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7566394 No.7566394 [Reply] [Original]

Is it like walking around with a bigger dick in finance/business and all the non-elite college alums are sorta low-key perpetually jealous i.e. Ivy Envy – or does nobody really care?

>> No.7566422

college is for idiots who can't think for themselves

>> No.7566450

no one gives a shit

>> No.7566460

Dumb neet

>> No.7566513

enjoy buying into the industry that teaches u how to be a worker not a leader

>> No.7566556

My saying is if you didn't make it to an ivy league school or at least top 10 in your major and your plan isnt to be a doctor lawyer or accountant, dont even bother going to college. Work on your own skills yourself

>> No.7566573

OP here. I asked because I got into a good public U's business college but I'm holding out hope for Ivy decisions. I know either way I'll be fine, but just wondering what post-grad life is like after getting an Ivy credential

>> No.7566639

going to an ivy is useful if you want to go into investment banking, many schools get less of an on-campus recruiting presence, if the banks even show up at other schools beyond target ones

>> No.7566739

I study at Cambridge which is better than studying at any US university

>> No.7566771

Yeah, the business college I already got into is top 10. But business colleges seem like sort of a joke compared to Ivys

the public U business college sends kids to wall street but I don't think anywhere near the offers an average Ivy student has

>> No.7566793

Former boss has a Harvard MBA, was and still is a career failure. means shit.

>> No.7566830

Ivy will matter much less in the future. There are literally people at google without a degree. You have to be smart, that's it.

Ivy will give you peace of mind for your first job, thats the only leg up you'll get on other smart people who didn't go

>> No.7566930

harvard has "exec" MBA programs anyone can pay for. not like the real MBA program

but either way, ivy bachelors degree is the real pedigree credential.

>> No.7566942

agree, massive advantage getting in the door places when youre young

>> No.7566952
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my mom has an ivy league degree and i can assure you that it doesn't mean shit, but keep thinking that anon, i dont wanna rain on your parade

>> No.7566972
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You can basically learn almost every skill yourself in a reasonable timeframe. Education is really virtually all about signalling and making connection along the way, so if you want to signal then do it right. I'm reading at University of Cambridge and comparing to my former, way less respectable uni, there's a huge difference.

>> No.7566978

is yale a jew school?

>> No.7566990

I work with a lot of Ivy leaguers. They're not much better than anyone else who works here regardless of school.

>> No.7566994

Enjoy becoming a brain surgeon

>> No.7566996

>You have to be smart, that's it.
Maybe if you were looking for work in a tech related field 10-15 years ago. Nowadays for every smart degreeless guy they interview at a top tech company, they have at least 5-10 people who are just as smart and who graduated from good schools. When you're making those hiring decisions, you will always have to justify why you want the guy with no degree over the guys with degrees, but not the other way around. Furthermore, if the hire with a CS degree from CMU/Stanford/MIT/Berkeley turns out to be shit, nobody will blame you, they'll think nobody could have seen it coming. When the degree-less guy fucks up everyone will wonder what the fuck you were thinking.

>> No.7567041

Now is when I call you out for being some NEET faggot who hasn't been a leader once in his life.

>inb4 you respond with some LARP about owning a trucking business or some other bullshit that brings in 5M per year

>> No.7567096

look at how classes are designed and compare it the the structures of factories in the early 1900s same format, they were preparing the generations to continue following the herd, evident by you

>> No.7567132

Ivy League is all about connections not about education.

So depends on what you want to do. If you're thinking of finance, it's a definite boost. For more technical fields, it's not as necessary.

>> No.7567162

>Ivy League is all about connections not about education.

>> No.7567161

Also only HYP and Wharton matter
Rest are kind of trash lol

>> No.7567180

Recently graduated from Oxford, can confirm it doesn't mean shit working in London.

>> No.7567198

>Go to top college where your education and connections give you access to virtually anything
>Go into finance or business

What are you people even doing?


Quite probably. How much of a difference does which college in Cambridge make to the overall experience?

>> No.7567214

bingo. i also read an article on elite finance/mbb consulting recruiting. they said it's not that they can't find smart kids at colleges outside the top 15 or so, it's just not worth their time or the risk when they can just fill up their new interns with top 15 college hires with ease. like why put your neck out for a state school U intern, then if he fucks up it's on your ass for hiring him

>> No.7567226

Is that your mom?

>> No.7567228

They are completely different. And besides, just about every leader in today's world has a college degree. Some do not, but that is a slim majority. Many college graduates are sheeple, but that is simply because the vast majority of all people are this way. College has nothing to do with it, and it is evident that people without degrees seem much more dronelike than people who have them.
When you consider people with degrees only from elite universities, you will not see any demographic with a higher density of leaders.

>> No.7567240

Yes. Along with FOB chinks and frizzy haired mulattos.

>> No.7567256


Do you feel that Americans are welcome there, or do they tend to adapt poorly?

>> No.7567273

Cambridge is the equivalent to a US Ivy League. There's no advantages of going there compared to prestigious US Universities.

>> No.7567296

You are a retarded nigger

>> No.7567305

i can see where your coming from but imo i think if your going for a STEM degree or some shit like that college is for you, if not do something else

>> No.7567313

If you're gonna waste 5 years of your life and 40k, you might as well get married and divorced.

>> No.7567317


lolwut? No no no. Check the score boards m8, oxbridge > ivy league.

>> No.7567339

as i said STEM is worth it in college, other shit it's not

>> No.7567346

Americans are very welcome, I'd say. In fact, my college has an exchange program with Northwestern where we take circa. 30 undergrads each year to study for a year, and they're all valued members of the college. Think a couple of Yanks were elected to positions in the recent student union elections as well, which is a good sign of them being integrated into university life.

