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7558580 No.7558580 [Reply] [Original]

We're being set up, aren't we?

This faux-revolution in technology, the blockchain, is one of the biggest psyops in history, isn't it?

It's going the 'key' to financially enslave man.

>> No.7558645
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'Psyop' is a term used by pseudo-intellectuals trying to pretend like they know what they're talking about. Nobody who uses the term actually seems to know what it means

Prove me wrong.

>> No.7559079

Yes, Satoshi Nakamoto is a Jew. One world currency, then one world government, then they enslave the goyim.

Brainlet detected.

>> No.7559110

does it matter?
as long as we get to be part of the elite, I’m good

>> No.7559124


>> No.7559128

>the people will beg for it

>> No.7559131

Basically yeah
Sha256 was made by the NSA, Tor which is used to sell drugs was made by the us navy
Youre a fucking retard if you believe in the "revolution against ze banks xD" meme
This is all made by them, just like everything

>> No.7559193

flat earth is a psyop
those fake terror attacks are psyops
casey niestat is a psyop
we know our psyops when we see them

>> No.7559203

Yes its true anon

that doesn't mean you cant get rich in the process though.

Dream on subhuman. Best you can do is being a slave with slightly more pocket money.
You will always be an animal to the ones running this shit.

Protip: BCH is their chosen NWO-currency.
Why? Its the only crypto that will scale to global adoption on-chain.

>> No.7559222

>it's all made by them
You do realize the banking sector and the defense research sector are two different things. The military also developed the internet, does that mean they did it specifically to help the finance sector?

>> No.7559244

They are all on the same team, brainlet

>> No.7559286

there's multiple them
basically you've got
Control is being transferred to 1
Come along for the ride

>> No.7559313

All the same holy shit how dense can you be
The same USA kikes controlling the world, nothing changed holy fuck

>> No.7559314
File: 137 KB, 960x698, 27657354_1815926785084538_240917544192644214_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi Nakamoto = CIA

>> No.7559322

Protip: BCH is their chosen NWO-currency.
Why? Its the only crypto that will scale to global adoption on-chain


>> No.7559337

>normiebook meme
Good to she that the nursing home finally got their wifi running again, grandpa!

>> No.7559397

As if you all haven't been enslaved your whole lives.

>> No.7559402


They can never touch us if we hold on to these three:

1) Education
2) Land
3) Guns

Educate yourselfs goyim, buy land where you can grow your own food if needed and arm yourself to the teeth if push comes to shove

>> No.7559452
File: 632 KB, 697x960, BTCfuckedMate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name another crypto which vows to scale to global scale on chain.

>inb4 that will centralize it!!!
Lel you think NWO cares whether all nodes are in massive datacentres they control?
git gud newfags

Craig Wright is obviously their asset and they engineered the whole BTC vs BCH drama to offset the crypto takeover by a year or 2 because they will make global adoption coincide with the next big stock-market crash (which will make 2008 look like childsplay)

>> No.7559480

>create a botnet to crack enemy passwords 24/7
>reward the retards with something with no intrinsic value
>retards start speculating
>kikes start pumping the price to hell so more normies get interested into using their computer password to help (((them)))
>china notices theres something shady about this and bans bitcoin
>russia notices this and creates its own bitcoin, so russian normies start using their pc power to crack passwords for them

You all fucking retarded this shit was made by the CIA. Also vitalik will die sometime in the next 2 years in an "accident". Screencap this.

>> No.7559520
File: 382 KB, 424x526, 1517899545369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes i think this is very possible. I am hopeful though that this is not the case.

>> No.7559522

except mining has zero use outside of mining.

>> No.7559694
File: 440 KB, 1229x854, microchip-implant-in-hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark — the name of the beast or the number of its name.

>> No.7559745

>number of its name
sounds like a receiving address

>> No.7559805

>Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is six hundred sixty-six

>> No.7559857

>They are all on the same team brainlet
You have zero evidence that the Navy developed TOR to be used by drug traffickers or that the NSA developed the SHA256 has to be used for blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies

>> No.7559871

I'd love for a full-blown cyberpunk future. Imagine all the fucking things you could pull off. Spend two years researching rich individual, put him into VR, fake out drama before him and get access to his private keys. Rich forever.

>> No.7560313
File: 100 KB, 960x960, flashback-1988-get-ready-for-a-world-currency-the-economist-magazine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: In 1988, the Economist was 50% owned by the Rothschild's.

They predicted in 2018 there would be a crash and the dawn of a new world currency.

>> No.7560344

>It's going the 'key' to financially enslave man.

Too late for that.

>> No.7560664

That's what I've been thinking lately too.

>> No.7561304

blockchain = potentially a fully traceable currency
all taxes instapayed, black market purchases literally impossible
this is the future, accept it

>> No.7561380
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>> No.7561461

no, they're not that smart, it's a force for good