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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 237 KB, 640x604, sweating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7550112 No.7550112 [Reply] [Original]

>grab a girl's ass at work because she told me I could whenever
>reports me
Jesus Christ /biz/ am I gonna get fired for sexual harassment? I've never done something like this before.

>> No.7550134


>> No.7550139

lol..resign before getting fired...talk with HR asap...

>> No.7550174

git fuq'd?

>> No.7550188
File: 8 KB, 250x242, 1474516070454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this has already been reported to HR

>> No.7550219

say that she forced you too do that
seeming that you are a beta cuck they will believe you

>> No.7550238


Without a witness it is your word against hers. You're gonna make it.

>> No.7550263

Without whiteness it is your word against hers. You're gonna make it.

>> No.7550269

say you refused to marry her so she's making up lies

>> No.7550275


>> No.7550304

You have my attention OP...

>> No.7550307
File: 14 KB, 300x250, pepe shooting a gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already admitted fault, could have been a witness but probably not.

I have texts of her begging to fuck me, will that help??

>> No.7550310

Without whiteness it is your word against hers. You're not gonna make it.

>> No.7550318

Time to update LinkedIn and Indeed anon

>> No.7550323

Get fired and collect unemployment- that you can’t collect if you quit

>> No.7550336

How exactly did she tell you you could do it? Did you ask her if there was something you could do at work, and she said "just do whatever"?

>> No.7550343
File: 95 KB, 864x864, 15283908_10103787345411615_2850478314996818335_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read you can't collect gibs if you get fired for misconduct

>> No.7550367

"Don't shit where you eat"

>> No.7550376

>pulling this shit after all the #metoo crap

good luck with the job search

>> No.7550379

Her literal words in a text after I said she had a nice ass:
>lol you've looked?
>I'd be offended if you didn't
>You can touch it whenever you'd like

>> No.7550384

texts would certainly help your cause, problem is you sound severely autistic so I assume that you've seriously misinterpreted some pretty innocent conversations and an obvious, light-hearted joke that you can grab her ass any time

>> No.7550385

So you have one option. Text her why she send the complaint to HR while she sends you all the texts about fucking. Tell her that you will show HR all those text if she won't withdraw her complaint. If she get's you fired you mail those text to the whole company.

>> No.7550398

Past consent doesn't imply current consent etc. In court this most likely wouldn't be acceptable, but this is just HR, so might as well explain your side and show what you have if it's objectively what you say.

>> No.7550399

kek, if that's really true you should show HR

>> No.7550404

You good op, if you have a text that bitch has to be worried for being a slut not you

>> No.7550406

She sent me nudes right after this convo (she initiated)

>> No.7550419

unironically you have to rape her to exert dominance. she only did what you did to shittest you. she told you to grab her ass over text?

>> No.7550424

I'm too autistic to judge these things desu, but if the conversation started like that, this might actually weight against you.

>> No.7550430

Uh, just show them the texts then?

>> No.7550431

You'll probably still get in trouble for getting frisky on the job
But at least you can prove you're not molesting some innocent woman

>> No.7550439

show everything to HR then and you have a won case. also upload the nudes.

>> No.7550448
File: 1.65 MB, 480x481, 1430955450648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sent me these texts literally 2 days ago
My GM told me not to do any 'revenge' stuff, its a company policy.

>> No.7550449

>win the case
>fuck it up by leaking the nudes

>> No.7550452

I'd fire you both even if you had her permission, don't play grabass on my dime.

>> No.7550468

I plan to speak to the manager again tomorrow

>> No.7550492

kek then better tell that GM he needs to have your back.

If it really really really goes to shit, tell them you will release your situation to the press. This will scare the shit out of them, they will probably offer you some compensation.

>> No.7550502

s-some evil russian haxxor uploaded my nudies to b-biz

>> No.7550513


show the texts, deny ever touching her though. you need to make it look like she was trying to set you up

>> No.7550540

Don’t be a bitch OP post the fucking sauce

>> No.7550553


That's assault

>> No.7550570
File: 60 KB, 790x613, 27459693_1597829003632670_8904456698446955697_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's too late to deny, I already admitted fault. I work retail so a camera possibly could have caught it (unlikely) but I would have been extra fucked if it did.

>> No.7550580

>Trusting women

>> No.7550583

It's a big company I guess?