>> No.7567356

>college is for idiots who cant think for themselves
>be a leader not a worker
>dumb shit high school drop out confuses your for you are

>> No.7567368


Not even trying to hide it lmao

>> No.7567376

>t. salty PPE student who didn't get a 100k startings
why didn't you choose a real degree?

>> No.7567379

I agree with you that people who go to college for no reason and get useless degrees are idiots who can't think for themselves. Glad we could find this middle ground.

>> No.7567380


Above answer was a reply to this lol, forgot to reply. Oxford education clearly worth shit

>> No.7567412


100k starting isn't a thing in the UK. Got a job at the Big 4 as a technology consultant which is a pretty top-tier grad job

>> No.7567432


I dunno. But I kind of wonder how people who spend shit loads of money on a degree feel when I'm hired alongside them, and I never bothered to finish high-school or get a degree :/

I never tell my coworkers because I feel bad when they complain about their debts and I have none.

>> No.7567433

I majored in math at Dartmouth
It's not worth the money at all education-wise, but I made better friends there than I ever did before or after (29 yo now and most of my good friends are still from that time)

>> No.7567441

wow look someone who cares about grammar on 4chan

>> No.7567447


Lovely. I have to spend my GI Bill somewhere, so I'm looking at oxbridge. I had the grades for admission, but I also had a burning desire to go do crazy shit first instead of going straight to college.

>> No.7567461

>Quite probably. How much of a difference does which college in Cambridge make to the overall experience?

Unless it's one of these semi modern colleges to ensure that no one will stop talking to you after learn about your college then one will be fine. St. Johns has a particular bias towards finances and hence its own societies but honestly, you're making most of the connections through societies which are uni-wise.

>> No.7567463

u missing a . at the end your post bum

>> No.7567479

I'd rather be at Oxford than St Johns

>> No.7567519

most of them are pretty dumb. your parents are what get you into the ivy league, with the exception of 2 or 3 outliers per school per department. so by and large most of them are retarded. what they are good at is unfounded ivy league nepotism. like jews they will exclude outsiders and reward insiders, even when those people are worse. nothing to be envious of but it is fucking annoying

>> No.7567525

It is easier to get your foot in the door (not just Ivy any big name US school: Stanford, northwestern, NYU, UC berkley). I went to an Ivy school, you get interviews slightly easier cause of the name (as long as you are otherwise normal on your CV). But if you're retarded they will know in 5 min. I work with plenty non Ivey folks who are smarter than most of the fags that graduated with me and they know it.

>> No.7567534

You obviously don't hang out with very intelligent people and so have an unrealistic viewpoint on how it works at the IVYs. I have 3 friends at MIT one at Cornell two at Harvard and one at Stanford and one who got into brown but didn't go. Professors are accomplished but not super interested in students, class ran by TA's, people around you are fucking smart. Some of them hyper inflate grades, but it doesn't guarantee you success in life. Doesn't really mean shit compared to skills in any field you want to go to either, other then getting into med school. Then IVY is the dream.

>> No.7567558

I have an ivy bachelors and I can tell you it was worth it. I work in a prestigious firm and have a very financially rewarding and challenging job. These people above saying college is for fools work at fast food chains and live pay check to pay check. Who are you going to listen to anon?

>> No.7567559

You know shit. I've just recently had an interview with G-research and we talked about quant sallaries for a bit.

>> No.7567563


Ah. So basically if I'm not in finance then it's just a matter of getting in and participating in what's going on around me society-wise? Excellent. Thank you very much.

>> No.7567581

who actualy is going to give a shit if you're a multimillionaire?

>> No.7567602


Straight out of undergrad, in GBP?

>> No.7567630

Is this some new copypasta? Cambridge is ranked fourth internationally behind Stanford and Cal tech according to times higher education and is followed by several Ivy League schools. There's practically no difference. I haven't seen or heard of many recruiters taking in Someone from Cambridge over Harvard or vice versa due to the schools prestige ceteris paribus

>> No.7567633

nobody but it may help on the way to becoming a multimillionaire

>> No.7567660

The funny thing is that Wharton used to be the school for idiots that couldn't get into a good college when the boomers went there. Now it's considered the best business school in the country and the boomers that went there act like they put in the same amount of work to get in there as the students going there now. Talk about dumb luck.

>> No.7567670

that's kind what I admire about going to an Ivy. it's so fucking hard to get into, that odds are not many (or any) of your friends are going to be there. so in theory people have to branch out and be much more open to meeting new people?

compared to even a good flagship U where if you went to a decent upper middle class high school you could have 50+ classmates per year going to the same U as you, so high school cliques dominate

>> No.7567674

>tfw went to a state school in Canada
I wanted to get into finance but never had a chance because none of my parents had connections to the big schools in america.

>> No.7567678

Got into Cambridge through the backdoor via the judge business school to do an MPhil. After realising how much more interesting all the other faculties were, and how shit my secondary education had been, I dropped out & disappeared from my course, but continued to attend lectures all over the university for the next 3 years, pretending to be an economics student.

>Mfw got 3 years of educstion at the world's best uni for free

>> No.7567684

>Straight out of undergrad
I'm a postgrad. But there's a kiddo in my college who got a ~50k-ish conditional offer after math undergrads. Not that bad as well.

>> No.7567688

True. And UChicago is becoming an even more extreme case of this.

>> No.7567717

>Ah. So basically if I'm not in finance then it's just a matter of getting in and participating in what's going on around me society-wise?

Yes. Just ensure that you won't be one of these autistic fucks not going out of their rooms studying only.

