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File: 675 KB, 2000x1118, 1E53A22E-B97B-4609-BE9E-F245D654FAB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7551848 No.7551848 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy a piece of Mars real estate?


>> No.7551889

you should invest in orbital ion cannons, much smarter way to protect your mars investment

>> No.7551910

>1 acre for 30$
>mars area is about 35.7b acres

Those numbers would mean that the marketcap of mars area is roughly 1 trillion dollars. Doesn't seem too much, there's room for growth.

>> No.7551926

Would be pretty cool if this thing goes through and governments would buy land off me

>> No.7551938

How do you enforce your stake?

>> No.7551945

I just don't know if buymars.com is supported by Elon, I think he will wipe his ass with your "certificate of ownership" if you complain about him building a shopping centre in your frontyard.

>> No.7551952

how many moons?

>> No.7551984

Fake, gl ever going there.
We never will

>> No.7551993
File: 44 KB, 720x700, 55291C29-C37B-4465-A608-DB46DA938A80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guns still fire in space, I guess I can just bring my ar-15

>> No.7552007

Knee pads

>> No.7552012

Who are you buying Mars from?

That would simply the title to Mars is already held by someone and they are passing it to you in exchange for you money.

Oh wait its just a shitty scam site that gives you a piece of paper.

>> No.7552021

Mars is a wandering star. Space travel is a satanic hoax

>> No.7552058

No ones knows how any of this works, not the U.N. or any country desu. Kinda the Wild West. Feels like crypto before media attention.

>> No.7552059

you understand they dont own Mars? they cant sell shit.

>> No.7552112


>> No.7552158
File: 51 KB, 250x164, sp5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy some fucking farmland on earth.

>> No.7552165

Yes yes, certainly. I'm positive the governmentally funded colonists on mars will respect your online purchase of mars land from somebody who has no authority over said land.

I'll sell you Jupiter for 1 btc if you want.

>> No.7552171


So how does one accuire land on other planets if the U.N. and nation states say countries cannot own any land in space?

>> No.7552174

they know very well how this works
you fucking brainlet

>> No.7552193

by colonizing it

>> No.7552211

>check where elon plans to settle on mars
>buy mars acres
>charge elon musk millions per day

easy life bro

>> No.7552223

You're gonna have a bad time shooting a gun in space unless you've got self propellant ammo of some kind.

>> No.7552232


The agreement says that no states or corporations can own celestial bodies, but not that private individuals cannot own them.

That's why some faggot claims he has title to the whole of the moon and tried to charge NASA parking fees for the landers.

>> No.7552236

I've got a martian bridge to sell you op.

>> No.7552267
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>> No.7552292

Wait, so if I buy and sell pieces of paper that says you hold land on Mars, does that mean I can be rich then? Maybe OP is up to something.

>> No.7552319

There is also an option to get 20 acres for $250, much better deal at $12.5 per acre. I'm almost tempted to just throw $250 at it and hope for the best. I feel like there is almost no chance of making money off of it, but it could be sort of like being an early BTC investor. Then again, the website doesn't seem legitimate.

>> No.7552336

No, everybody knows how it works.
The first country to colonise will own it, up until a point where they can no longer defend it from the next country trying to colonise it.

>> No.7552345

>TFW I'll never watch anon shoot a gun in space and end up killing himself because he forgot there's an equal reaction on his side of the gun sending him into an unstoppable drift towards the outer realms of our solar system and beyond.

>> No.7552354

actually, hes in the perfect place.

>> No.7552355
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>> No.7552370

thx just bought 100k acres

>> No.7552409

to even have a chance at having your claim recognized by a state you have to improve it and probably have people living there too. The fact that it's on mars doesn't really matter.
The second someone actually does something on 'your' land, it pretty much makes your claim worthless.

>> No.7552413
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>> No.7552417

Here's the part of the website where they explain why they can sell u the land.

>> No.7552432

when crypto fails will this be the new pump and dump?

>> No.7552437


Why don't we just strap a bunch of belt fed AK47s to a probe and spray some niggas and fly to Alpha Centauri?

>> No.7552438
File: 53 KB, 620x470, 1514025297931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turn around, shoot again. How are you using a computer?

>> No.7552440

If I was on mars I would wipe my ass with your cerification of ownership you bought on the interwebz from some scammer for 100usd. I would wipe my ass with it and then smear shit on your spacesuit.