>> No.7550597
File: 265 KB, 1223x1240, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not posting nudes, what if you autists gets me fired by reposting them to someone I know

>> No.7550615
File: 50 KB, 389x366, 1422950018708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's very large

>> No.7550634

post screenshots of texts faggot

>> No.7550639

>shitting where you eat
Rule #1 in the corporate world OP, NEVEDR EVER try to engage in relationships with the opposite sex in your workplace. You fucked up, now best salvage the situation to your advantage and move on. Even if you win the case and keep your job, your co-workers will make your life a living hell. People automatically side with a woman even if she was in the wrong with white knights now and all.

Try to win the case with HR, keep your job then resign. Find another place and start over. Your reputation in your work environment is already shattered to bits.

>> No.7550642

it's highly unlikely that we move in the same social circles. it's even less likely that the alleged nudes are worthy to be shared outside of this lulzy thread.

>> No.7550660

>NEVEDR EVER try to engage in relationships with the opposite sex in your workplace.
this. what the fuck were you thinking OP?

>> No.7550694

Then you are fucked. Men lack basic human rights in these cases. Your word does not count anymore

>> No.7550700

>he actually fell for it
You absolute retard, she WANTED you fired because she didn't like you, so she told you that so you would do it at some point. Then she could report you and since you have no proof that she told you you could do it she gets off scott free.

You literally fell for an incredibly obvious trap by some skank that hates you.

>> No.7550731
File: 314 KB, 1439x2289, Text 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm autistic and rarely leave the house, except to work, eat and lift. Almost all of my relationships have been through work.

>> No.7550738

in all fairness, it was the semen demon who initiated this whole thing according to OP. in the actual corporate world you shouldn't outright reject workplace flirting attempts unless you want to raise the burning hatred of a woman scorched against you. the psycho bitch really went too far though.

>> No.7550753

texts will save you, show them the texts

>> No.7550757

Dude write a blog with proof and share it with everyone she knows.

She took advantage of an autistic socially awkward friendly guy and she did it on purpose to fuck with you simply because it was funny to her and she thinks you’re weak


Also post the text cuz this is 10/10 bait

>> No.7550762

Yeah I can see that perspective.

>> No.7550783

thank god he has proof

>> No.7550787

>beta cuck
this... if the shoe fits, behave so pathetically they won't believe you to be a sexual predator.

but then, again... have you ever heard of a chad being fired for sexual harassment and not a beta faggot pushover?

i think you're fucked, OP. welcome to feminist corporate america...

have fun working double the work for a job, because you're white, while picking up the slack for roasties and niggers so they can leave early off while being paid more and can have sex while laughing at you working unpaid overtime kek

>hey anon, can you look that over for me again? it'll only take a few more hours and i know you never have plans after work HAHAHA. just kidding, you're a bro. get it done by tommorrow, will you?

>> No.7550816
File: 66 KB, 676x875, AL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright faggots, I'll post the texts, let me sanitize them so I don't get dunked on by the commies in HR

>> No.7550824

woah that's great dude, she even mentioned getting wet so it's totally sexual advances from her

you're in the clear, don't worry about it

>> No.7550830

It's nothing to do with being alpha. If someone can't be replaced because they bring something to the company, HR will ignore all grievances against him. A department being half defunct for weeks is more expensive than a lawyer. I doubt this is the case for OP though.

>> No.7550833

this isnt going to end well for you lol

>> No.7550879

She’s just upset you didn’t follow through. Like mostie roasties, she wants to be fucked hard when she’s least expecting it. Meet her in a bar to “clear this whole thing up” and have sex with her in the toilets. She’ll pretend she doesn’t want it but she’ll be gushing like a granny. Then she’ll drop the complaint because she’ll think you’re a Chad instead of a, well, you.

>> No.7550881

Dude this is all you need

>> No.7550882
File: 12 KB, 251x242, 1484936816746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude fucking a coworker will get you fired anyways

You're fucked

>> No.7550895

>won case.

kek no.

Just because some girl told OP to do something stupid and he did, doesn't mean he's in the clear.

He's fucked. At best he can take her down with him, but he's fucked.

>> No.7550918

Post the texts here, larpmaster.

>> No.7550931

Yeah I just noticed.
In that case yeah, dude's got all the proof he needs to get out of this. She's got nothing.