>> No.7567719

the fact they let niggers and spics in for free should tell you what type of retards ivy leagues produce. If some walks around bragging about that shit i laugh in there face

>> No.7567771


Yeah I know a few people who have started on £50-55k straight from undergrad, mainly software at IBs. Postgrads yeah there's much greater scope, the fellas I knew reading MFOCS and MCF were all set to be starting on £70k minimum after graduation, with only internship experience previously

>> No.7567794

But the crazy thing is every older person i've met that has gone there is at least a millionaire now. So maybe it was a hidden gem back then.

>> No.7567817

Ranking universities internationally is a completely pointless exercise. If you want to work in your own country just pay attention to how you rank vs other schools in your country, cause that's who you're being compared with. If you want to relocate to another country then be aware that most likely the people in your target country won't know the difference between the top school, 5th place school, and 10th place school in your country. Think about if some boomer Amerilard manager will know the difference between Oxford and UCL. Hell, he'll probably hire someone promising from the local state Uni over a foreigner from a top tier school.

>> No.7567911

from what i gather, dummy affirmative action kids are pretty much secluded into their little diversity clubs and if you're ever in a class discussion or group project with them their idiocy is teased out within 5 seconds. kids know who REALLY belongs there pretty quickly

>> No.7567980


Might want to keep researching.


It's a good thing that I'm quite charming.

>> No.7568011

wharton has always been a finishing school for rich scions. if it was sooooo easy to get in then filthy rich Trump wouldn't have had to transfer in in the 60s.

and uchicago has always been a really serious school that attracted aggressive nerds; friedman taught there in the 50s-70s? then becker, heckman et al.

i do agree now it's absolutely nuts how hard it is to get in, but it's harder to get into all colleges. the best schools haven't really grown much, but 20x more people go to college, and it's a global economy

>> No.7568124

By what metric other than age and muh feels?
Harvard BTFO's them in endowment, nobel prizes, accomplished alumni, and selectivity. As do many other US universities.

>> No.7568128

Dad has a degree in Columbia, am studying to get one too
It's impressive when you're talking to bankers and upperclassmen, but your average pleb will simply give you a "that's nice", and go on as usual. Unless it's a Harvard, Yale, or Princeton (a.k.a. meme school) degree, few are going to be impressed.

>> No.7568198

nice dubs. The thing is though they still let them in. It devalues the whole point of going to those schools

>> No.7568236

to be fair it's not like the students directly benefit from the endowment or the nobel prizes. it's all about perception, so if you can directly compare perception of schools that's a more useful metric

>> No.7568358

that's what I figured. i don't think most normies here, even lettered upper middle class, even know brown dartmouth penn columbia are ivy league colleges. Princeton is a meme degree or hyp? you mean like biggest brand name sort of thing?

>> No.7568361

This is true, at Dartmouth the class size is small enough that I knew who the vast majority of people in my year were, and then at graduation out of nowhere there were 75 basketball-americans I had never heard of

>> No.7568460

I am a junior ME with a 3.95 and have an interview with a military contractor.
Did I college right?

>> No.7568563

>to be fair it's not like the students directly benefit from the endowment or the nobel prizes

not true. endowment means ivys and peer elites colleges have the most generous financial aid, best cafeteria food, best faculty, best funding for student orgs, fully funded internship programs, study abroad trips, some classes will fly to a foreign country for a weekend for free. some of the shit i've seen is pretty extravagant. but a lot of it is stuff you have to know to look for, you could easily go and not take advantage of a lot of the perks

i know a girl at chicago who has worked with a nobel laureate as a 2nd year, so in theory, she could have a laureate write her a letter of rec for internship or med school, phd program, etc. that'd be pretty legit

>> No.7568598

Columbia and Penn are definitely recognised by the upper-middle class and up, but they're not famous like the big three. Dartmouth, Brown and Cornell are unknowns though.

>> No.7568610


I work at Google. Nobody gives a shit. (I didn’t go to an Ivy, but have plenty of friends who did)

At the end of the day it’s still an advantage, since you’ve got the alumni network and resume credit to call back on. After 3-4 years in industry, though, what you’ve accomplished on the job matters way more than where you went to school.

>> No.7568636

Which Ivy has the highest % of rich babes?

>> No.7568663

The problem is you can't really compare perception since it is by definition subjective. People in the U.S. will think Ivies are better, and people in the U.K. will think Oxbridge is better. There are even some brainlets out there who think that their Podunk U is better than ivies for some bullshit reason they fool themselves into believing.

>> No.7568758

Poland here, bachelor in Finance and Accounting at best uni in the country, higher education is free here FYI

am i wasting my time here? i think i am

>> No.7568863

Brown. Hahahahaha

>> No.7569045

Babes as in women? Probably Brown, women don't go to the biggest schools since they pursue actual education and not gendyr studies.
Babes as in babies? Yale, it's a dumping ground for trust fund babies.

>> No.7569178

rich babes, as in attractive trustfunders

>> No.7569180


>legacy students are a thing
>beats oxbridge in selectivity

>> No.7569188

No one here aspires to become a code monkey but thanks for your input.

>> No.7569229

Is there any possible way to get into finance if you got a degree in e.g. mathematics and are good at mathematical modeling?

>> No.7569308

You do, Wydział Zarządzania jest chyba najwieksyzm posmiewiskiem na całym UW. Idz na sgh na magisterkę i módl się, by poznać własciwe osoby.

You must be fucking kidding me. That's the preferable path over most of economics cirruculas.

