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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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748399 No.748399 [Reply] [Original]

So I need to find a productive and less risky way to get $20,000 or $50,000 Its super mandatory and I need it in 4 or less years. Escorting or a burglary is not optional. I would accept some illegal things though like drug dealing but that's risky and i don't know any kind of mechanism for that sort of job.This question is serious but i forgot to add that in title.I need it for a medical procedure and I won't specify what it is but thats what its for. What kind of job is good for this if you're a NEET.

>> No.748404


>> No.748412

Sounds like you're turning your penis into a vagina

>> No.748475

cosmetic surgery

>> No.748477

>So I need to find a productive and less risky way to get $20,000 or $50,000 Its super mandatory and I need it in 4 or less years
yeah, it's called a JOB

>> No.748478

if its for a necessary procedure i'd start by asking literally everyone in the health field. there are people that can help you raise the money, you could hold a benefit or something. they really do work. other than that you could just mooch off your family and friends.

if its for a sex change just go see a shrink.

>> No.748481

how can i get a well paying job as a neet though

>> No.748483

neet isn't a fucking disability. go apply to mcdonalds or burgerking or somehting.

>> No.748485

>Being a NEET
>Trying to make money

Lol good luck.

>> No.748487

You could easily make that in 4 years with a normal job if you just got up off your ass.

>> No.748488

thats minimum wage and wont get me anywhere, i want something better than that job. im in highschool about to graduate by the end of the month so technically still a neet.

>> No.748492

will they vouche for you if its for cosmetic surgery?

>> No.748495

so get a job. whats the issue?
no. no one will give you money for that. get a job.

>> No.748501



>> No.748502

Are you amazing at math/programming? Otherwise you aren't gonna make that money without going to school first.

>> No.748503

What job gets me $20-$50k over a year or 3 years

>> No.748504

More details, and what country are you located in? I have contacts and expertise in medicine. If its something life threatening call doctors explain your situation and ask if they would do it for free or let you make payments or something. If its immediately life threatening go an emergency room in almost any first world country and they will have to help you even if you can't afford it or don't live in the country.

>> No.748507

can i learn to do that at home? like be self-taught?

>> No.748510

most of them can get you that. if you keep living with your parents for a couple years working minimum wage you could, in theory, make 20k in less than 2 years.

not in 4 years time.

>> No.748511

US, and i need it for 2 medical procedures

>> No.748514

OP we need more details.

Can you live with your parents for free? If yes, then with minimum wage you can make that money.

What are you good at?

If you are smart and hardworking.

>> No.748515

Listen bud. There are no easy ways or shortcuts to making money. Go to college, get a degree and get a decent job. Become an apprentice, be trained as a bricklayer, sparky, builder whatever, get a job. Apply for entry level position, move up in workplace.

Choose one of those

>> No.748519

>if you keep living with your parents for a couple years working minimum wage you could, in theory, make 20k in less than 2 years
What's theoretical?

Even at 20 hours a week, he could make over $30k in 4 years if his parents pay for food.

>> No.748520

why do you refuse to get a job? if people could make 50k in 4 years without working at 18 everyone would just do that instead of college. its not possible. get a shitty job, live with your parents, give em a couple hundred bucks a month and squirrel the rest away.

>> No.748523

yeah well i cant work consistently because i have school you know? and i know i still have time and hope to get a degree and all but i need to do this thing before i get too old.

Im not sure what makes someone smart but ill work hard

>> No.748524

i want to work but i go to school you see?

>> No.748526

well at 7.25 for min wage, working 30hrs a week, he'd net about 850 before taxes/month. thats just over 10k a year. he can't possibly hold all of it, he could do it but it'd be hard.

good thing is, he's 18 and won't want this surgery by the time he can afford it. which means he'll have a lot of money for college and floozies.

>> No.748527

>i cant work consistently because i have school
You don't sound like you are willing to work hard at all.

Are you talking about high school? You should easily be able to work 20 hours/week at mcdonalds or something.

