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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 108 KB, 929x463, bizomg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7568781 No.7568781 [Reply] [Original]

When this thing finally moons, it's gonna be the greatest thing ever

>> No.7568891
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>> No.7568919

this is going to be one of those coins people actually hold even after mooning right? the money you can make from staking could be a real game changer

>> No.7569089

anyone getting disillusioned with this coin

>> No.7569117


? This is literately ether back when it was $40.

>> No.7569150

no its not. ether was a protocol. this is a d'app

>> No.7569241

The more I see this shilled here the more I shy away from it. Why is this suddenly being shilled here now every fucking second of the day?

>> No.7569344

Because for a few months nothing was happening and biz feeds on hype so was quiet
Now we've got wallet releasing end of this month possibly and a heap of progress being made

>> No.7569521

will i make it with 4000 omg?

>> No.7569575

not a wallet release, only the software developer kit

>> No.7569581

>biz doesn't deserve this but i'm shilling this every day here

>> No.7569584

At least $100 by June. AT LEAST

>> No.7569699

Is 4000k enough to make it?

>> No.7569831

4000k = 4,000,000
But yes, you're gonna make it

>> No.7570127


not gonna make it, clearly retarded

>> No.7570159

I sent my 1 OMG to .014 ETH. How can I get it back?

>> No.7570180
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4000k nope youll stay poor
pic related

>> No.7570290

stop shilling this fucking coin you fucking piece of shit

let it moon silently, slowly, regularly, like it's supposed to

>> No.7570332

This coin has been moving sideways basically since August. Ive lost hope in it

>> No.7571148

If you haven't been running a short everyday between .015 ETH and 0.014 you aren't doing Omise right.


>> No.7571216

No one actually knows what problems this token solves. "The new Ether" is the dumbest thing ive ever heard considering its ERC20

get dicked shills.

>> No.7571232

wow really activates my almonds. just sold 100k

>> No.7571335


It doesn’t solve any problem you fucking retard. It improves upon and undercuts the major players in the payment processing field.

>> No.7571376

Where do you short it or are you just a moron? buying and selling isn't short and long fgt

>> No.7571420

If it gets adoption. Which at this point is speculation. Retards are saying the same thing about req

>> No.7571497


I can’t tell if you’re seriously mentally retarded or larrping. This will be adopted by 55,000+ merchants day one of release

>> No.7571572

The fact that it's mainly moved sideways during the bull run should tell you something. It's yet to reach its moon potential, anon. It's being price suppressed by whales accumulating for staking, as well as being sold off by inpatient moon boys expecting gains in a few months.

Just look up how many connections Omise as a company actually has, and the type of customer they are aiming for, and you will realize the potential of this coin. Big things move slowly.

>> No.7571820

buy around .014, sell around .015. I may be a moron but at least I'm making gains

>> No.7571926
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>it's a long term hold
>it hasn't reached its full potential yet
>whales are accumulating
>it's way undervalued right now
>this is ethereum at $10

>> No.7571949

have you even looked into OMG? There is a zero % chance it doesn't at least 10x.

>> No.7572031

>is plasma
>is the token that scales eth

>> No.7572034

Ethereum is a PLATFORM.
OmiseGO is a protocol.

You might as well name it the "Value over Internet Protocol"


>> No.7572062

>There is a zero % chance it doesn't at least 10x.

>> No.7572089

circulating supply will at least half if not more when staking comes out for one.

>> No.7572120


I'm not buying anything /biz/ heavily shills. Y'all are a bunch of assholes looking to gain at any cost. I just come here for the wojaks.

>> No.7572129

all that needs to be said from this whole stupid thread is: OMG, ETH, and XLM are the only coins you literally need. These are the projects that will be adopted and see major use via banks/corps for transfer of value. they will be implemented in the background and normies won't even know about it. ICX could even be in this as long as their partners are as big as they seem to be.

Be patient = be comfy

>> No.7572160

if you don't know why then you are an illiterate pajeet and have yet to read the white paper and all relevant blog posts from the Omise blog.