>> No.7569361

>It's a good thing that I'm quite charming
*tips fedora*
I myself saw Oxbridge as having a sort of mystique to them, and thinking that going to one of those schools would be more impressive than a top US school since barely anyone from the U.S. goes there. However, after getting advice from professors and other people in careers where academic pedigree matter's, I concluded that if you want to work in the U.S. it is very advantageous to go to a top US school, but if you want to work in Europe going to Oxbridge gives only a slight advantage, if any, over a US school. Basically, the gist of what they told me was "go to Cambridge if you truly think it is the best choice for you, but be aware that it will be more difficult to find a good job in the US than if you had gone to MIT or Stanford".

>> No.7569362

One you have like 1-2 years experience no one gives a flying fuck what college you went to.

And although ivy leagues may have better industry connections for you, but to be honest a lot of good public schools do to and its easier to stand out there.

>> No.7569374
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I mean, I have a degree in that from a good canadian school and am starting my own company doing something with it, but I have zero idea how to jump from that to real finance.

>> No.7569488

Then get a 7-15 job.

>> No.7569499
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I did my undergrad at Lehigh and got a Wharton MBA if that counts as Ivy League. It does open doors for me and it was good for connections, but otherwise just an MBA. Been at the same job for 7 years after graduation so we'll see.

>> No.7569501

wne uw hir mistrzuniu

>> No.7569606

What is that?

>> No.7569753

Don't make $5M annually but I have started businesses and I never went to college a day in my life.

I don't necessarily look down on people who go to college, and sure if your aspiration is to become a doctor or lawyer or some such then ya you don't really have any way around the education, for good reason, but if your goal is simply "MONEY" then I don't think formal education is necessary, and the guy you were replying to is correct - the bulk of the education system is designed to turn you into a "good worker", someone that can follow orders, do the research, and produce a result that you can forward to your superior, and for some people that's enough in life.

Personally if I could go back in time 15 years I'd probably go to trade school and get my electrical ticket. As it turned out though I just did construction-related labour earlier in my life, framing, drywall, painting, roofing, etc. and once I had enough skill I started off on my own, at my peak I had ~20 people working for me in three separate crews (mostly all Craigslist hires) and that went on for many years. I downsized and specialized a bit, my reputation is quite good as I've always been a bit of a nerdy, autistic, obsessive type person so my work quality was 10/10, never really cut any serious corners. Run only one smaller crew now, and I let my foreman take care of the day-to-day, I just stay home playing poker and fucking with crypto 90% of the time.

Anyway do what you think is right, if you're a big believer in the education system then don't let anyone tell you differently, but from my perspective it has become so corporatized in nature that I can't, in good conscience, recommend that path to very many.

>> No.7569870
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>> No.7569936

he's speaking in 24-hour time, saying get a "7:00 to 15:00" job (7am to 3pm), basically a normie job, working for someone else to get experience. He's right you can get a finance job with a math degree easily. Work for someone else, learn the financial industry, then start your own company later.

>> No.7569970

Ah yes, I'm applying to them but they don't seem interested, not enough coding exp I think.

I dunno, maybe just no connections or just canada being lame.

>> No.7570076

are you white? if so, im sorry.

>> No.7570122

Who the fuck needs a fucking Ivy League for 100k when you can get free education in Germany.
You get paid for a PhD here.

>> No.7570235
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>> No.7570265
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>> No.7570338

I'm married to an ivy leaguer. And I make more with some state school degree. Ok it's a top 10 state school but idgaf

>> No.7570409

good luck applying to jobs in Canada if you're a white male. I graduated BSc Honors and it took me forever to find anything, even with prior intern experience.

>> No.7570461


No MBA, but I do hold a certificate from Harvard.

It has done approximately dick on a job search, but been useful as fuck to crush freelance work/meet with people that know what the fuck they're talking about in business and not sound fucking retarded.

Happy to provide photo of certificate to prove not a LARP

>> No.7570541

I honestly think that is what is holding me back at this point
2 years and nothing

>> No.7570562

It depends on what you are trying to do. I know plenty of smart people who went to high rated state schools who are doing well. I also know Columbia grads that are 5 years into their careers who get paid less than 40k in NYC. DESU its all about grit and connections.

>> No.7570599

I work in tech and we don't give a fuck. The wiz kid kernel engineer that dropped out of high school is way more impressive

>> No.7570616

Not as bad outside of Ontario, but the problem is a lot of work places prefer you already live in the area and don't care about you otherwise, even if you state that you are prepared/happy to relocate.

>> No.7570632

How do I get somewhere in Canada as a white guy?

How do I get someone in the states to hire me and get me out of this hell.

>> No.7570639

You get paid to do a PhD in the US as well. If you’re not a brainlet you will figure out how tomaje undergrad essentially free as well (scholarship to reputable state school)

>> No.7570660

It literally means nothing desu. They're usually worse at their jobs than state school kids and need to be handheld in everything they do
t. HR Director at tech company who has hired and fired many Ivy league employees

>> No.7570663


>> No.7570675
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blame this guy

>> No.7570705

I don't want blame, I want a solution for myself. I'm sick of sitting around applying for 2 years with a 90% average and getting no responses.

I'm at my breaking point.

>> No.7570731


I’m simply saying that if you want to work in tech, study CE, math, or CS. Good luck leading a tech company without a tech background. There aren’t many Steve Ballmers anymore, in part because look how well THAT turned out.

Nobody ought to stay a code monkey forever. Build your foundation and credibility as an engineer, then become the next Elon/Zuck/Bezos/Gates.

Or you might go into finance, and become a bet-negative contributor to humanity.

>> No.7570743

desu some of them are pretty cool/smart. The rest are there due to B ball scholarships.

>> No.7570763

Columbia or Cornell Tech.

>> No.7570805


I’d say kys, but if you’re seriously recommending Cornell I’ll avoid just restating your post

>> No.7570840

Yeah actually ME and CE would probably need a degree as well for the easiest route but if you just want to make money a degree is not needed. You can work in that company without a degree and move in to management would probably take you the same amount of time as coming up as a engineer. To each his own idk what you want to do if engineering is your favorite thing then so be it get that degree but if you want to have high income/status there are other routes to take.