>> No.7552442
File: 19 KB, 1035x149, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture

>> No.7552464
File: 35 KB, 1340x245, Early.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, we would not be early adopters. Millions of people have already bought in.

>> No.7552489

You're seriously fucking retarded if you think you can buy land from somebody who has no authority over said land and it's going to be respected in any legal sense.

>> No.7552492

nice bought 100k

>> No.7552518

"Ownership" means nothing if you can't enforce it.

t. Self-proclaimed emperor of Mars

>> No.7552572

Eh, I've spent a lot more on shitcoins with worse fundamentals, so dropping $250 on this for 20 acres feels like nothing to me. See you in 20 years when it is worth $25000.

>> No.7552604

well fuck it own the sun now, if you want to continue using my sun for light and warmth you must pay me $1 a day
failure to pay will be considered theft of property and you will be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law
praise the sun

see i can just make random claims to shit too

>> No.7552666

No, it's a scam that would never be legally recognized 100 years from now when large scale collonization is starting.
You can't. It's literally a scam like that whole "Buy a Star" thing. What they're selling you is a piece of paper that says "Faggot Anon owns this part of Mars on the authority of an organization with no authority to be selling the land in the first place". If you actually tried to claim that land some day you would literally get laughed out of the courtroom.

>> No.7552690

>doesn't allow you to buy mars volume, only surface
this is vaporware

>> No.7552702

I'll go with the devil on this one.

>> No.7552735

I will sell you a piece of the sun
It even pays out dividends

>> No.7552740
File: 107 KB, 701x660, 8DB1FAB198D14A0CBE25D1B1FCEE05013417000002B4E18302A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satan has spoken. Mars real estate is the new bitconnect.

>> No.7552764

>I'll sell you Jupiter for 1 btc if you want.
Make that 0.8 BTC and I'm in!

>> No.7552785

Why buy a piece of the sun when I can just fly a giant dyson sphere around it and make profit off it without owning it?

>> No.7552830


You would still owe me money
Stop paying for sunlight and start profiting off it instead
Buy my sun realestate

>> No.7552838

Glad im not alone
Id say /biz/ is less indoctrinated than /x/ and /pol/
Space travel is fake people. Elon musk is a satanist and merely a puppet

>> No.7552859
File: 191 KB, 1125x844, 1467971758948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean, like, a bullet?

>> No.7552887

Your claim to the sun does not extend to infinity.
If you want to maintain your rights to sunrays, you have to prevent them from leaving the sun.
In fact I'm going to sue you for damages because your sun is breaking the NAP by hitting my defenseless megastructure.

>> No.7552897

Not entirely, you'd get pushed back in equal force from the bullet. You'd need some kind of ammo that doesn't push you back.

>> No.7552940

Elon doesn't own Mars you fucking idiot. So sick of retards like you thinking he's God.

>> No.7552952

F= m x a
You would only get pushed back slightly.
You wouldn't move with the same speed as the bullet mr brainlet.

>> No.7552955

Sure it does the rays originate within the sun
Sue away I get $2 a day from everyone on the planet
>price increased to offset financial damage of upcoming court case

>> No.7552963

Bullets weigh only ~0.02 lbs, and get fired at 1500 mph, so if you weigh 175 lbs you will get launched back at a whopping 0.17 mph. Not really something to worry about

>> No.7552985

Oh damn. I would be pushed with a few whole pounds of force. How would my tether handle it? How could my craft's thrusters ever compensate?

>> No.7552987

And also the original comment implied he will be standing on the surface of mars so it would be just like shooting on earth lol

>> No.7552994

That shit adds up tho, especially in free float. One Ak bullet will only slightly push you back.

>> No.7553016

All of outer space essentially operates like international waters.

If people start moving into Mars, it will most likely be under very loose UN('s Security Council's) management, and settlement by many legal entities (states and corps) would be possible under some sort of Svalbard-type-of-deal, with the UN as Norway.

>> No.7553044

>what is a recoilless rifle
>what is rcs

>> No.7553062

Mars only has a fraction of the gravity of earth.
About 1/3rd in fact.
So it wouldn't be EXACTLY the same as shooting a gun on earth.

>> No.7553071
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Everyone knows what the end game is

>> No.7553114

You're going to have the same problem the Brits had with America: the military logistics needed to govern from such a distance will not immediately scale with the colonization of Mars.

>> No.7553145

No single man, nor state owns celestial objects.

>> No.7553158

how can you sell real estate for a celestial body with no surface?

