all-in is a fucking idiot and doesn't deserve a spot on the ride to singularity anyway.

>> No.7574375

Why should I go all in OP?

>> No.7574405


Wrong. Superconference in five days. It's on 2/16.

>> No.7574468


>> No.7574506

The dump will be glorious..

>> No.7574540


Sergey will not mention any of these companies and most likely not even say the words "Chain Link", and you know it. He is going to talk about the *potential* of smartcontracts in the legal realm, DocuSign maybe, and that will be that.

We will get no hard news until the Mainnet is released which won't be until closer to the end of the year. "Test net is already out, initial mainnet is released in Q1" is a meme, the ruby code is being ported to GoLang for a testnet release in Q1.

>> No.7574573



>> No.7574628

all the shilling on biz is the only reason i haven't bought this coin

only true desperation can bring shilling of this magnitude

>> No.7574637


Which is honestly fine. It's only /nubiz/ retards who follow fuckwit larpers and make posts like OP who expect any different.

>> No.7574754

I feel the same way and why I haven't bit the bullet.

>> No.7574815

Look up the shilling for eth, lol

>> No.7574829


If the assblaster larps aren't even partially true to some extent then LINK is probably never going to actually solidify a public partnership with SWIFT or other major companies, in which case it is going to be a heavy bag eternally that will be eternally memed on

>> No.7574900


The fact you think a SWIFT "partnership" is crucial to ChainLink's success is proof you barely understand this project. Don't worry, you're in good company around here.

>> No.7574959

Shut the fuck up faggot. You are literally cancer. This is the same baked response that comes up every time the SWIFT partnership is mentioned. If you are truly dumb enough to think that it isn't the central thesis for the value of LINK then enjoy your 5x return on LINK by 2020.

>> No.7574995

broken clock

>> No.7575078


Link could literally only do ZeppelinOS and it would still be insanely valuable in 5 years. But zeppelin is just one tiny part of the project.
If your investment decision hinges entirely on SWIFT then just sell. You don't get it.

>> No.7575117

Do you know that you would have been raped if you only dared to insult eth on biz?

>> No.7575285
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You are a moron.

>just wait 5 years it will be worth it. SWIFT is only a small piece of the puzzle

>> No.7575296

so every coin shilled endlessly on biz is the next eth?
i better stock up on trtl, link, ufr, bzc, and a dozen other shillcoins i've forgotten

>> No.7575308

Link literally makes scamming impossible. Could you imagine a world where businesses can't fuck each other over? Business a says to business b make this design for us. They set up a smart contract with chainlink that verifies the completion of the design. Once design is completed business a has to pay business b. They can't take the design and go shop it to other businesses to get a cheaper price.

>> No.7575439
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imagine being this dumb
this anon doesn't have to imagine

>> No.7575697


>link shilled endlessly solely because of SWIFT potential
>nearly one year later looks increasingly like SWIFT won't happe
>but don't worry, muh zepplinos will make it all worth while
>just wait
>for five years
>or else you are a brainlet

>> No.7575778
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No one gives a shit.

>> No.7575833

What if we dump and the price stays high?

>> No.7575922

Please sergey, don't do anything crazy at this conference. I have one more semester's worth of student loan money coming and I want to buy more cheap linkies.

>> No.7575947
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>link's potential is solely the supposed SWIFT partnership

if this isn't advanced meme FUD then you are an amazing brainlet

>> No.7575970

Thanks biz bro

>> No.7575994

I have 30k linkies. I want 50k but I feel price will probably double this week. Fuk

>> No.7575995
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>> No.7576197


>hurdur muh 1.4quadrillion derivatives market
>*spits on chin, smiling*
>we don't need swift we goin to $150
>the insider assblaster says so
>*sharts into adult diaper*
>ZepplinOS big news singularity soon
>just hols on for a few years

>> No.7576283

Is it even worth trying to get into LINK if I missed out on all the previous action with cryptos?