>> No.7570972

>You get paid for a PhD here.
Holy shit, Germany living up the stereotypes of not having anything to offer but money. It's a fucking standard moron.

>> No.7571107

Cornell Tech kiddo, Its filled with QT asian girls. I plan to do my grad school at CALS and maybe get a job at a large AG company.

>> No.7571141

I'm just so weary of Canada.

>> No.7571166

Oh I'm in Vancouver, can't afford to leave, living with parents at this point.

I'm trapped.

>> No.7571191

>One you have like 1-2 years experience no one gives a flying fuck what college you went to.
that's not really true. after a couple years a lot of young professionals go back to college for MBA or law school. undergrad prestige helps in post-grad admissions

>> No.7571213

I got my undergraduate degree from Penn. To be honest, I don't think anyone cares. I worked as an actuary for a little while and now I'm going abroad to teach math. Really it's a nice college but in the end I think since I didn't get a Finance degree from Wharton it doesn't matter.

>> No.7571254

do Wharton kids and a&s kids all mix and hang with each other or is it pretty separate in that regard?

>> No.7571262

germany is a meme

>> No.7571283

I go to Columbia University. AMA

>> No.7571360

I had plenty of friends in Wharton but Wharton jokes that "there are no friends, only business connections." Wharton gets all the university money and their facilities are infinitely better. I took classes in Wharton despite being in the College though so its' not like we didn't mingle in university clubs or anything.

Also the Wharton kids are extremely cutthroat. There were 13 undergraduate suicides from the time I started until the time I graduated less than 4 years later, 2 of which I knew and 1 I was actually close with.

>> No.7571451

that stuff is nice for quality of life but in my opinion it doesn't represent good value, and I say that as someone who goes to a fancy school (not ivy, but top 20 in the US). very little of that (apart from getting a rec letter from a nobel laureate or other famous prof) is likely to result in a better starting offer.

i agree, hence my argument that ranking schools is semi-retarded
for example in my state it's probably easier to get a good STEM or finance job coming out of a large state school vs the highly ranked private school, simply because of alumni connections and school pride.

>> No.7571469

Everyone was basically from the Ivy League at the company I went to work for, and then when I lost my job and started making real money with day-trading, I found it didn't matter because nobody wanted to hire me in that field with less than 1 year of experience. And because I was a math major with a little actuarial experience, every other job I applied for got a response like "so you're clearly smart...you majored in math. Your resume seems like you'd be perfectly suited to be an actuary. So why would you want to work here?" And I always had reasonable, believable answers about why i was passionate about working there and how I could apply my background to those fields but ultimately none of those jobs worked out and I realized I had enough money and stable income from day-trading to just go live abroad and teach. It might be giving up, in a way, and I know that, but it's too late to go back now so for a year or two at least I'm stuck with this.

>> No.7571585

What do you study?

>> No.7571706

year, path, degree?

>> No.7571718

>hebrew text

I fucking knew it
That's where skull and bones is too

>> No.7571733

thoughts on Brown? do you think peer schools like Duke Northwestern and Chicago are just as good and rpestigious as Ivys (esp "low" ivys)? or do the Ivys still have something on those non Ivys?

>> No.7571759

ex. I've heard the history, culture and vibe at Ivys is just different.

>> No.7571846

It's cutthroat and the professors don't give a damn about undergraduates, who are by and large rich morons. The connections you get after you've graduated are all you're really paying for.

>> No.7571942

Physics, Sophomore, Medicine/Biotechnology
Brown is the shittiest Ivy

Chicago is academically on par with HYP and Columbia and superior to the rest of the Ivies. However, it does not have the best social prestige and has a real problem with most of the student body being genuinely autistic and awkward. You are not going to see rich trust fund babies be sent to Chicago, unlike in the Ivies.

People complain how it is unfair that Ivies give special preference for those people and legacies too, but they are naive. Admitting these people is how the Ivies keep the social and alumni network so robust. It gives literal nobodies like me have the opportunity to meet very important and influential people that I would have never done so otherwise.

Duke and the rest of those non-Ivies are all great schools but are by far outclassed in network by the Ivies. The only schools that rival the Ivy network are Stanford and MIT.

Anything else?

>> No.7572011

How do you feel about Cornell land grant school?

>> No.7572060

>Brown is the shittiest Ivy
kek this is true. In fact everything this post says is true.

>> No.7572142


>> No.7572173
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i wanted to believe

>> No.7572179

are there alpha Chads at Columbia who pull? do they just bang the hot Columbia chicks or do they go down to the village and slay NYU bimbos?

ok, Brown has no name recognition and is the "shitty" ivy and providence is a far cry from nyc, boston, etc... but it has like a 6% acceptance rate. what are all those kids drawn to? must be something rad about brown (outside of open curriculum meme)

>> No.7572203
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eh, it works with a different size

>> No.7572327
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Cornell junior here. AMA

>> No.7572358

is the suicide meme real

how likely is it that you'll personally know someone who commits suicide

>> No.7572441

The suicide meme is somewhat real. We're lower than the national average but since I've been here there have been at least 3. There were 3 just last year. One gorge jump, and two "found dead in their room"s. So I guess it's somewhat likely I'd know someone but so far I haven't.

The jumper was an indian kid, and the two found dead were asian and gay latino.

