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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 545x545, 78E703F9-DAC3-4704-859F-198F52401CFD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7507198 No.7507198 [Reply] [Original]

If you dumped this piece of shit like every smart person did

>> No.7507310

>not buying during this dump

>> No.7507349

>It's a piece of shit coin because one shit exchange lost some of it

/biz/ has great logic

>> No.7507359

what logo is that i can't find it on coinmarketcap

>> No.7507363

Wtf just happened

>> No.7507372

Dumped this shitcoin as soon as I found that the team were basically scammers. This piece of shit has had more problems on exchanges than any other coin, glad to have dumped this at $25.

>> No.7507417

Not buying your bags pajeet

>> No.7507434

road it from .80 to 20-ish and still have a few hundred but Im not sure how much growth it can maintain w/o adoption from partnerships

>> No.7507454

if a coin has no hardware wallet support its a shitcoin to me

>> No.7507474

fucking retard, its NANO, which was RAI blocks, thats its old logo

>> No.7507476
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So I still have those Japanese letters from the Mt Gox trial. Now I'm going to be a part of an Italian trial too? Literally goxed twice.

>> No.7507478

an actually useful coin and biz fuds it

>> No.7507509


>> No.7507525

17 million coins were "stolen" from shitgrail. Nano is dead.

>> No.7507529

This coin just got Mt. Goxed

GG for 3 years

>> No.7507538

Dumped this trash for Ven last week

>> No.7507568

buy when there's blood in the streets even if the blood is your own

>> No.7507645
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What uses does it have? I mean, it's nodes are still broken, the tech doesn't scale, it transfers slower than Litecoin and feeless doesn't matter in a world where you can't use it to buy anything that doesn't charge you.

Even if we pretend they'll somehow deliver tech that scales and actually works, it's missing the incentive to run infrastructure because you can't mine it. It's only chance is literally for it to become the USD og blockchain, and you'll win the powerball before that happens.

>> No.7507677
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>> No.7507694

"In our conversation yesterday (which you can find attached here), Firano informed us of missing funds from BitGrail’s wallet. An option suggested by Firano was to modify the ledger in order to cover his losses—which is not possible, nor is it a direction we would ever pursue."

LOL unbelievable pajeetry by the Italian

>> No.7507696

Aye. I filled my Captchas. And I'm happy with what it got me.

>> No.7507723
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Bought 2000

>> No.7507770

lmfao i completely forgot they were rebranding, i kept wondering wtf this new N logo was for a week now

>> No.7507788

thanks! Just bought 100K

>> No.7507831

Just got out at essentially even. This coin is gonna tank hard now.

>> No.7507832

I dumped half, will buy back in if it dips enough

>> No.7507868

>some of it
>10% of the ENTIRE SUPPLY

>> No.7507975

Check the chat
Love that blackmail at the end

>> No.7508002

They are dumping $170 million worth of xrb on us and god knows since when.
You should by the dip

>> No.7508003

dumped at $25 it really was just a hype coin you know. There were people who thought this would be a $1000 coin too hahahahaha

>> No.7508033

Look I was a deluded nanny for awhile

Not anymore I woke up a week ago and decided to cut my losses with XLM

Now I’m happy, don’t touch this pajeet coin guys I hate to see more people suffer

>> No.7508034

Why did they rebrand anyway? What was wrong with what they had going on?

>> No.7508040
File: 323 KB, 384x362, desu431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>create shitcoin with "instant and no transaction fees", make sure to only have it listed on an obscure exchange so no one can verify this
>devs and insider whales accumulate at sub $1 before the takeoff phase
>takeoff phase starts, whales take to their twitter accounts to shill this as the next big thing
>meanwhile it's still listed on obscure exchange where the features CAN'T be tested
>at this point the price is around $5, whales and devs begin to take big profits, while continuing to shill "new exchange soon" to keep people buying in
>price pumps once listed on Kucoin, surely binance is right around the corner.
>whales, knowing the true nature of this coin, continue to sell all the way up to the top
>once insider whales and devs have all sold there's no more volume to keep the price up.
>inevitably dumps
>rebrand and binance listing comes months later, this coin still does not work, realization sets in,
>price will continue to dump as deluded bagholders hold on to what is one of the most well orchestrated pump & dumps in crypto.

the level of bagholding we are about to see is unprecedented, even DGB doesn't come close.

