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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 105 KB, 600x600, rich-kids-on-instagram-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
751015 No.751015 [Reply] [Original]

What "being rich" means for you? What's your closest goal?

For me: $300k, so I could buy 3 apartments in Moscow. Then rent each at $400/month. Then:
>go to Colombia and do coke
>go to Goa and drink Piñacoladas on beautiful beaches
>go to Nepal and smoke hashish in the mountains
Or even stay in Moscow, not being so rich, but at least not having to work

>> No.751040

£10 Million Minimum

>> No.751054

10 million USD

Can live reasonably lavishly off investment returns with that much put away, at least in California

>> No.751055


but my closes goal is 100 000K/year. Plus a nice flat in paris plus a house in the countrysides.

So that i could get pilot and boat licenses + trips to japan and Hong Kong

>> No.751058

This. Being rich to me is pretty much having $10 M minimum, as that allows you to do practically whatever you want to (that fits within a conservative 400k per year that you can get from that 10 million). Its hard for me to think how I could blow 400k per year as well, I'm sure its doable, but maybe I just dont have such "refined" taste.

>> No.751060

Are you sure you want to go to Nepal after what just happened

>> No.751062
File: 169 B, 24x5, ⌂.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4.8% returns versus the 20%+ annualized I am getting on the stock market

>> No.751071

Err... Well, at least it won't happen again very soon.

>> No.751076

$6.022 x 10^23

>> No.751086

How does it feel knowing nobody in this thread will ever achieve even 1 million?

You will forever be poor
LOL at you

>> No.751095

>implying i wont get millions

>> No.751097

Why such arbitrary 6.022

>> No.751102

6.022 x 10^23 is Avrogadros constant you uneducated fuck. It is the number of atoms, molecules, or ions in one mole of a substance.

>> No.751103

Hook line and sinker.

>> No.751106

>"hurr I was just pretending"
>implying you didn't google the number and are now attempting damage control

>> No.751124

You have to Be 18 to post here, Person who hasn't graduated highschool

>> No.751141

In all fairness, the number you posted wasn't avrogadros

>> No.751147

People who came to my work had a small party and spent 10k+ on food and wine, I've seen as high as 30k for large parties

>> No.751152
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It literally is
>6/10 if bait

>> No.751158

U forgot the x10^23

>> No.751161
File: 1.09 MB, 213x210, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just... stop

>> No.751173

>not being so rich, but at least not having to work

That's my definition.

>> No.751186

>I literally can't read

>> No.751193


This is at least the third time you've made a thread about your Moscow apartments or Russia at all.

Are you forcing a maymay or just flat out shitposting?

>> No.751198

Being rich is not having to gt up and go to work. Its not fucking self-employment either. Its passive income.

Not having to do anything and still making money to sustain yourself over the course of a year.

I don't want to get up and go to work.

$10 million will do it for me. Enough to generate 100k a year. Thats it. .

>> No.751215

I still don't get the joke though, is it just to show that he is "smart"?
Or am I missing something..

>> No.751308


uh I would know I am stem master race, soz m8s

>> No.751360

It's hard to just cite one number, but I'd say $150,000 or more a year for most of my adulthood would be nice.

>> No.751362

10 million is enough to make 100k a year off passive income? That seems generous.

>> No.751375

thats a 1% ROE, I think you could expect a minimum of at least 4%

>> No.751377

Ah, makes sense.Good luck

>> No.751385
File: 269 KB, 1600x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I would only need a couple million to be rich, enough to generate ~500k or more per year passive income. I could live happily ever after with that and spend my days basking on some beach in the Virgin Islands with a seaside condo and a yacht.

I'm a huge car fanatic
So in order to pursue this particular hobby, I'd need a considerable amount more money. I'd have a large warehouse to hold my car collection, plus a professional auto shop/fabrication garage to modify cars as I see fit. For starters, I'd have
>Toyota 2000gt
>Lamborghini countach
>Ford GT
>Ferrari F40
>mk4 Supra
>FD rx7 (with v8 swap)
>skyline 2000gtr
>Detomaso Pantera
>Dodge viper
>some open-wheel racecars for track days
>a trophy truck/baja bug in order to race baja1000
That's just the tip of the iceberg. Oh, and I'd probably get my Pilots liscense and get a stunt plane too, to fuck around in

>> No.751396

being rick alone is not enough for me. I want power too. I want so much money I can afford to have people working endlessly to make me more money. I also want them to be scared that if they fail me they themselves will be ruined for the rest of their career. I want to have world leaders calling me and checking to make sure its ok with me before they do anything. Essentially I want to be able to retire at any moment although I will choose to work until the day I die.

>> No.751397

and instead i sit around a hong kong anime inspired porn shitposting board.

>> No.751443

This is it. 10 mil and i'm satisfied.

>> No.751475

You'd rent an apartment at .4% of its value? That's less than half of what you should.

>> No.751478

2 million will not net you 500k annual income, that would be consecutive 25% returns. What you'd need for 500k is more along the lines of 10 million.

>> No.751481

The Russians are the queens ofshitposting. 90% of the crappy "how do i get rich" and other annoying repeat posts are from the slavs.

Don't ask me why. Seeing their own posts on the screen must somehow distract them from their aweful lives.

>> No.751485

Pounds and dollars are different dummy.

Also $20 Million here. That way I can just live off the interest and can not worry about basic living.

>> No.751487

Your that one Russian hater on /biz/ aren't you?

>> No.751488

10ish million. I'm 20% of the way there ^_^

20 million would probably make me feel more at ease. I don't think I'd give that much of a shit after 20 mil, though

>> No.751494

>>pol have your shitfest there.