>> No.7572169

It's no wonder omisegoys are fucking delusional, virtually no other coin has stayed at the same price since september except literal scams lol. Enjoy your skateboard "partnerships" and empty promises fools

>> No.7572253

>r-read the whitepapo
Literally not an argument.
If you can't defend your coin using your own words than don't even post.

>> No.7572390

Get out

>> No.7572457

Dude can you learn english? like holy fuck

>> No.7572490


The issue is, is that 95% of the time, someone takes the time to explain what OmiseGo is and where it’s value is derived from and 100% of the time it falls of deaf ears. So kindly dyor

>> No.7572529

>when staking comes out for one.

>> No.7572628

Some time in the next few months. Most likely 3-6.

>> No.7572665

too long to wait

>> No.7572768

So last year when ETH was 10 bucks was that too long to wait? You will never make it Anon get the fuck out of this thread and buy some tron.

>> No.7572800

dude I'll make more money buying shitcoins that 5x and reinvesting that money into other shitcoins that 5x.

long term holders are delusional

>> No.7572827


omg is not comparable tho eth. Stop comparing it to eth, you look like a dumbass.

>> No.7572877

If you have thousands of OMG then definitely hold. You will make a pretty nice passive income.
Otherwise if you have a few hundred you could probably get about $100 a week or less. Just some pocket money if you want or sell it for like $100k

>> No.7572971

Why don't you take a look at OMG's advisors and return to the thread with even a morsel of knowledge

>> No.7573022

>If it gets adopted

It will be adopted by 400+ million people DAY ONE. Omise is moving their whole customer base over to the OmiseGo blockchain on the day of the release.
Thats more people than the population of the United States

If you dont buy this now you'll literally kill yourself.

>> No.7573088

If you can't understand that then idk what to say dude
Read a fucking book

>> No.7573090


omg is a dapp, dipshit. It's not comparable to eth, it doesn't matter who the fucks advising.

>> No.7573117

im not trying to be funy here, im genuinely asking out of ingorance, like i remember months ago when that cat game clogged the eth network, i mean if 400 million user are added and that much heavy traffic on the eth network, how do we know it can handle it? like wat if the transaction times are slow as fuck

>> No.7573128

This will moon regardless of whether you guys jump on board.
This is a case of generosity, we really want our /biz/ brothers to make it.

>> No.7573130

LOL at all these brainlets that have no idea about plasma

Can we just let them stay poor plz?

>> No.7573161


>> No.7573200

This is their current customer base. They can already handle all of these transactions and definitely wont release their blockchain unprepared.

>> No.7573297


lmao, you're so full of shit. This is literally a shill post. There is no /biz/bros. It's the same fucking thing with link, dbc, poe, and all the other crap yall have shilled in the past. You want people to prop up your investment and nothing else.

>> No.7573416

$100 a week just for holding doesn't sound so bad, it'd probably keep me from selling too soon, kinda like how people sold btc at $500 and $1000

>> No.7573497

>erc20 shitcoin that will be forever throttled by shitty ethereum chain that is slow as shit

>> No.7573499

You're a faggot and a fucking retard. Do you have any idea what plasma is

>> No.7573549

>meme protocol years from being finished

Can anyone of you shilling retards explain why anyone should bother with this shitcoin versus just holding ETH which is exactly what an ERC20 token is minus being useless vapourware

>> No.7573569

Omg is the plasma 1 million tps upgrade to eth you brainlet

>> No.7573618

Maybe becuase it will be handling eths transactions plus hundreds of millions more from merchants, banks, and others

>> No.7573672

Don't tell this brainlet anything. He's too fucking lazy to do his own research and requires spoonfeeding. Fucking clown.

>> No.7573700

people who know nothing about omg/plasma and how it directly correlates with eth, see you on the moon fags

>> No.7573703


No, it's fucking not. You guys are fucking retards and liars.

>> No.7573731

Price predictions EOY 2018?