>> No.748529

so work part time. you got afternoons and weekends. a little money is better than none. plus if you have some spending money the girls won't care as much about your hideous deformity.

>> No.748538

im a girl though, so theres that for a game changer

>> No.748542

how is that a fucking game changer? get a job.

>> No.748543

ill do anything so i will be willing to work hard, like if i just teach my self web design and earn money online i will do it and try hard at it

>> No.748548

u thought i was a guy and the plot twist is i wasnt so tis like a game changer i guess?

>> No.748549

you will not educate yourself enough, build a portfolio, and find clients in 4 years with no relevant education or experience. go. to. mcdonalds. everyone working at mcdonalds is fugly, they won't judge you.

>> No.748550
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>> No.748559

$50k is nothing just get a job and keep your living expenses low

>> No.748568

Are you a cute grill? Be honest.

>> No.748587

m8... she needs 50k worth of plastic surgery. dis bitch is haggard.

>> No.748592


I was just gonna say, if she is cute you can go make a good living certain places if you can sell. Being a cute girl helps a lot.

>> No.748594

yeah, if she was willing to do real freaky shit and/or be really adorable she could make some cash on cam sites. i wish i had that option. i'd kill to get paid to fap.

>> No.748606

Why even live?

>> No.748617

my surgery is minor, like a nose reduction and lip reduction

>> No.748625

Are you really getting plastic surgery? If you are hot I may give you some ideas.

>> No.748629

she's a minor m8. this is heading into dangerous territory.

>> No.748648

yeah, i dont look bad i just have an insecurity i cant get rid of so ill repair it will surgery. I find my lips to be too big, and my nose is too fat but not big or anything i just feel id be a 10/10 instead of a 5/10 after the procedure

>> No.748678

>Neet; no employment or education training

>> No.748680

Post pics and we will tell you if surgery is a good investment.

>> No.748707

If you're a girl, sell your eggs or be a surrogate. Some countries you can get bulk for that. Is this for tits?

>> No.748708

You need it for a sex change. This is 4chan bro its okay.

And become a trucker. Lots of transexual truckers

>> No.748928

op is a faggot once again.
kill ureself.

>> No.748949

>waste 4 years of your life to earn 50k to fulfill some insanely vapid desire of being more fuckable
Are all females this retarded or it's just you OP?

>> No.748952

>are all females this retarded
nah, op is like 16 or 17

>> No.748955

OP is going breaking bad. Cook meth, sell at whole foods market.

>> No.748958
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20 to 50K for a nose surgery?

>> No.748964

Top kek


you don't pass from 5/10 to 10/10 just changing your nose
You're gonna waste your time chasing this money to get your nose smaller and then you'll want more blablabla ...

plus we're all kinda sure you're just a guy wanting to change sex

so post pic with timestamp

>> No.748967

>wont get me anywhere
Do you realize how fucking easy it is to move up the ladder at McDonalds? Your co-workers are a bunch of incompetent fucks and it's not hard to outshine them if you have a good work ethic and know how to schmooze the boss.

>> No.749040
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>> No.749078

okay lmfao im ugly and its not just the nose thing, and i dont want a sex change either because i like being a girl k thanks.

and i also want to fix my jaw and do lip reduction.. THERE U GO

>> No.749080

Fuck you, you highschool fuck. You can easily get a job right now, treasure it while it lasts before you end up as a real NEET with 5+ year vacuum in your resume.

>> No.749103

>gaiz gaiz... I seriously need some money, I just don't want to work for it or sell my ass, but I srsly need that money.
>Wat do?

Every other fucking /biz/ thread

>> No.749105

i want to do that, thats what i said read the fucking thread gosh. shitposters like you are on /biz all the time

>oh im not going to read thread but ill just assume its some noob wanting a free giveaway hurr

>> No.749118


You're a youngfag with no skills, yet for you min wage job won't do and neither will dick sucking.

So what else can you do? Seek out Pablo El Decapitator, hope he hires you as a mule, and try not to disappointe him.