>> No.7576301

deluded aren't they? link has literally never mooned. i can't wait to post collages of link memes in 2020

>> No.7576431
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>> No.7576479
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>> No.7577044

Witnessed. What does Delta Pro let you do?

>> No.7577098

no. i'm still acculmlating even now.
strap yourself in, gonna be massive!!

>> No.7577246

>>7575296 to the list

>> No.7577664

Do you fags buy BTC-> Binance-> LINK or can I buy link with fiat? In b4 lurk moar. I don't want the coinbase jew to get anymore money.

>> No.7577752

Trade ETH to LINK. Dont you ever do it with BTC.

>> No.7577851

Why not?

>> No.7577976

Higher fees, lot of time to complete the transaction. When you do it with ETH you dont have this absurd fee and its instantly.

>> No.7578042

>partnership with Tesla

don't forget Minecraft servers and Steam integration

>> No.7578157

Oh, transfering to exchanges with eth makes sense. I swing trade on a btc basis though, it usually has more predictable changes.

>> No.7578233

I just got word that Amazon will only be accepting payments through ChainLink nodes now
I think we're going to a different universe soon

>> No.7578251 [DELETED] 
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is any of this actually confirmed or are they just larps by pajeet teams of marketing shills?

>> No.7578272

it's called shitposting friendo

>> No.7578274

And who the fuck are you

>> No.7578281

lol the delusional state of linkie
always making old fags money

>> No.7578319


>> No.7578366
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>He can't differentiate between pajeet shilling and shilling born out of hundreds of thousands of autistic research

>> No.7578389

>t. RectalRektor

>> No.7579269
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pic sold me
i made this meme
can i be a linkmarine now?

>> No.7579389

>$150 EOY
And you wonder why we call you deluded.

>> No.7579515

Fucking kek
We're all going to Valhalla when sergey exit scams us for $32m bigmacs

>> No.7579537

Yeah, you're right.
You could easily add an extra zero to that figure.

>> No.7579606
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>Implying TRTL isn't able to take you to lambo land with an increase of just a few satoshis

nigger it's like 3 sats on TradeOgre still get in on the ground floor while you still can

>> No.7579642

can I get a printer friendly version of this

>> No.7579699

Stop trying to make link sound good. Let these faggots miss out. I'm nowhere near done accumulating.

>> No.7579749
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>price singularity

this is why they hire a dev from tesla faggots. strap in

>> No.7579769
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>And who the fuck are you

>> No.7579820
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Chainlink is rendered obsolete.

IOTA founder here, terminating initial acyclical graph disruption.

Unhash block 0x034348712359345309847094

>> No.7579822

>ground floor

>> No.7579994
File: 17 KB, 328x480, Roman_Bust_20_CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK is literally the start of a new renaissance. Once artists won't get scammed anymore we will enter a period of flourishing thespians and faggots.

>> No.7580009

IOTA Is 'greek', not 'roman'. Greek antiscience precedence takes effect.

>> No.7580073

can any type of business use chainlink?

>> No.7580098

What is the password?

>> No.7580112


>> No.7580146

What is the other password?

>> No.7580215

Hello, Sir.

>> No.7581016



>> No.7581560
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>> No.7581981

Don't buy it it's already inflated. I only want link so i can make a biz api and put their words in smart contracts.

>> No.7581990
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wtf does he mean by "beyond tokenization"???

>> No.7582015

that cigarette is smokes all the way to the end

>> No.7582031

Quality milkies sir. Shame about the cig smoke, good for a pnd

>> No.7582055

They are going to allow payment to nodes using ETH, the Link token sale was just for funding.

>> No.7582094
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>> No.7582099


Is this a scam or what

Name is so retarded

>> No.7582142

what's so hard about making a decentralized node that accepts only a private key to make requests? XD

>> No.7582163

too skinny to be sergey

>> No.7582211

Still deluded after all this time.

>> No.7582219
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>> No.7582238
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Shall I use my last ETH on this?