>> No.7553161


>> No.7553177

those rockets are awful close to what I assume is some sort of population centre.

>> No.7553182

Actually, according to International treaty, no government can claim extraterrestrial land and no individual or private entity within a country can either without approval from the nation that entity resides in.

Basically if a country tried to stake a claim on land on Mars the UN would wreck their shit back here on Earth (which is where most of their shit would still be since they would have only just started trying to move to Mars) both legally and militarily if necessary (no country wants to give other countries a chance to establish a defensible presence on Mars or the Moon because taking that land back off them would become very difficult).

>> No.7553258

scam, no such thing as planets or space.

>> No.7553262

I would love to own a space farm..

>> No.7553471

lol first thing i thought of

>> No.7553516

>turn around

>> No.7553543
File: 27 KB, 318x463, IMG_2403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when I am pajeet
Sir please buy no scam sir

>> No.7553742

First one to go up there to actually build something and who eventually brings one or two weapons to secure his ground is the owner.

>> No.7553849

There is no space, watch the nasa launch videos and the parabola trajectory. You can see them curve back down into the ocean where they are collected. BTW, Nasa is made up of masons and nasa translates "to deceive" in hebrew.

>> No.7553951

>defensible presence on Mars or the Moon because taking that land back off them would become very difficult
No such thing as a defensible presence on Mars. 1 tungsten rod = say goodbye to your colony.

>> No.7554173
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>> No.7554193
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Got no response

>> No.7554447


>> No.7554483

what does 'spacex' translate to in hebrew? Because Elon doesn't give a fuck about NASA

>> No.7554666

So it would be more accurate then since the recoil would be much lower

>> No.7554713

Based /biz/
Btc 100k eoy

>> No.7554799
File: 69 KB, 898x701, 337660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny thing there are no stars in space. Answer me dumbshit, how does earth's atmosphere exist in a vacuum?

>> No.7554822

Earth laws don't apply to Mars. You just build you shit wherever you want and shoot anyone, who trespasses. It's not like there's police on mars.

>> No.7554856

So do I get to pic where on mars my land is?

wheres the prime location boys?

>> No.7554885

gravity you dumbass

>> No.7554940

You ever think that maybe the atmosphere stays on earth for the same reason we stay on earth. Like gravity holding the gas particles to the planet.
I hope you're joking.

>> No.7555099
File: 23 KB, 426x266, 8ff2cececdbaec2fead5c8b766726c6c--flat-earth-proof-hollow-earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, gravity. The answer to everything.

>> No.7555117

> no stars in space
> what is f-stop and shutter speed

>> No.7555186

holy shit man, first of all thats a shit image even by flat earth standards, the bird and ocean are not remotely the same size or density and therefore would feel the effects of gravity differently. Also birds have fucking wings man, gravity isn't weak its just that birds can counteract the force by applying a force against it (in the case of birds the force against gravity is lift, which is provided by flapping their wings). Also not everything that has the weight of a bird can counteract gravity (you dont see mice and rats flying.)
This is basic physics my dude.

>> No.7555195

North west passage when it melts, think Panama and Singapore

>> No.7555204

The abolute state of /biz/.

If anyone wanna make a flat earth crypto make a discord and throw in an invite. Well this gave me an idea. I'm creating a new thread.

>> No.7555250
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>that image

>> No.7555348

>visit website
>that jingle of "ding" and a pop up of quick online chat
this is fake as fuck and a scam
nice try Pajeet i aint falling for your scam

>> No.7555406


Given all the conspiracy faggots jumping on it after appearing on the Male Vitality show, isnt BCH the flat earth crypto?

>> No.7555421

How is it that “gravity” is so strong that it can hold all the oceans, buildings and people stuck to the under-side of the ball-Earth, but so weak that it allows birds, bugs, smoke, and balloons to casually evade its grips completely!? How is it that “gravity” holds our bodies clung to the under-side of the ball-Earth, but yet we can easily raise our legs and arms, walk or jump and feel no such constant downward pulling force? How is it that “gravity” can cause planets to revolve elliptical orbits around a single center of attraction? Ellipses by nature require two foci, and the force of gravitation would have to regularly increase and decrease to keep planets in constant orbit and prevent pulling them into direct collision courses!

>> No.7555431


I like how you have to pay $10 extra to actually have your name printed on this apparently legally binding document.

