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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7505478 No.7505478 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7505506

HUge sacm sirs

>> No.7505525

stop posting these stupid ass scam thread youre as bad as the fucking stupid ass intchain people its the wrost fucking fud and its pathetic as shit i have a huge position in this coin just shill it or fud it the right way but this is honestly just pathetic youre just seeking attention fuck off

>> No.7505530
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>muh sandniggers
>muh pajeet pnd
>muh never rising above $1
>muh Telegram pajeets fudding to accumulate
>muh Jew Net Token
>muh terrorism fund

>> No.7505563
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Don't forget that their CEO is a video game character.


Also, their conference was proven to be a fake!

>> No.7505733
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the telegram group is literally SHIT SCARED of jibrel mooning before they can accumulate.A load of pajeets who have 5 dollars in and have to wait til the end of the month to get another 50 dollars from their mcdonalds paycheck.Ignore their fud like this.Proof in the following pics

>> No.7505758
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>> No.7505895

don tapscott fucked us

>> No.7505896

>same guy fudding INT with the same exact words every time

We have a winner folks

>> No.7505948

sir pls don't disrupt rajesh hes my friend wants buy token cheap pls sir stop

>> No.7505952


jibrel had 3 of the 4 most influential people in crypto speaking at their conference before the damn ico was completed!No vitalik to complete the set :( video proof below.The size of the conference, can you smell the money anons?Can you see why the pajeets in the jibrel telegram are so scared their 200 dollar life savings wont buy enough?

don tapscott, the don of finance and crypto


binance ceo, cz, also on the front cover of this months forbes

Da Hongfei ceo of neo


>> No.7506013

anyone got screenshot of Yazan commenting on marketcap being higher than tokenized assets?

>> No.7506057
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This one? It's logical. There is always speculative value tacked on to anything.

>> No.7506112


with a name like that, what do you expect?

>> No.7506159

the absolute state of the average Jibrel investor

>> No.7506204

wait, that's one of the fucking founders? he actually believes that?
holy shit, not touching this with a ten foot pole

>> No.7506522

This is how you know the project is shit. Not even the co-founder unstands it.

>> No.7506634


So they don't understand their own project, that they coded themselves?

>> No.7506702

How many assets have they tokenized?

Will they ever tokenize any?

>> No.7506721

If you call a wallet in an alpha version coding, okay. Crypto standards are low as fuck i guess.

>> No.7506730



>> No.7506776

Sold all

>> No.7506789


the Tarek Ayna guy is just a channel volunteer moderator who is collecting daily questions that people ask, my guess is that they are doing a Q&A

about the "highly unlikely" crashing, I think he means its 99%, because of how the token economy is designed, but ofc you dunno nothing in crypto

>> No.7506847

you guys are kidding right? If their system is to work and JNT is backed by actual assets, the market cap needs to reflect the amount tokenized so they can get their money back if they wish to withdraw it.

>> No.7506876

Alright how much is everyone holding. 220K Here.

>> No.7506898

Holy shit dude. 4k here.

>> No.7506950

Can I have 1k? I only have 1.5k right now and I'm scrambling to get more because I'm a poorfag and don't want to be a wagecuck for 40 more years. I'll honestly write you a childrens book or some shit if you want.

>> No.7506998

ill be good in a couple years on this alone

>> No.7507005


305k, not seeling before EOY

>> No.7507268

185k currently, will pick up a few more

>> No.7507466


>> No.7507536


>> No.7507554

>TFW only 30k
muh scamocoin

>> No.7507609

>tfw only 4k

I feel like a coinlet here
I'm not so sure I'll make it now

>> No.7508012


Let this retards be, dont explain shit to these idiots

These mongoloids think tokenizing assets means purchasing the token on exchamges from retards, they dont understand JNTs marketcap will reflect tokenized assets + speculative value. Because the assets are held for however long they dont withdraw them.

>> No.7508066

You realize they know exactly how it works right and are being intentionally misleading correct?

>> No.7508167


Ummm.... eeeeh.... I-it can't be more than a d-dollar guys

>> No.7508441
File: 165 KB, 1460x1166, jibrel flow chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody who really understands this project should improve this or tell me where each meme arrow goes because the flow charts on their website and whitepaper are for project management types, not your average NEET.

especially the on-offchain arbitrage part. they sell their jUSD (cause it moons) for bTC/ethereum but then they liquidate immediately into safer assets - what is the safer asset? Is it JNT?

