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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 217x215, 1505295968943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7517675 No.7517675 [Reply] [Original]

Lock the fuck in. It's mooning.

>> No.7517689
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Guys, this is fucked up, but hear me out.
I just spoke with the new marketing director of Chainlink and he had some pretty interesting things to tell.

We all know that Sergey has gotten kind of big lately, but the last months it has sprialed out of control. He is now so morbidly obese that he cannot support his own weight. Apparently he used a large chunk of the ICO money to install a huge aquarium in his house. He, and I kid you not, spends 22 houres a day in it to release the strain on his knees and back. According to the MD of Chainlink, he has switched to eating fish food. He says it has the optimal balance of minerals an positive vibrations. But the most fucked up thing is that he is supposedly mating with a clown fish. I don't know if the fish consent or not, but with Sergeys current size I don't think he have a say in the matter. Also, once a day he is hoisted out of the tank and onto a couch so that he can watch his favorite TV show Dr. Phil.

I don't know what to think anymore /biz/. I'm not a professional investor, but I don't think link is a good investment if all of this is true?

>> No.7517703
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>> No.7517714

2.1K Link reporting in

>> No.7517729

He's grown gills and developed the ability to connect to the blockchain with his mind. It's not all bad

>> No.7517754

>tfw only 500 linkies

>> No.7517755

Zoom out dumbass

>> No.7517788
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Jason... it's time... initiate the Twilight Fork

>> No.7517807

>He's grown gills and developed the ability to connect to the blockchain with his mind. It's not all bad

When he spawns and it is fertilised by kayne and rory we will see the net evolution of mankind into mcpeople.

>> No.7517823

>Zoom out dumbass

Or zoom in very very closely and rub your genitals on the screen. Its all good.

>> No.7517845
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Apparently Rorys dad Jason is not anymore because of this shit? You happy at contributing to family breakdown?

>> No.7517853
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Lol not with that volume. LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE JESUS.

Anyway back in reality I am up from 2700, to 11k I’m 3 days.

You fuckers are too attached to your bags

>> No.7517931

my link bags are all I have left. I nest in them in allyways. leave me alone no bully

>> No.7517983

>>tfw only 500 linkies

.8347 of a prostitute anon.

>> No.7518009
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>Tfw only 30k link


>> No.7518010
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What the fuck

>> No.7518048

Sergey is going to announce the mainnet release at the BTC super conference. Screenshot this

>> No.7518068

You’re gonna make it bro- hodl that shit till $5000

>> No.7518120 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 2048x1536, 549719F3-7284-49E3-8D15-D63E2B1FA090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought at 1.38

Smell this Filipina butthole.

>> No.7518127

Locked in senpai

>> No.7518150

The bigmacgularity is happening

>> No.7518196

I bought at 35. Reported this window is closing in a billion seconds on my blue board.


>> No.7518197

5k link now.

I might not make it but I hope I can make a deposit on a house and pay off college debt.

>> No.7518208
File: 458 KB, 1679x1258, 3D4D7680-85B6-4DEE-B80F-AD8270B96806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek nice fud, try $50k

>> No.7518218
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Lowest volume singularity ever

>> No.7518317

Sergey working tirelessly to harness the powers of Poseidon himself for his loyal investors... nice just bought 100k

>> No.7518366

Thanks linkanon I just procured 100 thousand linksys heil Sergey oh Nazaroth

>> No.7518381

You will, just don't sell early like some idiots will

>> No.7518416

I still can't fucking tell if this is a meme

>> No.7518549

Oh I am holding for at least 2 years. Would like an honest price prediction. /biz/ is all over the place with its estimates.

Meanwhile I am putting 250 of my wageslave money in link each month.

>> No.7518616

I think if it really is as revolutionary as claimed and gets adopted by some big companies, it could hit ETH levels, but it will take some time.

>> No.7518626


I'm holding until at least $10... hopefully it takes less than a year

t. 150k holder since ICO

>> No.7518650

2.4k here, we may need it to mars

>> No.7518708

>tfw only 200 link
I need this shit to Saturn

>> No.7518709
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I never doubted him

>> No.7518738

A moon isn’t 20%. A moon is 2000+%

>> No.7518851

Yeah if you think about the actual applications its staggering what it could accomplish.

My biggest fear is that sergey actually has nothing lined up. I doubt it though since everything they have said points to them being under heavy NDA regulations.