Though technically he may still lose his job if his workplace has strict rules against inappropriate conduct between employees. The upside is that because of his proof she will also get fired.

>> No.7550936

>I work retail
>Almost all of my relationships have been through work.
Wow why do you waste our time making this thread? You sound like a kid straight out of highschool working his first or second job while going to university. You are probably some 19 year old faggot making like $12 an hour. Why are you worried about losing some wage slave retail job?

>> No.7550946
File: 253 KB, 1433x2445, Text 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The beginning boring stuff

>> No.7550955
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 1474516421456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 28
>just kill me

>> No.7550966

You guys are so dumb

>> No.7550969

t. virgin who think sex/life works like it does in porn

>> No.7550982

If it's too good to be true, it probably is. She played you

>> No.7550984
File: 2.19 MB, 320x240, rDmLjiH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7550986


lol dumbass

>> No.7550995

>fucking a co worker will get you fired

why do americans always feel the need to chime in and spout draconian/false facts? Would you seriously get fired from an office/part time/university lecturer/shelf stacker sort of job because you're involved with a co worker?! How cucked do you have to be

fucking amerimutts I swear to christ...

>> No.7551001
File: 325 KB, 1440x2342, text 2 edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7551015

How old is she? Are you one of those night managers that try to be all cool and hip with all the barely out of highschool kids? Sure sounds like it.

These losers that have been stuck in retail for a while and barely start to climb up the ladder ALWAYS flirt and be overly friendly with these 17-20 year old girls that are still living with their parents. Buys them food and shit

>> No.7551021
File: 68 KB, 625x350, 14008D73-9AAB-49ED-B76B-6EE9713123FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon if you ever need me just grab my ass and I’ll clme to your desk
>anon: *physically grabs her ass*

>> No.7551024

OP I'd let you smash my boypussy anytime you sexy cunt

>> No.7551041

It won't save him. Indecency in the workplace is still not allowed. Always follow this rule OP, NEVER SHIT WHERE YOU EAT. People can flirt all they want but if you cross the line of flirting and going next step for relationships, you're going to get fucked.

>> No.7551045

well, that's explicit written consent, so you're fine.

>> No.7551050

>Would you seriously get fired from an office/part time/university lecturer/shelf stacker sort of job because you're involved with a co worker?!
No, you won't. I've seen it on several occasions at every job I've ever had.

>> No.7551061 [DELETED] 

This, but with the manager too. No, their gender doesn't matter.

>> No.7551073
File: 25 KB, 500x462, 1515338007074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So corporations shouldn't have a policy to keep Stacy from spinning on dick to the top?

She will anyways but come on faggit

>> No.7551079
File: 332 KB, 1438x2370, text 3 edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 28, she's 19. I am same level as her, not a manager.

>> No.7551094 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 604x613, 1504643493521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, she's pretty thicc.

>> No.7551121

That age difference doesn't help your case. You gonna post the pics she sent you?

>> No.7551129

dont need nudes but what does roastie look like. We can tell from there what her motives were

>> No.7551140

in jobs that have tense work environments such as the specialist military roles yes, general military roles? no.

>> No.7551144
File: 414 KB, 772x804, 1498260768283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7551149

bro do you shave your armpits/arms?

>> No.7551155

>that thinly veiled chad thread

Harassment never happened, post her thicc ass at least dude.

>> No.7551160

Women don’t respect men who respect them. That’s not pr0n, it’s biology. As long as OP isn’t a total fucktard, this method works. The downside is, it could land you a rape case. But we’re here for the crypto so I’m guessing he likes a gamble.

>> No.7551163



just pound my bussy

>> No.7551165
File: 288 KB, 1439x2354, text 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>editing as fast as I can

>> No.7551174

thot-in-the-making unable to face the reality of her being a cock-begging whore sets out to destroy the kind autistic chad who was unfortunate enough to show interest in her

>> No.7551175

liftet malet stays manlet

>> No.7551188

if u dont wanna look like a poorfag pajeet, shave ur pits

>> No.7551191


please be in australia my bussy is twitching

>> No.7551198

you better go all the way to the nudes. My money is on you getting fired. Doesn't sound like you're losing much anyways to be honest. This could be good for you.

