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File: 105 KB, 1068x601, Bitcoin-Symbol-1068x601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7515629 No.7515629 [Reply] [Original]

>post itt if you either only hold bitcoin or it's the majority of your portfolio

Fucking why?!

>> No.7515663

Great coin.

>> No.7515676
File: 45 KB, 248x248, bcash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I do hold bitcoin

>> No.7515682


>Stores value
> Good name
> Good logo

Why you not all in bitcorn anon?

>> No.7515727
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why do you even care dummy

>> No.7515853

what is bitcoin?

>> No.7515905

All you need is a popular protocol of scarcity to have a global financial backing. Every single other detail doesn't matter. There is literally nothing wrong with storing value in btc and using fiat for transactions.

>> No.7515930

33% btc, its my biggest allocation.
Hold it because my portfolio (to me) is worth a lot and like having a stable part in my portfolio (compared to alts).

I do think alts will outperform btc this year so the allocation will be less.

>> No.7515945
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Because it's the first coin, the best coin, PoS is just obscured PoW, brand recognition, LN, top-tier dev community, narrow attack surface due to simplicity, anonymous creator who left basic principles but is now (afawk) a non-target, willingness of dev-team to forgo short-term for long-term, etc.

>> No.7516156

I feel like BTC will be over the moment it falls from #1 in market cap.

>> No.7516343

What's the point being in alts that it's been proven oldfag bots punish when BTC is bleeding from its self inflicted wounds? Look at the most recent crash, alts that had no problems at all down 70 percent while BTC which has nothing but problems didn't drop by as much as them, clearly the bots were trading out alts to defend the BTC price, so right now BTC is effectively an index for the entire crypto market.
The only other choices are Ethereum, which didn't bleed as hard as BTC or BCH, which would kill BTC completely if it were more profitable to mine than BTC with a supermajority of the hash power rather than he present 15 percent equilibrium. Meaning of bchbtc hits 0.6 or so, BTC is kill.

>> No.7516485
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BTC is 70% of my portfolio

>Longest PoW chain of any crypto
>Oldest one and most heavily attacked, therefore it's the crypto which is most likely of all of them to have no bugs in its popular wallets and services
>Only one listed on any real world stock exchanges, in this case in the form of CME futures
>The first one that will have commodity tracking ETFs on any real world stock exchanges, therefore the first one that will be able to easily be made part of your retirement accounts like your 401k and IRA
>Finite supply
>All the usual good crypto stuff
>Cryptocurrency gold memes, you know the deal

If you're not holding BTC you're being extremely naive here. I know that alts are the future, I'm not stupid. But BTC is the present. Look at the market. It's losing market share, but it still IS the market. When it crashes everything else crashes. When everything else crashes, it doesn't necessarily crash

BTC is like the bonds of the crypto market in comparison to low market cap alts which are like the low cap startups. I'm a conservative investor, and I've made good gains so far, beyond my wildest dreams. I have alts but they take up 30% of my portfolio.

Crypto itself is crazy to have as a big part of your general financial portfolio, and alts are crazy to have as a big part of your crypto portfolio, so some of these people where most of their general financial portfolio consists of alts are retarded unless they're extremely young and successful

Even without any crypto gains I am rich, so I'm being conservative. This is gravy for me. Even if i just saved my wagecuck fiat and never invested in anything, crypto or stocks, I'd be fine and way above average rich. So I'm not going to risk the farm here.

Most importantly, once Lightning Network becomes widespread and accepted, most alts will die such as LTC and DOGE

>> No.7516541

60% BTC, it fails gracefully.

>> No.7516640

This is what I mean, many oldfags think exactly like this guy and trade accordingly. This means alts can and do bleed from BTC self inflicted wounds. Note that he also thinks lightning will work in the way it's been marketed as a decentralised panacea solution to BTC's self inflicted scaling problem, and doesn't realise that's mathematically impossible.
The only way to cut through this level of self impressed certainty is to utterly destroy the chain. And the only way to do that is for there to be better bids on the supermajority of SHA256 hashing power permanently. Thus, only BCH can save us from this kind of status quo that will forever choke all alts if it's allowed to persist.

>> No.7516883
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You don't understand how any of this works, your post makes this obvious. I am a software engineer with a lot of experience working in distributed systems for a long while now, before I ever got into crypto, and I have in-depth knowledge of how cryptocurrencies are implemented. Everything you're saying is literally just BCH propaganda spread by Roger Ver. I'm not memeing. I don't want to be mean or anything but serious anon please learn how this all works

"marketed as a panacea"
"mathematically impossible"
"utterly destroy the chain"

Talking points of all talking points, it's like you're a meme sprouter. For your own good, please learn more about what you're talking about.

If you knew anything about software engineering and scaling systems, especially distributed systems and network protocols, the BCH solution of "let's throw 8x more hardware at it and gain 8x transaction throughput" would be obvious retard level logic to you, but for some reason you've actually fallen for it

Stop the tribal groupthink and go study computer science. This is software not a sport team

>> No.7516916


>I'm an expert
>Just trust me I don't have to present any arguments but trust me I'm an expert.
>I'm right ur wrong

Really excites the ganglion

>> No.7516923
File: 89 KB, 500x700, got a lot of good memes on sale stranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only hold bitcoin
and I just bought it today

>> No.7516969

My biggest position. The thing everyone ignores is all the infraestructure that has been built along the years to not make worth it to compete against it. Blockstream pisses me off tho.