>> No.7582247
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>> No.7582491
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Was really hoping for another crash so I could grab the remaining 7.5K needed for the 10k minimum.


Yeah, if I wasn't paying out for rent, utilities, food, yeah I'm sure I would have. To be honest, I'm actually surprised I managed to get enough together to grab 2.5k considering it was around christmas.

Anyone here in the same boat?

>> No.7582557

Is the 10k Minimum actually stated anywhere?

>> No.7582592

According to the prophet.

>> No.7582597

Was able to accumulate 10k throughout the months but now I'm worried that's not enough to make it before the next crash... if $60 then need at least 17k to make it

>> No.7582717

I don't know but if Link reaches $100 then 10k is the minimum to make a million. Actually it should be more because of taxes

>> No.7582748

Daily reminder that a million is not enough to retire comfortably

>> No.7582872





>> No.7582951

You could purchase at least 2 properties in a London with £1mil. That’s gonna be about £1700 per month in rent per property. Giving you an income of £40k per year. I’d retire on that.

>> No.7583016

>When a simple conference just won't pump your shitcoin anymore

>> No.7583018

That is because you are a rational thinking human being and not a delusional ADHD millennial fag who constantly buys overpriced brand shit he sees in advertisements. Whoever thinks "1 million Dollars or Pounds is not enough to retire in his country" is just a sad excuse of human existence.

>> No.7583080


I don't know about where you live, but for me you can get about $1-2k a week income for a $1mil private bank investment.

You'd have to pay tax on the returns though. But still, not a bad income for essentially nothing.

>> No.7583167

>before the next crash
you mean like a global crash 2008 style?

>> No.7583185

I wonder where the best place for buy-to-let properties is.
I know that rents in London are ridiculous but it’s also expensive to buy (prices I quoted I actually checked for Dalston in East London this morning, 1 bedroom flats go for 500k with, 1.7k per month rent). There’s probably a better location.
Actually, I bet AirBNB in somewhere like Venice or Paris would get you more income

>> No.7583320

Guys AXA actually works with tesla for car insurance and they also work with chainlink as seen on smartcontract.com

>> No.7583400

I think you should just negotiate some interest with a private bank like >>7583080

A 5% to 7% will give slightly higher returns and you get to keep your million on top of that. You also don't need to worry about tenants fucking up your property

>> No.7583484

Wow, good find.

AXA also have Fizzy, which is smart contact flight insurance on the ethereum blockchain. Unfortunately I think it was confirmed that they aren’t using ChainLink for Fizzy, although I could be wrong, and I don’t see why they wouldn’t use CL for this since AXA have used CL before, as we know. You can see their commercial here, the ethereum logo appears in the video. https://youtu.be/xJZulZ_-CMI

>> No.7583487


>> No.7583540

Exactly my thoughts. They are already experimenting with Chainlink and as of now I think it is the best way to insure autonomous vehicles, which tesla will have to do in the near future.

>> No.7583599


>Tesla is partnering with larger, traditional insurance companies that will underwrite the InsureMyTesla policies. In Australia, Tesla is partnering with QBE Insurance and in Hong Kong the underwriter is AXA General Insurance.

oh man oh man oh man

>> No.7583630


>> No.7583671

Make sure you live stream your suicide for our viewing pleasure

>> No.7583680

axa doesn't use chainlink
they hada few tests on smartcontracts
fizzy uses a diffrent oracle, apparently they hate it though

will they sue chainlink in the future? maybe

>> No.7583702

Guys this linky thing is getting bigger and better by minute. All these dots have to be connected in some way.

>> No.7583718

how long do i have to accumulate?

>> No.7583850

if you cant tell the difference between overt pump and dump hype threads that suddenly appear out of nowhere on the same day and disappear just as fast and an actual organic movement you dont belong here.

