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File: 48 KB, 579x139, zcl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7505938 No.7505938 [Reply] [Original]

19 days. Accumulate. Easiest 4x gains of february.

>> No.7506064

Zcl or etc? Shill me zcl

>> No.7506084

I have both.

>> No.7506140

As for shilling, blablabla zsnarks blablabla. Just get some zcl and enjoy the easy gains

>> No.7506224
File: 141 KB, 1200x1200, A7537281-C6D5-453F-9ECB-2757A103DCA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in on this bad boy. Like buying fucking bitcoin at $90, you fools.

>> No.7506228

Nice, just bought 100k.

>> No.7506302
File: 71 KB, 1024x784, DU9k_0nWkAIBg-k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Darknet markets gon' love this coin

>> No.7506329

Bought at 220

What kind of range should I be looking to dump my bags?

>> No.7506358

Are you going to sell before the fork when it’s hopefully at a ATH?

>> No.7506388

Dunno, I'm gonna hold through the fork. Btcp is easily a $1k+ coin

>> No.7506394

Did you kids miss the dumpster fire bitcoin private conference or what? There was a 35 year old man who looks 12, a pajeet and woman reading off the powerpoint slides to 10 people in a hotel conference room. Not to mention on of the developers did not even show up.

>> No.7506419

i heard that taking zlc out of cryptopia takes forever? i have my stack there

>> No.7506462

Excuse me? When was this. They have a conference tomorrow. Regardless, people WILL fomo in the upcoming date, just fucking buy it and hold for 2 weeks.

>> No.7506614

I just bought 10 zcl there. Are they supporting the fork?

>> No.7506664
File: 805 KB, 1360x768, bitcoinprivate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7506686

My plan is to sell 2 or 3 days before the fork and then rebuy BTCP, it's going to be cheap

>> No.7506701
File: 86 KB, 1000x500, DUbmL0CUMAAyjOj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no amount of FUD will stop this glorious coin

>> No.7506731

4x? More like 1/4x when the forks pushed off indefinitely no one wants ur shitty knock off coins

>> No.7506746


uh uh sure pajeet lets buy bitcoin hush right?

>> No.7506754 [DELETED] 

gambler detected

>> No.7506881

It’s gonna crash extremely hard after the fork, but have fun chasing the pump

>> No.7506959

Pump and dumb. It's be getting shilled for a month. Enjoy your riches OP, everyone who buys in after you is paying for your lambo.

>> No.7507149


Literally everyone who is in ZCL has already buy i mean we have been talking about this for about a month maybe?

>> No.7507262

No shit Sherlok. There's still time for more gains. Buy a bag, and sell before the snapshot.

>> No.7507300

Might happen, who knows. That's why you always follow the media

>> No.7508015

try harder m80

>> No.7508056

While everyone and their mother are trying to do the same thing. Yes, good strategy, 4x guaranteed

>> No.7508142

dont sleep on this one

>> No.7508560

Any idea if bittrex will support the fork?

>> No.7509312

or hold to get btcp worth 1k probably and than sell your zcl next year for 200+, now 1200 for one coin...

>> No.7509636


I bought 120 in the dip for just 82 dollars per coin. Feels so fucking good.

>> No.7509720

You will feel a lot better in a few weeks

>> No.7509791

i don't have any clue what's going on but i want in on this action.

mind explaining this shit to me anon? udabes

>> No.7509844
File: 42 KB, 600x592, 1243576342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bitcoin and Zclassic are doing a hardfork together. Anyone holding these coins will get the new Bitcoin Private coin for free on a 1:1 ratio.

This means that if you hold 10 Zclassic, you'll receive 10 Bitcoin Private.

It's literally free money.

>> No.7509847

Ready for blastoff

>> No.7509864

Currently in the process of being added to binance, check their twitter

>> No.7509896

can i hold it on an exchange and get the free coinage?

must i be holding btc as well?

>> No.7509922


I think x4 is a conservative estimate considering the heavy volatility of this one. When it moons, it will moon beyond pluto.

>> No.7510011


Either one. You can buy bitcoin or Zclassic. Both will give you Bitcoin private. It's better to hold Zclassic ofc because it's much cheaper then BTC.

Holding on an exchange is still unclear tho, they're expected to make announcements on that soon. If it's not supported by exchanges, you'll have to transfer the coins to the official Zclassic wallet.

>> No.7510069

You won't see "the media" until important people have first, just like everyone that got to accumulate before they announced this shady fork. Have fun gambling guys.

>> No.7510287

this shitfork is going to be worthless screencap this

>> No.7510336

literally why would anyone use this shitfork and not just zclassic itself? fucking brainlets