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7522437 No.7522437 [Reply] [Original]

>married normies with a good job and a rewarding life feel the need to take part in the crypto lottery

How fucking privileged do you need to be in order to feel happy?

>> No.7522461

Why are you crying? Don't you want their money?

>> No.7522467

>feeling happy

kek, no wonder they want to blow all their money in crypto

>> No.7522476

Stop being salty dude. Their lives suck. Do you know what it’s like to be nagged at? Their roastie wives are skeptical and annoying about crypto. Let them put their foot down and buy ATH bags from weak hands, get divorced and join us.

>> No.7522496


I've never been in a relationship so I wouldn't know what it's like.
My normie friends put on a show acting like it's the best thing ever and they shill the commitment meme to me daily, no idea why.

>> No.7522532
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I also don't understand this.

In october there was an article about a dutch guy who sold his huge house, multiple cars and motorcycles to buy bitcoin. Currently they live in a tent with his big family.
Like WTF do you want from life? At what point do you have enough wealth?

>> No.7522546
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>> No.7522569

>be me
>turned hobby into work
>used btc to buy drugs during uni
>fast forward, just beer and weed now
>making 60k
>in course of ten years should hit 120k
>married my gf
>started crypto again in June 2017

Up 22k with 3k loss on shitcoins

You should get a nice wholesome ff and stop being mad at masked normies like myself

>> No.7522651

It sucks.
I mean it really really sucks.
You have to be addicted to attention to enjoy this shit even a little bit.
The beginning stages are fun brcause you get to know another person and you get to find out what they are and how they became the person they are today.
At least for me thats the fun part.

After that is over its just a bitch with a pussy who is always always find a reason to bitching about something and kill your mood.
You get to fuck but its not worth all the negative shit, not even a little bit.

>> No.7522654


I honestly think greed is an inherent quality of people with low IQ, aka normies.
They're driven by primitive instincts with no rationality. Simply put, they never feel like they've made it or had enough.


This guy probably has the IQ of a shoe.

>> No.7522676
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>masked normie

>> No.7522686

The people desire freedom from wagecuckery, financial independence. A powerful dream

>> No.7522692


Then how come when a bro gets a gf I never see him again?
It always pisses me off to lose good friends because they value pussy more.
I have a friend who's lived together with his gf for 7 years and they still spend all their time together. I can't understand it.

>> No.7522711

I am an Ivy League educated doctor.
D2 college baseball.
Married, 1 infant.
Under 30.
400K + annual income.
Own house. Will get inheritance.
Still in crypto and come to biz to laugh at dweebs.

>> No.7522713

>freedom from wagecuckery

Being unemployed is much, much worse than having a steady job and a steady life.
Rich and unemployed is another thing, but it's kinda stupid how normies shill the importance of having a job and the only thing they dream of is quitting it.

>> No.7522845

Because your gf is constantly nagging you about not spending enough time together. You dont understand how much pressure they put on you, thats how they control you in a relationship.
>Hey anon we wanted to go to x together remember? Lets do it this weekend
>Bey anon i cant wait to spend the weekend with you and just be lazy and watch tv together xD
>Anon what do you mean you want to spend time with your friends? Why dont you take me with you i always ask you if you wanna come with to my friends!

Imagine this 24/7 non stop. It doesnt stop even if you dont give a fuck and do wahtever you want the constant nagging never stops.
So you just do what she wants so she shuts the fuck up. Its weak behaviour but we're slaves to the pussy. Being single is better my dude

>> No.7523071


Yeah I get it. My friend is probably experiencing that. Hasn't gone to the gym with me for months and the reason is always something gf related. Usually he's all defensive about it and says I would suck tits all day too if I could.

>Its weak behaviour but we're slaves to the pussy

I've seen pussy destroy the toughest of men. I bet there's a chemical reaction in your brain that simply forces you to stick with the pussy when your brain realizes you've finally attracted a mate.
The friend I was talking about, used to be the "MGTOW" type of guy and said guys who need sex are just bad at masturbating. Oh boy did he turn his coat after finding a woman. Sometimes I still remind him of his legendary quote.