>> No.7508541

>So this is what the financial entity would do... It would tokenize some of its cash, exchange it for volatile assets (selling them on-chain for BTC/ ETH), liquidate those assets (the BTC / ETH), and benefit from the arbitrage.

this makes no sense to me. your jcurrency moons because of demand, you get eth/btc but then you have to liquidate into what?

>> No.7508616

Don't fall for fud. DYOR on reddit and medium and their own telegram

>> No.7508843

11k jibbies here, will i make it?

>> No.7508904

Thanks my fellow anon! I was about to get shilled into buying this SCAMcoin, but now I certainly won't. The shilling pajeets can KYC

>> No.7509027

that's a community based telegram, no officials from jibrel post there

>> No.7509092

he's fucking handsome fuck my life

>> No.7509093


Yazan is the CEO

>> No.7509135

only 5k

>> No.7509160

it's actually a game character's name. even the CEO of this SCAM is fake.

>> No.7509332


Hahahah, I made up that FUD, nice to see it catch on, I'll use it in the next thread. I alternate between shilling and fudding between threads because it's fun

>> No.7509431

he needs to ditch those grandpa glasses tho, they barely fit his face

>> No.7509490

Bitbox won't let me login even though I have typed in the right password now I am locked out of my account for 2 hours for too many tries.

>> No.7509591
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>> No.7509910


>> No.7510016

Shut the fuck up, 15k is enough to make it

>> No.7510527

Financial institutions can put their tokens into a CryDR.

You know how Tether increases in value when everyone is using it? It becomes like $1.03 or whatever?

Well it is the same concept. Except a stock or commodity is now worth more. So they sell it and take advantage of the arbitrage.

I.E. a stock or comoddity would be worth more than it would be off-chain.

>> No.7510552

how do you faggots have so much

i swear everyone on this board is already rich

>> No.7510572

this happened to me when I went to buy jnt on there, I ended up buying on gate instead, bibox is seriously fucky

>> No.7510632

>when the FUD is so poorly done that it shills it instead

>> No.7510665

I think a lot of people here have been in crypto for at least a few months, as long as you got in around september/november you could easily x10/x100 or more

I started in january so I'm pretty much only buying with fiat I had saved up rather than money/crypto from trading

>> No.7510751

Jesus fucking Chris you faggots w 100k +.....I’ve only got 15k.... tell me I’m gonna make it please......

>> No.7510835
File: 22 KB, 476x640, 1417284261233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is unironically the largest potential moon mission currently in the cryptospace. im considering liquidating everything to get an additional 20k (currently at 12K)

>> No.7511089

12k is enough if you're willing to wait. 20k is even better though.

>> No.7511119


>> No.7511154


>> No.7511215

Wouldn't that be quads retard?

Now you have trips.

>> No.7511269

such fucking newfaggots lmfao kill yourselves

>> No.7511303

Yeah I'm looking into it but the volume is low, I will wait and see after 2 hours and go to gate.io

>> No.7511362

gate.io's volume is really low too, I think it was even lower than bibox's when I last bought and that was around 10 hours ago

>> No.7511624

My biggest problem with Bibox is I feel like it could exit scam any minute. I'm just hoping they wait another week to do it at least so I can get all of my JNT out.

I also hope it doesn't do an instant 10X until I get all of my shit out of there because it would be hell trying to get 60 BTC worth off the exchange without verifying.

>> No.7511720

Not even kidding, this coin is easily 100x potential

>> No.7511796

my ach just clear and I went in bought 25k and moved them to a paper wallet.

Thank fucking god. I'll buy more in the future but I coudln't get them out of there fast enough.

Now does anyone think banks will actually use this pajeet shitcoin or did I get memed on again?

>> No.7511885

Who knows honestly. They have big money and connections backing them so there must be something valuable here.

>> No.7511898

>Now does anyone think banks

Don't care. It'll be the one crypto that allows UAE throw some of their money into crypto. Part of the $10B fund belonging to the ruling family of Dubai will be spit into JNT, which will be reflected in the marketcap.

So no matter what happens after that, this will be the easiest +3x of your life.

>> No.7512200

Personally I'm just looking for a 4X to sell half my stack on and let the rest ride for a while. I think that is honestly possible before the end of the month. It just won't happen until they list on Binance though.