>> No.7555602
File: 21 KB, 300x450, starman_going_to_asteroid_belt_1518088395_300x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this looks real to you I have some Ignis to sell you.

>> No.7555780

whats wrong with that picture

>> No.7555825

>All this retardation

All you've demonstrated here is an astoundingly poor grasp on biology, physics and basic deductive thought on even the most basic level.

>> No.7555832

First guy to set foot on Mars owns it.
Second one owns it if he has a gun.
Rince, repeat.

>> No.7555855
File: 36 KB, 720x648, 1503881640431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is it that “gravity” is so strong that it can hold all the oceans, buildings and people stuck to the under-side of the ball-Earth
On Earth all bodies have a weight, or downward force of gravity, proportional to their mass, which Earth’s mass exerts on them. Gravity is measured by the acceleration that it gives to freely falling objects. At Earth’s surface the acceleration of gravity is about 9.8 meters (32 feet) per second. Thus, for every second an object is in free fall, its speed increases by about 9.8 meters per second. This objects are hold in place because they don't exert a opposing force to gravity.
>but so weak that it allows birds, bugs, smoke, and balloons to casually evade its grips completely
Gravity is by far the weakest known force in nature, also because of many factors such as mass, density and the opposing force they exert to gravity, the same goes for humans.

>> No.7555865

man if only I was somehow attached to the floor with like.. my feet or something

>> No.7555877

Man, I can't wait for new "Wild West - This time it's a whole planet edition".

Same travel time limitations and lack of ability to immediately enforce the law as back then. It's gonna be great.

>> No.7555926

Top 5 dumbest shit I’ve ever read. Good job anon. Jesus fucking Christ people take at least an intro to physics course

>> No.7555947

>land is cheap as fuck when theres nothing
no shit sherlock

>> No.7555950

I'm the owner and king of Saturn. You can have the entire planet for 10 eth

>> No.7555990
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this folks is what happens when you're autistic and try to spout a science fact but it's wrong because you're an idiot and think you were being clever.

>> No.7556031
File: 114 KB, 733x464, 1063BBA8-5535-4EB1-9100-18B894850468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf I hate gravity now

Please send me some literature on your flat earth theory, you have some solid points!

>> No.7556057

if you land a ship on mars essentially all the land around it will defacto become your territory

>> No.7556062

That retard probably doesn’t even know how a gun works. He just thought hurr durr no oxygen in space so no fire. What a brainlet

>> No.7556076
File: 98 KB, 1720x1720, 1505304671470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to this faggot, I'm the prince of Uranus and have this for a bargain, just give me your credit card info an we can settle it for this smooth giant that you could have right now!

>> No.7556111

Oh nice

Here’s my info:

9735 7154 5290 1133

Expiration date is March 2021

Please send me my planet now

>> No.7556119

If the sun is heavier and denser and exerts a larger gravitational force, why are we in orbit and not pulled into the sun? Why are the planets not pulled into one another? Why is the sun exert so much gravity when it is composed primarily of hydrogen gas (which is lighter than air on earth)? Objects fall because they are heavier than the air around them, just as objects sink in water if they are heavier than water around them. Gravity is a masonic invention.

>> No.7556188

>literally retarded
>never took a single physics course in his whole life
5th graders know more than you do about gravity. Sad facts bruh

>> No.7556202

Literally read a fucking physics textbook you absolute tard.

>> No.7556215
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, pictureofyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be trolling
/x/ and /pol/ are for tinfoil hat theories
keep it there

>> No.7556247

This is a really retarded image. Gravity applies a force of mass divided by acceleration squared. Birds weigh less, therefore they aren't affected by gravity as much as the entire fucking ocean, you idiot.

>> No.7556306
File: 47 KB, 715x614, sub-buzz-13197-1505231830-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny how this is even an argument
we've debunked this the first time around when people claimed the moon landing was fake because of ''no stars in space''
I'm not even gonna explain this shit to you as you just like to deny whatever science tells you
Good luck on not making it

Also why wouldn't they create stars if it was ''fake''
Sounds like it could easily be faked, yet they didn't
So please research before you make claims

I really hope you are trolling (if so, good game)

>> No.7556331
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>> No.7556341

>buying from a non-mars based company

>> No.7556407
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>Implying we will still be using boring rifles when we get to mars

>> No.7556446

> I really hope you are trolling

my money is on this, I used to troll "globe earthers" when i was bored

>> No.7556566

This, can you imagine when some madman takes control of the three huts on mars by force and banishes the other collinists while earth watches in shock without being able to do anything because the next shuttle is 6 months away. Kek

>> No.7556568

Wtf my name is not anon, it’s Cornelius. Please update this certificate to confirm it’s legitimacy

>> No.7556658
File: 388 KB, 1720x1720, 1509255717126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sorry pal, i fix it, here you go.