>> No.7572454
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This thread is now about our how awesome our uni's libraries are
>Suzzalo Graduate Reading Room, U. Wash

>> No.7572532
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To give general idea of the connections: I've slept with a girl whose Dad is very high in Trump administration, know Scaramucci, Shkreli, Robert Herjavec's daughter, and much more

It gets a lot of shit, but I think it's really not that bad of a school. Definitely better than Brown and academically better than Dartmouth too, but Dartmouth beats it in network. My friend who worked a finance recuriting internship told me that Brown and Cornell are listed as Tier II schools while the rest of your Tier I schools are the rest of the Ivies, Stanford, MIT, Williams, Amherst, and Swarthmore.

Ivy League universities are no longer bastions for WASP men like in the past, Columbia especially. Columbia is the least white Ivy, and is the also the most Jewish Ivy. So we have the smallest non-Jewish white population from all the Ivies.

I'm not in any fraternity but am pretty in with the frat scene here and lot of guys bang Columbia chicks and Barnard thots (women's college right across the street from us). NYU sluts would come up for Columbia parties, not the other way around.

There's also a whole other scene with the filthy rich and international kids where they go party at the best and most finest clubs in NYC and will bang models and all. I've never been able to really crack it. I've gone to a couple events and the kids are all coke-heads as you'd imagine. They're great but they really don't associate with people who come from "nobody" families unless they are from some top prep school in the Northeast or an athlete. I've only gotten into the events because girls constantly mistaken me for being on some sports team here lol.

Lol. The suicide meme is real for all of the Ivy League. We had seven suicides at Columbia last year. Penn is topping the leaderboard this year though (I think 4?).

>> No.7572589

What do you think about agriculture life science school?

>> No.7572597
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>tfw i go to a meme'd "southern ivy" and our library looks like shit

>> No.7572649

Not to butt in but I went to Penn and there were 13 suicides from when I started to when I graduated 3 and a half years later. One of them was living just a few doors down from me in my freshman dorm and she killed herself at the start of the second semester freshman year.

>> No.7572700


Beautiful, but not comfy

Neither comfy nor beautiful
>Southerners in charge of having good taste involving anything except food

>> No.7572739

Dartmouth beats Cornell? Maybe in finance but engineering, science, humanities, the sheer size of the Cornell alumni network has got to be an advantage, no?

I'm actually in CALS. I like it. It's got a big presence on campus, it's the second largest college after A&S. It's one of the 3/7 land grand colleges that gives NY state residents (like me) reduced tuition. It has a lot of funky majors and majors that don't really fit like communications and applied economics & management but it seems like the most helpful and organized of all of the colleges. Some perks are: the ag quad is beautiful, Mann library is everyone's favorite library, we aren't required to take a foreign language, we have some of the most interesting classes.

>> No.7572760

yeah tbqh the whole "southern ivy" thing is a huge fucking meme, i wish i had been more ambitious when applying to colleges and tried for ivies. at least i met a lot of good friends here

>> No.7572824

Well I am thinking about applying. I worked under a Cornell professor during HS but did not apply. I have over 3 years of industry experience. Should I apply to the Grad school? I think its too late for me to apply for under grad. ( Im two years in and I have a sub 3.5 gpa,)

>> No.7572825

Cause cornell has hot rich girls retard, look at who he responded to

>> No.7572895

I don't know the logistics of applying to grad school without a Bachelors. Applying the undergrad might be hard, but worth a shot. CALS requires you to choose your major when applying so if you have work experience one of the majors, you can try working that angle.

>> No.7572933

i think Cornell and penn a&s (and northwestern) are jappy jew girl targets from NJ and Long island

>> No.7572988

so if I get into Brown lower my expectations – it's not that great? i thought brown and dartmouth (and princeton) offer the best undergrad experience of the ivys

>> No.7572994

I dun goofed at a state school. I plan on retaking classes to get my gpa up and transferring to CALS during my sophomore or junior year. Also my last two bosses worked at Cornell and I work at research foundation. Hopefully I get in. Hows the social life there? Also what interesting classes you have taken?

>> No.7573136

>i think Cornell and penn a&s (and northwestern) are jappy jew girl targets from NJ and Long island

This is fact.

Social life is pretty much what you make it. I'm pretty introverted so I basically have like one or two friends I spend all my time with but there are a bunch of clubs and shit to get involved with if you have the drive to do that, which everyone here seems to have for some reason. Every class is unique and interesting, I've liked General Microbiology 2900 and the lab 2911, Food Chemistry, General Chem 2070 sucks but is pretty comprehensive. There's a bunch of goofy Arts&Sciences classes you can take to fulfill humanities requirements.

>> No.7573175

Ohh, whats your career path and major?

>> No.7573203

Is the diff between an Ivy (even "low" Ivys) really night & day between the best public U's (Berkeley, UMich, UVA)?

>> No.7573313

want to know this

>> No.7573324

I'm a Food Science major and a business minor. Food Science is a relatively obscure major, but Cornell is the best program in the country. Nevertheless, my career path has me a bit worried. Typically Food Science graduates usually do QA, R&D, Marketing, Research, etc. in the food industry. MBA after a few years of working would be a set up for a nice career path in food. Cornell has nice ties to the big companies like Unilever, Kraft, Mondelez, Pepsico, etc. I could also use my B.S. to take the USTPO bar and become a patent agent and follow that route. Some Food Science students go on to medicine, but my GPA makes that doubtful for me, and many go on to further education to get a useless M.A. or PhD.

>> No.7573355

if you're talking about career potential it's going to depend a lot on your long-term goals. For example in engineering or software the gap is much smaller than in finance.

>> No.7573397

no not really, each school's total ranking doesn't account for the ranking of each school's individual programs. e.g. U Mich and Cornell are both significantly better engineering schools than HYP. Ivy league is pretty much an arbitrary name and provides no inherent positive effects to it's students except for the false sense of prestige.