Those are your options. There aren't any other no matter how many times your repost this shit

>> No.749120

First of all I want to advice you to use proper grammar, capitalization and punctuation when making a thread/posting here since it'll make you look more legit.

Second, how are your grades? I think getting a degree which leads you to a good job would make you happier in the long-term, especially if you live in the US (where most people without degrees make very little money).

If you're still bent on getting your surgery as soon as possible you can always get a job at something like McDonalds. As long as you're happy and sociable during the interview you'll get the position even without prior work experience. If you explain to your parents that you're going to use the money for your surgery they might keep supporting you and then it's probable to save up the money in 2~2,5 years. Time will vary depending on if you put in the effort to advance at your job or not.

My suggestion is to apply for a local college and work at McDonalds on weekends or maybe nights if you can manage the efforts and save up for your surgery. That way you can keep living at home and in four years you'll have a degree leading you somewhere and a good face.

>> No.749132

its because i thought minimum wage jobs wouldnt help

>> No.749172


>> No.749195
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>> No.750123

aw well

>> No.750162

Let's say minimum wage is 8.50
Boom, but let's take it further
> Index fund averaging 6%
> deposit monthly
> interest compounds quarterly
> Total:53,474
Not even including tips
Simple math don't be a tard

>> No.750173

And why wouldn't minimum wage help
Money is money you fag

>> No.750183

This is true; I'm currently working min wage as a waiter for the summer and hate it, though; I have to kiss ass for someone other than my boss to pay me because my boss doesn't feel like it. Then again, a person with existing people skills probably wouldn't mind the job. It isn't hard, just tedious; definition of minimum wage, amirite?

But it's horrible inefficient time/money ratio; the worst one you can have as an employed person. Hell, a beggar here could probably make more in a day: At least he doesn't have to carry food around while asking for his money.

I think a hard part of being in school - I intend to take up a co-op next summer - is not minding working hard but being shoehorned into whatever job is available, and it's a dead end. I'd love to start an online business or something if I had the know-how. I applied for 40+ jobs, met 20 managers, checked up, and all of those were delivery/stocking jobs that I was interested in because they paid above minimum wage and suited my general misanthropy a bit more than serving tables.

But nope, everybody wanted some experience, so here I am.

>> No.750185

Lie obviously

>> No.750192

Which part?
>Min wage is shit money for time
>But it's not challenging, either
>I applied a shitload of places, but my home town's job market is stagnant
>I spread out and got hired at a place 45 minutes away
>1 hour, 30 minutes of driving a day (without traffic) to make min wage

>> No.750194

Lie about previous experience

>> No.750195

>lip reduction


>> No.750197

She's female's therefore nigress

>> No.750200

Oh! You know, lying never crossed my mind.

>> No.750202

So then why didn't you

>> No.750204

Too late, now; I'm doing training for the waiter job and my parents will give me shit for hopping jobs so quickly. I do have an idea, though.

In my state, you have to get a license to be a waiter (That your employer doesn't pay for; you do) within 45 days of employment or you forfeit your job. I'll apply around and lie on the experience to snag a better summer job before my 45 days are up.

>> No.750210
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you don't need a license or training to be a prostitute.. it's easier.

>> No.750215

I'd uh, rather not.

>> No.750280

Only in Prague

>> No.750322

penis extension surgery is cheaper if you use motel room instead of a hospital, OP

>> No.750393

>not accounting for taxes
>thinking any min wage job will offer 40 hours a week
>assuming she's not going to waste more than half of her paycheck every week
>thinking she'll get tips at mcdicks

>> No.750400


do you live in the US?

And you're in highschool?

What's your SAT score?

>> No.750405

>i need to do this thing before i get too old.
Dude, if you want a sex change just sell your body. All the good looking trannies do it. Become a cam whore and do some shows. Use that until someone offers you money to suck their dick. This isn't too hard man.

>> No.750514

>Minor/students so only social security
>I easily worked 40hrs at my minimum wage jobs
>i was merely stating it could be done not that he/she/it/neckbeard would do it

>> No.750583

idiot quit making assumptions and read the whole thread dickwad

>> No.750586