But I trust a guy who had the vision to start something called smartcontracts.com before smartcontracts were an actual fucking thing.

>> No.7518884

I'm hoping he has a good showing next week, but part of me hopes it doesn't start jumping past like $1-2 dollars yet so I can get a bit more.

>> No.7518883
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>> No.7518903

Link will surpass eth

>> No.7518957


>> No.7519003
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>Not getting 5001 link to become a staff sergeant

>> No.7519048

I actually have 5020. I like round numbers more.

>> No.7519065

guys it's still not top 100
this is a shitcoin

>> No.7519235

Forgive me, marine. I shall hodl till billionaire status. 10k/link and I 1 billion dollars Ho ree shit.

>> No.7519710

I have 333
just bought for the lols and the digits

>> No.7520118
File: 62 KB, 800x377, linkmonolith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have 1779 LINK no other hope in life. Will I make it? Is there really any hope that this will make me not poor in 24 months or have I been memed?

>> No.7520135

Might be worth a big mac someday

>> No.7520338

>Might be worth a big mac someday

Thanks will buy exit bag and helium next time I have money before it is to late and I can't get it. I am a fucking coward so want it as painless as possible. I'll leave a page telling how to get the worthless link for the emt with an apology

>> No.7520364

I guess deep down I knew I was being scammed but was just buying the false hope u know? There is of course no hope in my link bag only laughter at my stupidity.

>> No.7520454
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I wish I had not spend so many years working and done the exit bag before. Just years working for nothing to stay alive.

>> No.7520746
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Someone convince me this will go to $150 so i can retire at 20

>> No.7520777

Sorry anon, this is actually the laughingstock of biz. It's like bitbean and digibyte, except so shitty that it can't even mount a 10x rally.

>> No.7520788

Shh bby is ok
Moon soon

>> No.7520818

Can someone explain to me how the token will not become almost worthless? I get that the tech has revolutionary potential but the price of the token is just bound to mining cost.

>> No.7520881


I bump myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the coinranking
The only thing that's real
The chainlink tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything

What have I become
My sweetest link
Money I hAVE goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of LINK
It will let you down
It will make you selfbump

I wear this crown of link
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Beneath the stains of link
The feelings disappear
You have made it
I am still right here
What have I become
My sweetest link
Everyone I know goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of link
It will let you down
It will make you hurt

If I could start again
A million miles away
I would open a savings account in a credit union
I would find a way

>> No.7520901

Trips of truth

>> No.7520906
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If I had bough Mobius maybe. Too late now.

>> No.7520910

You worked enough to get 5k LINKs on the ground flour, dumbass. What's the worry? Stop being a bitch nobody likes wagecucking but I'm grateful for the opportunity I was given by my wagecuck, same boat as you are currently.

Although to be quite honest I'm also grateful I was made redundant at my job after I finished accumulating, I was like "what's the point anyway, I'm already a Master Sergeant stinky linky"

It was like prison, two days; the day you get in your wagecuck and the day you leave your wagecuck with a pocketful of LINK.

Good enough for me, should be good enough for you too anon.

>> No.7520924

checked. exit bag confirmed.

>> No.7520934
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Companies have all sorts of contracts for all sorts of things (obviously) but the legal system never works like it's supposed to. Let’s say you agree a contract to sell a table, say, for $20 next week. You give the guy the table but next week he doesn’t pay. Are you really going to take the buyer to court even though he legally owes you the money?

This kind of thing happens on a huge scale between companies. If they do decide to go to court it's expensive and wastes time. Usually, the side who’s owed money settles out of court for much less than they’re owed.

This is where smart contracts come in. Smart contracts are basically code that executes a contract when conditions are met. An example might be “I'll buy $100 of bonds if the base interest rate hits 1%”.

Once agreed, a smart contract will execute as written, no matter what. No one can fuck each other over once the contract is agreed (unless they BOTH agree).

What’s more, the contract is stored on a blockchain and so can’t be interfered with without hacking 51% of the nodes (this is practically impossible).

But there is another attack vector for smart contracts. Returning to the $100 for bonds example above, I could hack the input to the contract to (falsely) tell the contract that the interest rate is now 1%. The smart contract sees this and executes when it's not supposed to. The security of the contract is only as strong as the weakest link, which in this case is the external data input (also called an oracle).