>> No.7573409

College is a paywall designed to keep poor people from getting good jobs. If you don't understand that many people are getting high paying jobs with their degrees, then you are missing the point. Maybe you can learn the material on your own, maybe not. Education is about making your time more valuable, and at that it works very well.

>> No.7573446

Ah, I really want to get into urban Agriculture and Agriculture automation.

>> No.7573472

Again, what's wrong with this? If this is the way the game is played, then play it. So what if you don't get an "education." It's all about the paper and connections out here in the real world, deal with it.

>> No.7573501

t. jealous state school kid

>> No.7573812

Why? I go to uofi CS its pretty prestegious program for cs but the school is nowhere near ivy and ive only heard of one kid killing themselves in a population of 45k students. Is it the really rich or really smart kids?

>> No.7573919

If good SAT/ACT scores and a moderately good GPA means smart then yes it's smart.

>> No.7574216


Just think about average pay on the bell curve.

Ivy's will no doubt have a higher average pay than non Ivys. But does this mean you will be guaranteed it? No. There are lots of ivy league graduates who don't earn, or earn shit.

But by going into them you are immediately greater than the other colleges.

This doesn't mean that if you are in a non-ivy league you are doomed to poverty. There will be high earners.

My advice: If you are set on going to college. Get into something that you can afford (living costs and everything considered) with a bias to trying to get into an Ivy.

Don't overthink it. They are hard to get into for a reason.

>> No.7574308

You're a fucking retard

>> No.7574319

Kek you do know that where you go to school doesn't mean shit.

>> No.7574330

Actually no. My dad went to one it didn't help much. It's just more high IQ people go there so of course high IQ people get into more successful positions.

That's actually bullshit "own skills" lol. Doesnt' mean anything

>> No.7574356

>>Go to top college where your education and connections give you access to virtually anything
>>Go into finance or business
What the fuck are you talking about? Being in business/finance means you are the elite of the elite of society. They basically run the world. Why would you not choose that?

>> No.7574633

oyyy Limey Faggots any advantage going to LSE over just doing my MA at UBC here in cuckistan?

>> No.7574670

How much work exp do I need before an MBA

>> No.7575246

You're wrong on the med school thing. For medicine as a field, the name of your school at ALL stages is entirely irrelevant and worthless. All that matters is that you pass the standardized testing stat check and the interview autism screening.

>> No.7575343

How can they screen autism? You can just act normal for that job interview if you have autism

>> No.7575479

We make sure to ask a set of specific questions to test how well adjusted applicants are and we also get a feel for their personality, and believe me doctors will be able to recognize someone who has autism from a quick interview, observation and for that sort of thing is literally what we are trained to do. The reasoning behind it is since there were so many faggots trying to undermine one another in medicine, schools are largely trying to move away from the socially maladjusted students and have more "people" centered doctors. To be fair though, most doctors and medical students are high functioning autists or aspergers.

>> No.7575498

ivys send like literally 20-25% of each class to medical school, public flagship U's <5%, your local shithole commuter U's maybe 12 a year

which schools do you think provide more resources and push you and keep you motivated and have great peers / study groups, etc.? answer is obvious

>> No.7575632

I have autism but i can set my mind in a certain way for a job interview to act really alpha and basically be like that mayor assistant guy from Seinfeld. Would you really be able to tell? I'm not in medical school but i was just wondering. And why don't you want autistic doctors?

>> No.7575661

I might have a skewed perspective since I was a top tier applicant without going to an ivy league, but it seems like you're conflating the results as being due to the school rather than the students. You don't HAVE to go to an ivy league school to have a good chance of getting into medicine, but if you want to get into medicine you are more likely to be motivated, studious, etc and thus more likely to get accepted and thus attend an ivy league school. From the perspective as an interviewer, however, that doesn't even break the top 10 things we look for in applicants for residency or medical applicants. NIH funding for your institution is about as important as the metric gets (and even then it's only for certain, highly competitive specialties) and even then you can still do summer research to up that part of your application. Hell, as someone who was accepted into ivy league schools and earned scholarships, I decided not to go because I preferred my home state and the free tuition I'd get here. Not once did I feel like that held me back or adversely affected me.

>> No.7575668
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>Not going to the Chaddest of Universities.

Just kill yourself anons

>> No.7575706

Medicine is moving towards patient centered care so it's being affable and sociable are moving up on the checklist for doctors. As for whether or not I would be able to tell, I dunno. I don't profess to be some sort of all seeing eye or anything, but if you can reign your autism in check to fool me for an entire interview wouldn't you say you function well enough to make it in a career like medicine? Even if you don't, and you slip through the cracks regardless it's not like any system is perfect. It's just what we aim for, not the current reality.

>> No.7575736

This is exactly why we need college. Please don’t fall for the “you can learn everything on the internet” meme. Only two reason you shouldn’t be going to college. If your majoring in some dumb ass degree or if it doesn’t financially make sense for you to go. Other than that, college will ALWAYS be a plus.

>> No.7575779

As someone who went to Cornel, the degree is useless and the school is full of dickheads

>> No.7575796

he would just subtly drop factually incorrect statements about Sonic lore and if you correct him or appear agitated you fail. But even if you can surpass that he will ask you about model trains and dinosaurs, in which he will trap you into thinking more knowledge is good.

>> No.7575804

Good ornithology program though...

>> No.7575836


you want some guy operating on you the next time your dildo gets stuck in your colon that didnt go to college?

Fucking idiot

>> No.7575851

I love this idea. Come next interview season, I should make a mental note to make a thread asking for interview questions to fuck with the students.

