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7511300 No.7511300 [Reply] [Original]

>Trump becomes president
>Crypto collapses

Yeah, I bet you're not thinking that was such a good idea after all.

>> No.7511342

Go back to Redddit you cuck.

>> No.7511347
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>> No.7511367

>>Crypto collapses

When did that happen? I'm still looking good!

>> No.7511405

Do you have single digit IQ? We mooned during Trump's first year retard.

>> No.7511407

>trump becomes president
>crypto goes on a bullrun the likes of which has never been seen
>market recorrects during the same market cycle it always does
>trumplets btfo!,!

lmao no
trump could cure cancer and u cucks would still blame him for not stopping old age

>> No.7511899

its not gonna work, we figured you shills out a long time ago

>> No.7511943

time is cyclical with periods of crisis followed by rebirth which matures and declines back into crisis. we are in the middle of a crisis/rebirth aka a revolution. too many coincidences not to be so. btw crisis is followed by a golden age.

>> No.7511977

basically everything happening right now is some kind of generational black swan event but its good so i guess golden swan and yes im drunk

>> No.7512013

>Trump puts everything back the way it was before the Communist narrative took over in the 60's
>All the retards panic
Yup sounds like we're on the right track to recovery.

>> No.7512575


>> No.7512908

So Bitcoin went to below 90% of its value pre-presidency?
Tighten your helmet autist, reddit is down the hall and to the left

>> No.7512989

op you are a retard ya dig

>> No.7513001

what about the year where he was president and crypto reached ath?

>> No.7513645


>> No.7513666

/pol/ is literally Redddit

>> No.7514118

Why do you all spell it with three D's?

>> No.7514223

Because itll blow their cover

>> No.7514274

As of today, the crypto market is up 33x since the day Trump got elected you stupid retarded nigger.

>> No.7514320

Trump is the best thing ever for crypto in terms of politics his admin basically gave it the green light

>> No.7514362
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OP listen up. You will never accomplish anywhere near what this man has accomplished. He has had the entire world against him and he has TRIUMPHED! you are a weak handed pleb who will never know true gains. You will blame everyone on your poverty. Instead of looking to better your life you will complain and listen to mainstream comedians reaffirm your weak mind and your mediocre belief system. Life is a malevolent place and everyone is out for themselves, if you see this you can overcome it, if you see this and whine and complain and ask for handouts you will fail forever. You can never know good in a world without evil. Trump is not the problem, people listening to democratic talking points and not DOING THEIR OWN RESEARCH is the problem. Good luck with the KYS

>> No.7514409

>Trump became president at the beginning of 2017
>crypto had the biggest bull run of all time in 2017

>> No.7514424

He has always wanted to btfo out of (((the fed))) and I honestly believe allow crypto is part of his plan to do so. Hate him or love him, he absolutely allowed our shit to rocket.

And fuck Dems - look at the waste of energy, money, time, and peace over the past 18 months of blatant lies. Smh.

>> No.7514514

Amen. The more autistic screeching emanating from shitty anti-white liberals, the more hope I have for my white children’s future.

>> No.7514539
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Hi, please can you go back? You are triggering f9w30jtüs0fj3ß A!!!11111

>> No.7515181

This. I'll be voting for him in 2020 instead of staying home. Can't risk a Dem like Warren getting into power.

>> No.7515219
File: 50 KB, 255x204, good post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i believe you

>> No.7515293

hi ShareBlue.
you have to buy shills to push your Uranium One cover up.

>> No.7515838
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>> No.7515898

>Crypto collapses
Did you just buy within the last ~3 months? How New are you?