>> No.7508044

I dumped all mine and I'll wait and see if I wan to buy back in. The coin is good, it's just the pajeet exchange.

>> No.7508050
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>> No.7508095

Yep. I kept 3 xrb for the lulz on Binance with a ridiculously high limit sell in case it moons. Liquidated everything else the day of the rebrand.

>> No.7508098

probably already dumped

>> No.7508155

>make sure to only have it listed on obscure exchanges

this alone shows how inept you are. If you're going to screech shitcoin at least know why you're screeching shitcoin.

>> No.7508184

FUD was too strong on this one

>> No.7508209


>> No.7508247

Software Developer here

I am reading the chatlog and the Nano dev is definitely giving off a "I fucked up something" vibe.

The exchange also looks at fault also.

>> No.7508256
File: 21 KB, 375x375, desu317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name one reputable coin that started out only on bitgrail and mercatox and I'll send you 1 ETH

>> No.7508274

lol, nice vibe yeah. those vibess hmmmmm

>> No.7508309

This is def on bitgrail, it is such a shit exchange. My friend doubled his ETH on a deposit and tripled it the next deposit, traded it for XRB and got out. I heard that mutliple people were getting fucked up ETH deposits at the same time too. Great time to buy more XRB.

>> No.7508326



>> No.7508354

>You should by the dip
nano is going 10% of the ATH for a while

>> No.7508427

oh shit niggas, ty for the headup already up a tad :D bought at 9.20$ obviously a ridiculously low term hold. but hey free gains

>> No.7508488

Doesn't look like it and i wouldn't mind accumulating more.
There is no reason for this affair to undermine the credibility of nano or cryptos in general. It's not comparable to mt gox in any way

>> No.7508491
File: 7 KB, 228x221, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one known flaw to Nano is it's vulnerability to a 51% Attack (https://github.com/clemahieu/raiblocks/wiki/Attacks#50-attack---low-risk-completely-destructive).).

This means that this hacker is only 39% away from being able to completely destroy the entire Nano ecosystem.

Nano is FUCKED.

>> No.7508504
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> Teasing and baiting the kike is all fun and gigles until you discover that you magically start getting cockblocked in every business you try to start and it keep going until you are reduced to a life of flipping burgers on McD.
> Nobody is taking names.

>> No.7508553

You're a goddamn retard
It's impossible to get so many xrb. Even if you start with 12%

>> No.7508577

>that pajeet english
holy fuck that bomber idiot can't even speak properly but he was in charge of hundreds of millions of dollars

>> No.7508587

Right, because what he will do is buy MORE XRB so he can tank the network instead of just dumping and then retiring.

>> No.7508603
File: 27 KB, 600x484, DKEEiIMUEAAdpWR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Only $400 million away
I'm sure he will do that instead of selling his loot for $170 million asap

>> No.7508633


Even worse, I'm a fucking hapa in California

>> No.7508658

Can anyone please decipher this

>> No.7508665

So he'd accumulate 51% of nano...just to destroy it.

Holy shit I knew /biz/ was retarded, but this is a whole new level.

>> No.7508687

The 51% attack thing is not exclusive the Nano though.

>> No.7508713

>not exclusive the Nano though.
*not exclusive to Nano though.

Shit, I am retarded

>> No.7508887


>> No.7508914

Especially when the hacker has literally already sold it all on Mercatox.

>> No.7508929

Now that you mention it yeah, I also saw some people on /biz/ claim they were able to withdraw more than they had. Curious.

>> No.7508933

>basically scammers
Nigger can you give some fucking proof

>> No.7508984

why is the dump pumpin now?

