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7551934 No.7551934 [Reply] [Original]

it's been a long time. It's Satoshi Nakamoto. For you, it might just have been a few years ago. Right now, it's AD 2000, June 13th. Meaning it's about 18 years before you'll read this.

I failed.
I failed.I failed.I failed.
I failed.I failed.I failed.I failed.I failed.
I failed.
I failed.I failed.I failed.
I failed.I failed.

I failed.I failed.I failed.I failed.

I failed.

Right now, it's AD 2000, . It's about 9 years and 18 months before you'll read this.

I failed.

I remembered I was me just a year ago. The day the Great King of Terror came from the sky. Stupid stupid what's the Great King of Terror he should have come down from the sky.

For these 18 years, I had lost my memories. All I could remember was my name.

The day the Great King of Terror was said to come down but didn't. The Great King of Terror's nowhere to be found, but I want to die.

The imperfectly repaired time machine malfunctioned and when I leapt to 1975, I couldn't remember anything. When I remembered it, my mind went blank and I didn't know what to do and I got institutionalized.

Now I'm living alone, but that's as the brand new person, Sato Mirai, living an ordinary life. Last year I remembered my mission as Satoshi Nakamoto that I had completely forgotten.

For some reason, the time travel went badly Bogdanoff's repair was incomplete but it's not his fault it's my fault.

I should've leapt directly to 1975 I shouldn't have stopped over at 1999 I shouldn't have been so selfish now the future won't change.

I couldn't get the papers for Bitcoin 2.0, AKA lightning network. The code that would allow bitcoin transactions to be private, instant, decentralised and completely untraceable.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I forgot my mission, and just lived carefree.

This life was meaningless.

Meaningless. Meaningless. Meaningless. It's bad that I remembered. It's good that I remembered. It's good that I could apologize to you. ForgivemeForgivemeForgivemeForgivemeForgivemeForgiveme.

>> No.7551996

Steins;Gate confirmed most crypto VN

>> No.7551998

Fellow Time Traveler here, thought I was alone. Travelling through the years make you lose track of who you are and where you came from. Almost every face, I see I feel like I have met them already. Can't convince myself that reality isn't in my head.

>> No.7552031
File: 54 KB, 480x360, bog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bogdanoff's repair

>> No.7552074

I travelled to a world line where the Y2K bug occurs and that made me lose my memory until 2000 when it occurs again.
When I crossed that threshhold my memories were not lost, causing me to remember them...

25 years lost, I wish I didn't remember.

25 years of Bitcoin development lost.

I am sorry I failed you all.

>> No.7552151
File: 105 KB, 932x897, 1506819994820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do to activate Beta Timeline? Destroy Jihan's plans? Which doing so makes you unintentionally kill Craig Wright?

>> No.7552273
File: 1.23 MB, 964x658, Oy vey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We must reach Bitconnect gate

Bitconnect was never supposed to be a ponzi, originally it was going to be the first time travelling crypto currency.

For the time time in history you would be able to send wealth you make in the future back in time.

>> No.7553214

The LiNK singularity is where it all began. Find Sergey and the golden twins. Moneyskelly knows the way

>> No.7553266
File: 11 KB, 201x251, Lee 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to recover the lightning network is to return to 1864 and convince the confederacy to adopt bitcoin as their official currency.

>> No.7553268

time machine here, I will never grow weary of penetrating space time holes with my thrusting time pod

>> No.7553342
File: 324 KB, 500x387, The call that saved europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bogdanoffs are answering phonecalls from themselves in the future so they can predict prices and manipulate the market.

We must prevent the Bogdanoffs from taking over.

We must return to the beginning of time.