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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 41 KB, 600x600, mojito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7546662 No.7546662 [Reply] [Original]

What's /biz/ favorite drink? Mines a mojito. Simple, refreshing and not too sweet.

>> No.7546685


Iced espresso

>> No.7546697

soy milk

>> No.7546699
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>femanon here

>> No.7546714


>drinking alcohol

sorry, you're not going to make it

>> No.7546726


Usually just beer or scotch but I really love long island iced tea too

>> No.7546735


Three Floyds Cimmerian Sabertooth Berzerker.

Most unique and excellent beer I have ever tasted.

>> No.7546738

It's a nice way to end a friday or saturday night. Always remember to treat yourself a bit or you'll slowly lose your sanity.

>> No.7546745

a glass of sparkling mineral water with 2 inch square ice cube

>> No.7546749
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>pic related

>> No.7546759

moscow mules are decent, tequila kamikaze, and fuckin margaritas

>> No.7546783


fuck off morman

>> No.7546794

coke classic

>> No.7546809


Lol.... just lol. Once/twice a week is fine. Unless you're a lazy faggot that wastes 50% of his waking day. If you're an efficient person, having fun on the weekends is perfectly fine, and infact healthy.

>> No.7546814

Whisky and oxy

>> No.7546820

>implying losing your sanity is a bad thing
never gonna make it

>> No.7546838

wait do mormons not drink at all?

im not from the states so ive had very little interaction with them

>> No.7546844

THUMBS UP !! ~ found only in Pajeet land !

>> No.7546852

>not treating yourself every night

delicious alcohol

i'm on a gin and tonic bender rn

normally beer and whisky

>> No.7546905


>equating fun with drinking alcohol

definitely not going to make it. degenerates like you will forever be in the gutter


>can't relax without drinking booze

you sure do look tiny down there, from the moon


>projecting childhood insecurities this hard

you'll never make it in Utah

>> No.7547020


I'm sorry your father was a deadbeat alcoholic, but there's nothing better than the relaxed feel of nursing a few gin and tonics, or glasses of wine through the night while you read / trade.

>> No.7547055

agreed except trading

don't drink and trade, anons

>> No.7547070


Are you on a recent self improvement binge, cutting yourself off from all instant gratification? I guarantee I know people who work 200% harder than you and drink/do drugs every weekend. Not larping. Go to the best graduate school in my country and all my friends (myself included) publish multiple papers a year while getting intoxicated every weekend.

>> No.7547085

They don't drink alcohol, coffee or soda.
Went to mormon school in AZ. Uptight fuckers but hard working.

>> No.7547155
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Coffee of any variety.
Whisky, whisky sour if i'm cocktailing.

>> No.7547180 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 500x366, milk-alternatives-ETNT-soy-500x366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's /biz/ favorite soy milk brand? Mines Silk. Simple, refreshing and not too sweet.

>> No.7547212


Look at this fag. He thinks he knows things.

>> No.7547218

Water. Sometimes with ice, sometimes with a slice of lemon and/or lime. Some mornings I'll drink a tall cold glass of whole milk. And on cold days I'll drink a few mugs of homemade broth/stock, but I don't know if that classifies as a beverage.

>Drinking anything other than water or whole milk
>Drinking sugar, or worse - HFCS
>Drinking alcohol
>Drinking coffee or other caffeinated drinks
Not gonna make it, brahs. Give up the toxins. Stop poisoning your body.

>> No.7547224

If you can't have a social drink without thinking it's degenerate you might want to return to your containment board with the other underageb&

>> No.7547226

get out

>> No.7547244

Laphroaig 10, neat

>> No.7547255

>have no friends
you'll never know happiness

>> No.7547286

>whole milk
>HFCS is worse than sugar meme
>coffee is bad for you
Found the brainlet who thinks he knows anything about nutrition lmao

>> No.7547315

I don't drink but when I do its always simple G&T

7546749 a brand thats just obscure enough to be interesting

>> No.7547316

Wait are there faggots here who think rich and smart people dont enjoy getting obliterated also?

>> No.7547345

Found the manlet who drinks soymilk and diet coke because he thinks they're healthy alternatives.

>> No.7547353


Found the retard.

>> No.7547367

my motherfucking man

>> No.7547376

you have to be 18+ to post here

>> No.7547381

i don't drink sugar but

>at least 4 cups of coffee a day
>at least 2 beers/gin and tonics per day
>already made it

feels good man

>> No.7547386
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>> No.7547398
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>Ironically drinking a woman's drink

Honestly more soiboi than the soy milk.