>> No.7573752

Do 5 min of research or kys either or. these are known facts already you emotionally invested retard

>> No.7573761

1k per token EoY
100/year per token staking EoY.

OMG ultimate coin.

>> No.7573795

>do some research

plasma.io is a text file with a link to a whitepaper


>> No.7573823

none of you faggots can give me a link that provides any proof for any of the stupid shit you're talking about. They are releasing a wallet SDK for an ERC20 token. IT'S A SHITCOIN

>> No.7573824

ETH x 10 = $8k, not possible any time soon.

OMG x 10 = $120, much more likely, practically guaranteed Q3 2018.

>> No.7573834

Do you even know what plasma is? it's just a bunch of child chains and side chains. It's pretty much two blockchains put together. OMG is gonna move to its own blockchain, and together with eth will scale hard and still retain a decentralized state.

>> No.7573839

>Money skeleton already said these things himself
Better listen to you though

>> No.7573869

As much as I would love that, seems very far fetched right now.

>> No.7573872

Because your fucking dumb and if you would bother to Google any of it for a minute you'd find the podcasts and videos of them constantly talking about it . plz kys lazy spoonfed brainlet

>> No.7573904

also google minimal viable plasma. MVP. which is actually right around the corner.

>> No.7573935
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Better post this again to trigger some noomg's Only thing that isn't accurate is that Wallet and staking are q2 with the conglomerate

>> No.7573977


>Also ITT

Dumbass shills that spit out buzzwords in hopes that idiots will buy in to this shit. None of yall have explained shit, it's all "DYOR" and throwing a bitch fit whenever someone asks questions. All this tells me is yall can't even defend your own investments. All of you are so transparent it's sad.

>> No.7574007

enjoy your bags faggots cause you won't be holding anything else for next few years.

>> No.7574013

I just bought 250 OMG, what am I in for?

>> No.7574017



Want to know how I know you’re retarded?

>> No.7574059

If you can't even be bothered to find the top posts on reddit and see the sources yourself in the two minutes it takes you should just give up like you have on yourself overall

>> No.7574060


>Using a valid contraction for "you all".

"Lol ya, what a dumbass you guys!" Try another one faggot.

>> No.7574069

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.7574085

>That reddit spacing
You need to go back

>> No.7574105

what a fucking shit coin. get REKT you faggots

>> No.7574127

>when plasma?

>> No.7574147

1k per token EOY
$20 in staking dividends
>(retarded price to earnings because rampant speculation)

>> No.7574149

Yeah, a contraction hicks and niggers use. Dip.

>> No.7574152

skateboard of dreams and hope

>> No.7574189
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>> No.7574221
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they can't handle the truth

>> No.7574251


>Criticizing my line spacing

Holy shit, this has to be the worst attempt yet.


Yes, that must be what it is. I'm a hick because I don't want to spell "you all" out every time. Sounds like you're just grasping at straw desu

Again, the only thing on this shit shill page is buzzwords and half-ass criticism for anyone with a dissenting opinion. Get fucked.

>> No.7574320


>> No.7574354

What made Ethereum moon?

It's actually a very important question. Everyone gets why Bitcoin mooned. But what about ETH?

Was it the technology? Was it the cool idea of generalized decentralization? Was it the money skeleton?

All of these things contributed to the speculation in Ethereum. But what REALLY made it take hold? Microsoft. JP Morgan. Interest and use by real major corporations. That's what really gets people's attention. LEGITIMATE PARTNERSHIPS that don't exist anywhere else. No shitcoin "partnership". REAL integration.

Everyone following OMG knows REAL integration is less than 2 months from being announced.

Money skeleton is following the same process for securing and announcing partnerships he did for Ethereum.

$1000 is conservative.

>> No.7574371
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>> No.7574503


this would sound like buzzwords to you too faggot bc you are literally a brainlet that doesn't get how this works. You're a complete example of dunning kruger. kys.

>> No.7574746


LMAO, no this is not a bunch of buzzwords. This is an actual educated developer explaining his project. He is answering questions in an educated and professional manner.

