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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7514855 No.7514855 [Reply] [Original]

All coins moon with partnerships news released but this POS doesn’t even move despite news upon news, I bet when the apothesis rubbish happens on 23rd Feb, it would just +10% and then people will dump this coin which will further dip its value and somehow the fucking shills will still say thanks for selling me your coins at discount etc when reality is this coin is dogshit

0 movement
0 profit

Can earn more in other coins

>> No.7514890

>news upon news

It is solely hype with 0 product. If they ever release anything except PR statements it may go up.

>> No.7514906

Then sell. But I know you don't own VEN.

>> No.7514913


Also it got banned from /r/cryptocurrency, and that resulted in many dumping it highlighted that the devs/mods are dodgy af.

>> No.7514922

Piece of shit and wanna be waltencoin

>> No.7514985

This coin is quite literally vaporware until tech is released.

You’re buying on hype and partnerships. If its confirmed good (99% liklihood) enjoy massive profit

>> No.7515000

This. It’s always been a pajeet project.
Attracts low IQ neets with its Thunder nodes and Thor coins LMFAO. >>7514890
Yeah they’re not gonna release shit for a while. And when they finally do it will be far too late.

>> No.7515009

Trips and green 0’s

Confirmed going to 0

>> No.7515023


Go to bed

>> No.7515052

Saddest excuse for a fud thread

>> No.7515068

This is a surreal world we live in

Where PWC and DNV GL support coins with ponzi pajeet “Thunder nodes” and “Strength Nodes”

The only incentive for these nodes is to arbitrarily keep the price stable and have people not sell.

Stupid coin

>> No.7515078

Prophetic thred

>> No.7515083

Pathetic Walton pajeets create these threads several times a day and circle jerk.
How many rupees do you get for fudding? I hope it's enough to feed your streetshitter family.

>> No.7515112

>be op
>complaining about absolutely nothing
>rebrand is coming
>mother fuckers have been stacking VEN which are all going to get locked up in THOR nodes.
>When the nodes go online, the circulating supply is going to dry up like a nuns cunt.
>OP making stupid threads on an anime board instead of doing everything he can to get more VEN

stay poor

>> No.7515115

this a wanabe watson coin

>> No.7515128

He doesn't own VEN. They're well known pajeets.
They make several of these threads every day.

>> No.7515133

Whales held the price down before the BTC crash.

Now it's slowly going up until the rebranding at the end of the month.

Then it's to the moon my man.

>> No.7515136


Actually, this is VENbro FUD from VENbros who sold VEN to try and catch other coins and are hoping to come back just in time to catch next VEN 5x.

>> No.7515146

Pwc never confirmed.
Pajeeting this coin literally got it banned on plebbit. Projection at its finest.

>> No.7515159

Rebrand is not going to do shit to the price. It’ll be a buy the hype sell the news

The price will be jumped when mainnet is released and staking comes out

>> No.7515190
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>Pwc never confirmed.
Stay salty, Pajeet. 1 Rupee was deposited at your account.

>> No.7515215

Sorry man, they’re going to drop some bombs during rebrand and send it soaring again.

>> No.7515245
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>it’s going to moon

Been hearing that shit for a long time
Whales never kept it down, it’s the devs who purposely place walls so that normies think they’re still early when reality is devs are just dumping

>> No.7515248
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>r/cryptocurrency will affect it

>> No.7515307

Do you really think that VeChain's just going to keep on announcing major partnerships and new clients every single week like they have for the past two months and then during their big rebranding event that they've been hyping since November they'll have nothing to announce? Fucking seriously?

>> No.7515342

Get ready to be dumped on during the rebranding. It’s going to be buy the hype dump the rebranding.

DNV GL was among the biggest news in crypto, massive dump during the livestream

>> No.7515352

2 anti-vechain shill threads at the same time
whoa you must be some kinda genius

>> No.7515354

honestly, yes

>> No.7516029

You know they're getting a Chinese government official on stage for it, right

>> No.7516831

Remember bros, when you see weak FUD on /biz/ that is the time to buy. When you see something shilled is the time to sell.

Good luck out there.

>> No.7517826
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>> No.7517865

I can't be the only one seeing the exact same story of Antshares/NEO playing again on this thing right?

>> No.7518137

too late for what exactly?

>> No.7518266

Nobody actually doubts VeChain. Everyone knows it’s going to be top 5. Many anons are trying to increase their stack so they FUD Vechain while trying to pump other coins

>> No.7518417

How much ven you still holding

>> No.7518462
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