>> No.751500

No you're not.

>> No.751508

Thanks for letting everyone know that you're a seasoned 4channer who's rightly skeptical.

I inherited it last year. Is there anything else you'd like to know?

>> No.751548

>Your that one Russian hater on /biz/ aren't you?
Implying there's only one.

Truth be told, I hate all the third-world poor fags who post about how $100 will change their lives and make them the richest retards of retardville. This includes, but is not limited to:

- the Russian and all associated Slav countries
- the Spaniards
- the SEAtards
- the South Americans
- and any foreign-exchange student from any of the above who is in America but not American

90% of the shitposts, "i wanna be a crook" posts, the "i have $50" posts, and the "how to turn $5 into million" posts are from these faggots.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.751728

Yes, implying that.

>being even remotely "rich"


>> No.751758

I grew up poor as fuck so just $40,000 passive income is enough to make me feel rich

>> No.751761

Imagine being rich in Nepal. Not worse than being rich in America. At least they have some culture and histotical heritage

>> No.751763

You need to have at least one mil for that

>> No.751892

Just get born Into rich a family and its easy

>> No.751893

>grow up poor
>feel rich

nigger I grew up poor and I know for a fact that I wont feel rich even if a get a passive income of a $100,000
>poor makes greed

>> No.751898

I know. Idk why I worded it that way, I meant to say $10-15mil

>> No.752048

i am a millionaire but i don't consider that "wealth" by itself.

true wealth is walking through a shopping centre/mall, knowing that you could buy pretty much anything that is for sale, but not wanting to.

>> No.752057

>i am a millionaire

>> No.752066

Just went through all my w-2's - already earned $1.5M give or take 100k in my last 10 years of working. current networth is roughly 500-600k.

10 million isn't nearly enough to generate passive income of 400k if you spend all the dividends and distributions and take inflation into account

>> No.752073

1600 shares of VOO would make me feel rich.

>> No.752082


>go to Nepal

The same Nepal that has just been hit by two massive earthquakes and is now mostly rubble?

>> No.752139

>Imagine being rich in Nepal. Not worse than being rich in America.
Do people actually believe this? Do people actually think that the opportunity to fuck the prettiest goat in Nepal somehow compares to being a multimillionaire in the United States of America?

If these are the lies that you need to tell yourself to get through the day, that's fine. But keep them to yourself.

>> No.752153

>Do people actually believe this? Do people actually think that the opportunity to fuck the prettiest goat in Nepal somehow compares to being a multimillionaire in the United States of America?
In Nepal:
>lots of drugs at cheap price
>beautiful 13 y.o. Indian girls
>culture, nice people

When I walk in a ghetto in my city with iphone 5s in my pocket I feel much better than I would doing that in NYC

>> No.752163
File: 77 KB, 520x356, adb1341c69f3803a176b96c5584520f4_vlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I like to go outside of Moscow to walk through places like this. Having the newest iphone in my pocket. A little plastic bag with speed. An a new $100 bill in my pocket to snort it.

That's one of the best feelings I've ever had. I feel superior. Almost rich, moscovite, intelligent (as I speak English) and not a drunk retard.

>> No.752204 [DELETED] 
File: 207 KB, 446x450, donotcopy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's one of the best feelings I've ever had. I feel superior. Almost rich, moscovite, intelligent (as I speak English) and not a drunk retard.

>intelligent (as I speak English)
>Almost rich
>not a drunk retard

hahaha the bar is low when you come from a slum country

>> No.752214
File: 207 KB, 446x450, donotcopy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's one of the best feelings I've ever had. I feel superior. Almost rich, moscovite, intelligent (as I speak English) and not a drunk retard.

>intelligent (as I speak English)
>Almost rich
>not a drunk retard

You only feel superior bc you come from a slum country.

>> No.753220
File: 682 KB, 1024x768, photo7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You only feel superior bc you come from a slum country.
Oh boy, here we go again!

>> No.753235

sweden + bros please.
How are those scandinavian gender neutral pronouns coming along?

>> No.753248


>In the halls of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

>> No.753256

To be financially independent I need $420,000. Rich for me is lots of travel, eating out every night, and never paying attention to my spending, so that would be $1,950,000. I'm pretty cheap so I guess it feels good knowing my goals are attainable. I'll be retired by 40 at the rate I'm going now. Maybe not filthy rich, but enough to eat out a few times a week and never pay attention to my spending at least.

>> No.753258

Depends where you live. Here in Canada everything is fucking stupidly expensive so 300k won't even buy you a house.

I hate Canada but love going on vacation i eastern Europe and blowing through 4k in 2 weeks of living like a king

>> No.753393

>thinks Scandinavia = sweden

Ayyy lmao
But im right

>> No.753594
File: 132 KB, 1000x851, Fidel_ Cashflow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy lifelong poverty.

>> No.753616

I don't know about "rich", but my goal is to have enough to neet it up in the woods. So around $30k in passive income and $100k in cash should do it.

>> No.753631

>But im right
Maybe outside the capital it is.

>> No.754118

> 3 apartments in Moscow for 300k$

Didi you do any kind of research ? Do you have any idea how much apartments cost in Moscow ?

>> No.754124

Higher of USD 12 million or 10 mil Euros (because who knows where the fuck EURUSD rate will be eh), adjusted for US inflation rate.

Inflation and Ccy matter if you are talking long term financial goals.

I'm 27y.o., working for 4 years now, and 8% on my way to that goal, I hope I can reach there by 37, after which I will retire managing my money from a beach shack somewhere.
Anything my gf saves is an added bonus, and she does save nearly as much as me.