>> No.7551200

definitely need to work your lats a bit more OP

>> No.7551202

pls dont whipe out chad thundercocks snake

>> No.7551212

>thinking she can fuck with a /biz/raeli /fit/izen
It's not gonna end well for her. She probably thought you were a brainlet. Little did she know you fully understand how to harness the full power of the blockchain and you're not afraid of using it against her. When link gets to 1000$ in a couple of months she'll be willing to do anything to reconcile.

>> No.7551220

Fuck me dead, this is why Australia said yes

>> No.7551229



>> No.7551234

Umm I didn't just say yes I said YASSSSS

>> No.7551243
File: 270 KB, 1440x2354, text 6 crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off faggot
I'm 5'11" so I'm KING of the manlets to you
>here's where it starts to get good

>> No.7551244

OP just say that u have solved the oracle problem with sergey and she will drool all over u

>> No.7551245
File: 79 KB, 1024x572, 1509600890128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i figured out who it is

>> No.7551259

>when he calls you homophobic slurs
mmmph daddy

>> No.7551268

>I'm into the whole dominance thing
Ur in the clear OP

>> No.7551289
File: 8 KB, 256x256, 1500965632970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP knows she plays league
>gets reported IRL
How could this blindside you?

>> No.7551295

>Le Creature

>> No.7551306

>Into dominance
Fucking called it. Rape fantasy.

>> No.7551307

lol no. They are both easily replaceable shelf stockers or equivalent. There is zero tolerance for this kind of thing if it's unwanted enough to get to HR. OP is working an entry level position as a 28 year old. This is probably good for him.

>> No.7551315
File: 295 KB, 1440x2364, Text 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK you're right, haven't play league of gaylords in a coon's age

this thread is really cheering me up

>> No.7551327


>> No.7551349

this is so real i can actually believe it

>> No.7551352


>>7551327 well op this is your last chance to get your dick wet before you go to jail for raping that poor girl

>> No.7551354

nigga be /ourguy/ and drop those nudes.

>> No.7551373 [DELETED] 

OP your life is going to be hell if you bait us all along and don't post nudes. I don't wanna see this get ugly.

>> No.7551403


this desu, OP I shave and groom my boipussy better than a woman does for her vagina...

>> No.7551410

>I’m huge
>is a literal DYEL

>> No.7551456
File: 326 KB, 1440x2275, Text 9 edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine faggots here you go, breaking a cardinal rule here but only because she fucked me over

>> No.7551457

Dont drop the nudes until she's cleaned out her desk OP

>> No.7551464

>t. body dysmorphia

>> No.7551474

You're gonna get doxxed. I know who you are, won't be long before some autist on here works it out too.

>> No.7551483
File: 47 KB, 702x430, 1517990852278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot damn

>> No.7551489

holy shit shes like an easy 9. Damn I cant blame u OP, think anyone in ur position would do the same thing. Is there anymore?

>> No.7551490

>grab a girl's ass at work
What a normie thing to do

>> No.7551506

>dont show anyone :)

>> No.7551519

Well at least she sent her nudes as well, I guess it's 50/50. But still you're the one who engaged her with torso photos, so I don't exactly see how that will help you. If it were up to me I'd fire you both.

>> No.7551523

CHRIS? I thought I was the only other scrub who was reading this too, thinking I can't wait to share it with sherry and %Johnny

>> No.7551526

She reported you as a shit test nigga

>> No.7551530

>I never share nudes btw

>> No.7551534

Tits are fake

Hot af anyway

>> No.7551555

fucking nice bro, thank you

>> No.7551557

This is a LARP

>> No.7551558

how can u tell?

>> No.7551560

is she a quadroon or something?

>> No.7551563

>it's an OP doesn't realize female corporate climbing psychos exist episode
Never ever EVER shit where you eat you fucking autist. I don't care if you have the world's worst oneitis for some chick at work, never fucking do it. No bitch is worth your job.

>> No.7551564
File: 299 KB, 1440x2336, text 10 edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7551569

Hook line and sinker

>> No.7551571

how the fuck did this go so wrong, sounds like youve taken screens from another post OP

>> No.7551572

No one needs that many mirrors. Nice body, clearly insane. Alarm bells should have been ringing. Steer clear.

>> No.7551575

Definitely not fake.

>> No.7551582

the day op wasnt a faggot

>> No.7551584

is this seriously how this shit goes down?
ive been liftan
do i send a shirtless pic to a girl and see what happens?