>> No.7509016

always do the opposite of what /biz/ says you dingus

>> No.7509060

Bought the dip, sold the tip, made a quick 10%


>> No.7509071

These are the people who dump Bitcoin when it gets stolen. I wonder if they flush their fiat when their neighbor's get robbed?

>> No.7509206

Seems like every time I profit it's off other people's misfortune.

>> No.7509235

what fucking nigger logic is this? this shit has nothing to do with the coin itself and the supply got lower? if the world wasn't full of brainlets, the coin should only go up

>> No.7509236

im not selling until 12800 sats

>> No.7509261

It's still in circulation. Just like all the btc that has ever been stolen.

>> No.7509279

not making this up, my buddy was able to do it with small amounts of ETH and as soon as I heard about it I tried with 9 ETH and it didnt work for me. But I also saw people in their slack channel talking about the same shit happened to them. I really think that this is just a shitty exchange (isn't bomber 17?) and someone smart found the vulnerability.

>> No.7509288

Wait until the hackers dump it.

>> No.7509298

why isn't it going down? wtf

>> No.7509306

>don’t touch this pajeet coin
What does that have to do with Nano? Where coin to every get stolen is a Pajeet coin in your pea brain?

>> No.7509315

they already dumped it

>> No.7509326

>>the supply got lower
No it didn't, the stolen coins are on the market and probably being dumped for a while now

>> No.7509348
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Funny joker man, i like u!
Take a look at the volume

>> No.7509367

The theft has been going on for weeks now

>> No.7509373
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>> No.7509430

>brainlet thinks Colin LeMahieu is running a pump n dump
I'm not selling you my Nano, Pajeet.

>> No.7509438


>> No.7509473

Mod in discord confirmed the hack took place back in October so the coins are probably long dumped

>> No.7509521

holy sheeeeet

>> No.7509532


This is the address with the stolen funds. Most funds end up on exchanges late november / december.
The bulk of the stolen funds has been sold. This is why NANO isn't more valued, this caused a huge sell pressure.

>> No.7509582

Yeah sure they are buddy. That's why Mercatox is getting 50,000 XRB deposits from the theft wallet right now.

>> No.7509604


Prove it

>> No.7509635

look at the date at the top, this show the last activity. There is nothing past december, and certainly nothing right now

>> No.7509737


Last activity on Nov 17th, back when it was 14 cents. Basically sold for 2.4 mil. So I guess the theft was priced in?

>> No.7509829
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you're goddamn right.

>> No.7509839

The coins have already been laundered through Mercatox. They know the wallet movement. You're a panic seller if you sold on this news - it's already been priced in so to speak

>> No.7509862


>> No.7509932
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Holy fuck the bitgrail exchange dude lost 17 million nano??

>> No.7510007
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>> No.7510030

Since when was the withdrawal fee dropped to 0.01 nano on binance?
That's amazing

>> No.7510152

I dumped XRB at a 20% profit and if I dump XLM now I’ll be even on that. Should I? Starting to get a very designated shitting street vibe about Stellar

>> No.7510174

Nano, XRB, whatever is just one fucking PR disaster of a coin after another. Brand is shit

>> No.7510188

I just made a 15% buying your panick dump and selling the bags back at you fomoing back in.
Did so three times, going for the fourth any moment now.

>> No.7510204

Stole, whatever. But damn. Gonna buy some now.

>> No.7510298

Yes plz Pajeet I buy your coins you throw on the street. Except for XRB

In all seriousness, XLM, VEN, ETH, and OMG are the top movers this year. Any coin without a use case will get fucked

>> No.7510396

it had more volume than LTC on binance wtf are you smoking

Also it is actually instant and feeless how could it possibly be a shitcoin

>> No.7510419


the steal began in november and most of it has probably already been sold to btc monero whatever

>> No.7510483

>>coin without a use case
Nano is the best crypto for everyday payments, prepare your pink wojak for when starbucks starts accepting it and banks use it for transfers

>> No.7510563

XLM is scaling to have the same speed as Nano, and it has better security, better connections.

