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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 295x171, vechain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7515312 No.7515312 [Reply] [Original]

>Shitty wannabe walten cone
>No tech
>Fake partnerships
>No whitepaper
>Singapore "office" is really just a restaurant

>> No.7515333

Haven't you accumulated enough greedy OP?

Oink oink

>> No.7515362

>all this FUD and they still won't sleep with you
Yet here you are, doing it for free...

>> No.7515368

Say it with me:
>No working blockchain
>Trying to reinvent barcodes

>> No.7515372

hopefully they serve chilli mud crab. i love me some mud crab.

>> No.7515380

The waltong pajeet gang is at it again.
1 Rupee was transferred to your account.
At least you're putting more effort into it now and don't use the same crappy OP every time.

>> No.7515423

I'm sorry you can't afford even a strength node. That really sucks. It was 20 cents too just three months ago, like goddamn, that would've been a measly $2000 for a Strength Node, and only $10,000 for a Thunder Node! Hope that doesn't haunt you.

Of course, I paid attention to VeChain back then. So you could say I'm quite comfy.

>> No.7515442

The coin sucks until June guys, when will everyone realize.

It’s not a working product until June. Say it with me, not a working product until June.

>> No.7515458

According to VeChains roadmap (https://tokensale.vechain.com/en/#tech):

Q4 2017 - VeChain BaaS cloud platform launches

Well where is it guys?

>> No.7515472

there is legit youtube videos of vechain in action. anyone not investing now is literally brain dead

>> No.7515514

VeChain's currently operating a private blockchain. Their BaaS platform is running but it's not on the publicly traded token which is being launched later.

DNV GL, for example, confirmed in that recent press event that they're running projects on VeChain's blockchain. They're switching over to the publicly traded token once it launches in a few months.

I think that's a better strategy than launching a platform with no clients. Once their public main net launches it'll hit the ground running with a ton of partners already using it.

>> No.7515563

>No public documentation
>No technical information about blockchain

>> No.7515590

There is a working product right now. the main net launches in june. businesses should be buying between now and june. unless you think you'll be able to do better elsewhere and come back into VEN with more money.

>> No.7515617

exactly. it is a working product it is just not public yet. it will be interesting to see the volume that will be occurring from these established customers using the blockchain when it goes public.

>> No.7515662

That's because they don't give a single fuck about courting crypto investors on 4chan and reddit. They don't care. They're too busy signing contracts.

Do you think they just....tricked the multi-billion dollar company DNV GL into using their product? And that company was just lying when they said they were extremely happy with VeChain and have big plans to use them in the oil and gas sectors in the future? You think they signed on without knowing anything about the tech?

I'm just trying to understand what you're suggesting, here. What does no public documentation indicate to you?

>> No.7515699

VeChain will legit release info about their hardware real soon. Hyping what could be the best in the world for what they are doing. We're not talking about what will be used in a year from now. These stuff is more than likely in use right now. main net really comes out in june then things hopefully are working smoothly.

The upside is so big. We all are waiting for a coin to pull it all off. VeChain might legit be it. 1500 coins and a lot of talk. If it was easy it would be done more by now. BTC, ETH, XRP only ones to have pulled it off. insane gains

>> No.7515748

Here's DNV GL's twitter account, I linked to a tweet where they're praising VeChain. Maybe tweet at them and let them know they bought into a scam, I'm sure they'd appreciate it:

Yeah! It's very exciting!

>> No.7515765

OP here. I'm not a salty walty or trying to accumulate any more. I just make these threads cause its so fun to FUD VEN.

>> No.7515799

Is every single person on this board in agreement that this coin will moon and we're just passing time waiting for it to make us rich

>> No.7515836

I guess. Besides normies who come here and say "WAHHHH YOU MADE ME BUY AT $9, WAHHH".

Unless they are in on it too kek

>> No.7515997

>I'm only pretending to be a faggot for fun
That's not what you said when you were sucking dicks behind the gas station, OP...

>> No.7516038

one chink yuan deposited into your commie bank account shill
how dare you scam hardworking americans with this chinese ponzi

>> No.7516053

Paid bots everywhere.

My cousin works down the street from the vechain "office", it's literally just an outhouse with a billy the big mouth bass singing achy breaking heart on repeat inside.

>> No.7516074
File: 68 KB, 700x700, 1494077569152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is he exposing my cricle jerk fud threads?
Stay salty, pajeet.

>> No.7516085

I would unironically buy into a coin created by rednecks permanently brain damaged by lightning