>> No.7551590

>OP can't read between the lines

She reported you because she wants more of it

>> No.7551593

he wouldnt send it if it was not fit

>> No.7551601

>ive gotta jack off now.

holy shit dude, how bad is your autism.

>> No.7551603

tl;dr? did you fuck her/

>> No.7551619

Jacking off is alpha af, reminds bitches you don't actually need them for anything.

>> No.7551620

Kek, reading the texts I can see how the bitch is absolutely insane though. If OP gets hired for that it's gonna be some next level fuckery

>> No.7551640

He doesnt have to try as hard, hes /fit/ end of.

>> No.7551643


>> No.7551644

This isn't bad. I likely would have just said: ttyl gotta go uncontrollably jerk off to the thought off you sending me some more material.
Ya'know to incentive the slut too send more.

>> No.7551647

>If OP gets hired for that it's gonna be some next level fuckery
Tell me about it.

>> No.7551651

Is that you virginretard?
hard to explain just the shape especially on the inside and bottom and the way the lighting falls.

>> No.7551654
File: 342 KB, 1440x2334, text 11 edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lightskin paki, possibly hapa
Yes you mega faggot, chicks like gains

>tfw u never cum down her throat and make her ur own personal cum dumpster now

>> No.7551683

bill gates met his wife at work sweety

>> No.7551685

why in the world did she report you if she likes you?

>> No.7551690

talk to her?

>> No.7551695

How did you screw this up so badly? All you had to do was get her to your place.

>> No.7551698

This story dosnt add up

>> No.7551703 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 183x275, images (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she was a real woman. Pic related.

>> No.7551705

well lets see the nudes

>> No.7551725

The CEO can do whatever he wants, OP is an underling that HR can easily rule disposable.

>> No.7551731
File: 90 KB, 480x477, 1299027251248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never gonna cum in her mouth
>never gonna grab her ass whenever you want
>never gonna give those perky fake tits a chilidog

>> No.7551737

How old are you guys? Chicks like that are INSANE, they can tell you their deepest secrets and next day block you without any explanation or action from your side.

>> No.7551740

what story involving girls does? at least from my pov they always behave erratically towards the new guys they meet.

>> No.7551745

yea this doesnt make sense man. She is literally fingering herself to u. There's more to this OP. But before all that, any more nudes?

>> No.7551747 [DELETED] 

The whole conversation is at 2-3 AM, she might have been drunk.

>> No.7551751

This. OP probably grabbed/touched her ass in full view of everybody so to protect her reputation (can't have everyone label you as a slut in the workplace), she reported the incident to HR. All OP had to do was keep it in his pants until they went home together. You fucked up OP.

>> No.7551758

She doesn’t connect texting with real life.
or she didn’t know she was texting OP

I don’t know which one is more likely.

>> No.7551760

kek, this
and this

>> No.7551764

nice body dude, no homo

>> No.7551767
File: 94 KB, 526x526, 1475310522686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The end
that's all the texts I have, asked her our literally a week ago

I am temporarily living at home because I just finished up school

>> No.7551771

He probably grabbed/touched her ass in full of everybody. Of course, she still has her own reputation to protect.

>> No.7551783

Oh, this is more likely.

>> No.7551800

>bitch uses #believewomen advantage to climb the corporate ladder
The story here is that women can be self-interested psychopaths too.

>> No.7551801
File: 36 KB, 709x765, 608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP she obviously fucking meant she'd hook up outside of work. How the fuck have people thought that it's okay to do that during hours. Maybe people here dont work idk but you legit just ask her for a drink OP. Not touch her up at work wtf

>> No.7551812


CEO isn't going to get involved in this. He's floor staff, it's doubtful anyone higher up than his store manager will get any more than a brief e-mail regarding this. Assuming this isn't a larp his best bet would be to give them everything, never know, one of the sex starved, middle aged heifers in HR may throw him a bone.

>> No.7551818

I fapped to these text messages and busted a huge load

>> No.7551819

OP provided today

>> No.7551829
File: 60 KB, 609x676, 1456713668801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This actually makes sense...
That's probably it.
>This. OP probably grabbed/touched her ass in full view of everybody so to protect her reputation (can't have everyone label you as a slut in the workplace), she reported the incident to HR.