>> No.7523200

>The friend I was talking about, used to be the "MGTOW" type of guy and said guys who need sex are just bad at masturbating. Oh boy did he turn his coat after finding a woman. Sometimes I still remind him of his legendary quote.
He was probably projecting. Your friend sounds pathetic but it got me a little wary.

>> No.7523451

Playing house.
Unless they badly need to save money on rent, young people moving in together only serves one purpose: to raise children. Marriage is a religious ceremony; cohabitating is about preparing to have kids. The trouble is that often they don't recognize that's what they're doing.

People will form couples and establish a home life together, because "that's what adults do". They don't realize they're approaching a point of no return until they run straight into it: pregnancy. You can always move out, get divorced even, but childbirth? Irreversible. You will for two decades be responsible for maintaining a home that a kid can grow up in. Unknowingly, the cohabitation was preparation for the responsibility of having kids.
Instinctually, everyone eventually understands it at some level, and they start to act as if a child's wellbeing is at stake even while it's still just the two of them. Women are closer to the issue, and tend to fall into the pattern quicker: if you can't be at her beck and call now, what will you do when your future children need you? A lot of it is subconcious, and comes out as general bitchiness and neediness. Men do it plenty as well, obsessing over a girlfriend as if she were already running their household and raising their kids.

Ever notice how couples in their 40s and up are a lot more chill, and able to live together without cutting off their social lives? That's life post-menopause.

>> No.7523496

>Ever notice how couples in their 40s and up are a lot more chill, and able to live together without cutting off their social lives?

Now that you mention it, yes. Couples in their 20's or early 30's are serious as fuck.
And any mention of this to them results in me being called "bitter".

>> No.7523503

>it's an /r9k/ turned /biz/ thread
You people are losers.

>> No.7523602

Never posted on /r9k/. I just calls 'em like I sees 'em.

>> No.7523651

this guy fucks
also heed his advice

>> No.7523679

>butthurt rant
>dating advice on /biz

>> No.7523739

>mfw basement dweebs think normies envy them

>> No.7523774

That life sounds like a prison sentence

>> No.7523822

I feel the need to make around 500-1000k in order to buy enough real estate to just live off the rents without ever having to work again.

>> No.7523834

Bull shit. No doctor would be pathetic enough to read 4chan. Let alone the time. You gotta push all those patients through like cattle. No time for anything.

>> No.7523856


I live in Eastern Europe have a STEM job two kids a wife and a gf. My STEM job pays not really much. I'm fucking tired of not having anything left at the end of month and fucking tired to have to take loans from the bank to buy furniture and stuff for house.

So i got into crypto. Yes im farily new, and yes im guilty of buying high selling low meme come true, but learned a lot from my misakes and about markets and trading. If crypto pops im getting into stocks for sure.

>> No.7523941

as a programmer with a house in nj who works in nyc, has a 10/10 gf, 2 dogs, no kids, im really happy with my life. but i have eastern european roots so i always want to make money. my goal with crypto is to make $1mil, buy up a bunch of shit houses, rent them out for section 8, make 10% net roi on $1mil for the rest of my life and travel/live like a king on 100k/year income. I already have everything I want making 60k a year because i dont go out, dont wear expensive clothes (i shop at target), dont eat out, etc,but i have 3 cars, almost no debt except for my house, and if i ever wanted to splurge on something, i just allocate my annual bonus towards it. Honestly the only reason i want to make these cryptodollars and stop working is so i dont have to waste 2 hours a day commuting, i love my job otherwise.

>> No.7523950

Eh... Married with kids. Sunk about 10k in mid 2016-17, portfolio is around 400k. Mostly just holding with a few trades here and there. If ETC hits 100 I'm in the millions. Make about 200k a year so I see it as an investment. If I can retire before I'm 50 I'll be satisfied. With 401k and other investments (including crypto) I'm about 2.5 million which isn't much. If I reach 5 million I can just kick back and not ever stress. 37 yr old with 2 kids. Live modestly. Goal is to get out of the rat race asap.