>> No.7547402



>> No.7547430

19 y/o neets don't tend to understand the importance of socialising, and consequently the importance of alcohol to socialising

>> No.7547431


>> No.7547435

Moroms claim they don't drink and in private often drink like fish.

>> No.7547437

Hope you're enjoying poisoning your body. We only get one.
I'm 26 and have had alcohol/coffee/soda in the past.
You won't be taking your gains to Hell, anon.

>> No.7547483

kek of course you bring up soymilk but you drink the hormonal subsidized garbage called whole milk

>> No.7547490

Fuckin mojitos hahaaaaaaaa

>> No.7547491


What the fucks wrong with faggots like you? You realize most highly productive people either consume >200mg caffeine per day or dextroamphetamine/methylphenidates/modafinil? Fuck your vanilla lazy lifestyle. Some people are doing whatever it takes to reach the upper stratums. Rich Piana style.

>> No.7547501

Religious zealots are the biggest hypocrites. Honestly mormons have more conviction than so called "Christians" in America.

>> No.7547518

I live down the road from a family dairy farm. I know the name of the cow that the milk came from.
>Some productive people do drugs, so drugs are good!
Keep poisoning your brain, nervous system, heart, and kidneys!

>> No.7547520

Let him live his worthless prude lifestyle in peace. When he dies and nobody gives a shit he'll have a small moment beforehand where he realizes he lives his life like a fucking loser and didn't enjoy all of the treats this world has to offer us.

>Muh water
>Muh no sex
>Muh h8 cake

I'd actually kill myself if I lived like this dude.

>> No.7547524

>not drinking hendricks with cucumber

>> No.7547528

lmfao, you buy your milk straight from that farm? because if youre buying milk at the grocery store it came from china.

>> No.7547547

If I'm drinking cocktails, dark and stormy or just a regular old G&T. But normally I just stick to drinking a few IPAs.

>> No.7547548

seriously this.

you don't realise how hard you can work until you start abusing stimulants.

>> No.7547557


Ok, meanwhile I'm working >90hrs/week on my PhD and my trading bots that are already returning insane profits. Thanks bro, will do.

>> No.7547576

OR a Tuesday or begin a Monday

Stay poor

>> No.7547594

Nothing funnier than a brainlet that knows nothing about the big bad scary drugs.

>> No.7547617

Yes, I am on a first name basis with the dairy farmer. It's only marginally more expensive than even Walmart milk. ($5/3gal)
>>Muh water
>Muh single molecule that all life is dependent on to exist
>>Muh no sex
Bro, I'm married with kids.
>Muh h8 cake
I don't even know what that means.
>He fell for the go to college meme
>We even got him to fall for the grad school meme

>> No.7547624

this. people think your weird if you don't drink at social/work events

>> No.7547647

pretty chad to me

>> No.7547661

>Doing things so people won't think you're weird
>Caring about what people think about you over the age of 16
They still think you're weird, Anon.

>> No.7547675

>Married with kids
>Even higher likelihood you're not getting laid

You live like a fucking loser. Seriously, I'd kill myself if I had your life. Holy shit, to be so blind to the fruits of the planet... why even leave your house?

>> No.7547707


>apologist for degeneracy
>dick-in-butt retarded like the most of the people "investing" in cryptos

Yes, I do know things: you're never going to make it.

>> No.7547722

>Not getting laid
Cute Mormon waifu, Anon. Cooks, cleans, and puts out whenever I want.
>Blind to the fruits of the planet
I have passed on my genes multiple times and have quite literally created human lives.
>I'd kill myself if
You should.

>> No.7547758


>> No.7547776
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>> No.7547781

>Thinks kids are all life has to offer
>Choosing religion
>Choosing the religion that makes the least amount of sense other than MAYBE scientology

You guys are such a fucking joke, stay inside your box please. What an awful way to live, honestly.

>> No.7547785


>literally persueing education/research for sake of the future knowledge of humankind (if you're interested, quantum computation)
>multiple papers with multiple citations
>completely financially secured from trading bots, independently programmed

Sorry, what meme did I fall for? I was at a net plus from my stipends/bursaries/scholarships during my graduate studies. Not to mention my manual trades, and let alone not to mention the gains made from my trading bots I made in my spare time. Top fuckin kek

>> No.7547820


awfully testy about your degenerate lifestyle. you know you'll never make it, and you can't accept this reality.

while you're having your "social drink" I'll be busy blasting off.