>> No.7583920

How would you insure autonomous cars? A smart contract is the most suited solution for this problem and to get data to the smart contract you need a data provider, on which you can rely to feed the right information. Chainlink fills that void perfectly and is already tested by some big players who are to benefit the most by its implementation. It is true that it

>> No.7583935
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links about to 10x...are you hyped bois??? HYPE IT BABY HYPE IT

>> No.7584018

Yeah I read that they are using a “different oracle” for Fizzy. Where did you read that they “hate it”?

It only takes a small leap of faith to connect AXA / ChainLink / Tesla

>> No.7584066

Making Ethereum do more than just create useless tokens. That's what Chainlink does.

>> No.7584231

>it's already inflated
You're an idiot.
Shit like DGB mooned like 500x just based on a tenuous connection with ONE bank, Citibank.
Here we have Link which has an explicit and tangible relationship with a network of 11k banks, and the most it mooned was like 14x.

>> No.7584241

How?!?!?! The partnerships they have listed are not even confirmed. What makes you say this is going to 2000x. Absolutely ridiculous. I'll see you on suicide watch 2019.

>> No.7584287

He's right.
Swift needs something like Chainlink, not the other way around.
Look up what smart contracts are and do. They basically cut out middlemen like notaries, attorneys, and even banks.
So what do you think will happen to the middlemen of the middlemen, like Swift?

>> No.7584305

There was another anon who claimed their in-house oracle is just a stop gap. In a sense it seems reasonable. Chainlink is ready yet but it will be far more secure than a centralized oracle and AXA probably doesn't want to get into the oracle game itself as that's not its area of expertise. Plus we already know AXA was trialing chainlink from the test smart contract and they are already building on the public ethereum blockchain. All the pieces are there.

>> No.7584328

*chainlink is not ready yet

>> No.7584329

True. Nothing is confirmed, only speculation

>> No.7584348

how hard will LINK dump after the conference?

>> No.7584361

>There was another anon who claimed their in-house oracle is just a stop gap

I think I saw that somewhere too.

But the Tesla dev is working on LINK external adapters, or the push function, or whatever. Wouldn’t we expect to see an AXA dev working on that if AXA is proving insurance for Tesla? Or maybe it doesn’t matter. Maybe AXA doesn’t have the right staff. Idk

>> No.7584379

If those partnerships had been confirmed, Link would have mooned already.

How fucking dumb are you?

>> No.7584399

I agrree smartcontracts will be the future there is no doubt about that
but who and how the data for this contracts will be provided is a whole different story
i just wanted to point out that AXA doesnt use chainlink as oracle, yet

there was an anon who claimed that he works for AXA (cant find the thread atm) he said something along the lines of about the many limitations a centralized oracle has
I guess it's alot of what chainlink tries to solve with the oracle network
data on demand, trustless, cheaper, etc

>> No.7584442

> Wouldn’t we expect to see an AXA dev working on that if AXA is proving insurance for Tesla?
They deleted Jordan Bonilla's post so they're trying to keep all evidence of people working on it secret so if there were axa people working on adapters we wouldn't know. They do have the right staff to some extent they gave out the names of the devs who wrote the beta fizzy but that didn't lead to any code on github anyone could find, but those same devs would likely also be able to develop for chainlink. That said they are using ethereum which is supported at launch so I don't think they would need any adapters, they could use chainlink from the get go.

>> No.7584475
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Hopefully really hard. Instant pump and dump back down to $0.20. That would make me so fucking hard.
Accumulate the fuck out of it and then finally put into cold storage.
Forget about it and live my life as normally as possible for a year, knowing that I am a millionaire in the making.

Can you fucking imagine that anon? Beautiful.
We're all gonna make it.

>> No.7584501

zeppelinos is already the most used framework for writing ethereum smart contracts and already smartcontracts written on it already handle over 4 billion dollars. They were also effusive with praise about chainlinks expertise. From that alone it's very reasonable to assume chainlink is going to be a major player in the oracle world; there's no decentralized oracle projects out there that have anywhere near the connections yet. There will no doubt be cases where you only need a centralized oracle like oraclize but for the most important ones you'd likely need all the security you can get.