Chainlink (LINK) solves this problem by decentralizing the oracle – i.e. the information that goes into the contract. It means smart contracts can't be triggered by false inputs (i.e. the attack vector I described above) without hacking 51% of the nodes (again, impossible).

And the bond example is just one of millions of use cases.

>> No.7520943

>Have 1779 LINK

See even pooer than you thought. I go to a better place where smartcontracts really work.

>> No.7520962

Not fast enough for me to cryogenically save my child when they die of lupis though.

>> No.7520982

LINK pain is the worst pain. It burns the soul and lets you know you are the stupid.

>> No.7521017
File: 11 KB, 195x258, cant handle it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're reaching levels of FUD that shouldnt be possible
fugggg lads we're all gonna /makeit/

>> No.7521044

>fugggg lads we're all gonna /makeit/

to a better place of rest. This mortal coil with its evil link snaking round us mocking us. Jeering at hope and spitting despair back in our mouths,

>> No.7521071

post s if you are the stupid who bought LINK

>> No.7521084



>> No.7521190

yeah I get this, but isnt chainlink fundamentally flawed in the sense that, how does one know the information given to the nodes isnt falsified in the first place? Like someone within the bank itself fed their nodes the wrong information? the information has to at some point, come from a centralised source. this and the fact that if link wasnt fundamentally flawed in some way they wouldnt be so secretive about it, also the ICO itself didnt even use a smart contract... it all stinks of amateurish behavior, shitcunt sergey is trying to swing his needle dick with the big boys and you can tell he is waaay out of his league he just looks BETA and uncomfortable not to mention he reeks of big mac sauce

>> No.7521218

I bought more @$0.450168 USD (8.72%)

I am the stupid but o the hope the chance of not knowing the truth of my stupid.

>> No.7521232

how about time as an input?

>> No.7521248

Stinky went from 9¢ to $1.40. already mooned and is over now.

>> No.7521255


just a desperate man living life on the edge

>> No.7521265

You have made it
I am still right here

>> No.7521282

with time as an input.....we can do link treasury bond contracts and trade them.

>> No.7521348
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>> No.7521429

what if someone hacked the earth and changed the time? checkmate linky theres no going back now

>> No.7521683
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If anyone doesn't think this is the best use of the blockchain to ever exist they are gonna commit sudoku in 2 years

>> No.7521833
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>> No.7522404
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>> No.7522455

Buy now or wait for another’s dip?
I’ve got £500 to invest, currently at 2.3k link.

If I bought in now i’d grab another 1.6k bringing me to about 4k.

My goal is to reach 10k, in coldness storage and forget about it until 2020.

What’s the chances of us going to <$0.20 before mainnet?

Isn’t the bitcoin conference this week?
Wondering if that will pump and dump it down to the floor again...

>> No.7522475

Cold storage*


>> No.7522660
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, linkmoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy now or wait for another’s dip? I’ve got £500 to invest, currently at 2.3k link. If I bought in now i’d grab another 1.6k bringing me to about 4k. My goal is to reach 10k, in coldness storage and forget about it until 2020. What’s the chances of us going to <$0.20 before mainnet? Isn’t the bitcoin conference this week? Wondering if that will pump and dump it down to the floor again...

>> No.7522788
File: 305 KB, 610x449, linkjustbuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cold storage*

>> No.7522826

I would say around the same of BTC going to 4K.

>> No.7522832


Lads, what do

>> No.7522935
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>Lads, what do

>> No.7523156

Not gonna lie, former LINK holder here. This is fucking hilarious watching LINK crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this coin get the blockchain codes.

>> No.7523443
File: 234 KB, 960x640, linktrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not gonna lie, former LINK holder here. This is fucking hilarious watching LINK crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this coin get the blockchain codes.

>> No.7523470

What is the most reputable exchange that sells this funny money

>> No.7523528

Lets play the floor is chainlink

>> No.7523534


>> No.7523557
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>> No.7523677
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Haven't been paying any attention to BTC since November.
We expecting another crash soon or something?

>> No.7523721

Is it too late to buy now?

>> No.7524887
File: 271 KB, 1284x980, 93A5AE92-C80A-40C5-88F7-08E71D8AB96D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 29k LINK
I won‘t make it, right?

>> No.7525101

It absolutely is a meme.
You should buy it.