>> No.7523968

First of all to my bizraeli brosephs; stop being fuckijg retards, women that aren't mentally roasties exist. Stop trying a soulmate thatlooks like a playmate

To OP;
Choke on a dick nocoiner trash, even the normies know they'll have a chance of making financial history, nocoiners are subhuman retards or bots or paid shills or a combination thereof

>> No.7523978


So, is that a normal thing in eastern yurop? Having a wife and a gf.

>> No.7523981

the mogtow guys say what they say cause they never been close to a girl, but when they do they become all attached, normies are better at handling bitches irl

>> No.7524014

I've been in some relationship before. It's both great and a pain. But I guess life is like that, pain and gain. One thing is certain, you'll grow from the experiences.

>> No.7524053
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>greed is for the low-IQ
Fuck outta here with your absence of ambition.

>> No.7524064

lol ETC i like this guy.

>> No.7524092

>mfw everyone acts like their relationship is unbreakable
>"but my relationship is different"
>"just find yourself an honest partner"
>mfw in the fullness of time these relationships will slowly break down
>mfw many males on this board will lose half their crypto

Best start looking up how to wash your crypto through monero lads before your wife gets bored and leaves you

>> No.7524097


No it isn't, but people do it

>> No.7524150

Wouldn't that guy be like 10x richer now though

>> No.7524152

married dude here. this guy gets it.

>> No.7524197

I have been in a relationship for 3 going on 4 years
At first things are great because your brain filters out all the fucked shit and you have your the worlds so rosy and fucking perfect don't look at that steaming pile of shit over there glasses on when your in the honeymoon phase but as that starts to wear off suddenly the steaming pile of shit is all you can look at, and I'm not just saying it's my gf specially but humans in general are pieces of shit for one reason or another
i hate being social I could ring up an old friend have a 5 min chat then I'm done for the year but when you have a partner it's every fucking day, sometimes I just want to boil the jug and throw hot water on her face just for trying to talk to me when I'm reading something on 4chan or reading a chart
I believe in the days of old when cavemen walked the earth without fear of Jews we would stay with a partner 3 months maximum before getting sick of each others shit
But then you got the flip side
Being lonely
Your brain is wired up so that you never win

>> No.7524201

Wow Dougie Houser here finished 8 years of college and 8 years of residency before 30. Cool story bro.

>> No.7524213

he bought at less than 1k usd. he would be at least 20x and at least 100x if he had some altcoins. he probably lives in a mansion now wtf are u talking about a tent?

>> No.7524218

Yeah way back saw it like tether before tether. Never moved so it was a place to put profit safely. A few thousand bucks stashed, next thing you know... Didn't know much when starting, planned on getting out once I doubled my 10k, then suddenly I'm at 100k, 200k and so on. I stopped trying to scheme and just hold. Btc, eth, monero, ltc, and etc with spare change in 8 shitcoins.

>> No.7524323

>Goal is to get out of the rat race asap.

And do what? It's not like you normies even have any imagination.

>> No.7524336

> built a 6k mining rig and have 4k for coins.
>25% a year goal.
>300k household income/kids/only leveraged debt

What would you rather me do? Put 2k down on a 65k car with an 8 year loan? 1000 dollar cell phone? 5500 Disney vacation? Fuck that shit and fuck you for wanting me to fit in your mold.

>> No.7524353

your an autist my friend
you gf must be ugly as fuck or mentally challenged to put up with you

>> No.7524354

>Being lonely
>Your brain is wired up so that you never win

Fap 5 times a day. I guarantee you, you won't feel lonely.
Don't listen to nofap losers.

>> No.7524433

when you found a sweet girl thats actually interested in you and you both fall in love for each other the first few weeks are literally on drugs.
i mean literally.
but after maybe 4 weeks the level of deluded happiness begins decreasing slowly. after 3-6 months you are fully back to normal and so called every day life sets in again.
thats what kills the love.

what humans need is social interaction, not whores/wifes/gf. everybody around here thinks a gf would solve all their problems but actually a gf will be the biggest problem you have then.
key to happiness is dealing with ones own existence. doing sports, being around people you like a lot, socializing etc. but you dont need to stick to one single cunt. probably you even shouldnt.

a gf is not the easy way out, as most of you think.