>> No.7584512

How will you know its a PnD versus a legitimate rise in price?

>> No.7584596
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S I N G U L A R I T Y . E X E

>> No.7584785

Because all the weak hands will prematurely cum their loads and sell off as soon as it hits a dollar.

It will be like those weeks after the ICO, it will plummet. But that's probably going to be the last chance to buy into Link.

>> No.7584798

I agree, but I wouldn't says its a sure thing
its still kinda in its infancy the mainnet isn't even up
at this point its hard to say how it plays out
in the realm which chainlink wants to play there is not much room for mistakes
I guess thats way the want to play it save

>> No.7584799

If you don't know how to diferentiate between pajeet shilling and actual autist sharing their researchs in benefit of the whole community you will be eaten alive by /biz/. DYOR, is the only way to defend yourself against misinformation

>> No.7584908

I second this. Honestly it really isn’t that much work to find some clues but you really have to see the picture as a whole, to make some sense of the available information.

>> No.7585187

Looking for a serious telegram or discord regarding chainlink. Can anybody send me a link or name?


>> No.7585194

Email their support for a Slack invite

>> No.7585441

you are a MANIAC

>> No.7585469

Why London? Rental yields there are the lowest of anywhere in the UK and if there's a crash in the housing market you know London is going to be hit the hardest. You could lose hundreds of thousands of GBP

>> No.7585811

It was just an example to demonstrate how to retire with £1mil.
You could buy 50 properties for £20k in Doncaster, rent them all out for £300 a month each and become a slumlord.
Anyway, first LINK needs to hit about $80 for me to become a millionaire.

>> No.7585869

if digits AB was wrong becouse the prize will be higher

>> No.7585884

>75% returns in one month
This can't be true can it. Or is that the premium you charge for having to dodge HIV infected needles and illiterate shitskins

>> No.7585894


You can invest in crowdfunded property companies (and loans) these days fo 8-10% returns. No need to buy whole houses.

>> No.7585899

This anon is right. Sergey will be sensible and aloof for most of the panel. Its foolish to expect anything big (likewise I dont really expect a massive dump either).

Cant speak for the coding timeline but I hope youre wrong.

Cool. Stay poor faggot.

>> No.7586052

50 properties for 20k each, to spend 1 million,in Doncaster you can get the shittiest houses for 20k and house the heroin addicts

>> No.7586059




>> No.7586067
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Sticker on skateboard or gtfo.

Thats how you announce partnership.

>> No.7586150

mobius plese, sir

>> No.7586182

>buy 10-15 high tech sex dolls/robots
>rent them out

sex dolls are more lucrative than real estate now. open up a brothel

>> No.7586184

lol no thats because you mongs dont understand how real estate works

do you manange your rental property on your own?
if not you have to pay someone
if yes guess what.. you are not retired
what about insurance?
what about maintenance?
what about fees and administrative charges?
waht about taxes?
what about the time you cant find a suitable tenant?
3k a month is nowhere near enough
oh my sweet summerchild...

>> No.7586339

>t. middle class guy who's never experienced a slum lord

you're a faggot. my dad owned several rental properties and rarely did any of those things except forcing basketball americans to pay up each month or getting his buddy to do it for him. The vast majority of landlords owe back taxes, never maintained their properties or responded to tenents calls for help, and rent to the first person they think they'd be over to overpower in a fight. Most of the poor people he rented to 1. didn't know who to call to inspect the property, 2. didn't want to draw police or immigration attention to themselves so they couldn't do shit. He drank beer all day and was essentially retired despite having 3 single family homes and 2 fourplexes. It takes a special kind of guy to do that (i.e., not be afraid of black people or going to the hood), but it's an entirely different world from renting to wealthier people.

>> No.7586363


>> No.7586445

if I reitre I dont wont to deal with niggers and junkies all day long...