A fraction of a penny fee vs. your shitcoin is the only arguement

>> No.7510667
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To paraphrase:

>> No.7510679

How much did Bitcoin drop after Mt. Gox?

>> No.7510703

>>XLM is scaling to have the same speed as Nano, and it has better security

Remains to be seen, xlm also has a much higher mkt cap

>>A fraction of a penny fee vs. your shitcoin is the only arguement

Even a fraction of a penny as transaction fee is a big drawbacks for some uses, it's also a great catchphrase for normies

Xlm is good, so is nano hater

>> No.7510718

around 97%

>> No.7510726
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I never bought it. I wasn't about to fuck with Bitgrail.

>> No.7510727
File: 228 KB, 1024x956, 42-58227857_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano has naively branded itself as the crypto equivalent of Christ driving money lenders from the temple. Massa ain't having that in 2018

>> No.7510731

>Nano is the best crypto for everyday payments
I'd prefer a proven secure network, but what do I know?

>> No.7510865

Nah retard not 97%. Just googled it.

>> No.7510875

With nazicucks you lose - FTFY

Trying to fuck the jews you lose?, yes, It's been clearly shown several times in the last 70 years.

Just chill in the thought that you don't have what it takes to take em out.

>> No.7510879

don't call me retard I have a name

>> No.7510894

>I'd prefer a proven secure network, but what do I know?

Right, but if/once it is proven nano will easily reach $100

>> No.7510936

Doesn't matter retard.

>> No.7510973

Yup, invested in XRP who had similar tech and an amazing company [PROVEN TO WORK, UNHACKABLE SAFE]

>> No.7511791

No, the main dev labeled himself as an holocaust denier. You weren't going to make it in the first place.

I bet that shitexchange was cucked by single op in his lunch break.

>> No.7511903


>> No.7511915

still holding about 200
I dont care if it goes to zero at this point

fuck it right, ive taken my profits
the rest I will just let RIDE OR DIE

>> No.7512289

You though I was joking or trolling or larping faggot?

>> No.7512426

Fucking wops are slimier than the jews.

>> No.7512479

>create a coin
>devs own it all
>release it to a shady exchange to inflate the price
>it dumps once it becomes widely available
>stage an exit scam on the original exchange
>dumps more
>hack wallets and run off with a huge supply of the coins
>dumps even more
this is why you just make a mineable coin with low supply

>> No.7512483

Don't the devs hold like 50% of the supply?

>> No.7512503

Logo is literally a circular gay flag painted on a rectum. Who the fuck would but that?

>> No.7512665

>devs own it all
>devs actually own 4%

>> No.7512690

>has never used the wallet outside of bitgrail

rajesh please go eat your curry before it gets cold

>> No.7512751

and where’s the rest?

>> No.7512786

Reminder that during node sync problems Bitgrail refused to be helped by the raiblocks team. Really fires up my neurons.

>> No.7513007

the 96% belongs to everybody else? unlike stellar which holds over 70% of their own coins, it's basically centralized

>> No.7513033

Inflation pool

>> No.7513059

bought at $5 sold at $30. thanks xrb.

>> No.7513084

Side trading it

>> No.7513094

why are you cucks so offended

>> No.7513148

When I owned XRB I felt delusional, defensive and emotional

Now that I own XLM I feel pragmatic, and grounded.

Dump your XRB for XLM. It helps you sleep at night too

>> No.7513480
File: 21 KB, 327x316, 1518168094813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has been a scam from the very beginning
>comes out of nowhere
>does nothing better than any other coin, Ripple for example exists, so what do we need this shit for?
>pump and dumped on bitgrail
>emergency rebrand to most generic name imaginable
>listed on Binance
>temporary moon due to Binance listing, but immediate and severe crash to follow
>never recovers
>assmad bagholders who bought at the very top try to shill as hard as they can but

>> No.7513574

Hey I'm not the one getting dumped on by boomers.