I'm not ashamed of it though, just fucked up the timing.

>> No.7551853

Not fake. Clearly just perky. They don't have the shape nor the size of fake tits.

>> No.7551875

If that's true the thing OP should do is completely ignore it and text her jokingly "So I quit my job, I wanna grab some drinks tonight, U up?"

>> No.7551882

>didn't figure this out on his own
Nothing to be ashamed of OP.

Might be better not to show your boss the texts then.

>> No.7551893

Holy shit, I was right. How do you fuck up this bad? How are you this bad in reading social cues?

>> No.7551916

Dude she's just roleplaying jerking off to you. She's not actually interested in you lol

>> No.7551924
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 1436406711179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks senpai

it wasn't FULL view. No one was around and it was fairly secluded and lasted maybe 2 seconds at most.

>> No.7551932

Girls like that don't give a shit if you're living with your parents. She is just looking for a fuck not a relationship jesus christ op

>> No.7551933

>t. never seen a boob
Look at the frontal picture

Straight line under left boobs (right in mirror)

sharp line around left

>> No.7551943

He can use the texts as leverage for her to drop the complaint. Forget about getting in her pants though. Guaranteed, she and her co-workers who are in her clique will make his life a living hell. So what's it going to be OP? Have her drop the complaint and resign or have her drop the complaint, keep your job and have your life made a living hell in the office? Remember that you can't punch your way out of anyone who tries to start shit with you now, this isn't high school. You're going to land in jail doing that shit.

>> No.7551947
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>> No.7551953

Never confess anything to HR, they just want to save the company's ass. They are not there for you.

>> No.7551954

>it wasn't FULL view. No one was around and it was fairly secluded and lasted maybe 2 seconds at most.
you're gonna be fine

>> No.7551956
File: 79 KB, 480x508, Read the Tongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her boobs are real, its just weird lighting

>> No.7551961

i meant the wording, it just sounded to empty and cold like most autist speech does.

>> No.7551968

next thing you know is she's pulling revenge rape charges against OP. general protip: don't ever have rough sex with women you don't fully trust

>> No.7551971

so close

>> No.7551974

>doesn't know how nosy co-workers are
Wasn't full view of what? Secluded where? You think no one was spying around? ALL types of people exist in the workplace OP, from the psychopaths, sociopaths, the creeps, the nerd, the jock, the gossipers, etc. You think security personnel has no cameras? You think those security personnel assigned to view cameras won't tell a thing? You fucked up. Keep it in your pants next time.

>> No.7551975

>very large ass
this is mediocre at best, what are you doing getting fired over this

>> No.7551987


>> No.7551994

Don't get me wrong they're nice

They're just not real.

>> No.7552009
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is the bitch a paki OP?

>> No.7552014

ya pretty much

i was a lardass like 4 years ago with not very much confidence and terrible picking up women, spaghetti hands are sweaty etc. and one of my lifelong best friends was a swole beast and basically motivated me to lose weight and start lifting

took a couple years but i basically transformed, put on a lot of muscle and have some real definition. my face was always decent so that helps, but now i get with women just based on my looks/muscle and don't really have to be witty or tell jokes or try anything, can be a complete dude-bro type and just send some pics while flexing, doesn't work everytime but works often

>> No.7552019
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yeh bru

>> No.7552023

>this gay ass texting each others over sex like some homo nigger faggots.

I had did this once too with some bitch. She was 16 while i was 24 though. It was like yours. Gay and cringe on all ends. After looking back i dont think ive ever had such a cringy conversation in my life. I still feel fucking awful for that.
People change terribly when they are hard horny.
Dont you cringe at that conversation op? I do. And it hurts. I was once part of that too. God it really makes me want to vomit

>> No.7552042

Wow, OP you better start lubing your asshole now.
Where you're going they love to fuck betacucks like you

>> No.7552051

They look real to me. Look at how she is bending backwards. That makes her tits rise up and look like that. virgin XD

>> No.7552065
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What the fuck are you talking about you autist

>> No.7552068

>prison for sexual harassment

>> No.7552080
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it was a trap!

>> No.7552082

it's the UK so he's getting chemical castration and charged with a hate crime which carries a maximum sentence of forever

>> No.7552091

that's technically illegal friend

>> No.7552108

>you seem pretty alpha
Do women unironically use the words alpha and beta? Or is this a LARP?