>thinks you need to drink to have friends

you are making up for your lack of personality and character with alcohol. if you think the only thing that allows for friendship is the consumption of alcohol... well, you probably already know this, but you will never make it (anywhere). Have fun with your alcoholic friends. sounds like a money pit.

>> No.7547835

>PhD in quantum computing
>Trading bots
Reddit-tier LARP

>> No.7547842


0/10 larp you retarded dicklet faggot

>> No.7547855

fuck yeah

but as >>7547524 mentioned, i hope thats just a stock image and you are drinking it with cucumber

>> No.7547888


Rofl I had 3 published papers in my undergrad but nevertheless you'll be convinced its larp.


*pursuing. Kinda drunk.

>> No.7547892
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Straight scotch, sometimes a bourbon. Beer is always good too.

>> No.7547901

>Denies Evolution as a coping mechanism for only being able to spread his seed in a paper towel.

>> No.7547950


Yeah? well they probably don't work as hard as you think, because you have a distorted perception of reality and a false sense of self-worth, perpetuated by the intentional, unnecessary consumption of toxins.

Their work is shit. Your papers are shit. Academia is not "work" and nobody cares about what you publish. If they did, you wouldn't be here. You think you're all awesome, but that's the toxins seeping into your brain. There are many idiots who think they are hot shit. Oh, they work so hard, or at least they think they do (work always seems more intense when you are working through a hangover, but its not).

Drink away faggot. Less people like you in the world would be wonderful. It's not like you'll ever make it anyway.

>> No.7547969

You're literally just scum on Earth, wasting precious oxygen and resources of those who actually want to explore the world and universe around them.

By the way, I also have kids. I'm glad they'll grow up knowing Mormons are degenerate psychopathic low IQ know-it-all egotistical fuckups who seclude themselves from reality.

>> No.7547986

do you work? professional work requires socialising to be successful.

prob doesn't matter if you're some nobody from a hodunk tho

>> No.7548000


What do you do to contribute to society? Just curious.

>> No.7548006

Muh alcohol is for degenerates

>> No.7548013

You realize you come off sounding like a fucking lunatic, right? You're literally judging the majority of the world around you to be less than you, yet here you are posting your judgements on an Internet message board that legitimately shits all over people like you all day without pity. This is where you choose to spend your time even though you're not wanted here. That speaks miles about your real life and what a fucking loser you must actually be.

Stop judging those around you when you are clearly worse off than everyone else here. Look in the mirror and correct yourself.

>> No.7548024

Bourbon and Coke. Was my dads drink and it grew on me

>> No.7548035

gin tonic or a good long island

>> No.7548038

>not being a baby
>drinking any kind of milk

This isn’t rocket science guys

>> No.7548046


>needs to drink in order to socialize
>beta-cuck that cares if alcoholics think they're "weird"

you actually think like this? MORON.

If you can't socialize without alcohol, you'll never make it.

the people that think you are weird for not drinking? Are subhuman filth. You want to appease these types? By all means go ahead, but birds of a feather don't make it together.

>> No.7548050

Vodka neat

>> No.7548055

This is a top tier post. It has the power and virility of a man who does not destroy his body with garbage like alcohol and drugs. You can compare it with the cuck soyboy posters he's arguing with and the difference is obvious. Bless you.

>> No.7548070

I'd buy this man a water.

>> No.7548096

if you actually think gin and tonics are a womans drink you are a turbo virgin that has never gone out and drank with your friends/peers

>> No.7548100

Yes, I actually work in sales. Socializing is 90% of the job. I am also a top 5 sales agent in the company.

>> No.7548121


>being this much of an apologist for degenerate losers

you're one of them. the majority of people on this planet are losers. why do you think so many retards flock to cryptos to get rich? Because they are otherwise losers in life. So continue to degenerate yourselves into lesser beings. Please. It makes things easier for me. Please, get drunk. Trade cryptos. What could go wrong?You think sober minded people will have an edge?

>> No.7548130

that is one of the most highly autistic posts ive ever seen on /biz/

>> No.7548133

Honestly I just love drinking sparkling water, could drink that shit 24/7

>> No.7548146


>> No.7548149


>substance that literally degenerates your brain

keep meme'ing faggot. also, drink more. for me, get drunk. right now.

>> No.7548151

-honey syrup

>> No.7548161


I research and publish papers on quantum dumbfuckery and prance around on the internet propping myself up with this lie. I feel good about myself.