>> No.7524438

>portfolio is around 400k

Honestly though, I've never understood people like you.
If there's any rational part in your brain, you'd realize that it's probably best to cash out.
BTC is not - I repeat - not a sure thing. Past performance doesn't really prove anything. 20k might have been the highest BTC will ever go.

>> No.7524468

Go make your bed and clean up your room or I'll take away your Xbox for a week.

>> No.7524545


I'm 28, studying physics, would never even consider retiring because I want to do interesting research as long as I live. Of course I want money, but finding a passion in life is a win itself.
So what do you really want to do in life? Sitting in your mansion watching Netflix and eating caviar gets old within the first year.

>> No.7524612
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>Fap 5 times a day

>> No.7524616

Meh. I’d ride it out to 1.3 million and keep a million.

>> No.7524638

Risk is less than reward. What is hard to understand. Seen monero go from few dollars to 300, ltc was spare change, eth was a couple of bucks and so on. If it tanks I still doubled my money, if it rises in next 2-3 years I'm set for life.

>> No.7524680

I am abit of an asshole to be around long term, I like my space, I don't know if it's undiagnosed autism or I have just been on alone on 4chan for to many years and just adapted to isolation as time went on, but during that time depression and loneliness were are constant background feeling no matter what I doing
Then I get a gf and it goes away but is replaced with a longing for that comfy little cell of isolation
Not happy with them and not happy without them but both are a unique kind of unhappiness
Sometimes I envy the normies and how simple everything must be to them

>> No.7524684

>studying physics
>because I want to do interesting research as long as I live
oh my.
1st year?
science is not what you think it is. the topics you have to research are dictated by companies spending money or if you are lucky by your professor.
you wont be able to select the topics you find interesting.

>> No.7524736

Holy fug are you me

>> No.7524761


Until last week I really thought cryptos were a train that can only move forward.
But it was a silly notion.
People regard cryptos as a button for free money if you just wait long enough, but that's not how the world works. Especially now that we've reached the consensus that Bitcoin is horrible shit as a currency.

>I’d ride it out to 1.3 million and keep a million.

Sure I'd do that too, but it could crash to zero tomorrow and you'd hate yourself for not selling earlier.
I blame myself every day for not selling at 20k. You feel like it's okay to take the risk but when you you realize you lost so much gains it just pisses you off. If I could, I'd go back in time and sell 100% of my cryptos at the peak.

>> No.7524765

Married dude here, it's actually not that bad. Sure waifu gets a little crazy sometimes but I just outcrazy her till she calms down. Got a little azn qt and she's pretty fun to hang around with all day. She doesn't mind me gaming, she watches anime with me, plus her parents come over and clean up my place every once in a while and make us fucking delicious egg rolls.

It's not all roses and puppies, we argue like once a month, and she gets pretty jealous when other Asian girls are around cause she knows I have a weak spot for them, and I never know when she's going to go full yandere mode and stab everyone to death cause she's gangster like that... But even still it's way better than being a miserable lonely pathetic loner the rest of my life.

Just don't fuck up and marry someone because they are hot, or you mostly get along. Way too many people have total shit marriages that end in disaster. Me and my girl were picky as fuck with who we even dated, and we went out for a long fucking time, (I'm talking 5 years) before getting hitched. And we both agreed to never consider divorce, if it gets to that point, there is a mutual understanding that we will kill each other. Hopefully it never gets to that point, but if I ever piss her off so much that she wants to kill me then I deserve it, she's a pretty fucking amazing person. And I love the shit out of my wife so she'd have to do something pretty terrible to get me to that point as well.

Point is marriage is pretty great if you are smart enough to marry a great person.

>> No.7524791

>Not happy with them and not happy without them but both are a unique kind of unhappiness

thats the definition of normal mate

>> No.7525075

Iktf bro, exactly the same here

>> No.7525172

married here, awesome wife, good job, happy, kids. check my privilege nigger.

>> No.7525290

Could say the same thing about apple or amazon at any point during before or after dotcom bubble. Stop being fucking retarded, no one thinks its free money. We are risking every dime you put in on a bet whether or not crypto will be utilized in the future, and you're in early because people are still too stupid to understand, buy and trade these fucking coins.