You dumbasses are not doing this. You dumbasses are spewing off one word buzzwords and telling everyone who wants more info to get fucked.

And to add to that (as I've said before). This coin is not comparable to Eth, omg is a dapp. You brainletts need to stop comparing it to eth b/c yall are looking like a bunch of idiots.

This is such a pathetic shill page.

>> No.7575129

Ive made some pretty good money following biz shills whats the wait time on this guys? T minus how many seconds untill liftoff?

>> No.7575337

kys already

wallet and conglomerate around june or earlier so ~4 months

>> No.7575371
File: 171 KB, 723x513, OmiseGO-Roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before the end of feb is the wallet release. This isnt exactly gonna be a moon mission but the price should spike

Before the end of June is the REAL moon mission with the public blockchain release and proof of staking. Q3 is Plasma which will be a mission to pluto.

>> No.7575421
File: 122 KB, 407x407, hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Priced in.
All of it.
I'm not kidding.

>> No.7575494

The absolute state of FUDers holy shit

>> No.7575738

>unannounced 15 financial institutions, banks, conglomerate, and more
>priced in

>> No.7575757

It’s okay anon I’m compiling their shill responses into a glorious pic for when this shit goes interstellar

>> No.7576280

them digits tho

>> No.7576500
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Now this is repeating digits.

>> No.7576643

I hate these stupid fucking predictions. I have been balls deep in OMG since I heard about it in August, but $1000 per token by EOY and 10% dividends to boot is just stupid.

>> No.7576653

Praise him

>> No.7576700

This made me grin like a retard.

>> No.7576763

except req is not backed by eth's key devs and institutional money

>> No.7576784

he's talking about OMG... not Req

>> No.7576816

buy orders set for 60k

>> No.7576884

Was hoping btc would crash and bring it down for some cheaper bags but if it hits 13 ill dump my fiat in and wait it out

>> No.7576960

if btc hits 50k this shit will be at 25k garunteed

and before you say 50k btc is impossible thinkn about where btc was last january....

it's possible that even the stupidest shit coins could make you rich this year. It's also possible that all could flop but the fact that we're gambling away our future is what makes it fun

>> No.7576963

Lol it's taking over a year to release a wallet? This whole thing its buzz words and bullshit. You all should be ashamed. No one will buy your bags you desperate fools

>> No.7576992
File: 1.16 MB, 847x1199, 0EE2E848-847C-4740-8059-3D87FD23CA67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice dubs you have there anon

>> No.7577053

50k btc is easy. 25k OMG in a year? Come on m8, at least make an attempt at a rational estimate.

>> No.7577059

The crash is coming. Look at what happened to OMG when btc went to 6k.

I sold 500 omg the other day for 150 to buy back in for a massive discount

>> No.7577540

OMG shits all over bitcoin in both techincal and practical terms

fiat to fiat transfers so normans don't even know they're using memecoins

i guess we'll bot hold and see

>> No.7577574

You're preaching to the choir my friend. Honestly I hope you prove me wrong, I would be filthy fucking rich. But I'm gonna be conservative and say 10x in a year, 100x in two years.

>> No.7577826

I had 500 of these way back in the day when it was $15. Now it’s about ...... $15. I’m gonna buy 50 just in case something actually happens.

>> No.7578273

More like $14

>> No.7578953

It’s not a fucking wallet dipshit it’s a wallet software development kit. For developers to build the platform into apps/sites. Learn to fucking read

>> No.7580228


This, not even larping.

Greco was a special advisor at ETH before joining OMG as an advisor. Greco and Moneyskelly are going to make fucking sure that the partnerships that OMG get are on a whole differend level.

Take a look at EEA's partners. The SAME fucking people are now promoting OMG. This is a fucking nobrainer.

>> No.7580467


If its such a no brainer, why even bother shilling on biz? If I felt that strongly about any coin id probably just quietly keep buying and not say shit.

>> No.7580877

It's nice talking to fellow OMG bros.