>> No.7548167

I think you're making the assumption that everyone who drinks is drunk all the time. I am sober when I need to be, I'm drunk when I want to be. When I'm sober, I'm much sharper than you are. I can tell this simply from the way you type, and the fact that you're actually spending your time on an Internet board where you have nothing in common with most people & are getting some kind of sick satisfaction out of arguing. That's actually how you CHOOSE to spend your time.

"Lesser beings". Put yourself on a pedestal more. You are a sick person, honestly. You should seek professional help.

>> No.7548190

so you sell cutco knives huh?

>> No.7548220

>Implying that the top 5 cutco salesmen aren't pulling 7 figures
But no, Telecom sales.

>> No.7548230

Nah he sells his wife to other Morman losers. They don't respect women at all, so prostituting them is no big deal.

>> No.7548233


You don't have to get "drunk" (which is a subjective feeling), to be effected by the toxic effects of alcohol on your brain (objective fact).
nice strawman though.

Please drink more. I will gladly stand by the side and watch the majority of fools such as yourself intentionally destroy your ability to think rationally. I encourage it. Also trade more cryptos when you drink.

>> No.7548273


Rofl, so NEET that you're incapable of complicating others current status. Like fucking clockwork.

>> No.7548274

Here's a list of people who drink or drank for you:

>Donald Trump
>Barack Obama
>Bill Gates
>Elon Musk
>Mark Zuckerberg
>Winston Churchill
>Buzz Aldrin
>Ernest Hemmingway
>Steve Jobs

Please, tell me again how drinking destroys your ability to think rationally or be successful or whatever. It's so fucking smart. You're so great, you're better than everyone.

Fucking loser.

>> No.7548339

EVERYONE has done something stupid that they later regretted while drunk. I'm not saying drinking is bad overall, but I've done stupid shit while drunk and so has everyone I know. Its just part of the game.

>> No.7548342
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>> No.7548356

Oh btw I'm bailing on this thread but I just want to leave one final note for you "muuuhhh healthy choice makes me better than you"

You're going to die the same as anyone else here. You want to not drink, or not believe in evolution, or not leave the 10 block radius of your small town, that's your right.

But to sit here and judge others who are making their own choices simply because you don't agree with those? It makes you the worst kind of human scum. You should honestly just off yourselves. Everyone would be better off. You will raise shitty children, and continue to be a damaging force on the human species. Fuck off with your high horse, you daft cunts.

When you die, you will have left nothing of value, because all of this shit is meaningless... and you're going to spend the rest of your life thinking otherwise. Pat yourselves on the back, you are legitimately the world's biggest losers.

>> No.7548437


>> No.7548445

In fairness, everyone attacked his religion first and he responded defensively.

>> No.7548506

Hold any doors open today, Anon? I bet that really gets their panties wet!

>> No.7548571

>Donald Trump
Doesnt drink or do drugs
>Winston Churchill
an alcoholic who sold out Europe and western civ to maintain dominance for his cucked little islands
>Ernest Hemmingway
His life turned out REALLY WELL. Not like he blew his fucking brains out with a shotgun or anything.

>> No.7548612

Not testy at all kiddo, I'm pretty happy with my social life, networking and income streams.

Stay poor and alone while chasing that blast off.

>> No.7548619


not even mormon. but hey, if telling yourself this makes you feel better about being a loser, continue. it won't change the fact that a loser like you will be forever poor.


something somthing [insert meme to create the illusion of cleverness]. say what you will faggot. you're alcoholic self will never make it.

and this post, as already demonstrated by another, >>7548274 , is butt-fuck retarded wrong. an extension of your self, really.

>> No.7548653



your word choice reveals yourself. please though, I have changed my tune, people like you should drink more. I encourage it. Get drunk now. Have a drink. Trade some cryptos. Sober-minded financial decisions are over rated.

>> No.7548677

Wow so nihilist so deep we are all gonna die. More like YOUR life is meaningless because you make bad choices and make it meaningless. Your nihilism is your coping mechanism for failing so hard at life and your justification for poisoning your body because it feels good and is socially acceptable/expected.
I'm the Mormon.

>> No.7548830

>btw i also have kids
tbhf i rly doubt that lol
but seriously you should kys

>> No.7548890

A tea cup of Lucozade with about five painkillers put in it and all topped off with whip cream.

>> No.7548927

Your lack of self awareness reveals plenty about you.
I drink when i'm out socializing with friends not when i'm trading, regardless, I don't need life advice from some little NEET bragging about chasing a blast off on a Mongolian tapestry newsgroup.