>> No.7552110

so when the sentence ends, you basically are a tranny who stopped taking the pills?

>> No.7552115
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not if he converts to Islam first

>> No.7552125

yea if theyre p woke they do

>> No.7552127
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Oh hell no. Paki dude here and I've found maybe 5% of the Paki chicks I've encountered in life attractive. They dig me but I can never reciprocate. Where da white girls at anon

>> No.7552135

OP just approach HR as a human, keep your autism caged and show them the texts in chronological order explaining what was up throughout it all. You will be fine if you do that.

>> No.7552166

The way theyre talking to each other is absolute cancer. Dont you vomit from that cringe?

Too late. I got a nice way too big for her age tits pic though

>> No.7552167

yeah, it might be frustratingly stupid but they will pick up stuff and use it without a hint of irony.
I'm not sure where the whole alpha/beta thing came from other than losely being based on the dynamics of wolf packs. However in that real world case the beta is literally #2, so calling someone a beta kind of should be a compliment, the second ranking guy in anything anywhere is above quite a lot of his peers.

>> No.7552209

Inseminate your own subspecies, leave white women alone. They don't want your shit colored semen

>> No.7552229

Agreed. Did this too with some chick when we were teens. It's kinda hot when youre horny but as you get back to earth you're like "what the fuck was I thinking?"

>> No.7552239

where did you meet her/how did you get started? I'm same age and 16 is legal in my state kek

>> No.7552248

Showing the text messages isn't going to help at all. You don't what OP did at your fucking job. He is most likely going to get fired because sexual harassment is taken seriously. He could probably still get fucked if played right though.

>> No.7552272

Really depends on the job. And the chick.
A ton of people, if not most, met their significant other at work. This "don't shit where you eat" is a meme.

>> No.7552282

Just hand over your phone to hr you'll be fine

>> No.7552289
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White women are not for you my friend, haha
gas for you my friend, haha

>> No.7552296

>You will be fine if you do that.

Not likely. Workplace rules/laws will supersede any personal arrangement or permission he thought he might have had to grab her ass.

Like if there's a "no contact" or "no flirting" type policy, or a company policy regarding sexual harassment/misconduct, or an actual law regarding sexual harassment, there aren't caveats to it. It's not like the law says "sexual harassment is not permitted, unless she gives you prior permission to grab her ass"

Basically there's no way out of this. Even if he presents the texts it won't erase the harassment complaint, they may end up firing her too, but he won't get out of it. The company could be held liable if they let him off and she decided to take legal action against them, texts or not.

>> No.7552300
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I agree but I'm unironically 1488 on the inside. Damn you white guys have all the fun

>> No.7552317
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>tfw some crusty hag in HR has to look at my dick

>> No.7552346

Agree its pretty fucking cancerous. Tumblr tier

>> No.7552352
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So should I just call in tomorrow?

>> No.7552353 [DELETED] 
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No we dont its even worse. Juden has turned them against us!

>> No.7552415

you are probably one of the biggest virgins in the thread simply because you were so quick to jump the gun and call others virgins for not knowing something was so 'glaringly obviously fake'

p.s they're not, I'm a bottom bitch boy and have still seen more titties than you boo x

>> No.7552435

not necessarily, they might not fire you (although it's likely) but you never know, it could be a suspension or a warning. Or maybe the girl retracts her complaint or tries to plead on your behalf or say she was mistaken or something?

It's not like you'll go to jail or anything, so I wouldn't sweat it too much. Personally I'd keep the texts private though unless you just want to take a shot at getting her fired too, which revealing the texts may result in.

Have you completely written her off? Maybe you can still sex her. Have you spoken to her after she made the complaint?

>> No.7552439

Depends on the state. There’s a few where 16 is legal and no it’s not legal within a small year difference it is actually legal for any adult to fuck a 16 yo

>> No.7552453

I live in Vegas and have worked for all the major Casinos here, MGM, Caesars, Wynn etc. All of their policies are written very carefully. Usually along the lines of:

1. Sexual Harassment/Workplace relationships/etc etc
-Sexual harassment is defined as the UNWANTED advance of one employee toward another, or making other people feel uncomfortable with advances, be them physical or verbal.