>He drank beer all day and was essentially retired
if thats your goal cant you just live on welfare?

>> No.7586797

I've heard that ChainLink solves the "I haven't made it" problem. Can anyone confirm?

>> No.7587107

He said that his estimates were for his own personal target. Long term speculative price could certainly be much higher. 1k per link is still a possibility if it gets adopted on a large scale.

>> No.7587127

Conduit of KEK here, can confirm.

>> No.7587128

holy shit

>> No.7587189

yup yup

>> No.7587208


>> No.7587246

it also provides a rather elegant solution to the lambo conundrum

>> No.7587248

stinky linky =heavy bags crap shilled and fudded into nothing

no thanx going under 40 again today. dump

>> No.7587251
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>partnership with Tesla

>> No.7587293

single sell orders on board for 29000 of the fucking things. it is going nowhere. utterly useless

>> No.7588119

There are more buyers than sellers.

>> No.7588368


>> No.7588950

anyone got a quick rundown on the jordan bonilla thing? i heard his account got deleted or something because of some NDA?

>> No.7588957
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200 000 chainlink for sale

>> No.7589011

just took a peak at this wow my eyes couldnt handle it

>> No.7589077


I've been on 4chan for over 10 years and if link is a shill job then it is the most elaborate shill job I have seen in my time on here. I'm willing to go down with the ship if I'm wrong...and if i am wrong I admire the people who have worked so hard to pull this shill job off.

>> No.7589203

>I wonder where the best place for buy-to-let properties is?
Not fucking Dalston for a start. it's a shit hole and pretty much Crack-central. got stuck living there for a few years on and off.

>> No.7589454

Because it a biz meme coin. Biz clubbed together to buy at at the ico which sergey fucked up. Dispite incredible OC memes and non stop shilling it failed to moon spectacularly This lead to a lack of mooning and much angst and heavy bags.

Luckily many normies arrived in November/December who were in fear of missing out. Oldfags dumped their LINK onto them at 1:20 and ran away reeeing at normie stupidity. It tanked shortly thereafter with everything else. However the OC originally generated was no powerful and radioactive that the original chainlink shill echoed in eternity. The newfags who bought at a dollar in turn preyed on even newer fags barraging them with my sides link meme material and LO THE BAGS WERE PASSED. Some, those with a cripplingly low IQ believe that this is in fact some revolutionary technology so powerful are the memes. Ignoring the fact its a couple of guys with ego problems who made themselves millionares by raping biz in their ico and now could not give a fuck about LINK or anyone who owns it and will never work a day in their lives again and don't, indeed going mysteriously silent after they got much dollar. The end. Now shutup and buy link newfag.Look at my meme, see you are in a secret club! Buy fucking link phaggot. It has now become chaincancer even spreading to the origami and papercraft board and indeed may one day rival the facepalm meme as a reaction to stupidity. However dispite this the bag pasing is now an endless cycle and in the year 100000 link will still be at 20-50 cents and shilled and fudded by aliens and artificial intelligences its roots being lost in ancient history

>> No.7589524
File: 81 KB, 634x514, reaction hiena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at how buttmad this faggot is tho

>> No.7589676


Buy ETH on coinbase, then throw that ETH onto Binance, then swap ETH for LINK there. This was my plan, but then Binance and MEW shit the bed at the same time these past two weeks and I backed off to let the dust settle.

If there's a better way to get money into this circus, lay it on me because this has been a fucking shitshow to watch from the outside.

>> No.7589831

chainlink shillers.

Tell me why this analysis isnt factual
15:50 in this video:

Basically even if link wins the oracle space, its potential marketcap wont be more than 100m, based on its fees. Which means link is ALREADY overvalued.

>> No.7589971


That analysis is... So strikingly off-base and ill-informed...

>> No.7589975

if you need that explained you are a retard. There's a lot of good criticism of chainlink. This is not.

>> No.7590015


>> No.7590156

brainlet detected

>> No.7590440


Sorry, kid. You're literally coming in here posting youtube videos and adopting e-celeb's statements as your own arguments then challenging others to argue against them...