>> No.7549166


I'm quite self-aware. Thanks. Why do you think I choose not to consume alcohol?

I'm not giving you life advice. I am calling you a weakling loser. A degenerate in denial. You will never make it. So dream up this windmill of a "NEET" and label me as such if it reassures you that you are "something" worth anything.

You and your friends are vapid degenerates, which is why your "socializing" consists of alcohol consumption. Plebian lifestyle. But live it up, it suits you.

>> No.7549206

This. Alcohol is for scum who failed at life

>> No.7549308

Hahaha oh boy, you're trying too hard.
I think you don't drink alcohol because you're a vapid autist child who can't control themself (highly probable based on postings) so you think anyone who drinks gets blackout drunk, or you come from an abusive family so you're terrified of drinking and becomming daddy or mommy.

Either way, you do you. I've got a great life and I don't need to hide away when co-workers, clients or friends invite me to go for a drink.

>> No.7549324

Hmm how high are you? Is it comfy?

>> No.7549473

What a pathetic larper. Post your researchgate, fag

>> No.7549497

this is delusion anon, get yourself a cold one and maybe one day you will make it too.

>> No.7549758

gin gimlet

>> No.7550083

G&T with an assload of bitters.

>> No.7550113

Are you the guy who posted a photo of a cup of broth next to your monitor on a what is biz eating thread?

>> No.7550288

Why are you so scared of alcohol?

>> No.7550325

Vegan white russian (on oat milk).

Go on, then. Call me a faggot.

>> No.7550356
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Sonic energy drinks

>> No.7550794

the patricians choice

>> No.7550899
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too much of a brainlet for education?
I see you fell for the marriage meme too. Pathetic. I bet jamal is giving her a good dicking

>> No.7551132
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>> No.7551495


>> No.7551542


>> No.7551587

Jameson and coke. Jameson is one of few drinks that doesn’t upset my IBS.

>> No.7551597

to be honest i don't drink very often at all, but if you're gonna have a faggot girl drink have a Gold Rush, its slightly less gay because its whiskey and not white rum

>> No.7551664

Ayahuasca and Jagar bombs exclusively

>> No.7552092

Energy drink addiction is really a thing?

>> No.7552197
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Old fashion

>> No.7552425

>"American drinking Bud Light here"

>> No.7552499

What are some nice soft drinks? I'm mainly drinking Schweppes or Canada Dry when I go out.

>> No.7552693

Tenents Super & MD20/20 with absinthe chaser

>> No.7552722

redpill me on diet coke?

>> No.7553391

Same but also whiskey for diner and black Russians for breakfast.

>> No.7554090

Nah he’s just a /pol/ faggot that thinks using any sort of substance is “degenerate” (but jacking off to anime 10 times a day is fine)

>> No.7554128

Any grand cru from burgundy, only with food. Water every other time.
Champagne on special occasion.

>> No.7554829

Wow this thread is alive.

Oh you must be some Trumpfag who believes Trump is god.

I got news for you - he drinks like a fish. There are a million pictures on the Internet of him drinking.

Oh, he told you he doesn't drink and you believe every word he says despite the fact that he has been proven to be a pathological liar?

No wonder you're Mormon. You'd believe anything you were told. Well, you're a fucking loser - believe that, faggot boy.

>> No.7554837

yerba mate faggots. get with it.

>> No.7554845

Doubt what you want, you fucking child. Look at how you type, I'm supposed to give any shits about someone who is clearly at a minimum 10 years younger than me?

>> No.7554910

Yep I was right, just a deluded /pol/ fag

>> No.7555023

American sour ales

>> No.7555187
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lol you cunt

or just stay in the basemant

so many faggots here go drink your soy infused cow milk

>> No.7555210

>11 replies because he has to be the last word
>calling people childish
lmaoing at your life

>> No.7555227

Just smoke some weed do lsd shrooms and dmt and dont drink poison.

>> No.7555259

>not using Opihr

>> No.7556125

are you alcohol fags still keeping this thread alive?
jesus christ

>drinking alcohol

sorry, you're not going to make it

>> No.7556809

Caipirinha, and I'm not even Brazilian

>> No.7557006
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>> No.7557352


Better yet. No. You kys. Drink more please. Consume alcohol and make financial decisions, you meme'ing wanker.

>doesn't drink alcohol
>must drink soy

you're suck a cock goblin son-of-a-whore

those who make it drink water and milk.

the absolute state of alcohol fags. its really getting to your brain. (please trade more)