The whole team is so fucking alpha. Captain Jack Greco, super genius Vitalik, sexy and smart Vansa, ripped Donnie, Chad Jun, and of course motherfuckin' POON.

>> No.7580908

>finally moons
it already has mooned, its not going to do shit for a while

>> No.7580955

No it's heavily undervalued relative to the current crypto market.
It deserves to be higher than BTG, ETC, TRON, LSK, IOTA, EOS, XLM, ADA, and XRP.

>> No.7580971

Why are you shilling OMG on biz, are you retard? Biz doesn't deserve the ultimate coin of wealth. Let them chase idiotic pumps and dumps.

>> No.7581074


Im not shilling, im actually here just to laugh at tards who will be left behind shouting erc20 token and skate memes.

>> No.7582172

>omg is not comparable tho eth.
The absolute state of ethiest unable to even cope with an upgrade.

>> No.7582236

kys nomg nigger

>> No.7583235

Can you buy OMG in dollars yet or do you still have to convert from eth?

>> No.7583368


Anon pls....

>> No.7583406

He's right faggot. they serve different purposes .

>> No.7583423

This is almost as bad as link threads deluded retards

>> No.7583574


>> No.7583947

bottom line?

1k OMG to /make it/

Don't hold OMG? You do realize this is THE coin for Plasma right? you know, the major scaling project that ETH is basically relying on to stay relevant. Oh you didn't know Vitalik personally shills this and is deeply involved in the development of Plasma? And also many other notable Devs?

I see above that LINK is being mentioned in here. To all you deluded LINK fags: just take whatever scraps of an investment that you have left and just pay rent already. OMG is going to be a revolutionary project that will be implementing major milestones as soon as Q2 with Staking.

If you can't wait 2 months then OMG is not for you. If you'd like the "set it and forget it approach" then OMG is definitely for you and a sensible investment option.

>> No.7583956


> Compares the most solid crptoproject to /biz meme

I bet you own TRX

>> No.7584208
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Holy digits

>> No.7584360

>this shitcoin again
newfags this is a PND group

They used to come here every day multiple times and post things like this>>7583947
and this>>7580228

Look at this nigger doesnt even know what digits are >>7584208
>probably a bot

Every day it would be the same thing
>this amazing tech has all these big words that dont mean anything you literally cant lose
>youre gonna be so rich

There'd always be at least 2 OMG threads. They said OMG had a deal with McDonalds, the Thai Central Bank and Vitalik himself (who later disavowed them on Twatter). Notice there is nothing here anymore about Thai Central Banks and McDonalds partnerships. Will this was maybe 6 months ago and it's worth less BTC than it was then.



>> No.7584389

Most of the niggers ITT probably just got an airdrop

Dont buy this shitcoin.

>> No.7584403
File: 31 KB, 567x561, 12d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow those analytical skills are really high end mate

>> No.7584418

>cant dispute it
>paid to post here

>> No.7584657


stay poor :)

>> No.7584717

omisego is the payment plattform for eth. kyber ist the dex for eth. if nobody of you guys understand this simple equation, then you deserve to be poor.

>> No.7584718

low quality bait lol

Also everyone should watch this

>> No.7584858

Everyone should watch that, Vitalik sums it all up at nicely from 50:16 - 50:37

>> No.7584872

you said it: when
this could be in 5 years, in 10 years or never...

>> No.7585156

>kyber ist the dex for eth.
OMG's primary use is as a DEX.

People get very confused over Vitalik's involvement with Kyber. I'm pretty sure, like WeTrust, his advisorship is nothing. The Kyber people aren't very intelligent and don't have anything going for them.

He's just being nice to a friend.

>> No.7585186


I've also struggled to understand why he is an advisor in two projects which are planning to release DEX.

Obviously skelly is 10x more involved with OMG.

>> No.7585188

Are you drunk the Kyber team in my opinion is smarter and more professional than OMGs.... you must be drunk

>> No.7585217

The FUD on OMG is pretty shit tier but hey you might convince some newfags

>> No.7586224

KEK what a shitcoin people even falls for this shity name