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751675 No.751675 [Reply] [Original]

How to get our of NEET life in Murica /biz/

>don't speak much English
>first year community college
>good paying jobs don't hire me cause isn't fluent in Engrish

what do /biz/

>> No.751679

Spit the semen out of your throat and E-nunce-e-ate.

All shitposting aside, find someone at your college who is easy going and explain (in writing if need be) you need to practice your language and would prefer to do it with a peer preferably a qt.

>> No.751681

If your near chicago i would be willing to help btw.

>> No.751687

I'm actually in a 1y5m relationship with an american girl. I feel confident speaking English with her and she understands me most of the time, but whenever i speak to a stranger, the words don't come out right
i live in california btw

>> No.751688

>do it with a peer preferably a qt.

>> No.751692
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also i stutter a lot and can't pronounce unusual words

>> No.751702

Like aluminum?

Open your mouth as wide as you can strain and stretch it open. Once open thrust your toungue out. This will be uncomfortable and you will look stupid, but do it 50-100 times a day. Your girl will love you for your stronger toungue after about 2 weeks of everyday, and your speech pathology might improve also.

>> No.751705


You're already in college. Thats a first step to not being NEET. Can't find a good paying job? Get one mowing yards, or flipping burgers and just keep looking for a job while pursuing your degree.

>> No.751706

>Like aluminum?
you mean aluminium, laddie?

>> No.751727
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>> No.751729

Always a way.
Practice talking in the mirror 3 hours a day

>> No.751735

Even if you're fluent in English you couldn't get a good paying job. Either go blue collar or get dat there degree

>> No.751762

it's still better than minimum wage job

>> No.751783


Learn english

>> No.751800
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I know this feel but with german. When I speak with my GF it all works well enough and I understand pretty much everything but whenever I MUST understand and speak correctly(job interview) it all just goes to shit. I am starting to doubt if it is possible to learn a foreign language past the age of 15.