Typically the way this is viewed and handled here is its not sexual harassment to be with someone or kiss them or say something. But where it could feasibly fall apart is since other employees witnessed this event in OP's situation it would be sexual harassment toward them. So if there were no witnesses, it would not be sexual harassment provided both parties consented. If there were, then everyone who saw it would have to be okay with it, which is never the case.

OP still fucked. And after seeing her photos, not even remotely worth it. Girls like that dont even deserve dinner.

>> No.7552455

What are you 80 years old?

tmi buddy

>> No.7552458

Top fucking Kek, well played by the roastie

>> No.7552526
File: 38 KB, 786x193, snip of HR sexual harassment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not spoken to her, and she has removed me from her discord, so things don't seem great thus far.

Here's a snip of the definitions in my employee handbook on sexual harassment

>> No.7552534

Got into some random whatsapp group and she pretty much approached me and was interested in losing her virginity to me literally.

Underage girls always like real men since we look better than the soybois at their age.

Also was in contact with a 14 year old but that went too far for me desu senpai

>> No.7552540
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truuuuu. reminder that (((feminism))) is an organized Marxist conspiracy

>> No.7552549

Ya I see your point but the problem here is that she's the one who apparently went and reported OP for sexual harassment

I'm pretty sure a text message isn't a permanent invitation for any future sexual contact, so even if he shows the text where she said "grab my ass anytime" or whatever, since she complained, the assumption is that she had a problem with it at the time it occurred.

Btw how do you like life in Vegas? I was thinking of making a change in my lifestyle and Vegas was near the top of my list for places to relocate. What's cost of living on a monthly basis approximately? Typical rent price, or is it feasible to buy a condo near the strip? Some other anons told me there's a fair bit of crime as you get away from the strip, any specific areas you could recommend living?

>> No.7552554


>> No.7552559

This is so true. HR is not your friend but everyone thinks otherwise

>> No.7552582

Can you upload that pic she sent you in full size?

>> No.7552584

And she proceeded to donate half of his fortune to medicine for African niggers

>> No.7552585
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I'm an incel fuck and I got irrationally angry reading this thread. Holy shit, this whole mating stuff is so fucking seamless and easy for others, fuck me.
Way to start my fucking Sunday, I'm gonna kms

>> No.7552589

Actually ya know what, I'd just say fuck it then and show them the texts. If she removed you from discord and hasn't bothered contacting you at all, obviously she's all kinds of fucked up. You have it right there "sexually explicit texts" so she's donezo as well, and that line there "touching without permission" may even save your ass (although I doubt it, but maybe)

At the very least you have a high chance at getting her fired, and I probably would cause why the fuck not, she fucked you over for no reason.

>> No.7552592

I think he can still get in her pants.

You can do it, OP

>> No.7552596


>> No.7552632
File: 9 KB, 480x262, 17800198_10211439513244157_6454091370788178831_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna show HR the texts because fuck this crazy roastie. If I go down, she does too.

>> No.7552641

Gates is a secret eugenicist waging chemical warfare on the third world.

>> No.7552683
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good call, you'll be alright anon

>> No.7552724

Not gonna be your realtor. Its cheap, dirt cheap. Check zillow or apartments.com

Live in the south, 6 miles from strip. Hint: Southern Highlands, Mountain's Edge

I live in a Mid rise, 7th floor condo. Crime cant affect me.

>> No.7553186

full roastie pic before u leave OP?

>> No.7553221

So is this the first remotely interesting thread on /biz/ in a while that's not about the cryptomeme?

>> No.7553234

I feel like there is information missing.
Did you tell them that she set you up?

>> No.7553470

"Grab my ass anytime" IS explicit consent, which unless rescinded can be assumed to be an offer of contract. Which OP accepted when he grabbed ass. Watertight defence.

>> No.7553729

you may not win this, but could destroy her reputation in this process.

no one willtrust her or hire her again in the future. release all txt and paint her as a liar and a cunt slut.

>> No.7553977

Op, if you're still here you should do the following: tell her you will send her nudes and texts to everyone in the company if she doesn't recant and let you film her blowing you so you can post it here. There's no way to lose in this scenario. Either she agrees and you're in the clear or she doesn't and you go to hr and show them the texts and clear yourself anyway.

>> No.7554048

>blackmail her into giving you a blowjob
Good idea, do this OP. Nothing can go wrong.

>> No.7554064

This thread was moved to >>>/adv/19245051