>> No.7512291

It's hilarious how biz constantly gets this coin shoved in their faces but has become too jaded to realize the potential. This will be the first moon mission to put biztards on suicide watch, because they will know they fucked up. They didn't hear about it too late, no, they simply chose to stay poor. It will eat them up, they will lose friends, family, everyone. They will seek out therapy but to no avail. One rainy day they will decide to end it all. One last glance at coinmarketcap, JNT first, ETH second. The news is on, they will hear chatter coming from the TV while carefully loading a shotgun. "Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan Chase announce tokenization of 250 billion worth of assets with Jibrel Network following their successful pilot." Boom. SPLAT. It's over. Finally, peace.

>> No.7512364

I think you are far too hyped to the point of delusion. I highly doubt any Western banks or China will use this. It could see strong use in Korea, Japan and the UAE but it's not going to be that widely adopted.

It all depends on adoption. We are all early enough that a 10X or 20X is possible within a few months but beyond that it's up in the air.

>> No.7512463

I'm memeing dude, leave me alone

>> No.7512532


This guy gets it

>> No.7512540

literally dont know what to believe with this shit. all the memeing has fucked with me too much. gonna leave now

>> No.7512546

if it gets adopted in the UAE, itll get adopted throughout the rest of the arab world. There will be a lot of money pouring into this.

Also, US markets aren't out of the question. They already have like jUSBONDS or something like that I believe.

>> No.7512580

putting the petrol dollar on it would be huge.

>> No.7512609

US Markets are out of the question. Just because they have those does not mean they will be used.

I'm sure it will be used in the rest of the Arab world if the UAE adopts it. We could see London and France using it by 2019.

>> No.7512673


France is so bearish on crypto or too caught up in their own shit to ever do anything about if

>> No.7512692

it's at $.60 right now. the highest it can be is $1. not even 2x

>> No.7512717

I was more just shitting on London and France for being taken over by muslims.

>> No.7512874

that admin retardedly spoke out of turn for the company without understanding what the fuck he's talking about.

>> No.7512986

that admin is the ceo lol

>> No.7513008
File: 117 KB, 720x1280, jibstoken2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That admin is the CEO and co-founder.

>pic related, it's the other co-founder saying the same thing

>> No.7513036

I can't count. Fuck off.

>> No.7513142

tfw only 2.5K. have to get to 20K by EOM. then hold til 2020

>> No.7513233

nice subtle kek

>> No.7513235

Best of luck with that. It's being listed on KuCoin on the 22nd or 23rd and Binance at some point.

I would advise keeping a close eye on any news within the next few days. They will be doing an announcement in Dubai soon before the 15th if they are to be believed.

>> No.7513281

i'm pre-approved for a 40K loan. hopefully they fund my account by end of next week. crypto is the only chance we'll ever have to genuinely escape wagecuckery. some of us will have to take big risks over the next few years.

>> No.7513343

Jesus dude. Be careful with that and I hope the best. Just remember if you get a 2X to sell half and pay off the loan.

>> No.7513537

this, it'll be tempting, but don't get greedy my friend.

>> No.7513591

Why are you guys somewhat bearish? Everyone else seems to think this will go parabolic

>> No.7513714

by spending $100 on ETH in 2016

>> No.7513718

I'm not bearish. I just don't believe in investing more than you can afford to lose and everything is a risk.

It may go parabolic and it may crash because BTC is rising and they state in a few days that the tokenization won't start until Q4.

A lot of things can happen which would make this a bad choice right now.

>> No.7513976

not bearish at all, just know people who have been burned or caught off guard by doing the same thing. this project is going up, and you'll definitely get more than a 2x but its just being responsible.

>> No.7514026
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an fyi, I keep getting displaced from the top 400 holders on etherscan and the number of holders is steadily rising.

>> No.7514104

I wouldn't use that as a guide. I keep mine in separate wallets. Once I get everything off the exchange I'll technically be Top 70 or 60 if I add more but I won't be in that grouping.

I have no doubt a lot of people are doing the same. The increasing wallet are almost certainly people splitting their stacks.

>> No.7514165


Yeah, same here.

>> No.7514302

if i manage to all in buy this coin I could be top 50 wallet. risky though and i'm pretty comfy in VEN

>> No.7514332

IM VEN, JNT and AION. Gonna try and get RLC in there also maybe but yeah I’m very comfy.

>> No.7514463

That coin is 100 million market cap and on Bitfinex plus numerous other exchanges. Probably a solid buy

my main issue is i barely got enough VEN for a thunder node. I'd hate to fuck it up and end up under 50,000 VEN. but i'd love to increase my money quicker and end up with like 60,000+ VEN come june. should have margin traded btc after ir bounced 50%

>> No.7514497
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Am I waiting for the crash that will never come? Trying to accumulate.