You obviously don't DYOR, you rely on fucking youtube e-celebs to guide your decision making process. You probably hold Tron and Ripple.

You're unironically, irrevocably, indisputably not going to make it.

>> No.7590457

If Swift were the central thesis for the value of Link, it would be in the top 10 by market cap, at least.
Like, what does OMG have? McD Thailand and a smattering of local banks? With no finished product and therefore no actual real-world implementation either, just like Link?
Compare this shit with Swift which is THE premier global banking network with over 11k banks, and yet Link is always around the 100th rank by market cap.
Swift isn't even remotely close to being priced in yet.

>> No.7590487

>based on its fees

>> No.7590633

Of course it isn't because it's fucking not going to happen. Why do you think the price doesn't reflect that.

>> No.7590680


>> No.7590689

What isn't going to happen?

>> No.7590713

Look at all those green boyos

>> No.7591505



>> No.7591577

How much link to make it?

>> No.7591629

There will be a pump before the conference then a huge dump immediately after.

Please note an additional 2 million link tokens were moved into the market in the pas couple of weeks.

Plan accordingly.

>> No.7591803

Only 1k

>> No.7591967

Bitcoin and NEO was also shilled heavily here
Have a good day at work tomorrow

>> No.7592064

The kinds of people not buying Link now, are the same people that weren't buying Bitcoin in 2010

There isn't a cure for being a brainlet... yet at least

>> No.7592243

if all these LINK posts were shilling it would've had a better pump like TRX.

>> No.7592276
File: 7 KB, 250x242, happy pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the kind of posts we'll see in the future of /biz/? Will we make history?
Kek, speak through me.

>> No.7592314

it is

>> No.7592349

Superconfernce is a paid sham. No one important will be there. It is a pajeet organized money making scheme.

Yes I hold 25% link and this conference will make it dump.

>> No.7592398
File: 232 KB, 623x1572, sexy_link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww yiss
link will moon soon
$5 before April

>> No.7592399

>Tim Draper
>not important

>> No.7592423
File: 138 KB, 558x1092, S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7592458

On his website there is a portion called "contact for appearances"

>> No.7592706

What about SXSW next month? Sergey's speaking there alongside Tom Gonser, co-founder and former chief strategy officer of DocuSign, a company with 20.33% market share of the digital signature market.
Is it a sham too?

>> No.7592897


There aren't that many people on /biz/ and certainly not enough to make a measurable dent in anything

>> No.7593228

Shut up. I only have 1.5k. I need more time.

>> No.7593360

That's $1.5mil eoy

>> No.7593719

what is the best way to store ones LINK stash? I don't want to leave mine on binnance for another instant!

>> No.7594110

Ledger Nano maybe.. I just leave my Linkies on MEW

>> No.7594421

Its fucking happening I can feel it

>> No.7594422

It is when you move to a third world country in SEA.

>> No.7594443

Guys I have almost 100k link on binance. I want to take them off.

Should I spread between a few wallets and what is recommended mew? Is there a tutorial for most secure etc. I dont have a hardware a

>> No.7594533

>Paper wallet

>> No.7594544

Can you spare a 250 Linklet some?

Also, I'd 100% recommend taking it off Binance, you NEED to control your private keys

>> No.7594575

Can't spare any until I get over 100k and the price is over $10

>> No.7594620

Makes sense, but still - get the fuck of Binance.

Even a MEW wallet would be better than keeping it there.

With almost 100k, it's too big a risk on an exchange. Research a hardware wallet desu

>> No.7594659

got it. thanks.

I was fucking scared the other day when Binance went offline for a day

>> No.7594701

get your own link poo man.

>> No.7594720

It's easy to tell who weren't around one year ago.

Ethereum had the same little cult following on /biz/, although less obnoxious about it.

>> No.7595008

>Name is so retarded
have you hard of the superbowl