>> No.7556866

im offering .01 and i know that you will take it

>> No.7556875
File: 21 KB, 645x773, B11A3157-5A04-46B5-90C0-76904AC84B8B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7557026

>but yet we can easily raise our legs and arms, walk or jump and feel no such constant downward pulling force?
When I jump, I can only stay in the air for a limited amount of time, before I am pulled back to the surface again by an invisible force.
I would assume that the same phenomena are also at work in the US.

>> No.7557256

Your going to need some air for that combustion my friend

>> No.7557318

And on mars with 95% CO2 proby won't fire there either

>> No.7557327

Who is selling it to you since nobody owns Mars?

>> No.7557365

Go there, defend it with your life

>> No.7557383
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>> No.7557886
File: 234 KB, 545x530, 1516172727914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the bullet still as quick as on earth? or you can pull some matrix shit?

>> No.7557927

I told my sister i bought her a star for Xmas. Made my own certificate in publisher.

>> No.7557953

And what happened? NASA paid jack shit and no court would ever make them.

Besides we all know that Mars is basically going to be free property for a long time. Corporations will just own the buildings they build.

>> No.7557975


>> No.7558038

Since there's no air friction, the bullet would keep it's peak velocity which means that upon exiting the barrel it won't slow down. It will however still be affected by gravity of surrounding planets and stars, so you'll have curving bullets.

>> No.7558071
File: 83 KB, 1049x1040, 1518286164593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds quite right, thanks anon.

>> No.7558085
File: 118 KB, 682x1024, 1517106600130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll sell you a piece of uranus

>> No.7558621

Outer Space Treaty dictates there can be no sovereign claims on anything in space. Owning a piece of mars is a pajeet scam

>> No.7558720

mars is the new wild west

just challenge him to a duel

>> No.7558795


>buy earth farmland
>not terraforming your own virgin ground with select high quality bacteria, minerals and gasses

>> No.7558810

not a single person is going to honor a scam site's "land claims" - hate to break it to you
years down the road these land claims will be worthless.
its just another scam.

>> No.7558888

even his palms are fat

>> No.7558963
File: 9 KB, 316x159, I+dont+mean+to+be+quotthat+guyquot+but+this+is+_bab030fc2bf12daec9cf9f2ce142a09f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cartridge, anon, cartridge.

A bullet is just the projectile part that gets accelerated through and slung from the barrel.

>> No.7559063
File: 144 KB, 2048x1360, 1517957396023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The same force from the gun will act on you on Mars and Earth. If you're standing on Mars, there would be no perceivable difference.

In fact, with less atmosphere, and less gravity, a bullet fired would most likely have a greater range, and a flatter trajectory, which is desirable for accuracy and range. Less air resistance as well since Mars has only a fraction of the gas density as Earth.

BTW, this is a joke website right? These guys have no legal basis to enforce land claims on Mars.

>> No.7559919

BEWARE of other phony 'Lunar' companies selling Moon property. They may seem legitimate, but the Lunar Land company has been THE WORLDS MOST RECOGNIZED CELESTIAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY to possess a legal trademark and copyright for the sale of extraterrestrial property within the confines of our solar system for decades.

>> No.7560275

>No heat dissipation
>Gun melts after half a mag
water-cooled spaceguns when?

>> No.7560512
File: 38 KB, 480x360, ay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the land belongs to martian natives.
stop stealing their land

>> No.7560564

and at the end of it all it turns out he just did it to force the government to be prepared for conflict with aliens.

>> No.7560834

This seems like a no coiner type of investment to me.

>> No.7560973


funny post tho

>> No.7562051

I would be more concerned about spontaneous welding in vacuum jamming your gun if you fired it in space or on Mars.

>> No.7562418

how is it any different to how things work on earth? government only exists because enough people agree and enforce it. it's always going to be an abstraction. so there will absolutely be laws and governments on a new planet.

>> No.7562604


Gunpowder can already ignite with just the primer.

Something in the powder can already create gas, that’s how you can fire underwater

>> No.7562629

You should when the opportunity arises, but those websites are not legally valid.