>> No.7575878

seems like at Cornell top of the food chain are the boarding school kids and obnoxious long island, westchester county & new jersey rich kids who get into all the "top tier" frats and sororities

cornell seems very cliquey -- if you're not from one of those demos seems like a miserable experience

>> No.7575903

Why do you say that?

>> No.7575953

As someone who went to college and got a lot out of it, I could have gotten the same result with maybe 5 years of home study instead of 4 in college.

>> No.7576063

>high school drop out
>ivy league grad
>hmmm...who is leadership material?

>> No.7576268

Well I can act normal if i pretend to be a fictional character like if i pretend to be as I said that assistant mayor from Seinfeld. But i can easily forget and soon after meeting someone they're like "You're weird as fuck dude"

don't know anything about trains or dinasours

>> No.7576338

pls tell me you have cancer

>> No.7576895
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Wow everybody on /biz/ is some elite trust fund kid and I'm just some fucking pleb in buttfuck nowhere western canada

>> No.7577056

i got into harvard for my masters. my parents are from 2nd world country, and saved their entire lives to put me through school. They were really happy when I got in

but, what i didnt tell them was that i used the money they saved up for me to invest in cryptos. it was around $50k now its barely above $20k. I had to do it. there's no way i couldve paid for housing and books and other shit

now im just praying for cryptos to rise before school starts this fall or im gonna have to face them...

wish me luck anons.

>> No.7577095

What the fuck is wrong with you anon

>> No.7577119
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Wow everybody on /biz/ is larping

>> No.7577168

i know i fucked up, but im here in the us for undergrad at a private school and it blows to be poor. It really is hard to make friends when they can literally go out and blow $200 a night and I can barely afford tuition.

I know i fucked up. I only wanted some money to feel normal LMFAO

>> No.7577495

Are you white?

>> No.7577686

nope. chinky linky reporting in

>> No.7577783

I mean work on programming, start a business, do sales/marketing. Get your skills together and show you can do shit, with the internet it means alot.

>> No.7577821


>> No.7577884

Guys if you're in the US just join a Military contractor. It's basically like a government job with high pay. With the passing of Drumpf's defense budget there's stable guaranteed work for the next decade.

Engineers get 70K starting at my firm, 90K by second or third year, and 120-150K if you stay longer.

>> No.7577888
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you will do fine based asian

>> No.7577966
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You Don't Need A Degree To Get A Good Job

>> No.7578085
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>obedient and submissive worker
kek kekkity kek'd

>> No.7578349

this can't be real

>> No.7578445


I did hiring for a couple months at my last company before I was put into a different position since I refused to forward nigger/spic resumes. I have seen real resumes just like this. Its a good way to show a company you know how to bullshit on corporate terms, desu.

>> No.7578558

>includes working at Wendy's for a week
I am kekkin

1) People who bash college as bunk or a scam are lower-class. There is no two ways about it. If you've got the means to go (Read: aren't lower-class) please do it. Statistics still show, as they always have, lifetime earnings increasing (and unemployment decreasing) with education. This is a point you just can't refute with a little LARPing about how real men don't go to college. You don't have to blow your lid and get a PHD. You'll be in the workforce on your 22nd birthday unless you fuck it up, you know.

2) Ivy graduates are certainly more competent than the rest of us but they have a distribution of talent levels and attitudes like any group. What determines if a 17-year old goes to an Ivy school? Their success in high school.
A) Who do you know that is a carbon copy of their high school self? People change, for better, and for worse.
B) Their success in high school was all done while living in mom and pop's loving home (or, for some, mom and pop's nightmare house, where if you don't have all AP classes you don't eat.) The working adult lifestyle is a bit different.
C) And we can't discount how much high school success can simply be bought. "connections" (I hate that word). Universities literally have overt policies stating that if you have a family history of attendance the standards are relaxed. You can tack on hundreds of points to your SAT score with private SAT classes. There's also the private education system in general. A pair of clever and wealthy parents could send a pretty average kid to an ivy league.

So, OP, while I concede that someone's performance in the rat race between 14 and 18 is a decent predictor of their future success, treating it as the sole metric would be silly for employers. Better to conduct a genuine review of who someone is and the talent they bring.

>> No.7578630

reeks of sexual harassment lawsuit liability

>> No.7578676

>A) Who do you know that is a carbon copy of their high school self? People change, for better, and for worse.
t b h people don't REALLY change. you're generally pretty baked in the cake by age 17. the late bloomer myth is largely a myth. fuckups RARELY change course, the top kids general stay at the top

>> No.7580047

Will I be successful if I'm lazy but smart? I get A's in everything through cramming and memorizing but don't truly learn the material.

>> No.7580208

Neither, especially a faggot who has to half-ass tripcode. If you want to be a leader go join the military

>> No.7580510

my friend studies business at upenn and I think it definitely helps. He has classes that require him to work with professionals on projects like charity events and such and basically the school nudges them into the right direction for making important connections so seems worth it to me.

>> No.7581282

Yep. Find something you are passionate about and you will make it.

>> No.7581380

all these people replying to this guy need to know that college is only needed for specialized fields such as doctor or lawyer.

however, you should really really go to college if you have the chance, it is a huge difference in life.

just dont get brainwashed, colleges are not what they used to be, there is no free speech, no place to discuss ideas, no intellectualism, no pushing boundaries, the only reason you want to go is to get that paper which will still get you more opportunities overseas.

>> No.7582071

They do, along with yale. this guys just got some buyers remorse over being just a number in the school that give all attention to their cash cow masters students

>> No.7582149

Yuuup ... coworker (we're software devs) went to an Ivy League. Dude's totally down to earth, good dev, never discusses his Alma Mater (only mentioned it when we first met)

Other coworkers from Carnegie Mellon, MIT ... nobody gives a fuuuuck, very well adjusted folks.