>> No.7516970

That's what he did though anon and I presented a thorough refutation of BCH

Throwing more hardware at the solution, which an 8x block size increase is doing, does not solve anything. Do you know about layers of abstraction and how to build software, interface, file formats, and most important for this scenario: network protocols, from more and more complex combinations of lower level primitives?

Keep memeing if you want. You just quoted some things I didn't even say and wrote a meme. Why aren't you trying to refute me like you're attacking me for supposedly not doing? Oh yeah: because you're an idiot shill

>> No.7517048
File: 126 KB, 811x741, lightning-network-nodes-feb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone stupid enough to claim that peer to peer nodes working on the global internet, which constantly streams 4k video to endpoints at 10mbps+, is technically impossible of a distributed 14kbps stream, is not just an idiot, but should actually kill themselves outright.
The truth is that if you are a software developer, you're an absolutely fucking terrible one, but in all likelihood since you have that smarmy core propaganda victim "you just don't know any better you poor little pleb" thing going on, you're just an idiot with delusions of adequacy you're attempting to shore up in a public forum with completely unsubstantiated credentialism.
Nothing I have said is at all disputable or incorrect at all,
1) 14kbps is a completely idiotic total on chain throughput limited for a global distributed ledger of all the world's transactions, unjustified by any technological limits whatsoever, and this is easily verifiable by observing that many other blockchains do not have this limit and do not suffer from it.
2) The actual routing topology of the lightning network must necessarily be "decentralised with massive hubs". Observing a map of the lightning network this is exactly what we actually see.
3) If a supermajority of the SHA256 hashing power abandons BTC, there will be no new blocks, no new blocks, no new transactions, no new transactions, no product, and at this stage even complete fucking brainlets like yourself will have to give up on their delusions of adequacy and accept that they were wrong.
These things are all indisputable concrete actual facts which it is easy to verify, and your response is effectively "is not cause I said so".
You deserve to go broke. Enjoy.

>> No.7517118

The actual math on the lightning network shitshow.
https:// medium.com/@jonaldfyookball/mathematical-proof-that-the-lightning-network-cannot-be-a-decentralized-bitcoin-scaling-solution-1b8147650800

>> No.7517135

this right here, great answer.

>> No.7517139

>thorough refutation of BCH

You've proved nothing, dipshit.

>> No.7517202

I also want to make it clear to anyone reading; I am not a BCH maximalist. Many other chains have their place, I want the ecosystem to flourish, not be choked out by the ghost of a mad king being propped up by autistic retards who never actually understood the value proposition of the kingdom to begin with.
It needs to die, and BCH is the sword with which we can kill it. Then we can have an actually functional free market where products compete on their merits rather than this present situation of being tied to a toxic underlying reserve currency.

>> No.7517275

>If a supermajority of the SHA256 hashing power abandons BTC, there will be no new blocks, no new blocks, no new transactions
Lol what the fuck, stopped reading here, you obviously have no clue what you're talking about - ever head of dynamic difficulty scaling?

>> No.7517291

This. Repent, shitcoiners, and join us before its too late

>> No.7517307
File: 140 KB, 465x610, 1517730978504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck a dick dude this is a BITCOIN thread

>> No.7517309

Because 95% of my trading is BTC/USD. I have taken the time to learn how BTC acts on small time frames, so I can get in and out frequently, and fairly accurately, to minimize risk.

I also think it will go 3x from here by EOY, so I'm bullish long term. I concentrate more on accumulating BTC than USD. This pays off, even on a downtrend, so long as my BTC profits, as a percentage, are larger than BTCs loss against the dollar.

>> No.7517417

I have, it kicks in once every 2016 blocks, if 90% of the hash power abandoned BTC at a difficulty adjustment, block time would be 9x, which would result in no difficulty adjustment for 126 days, meaning someone would have to mine BTC at a loss sufficient to find blocks adequate to get to the next difficulty adjustment before themselves going out of business, while the rest of the self interested rational actors are making money hand over fist simply profitably mining BCH.
It gets worse as the percentage following rational self interest increases, just another 5% at that level and the time doubles, and so on, and so forth.
BCH absolutely positively can kill BTC this way, it is simple mathematical certainty because of the way the difficulty adjustment works. The only defense BTC has is to keep the price hashing equilibrium firmly in its favour, if that fails, it's doomed.

>> No.7517498

They are boomers of gen y

>> No.7517512
File: 289 KB, 1000x1161, flip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope it happens soon. Bitcoin needs to die already

>> No.7517594

Because I'm not a brainlet and I like to make money

>> No.7517600

I'm hoping they've exhausted themselves from the DGC Xapo BitMEX campaigns to do damage control after the events of November 12 last year. The price spike of February 8 from 0.11 to 0.16 has had basically no response from the BTC side. If they don't hold much BCH they may not be able to even stop the price rising to a level fatal for them.

>> No.7517737

Tell it to someone that doesn't regard you as an argument for compulsory sterilisation.

>> No.7517833

>post itt if you either only hold bitcoin or it's the majority of your portfolio
fuck off you massive faggot

>> No.7517927

Stress hormones building up as you realise you're on a ship loaded with dynamite there buddy?

>> No.7518290
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