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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7500712 No.7500712 [Reply] [Original]

Watch this portfolio go to 300-500k in a year.

Sorry nocoiners. The shit talking was fun while it lasted.

But you dweebs are still stuck fucking around pushing pencils in an office cubical while I'm sipping wine watching my portfolio rise by tenfold through the months...


>> No.7500794

where's your monero famalam

>> No.7500884
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yea i can see it happening

>> No.7501607


>all the main issues of bitcoin, with no market pairings to keep it afloat

good luck :)

>> No.7501661

this just means BTC is relatively overvalued to LTC because it is used as a pairing

Once litepay is implemented....holy shit

>> No.7501710

to be honest if you can only do 10x in this market, you are doing something wrong.

>> No.7501729

askl yourself would u be willing to pay your monday dinner with your litecoin?
are you really that retarded?
If its going to the fucking moon why spend it?

>> No.7501754

this portfolio sucks dude, even chartlie can't make a normal tweet without sprinkling in some LTC fud

>> No.7501770

LTC scales way better than bitcoin.

The scalability is what matters. How much traffic can the network handle? A lot better than bitcoin that's for sure.

>> No.7501833

Litepay is literal shit. It charges the buyer a fee — why not use visa then? At least the merchant pays the fee then.

Admit it, no one will use litepay.

>> No.7501841

Except BTC is making groundbreaking leaps (lightning network)/segwit which will put LTC in the dirt. Investing into any other currency besides BTC long term will get you burned, trust me.

>> No.7501855


Who pays $150 for a fucking clone of BTC?

>> No.7501876

This is one of the shittiest portfolios I've seen haha

>> No.7501886


the point is that I COULD if I wanted to.

This will make it the easy leader in payments for crypto, which is an insanely valuable use case, and will justify a massive valuation (I think $2500/LTC)

>> No.7501897

LTC should be valued at about 25% of whatever btc is. That puts us up at around 1k right now

>> No.7501901

>thinks sellers don't factor in charges on their total prices..

Thats cute, need any more crayons? :)

>> No.7501921

You know LTC has all of those things too, right? And it has outperformed bitcoin dramatically in the last year, and it will probably continue to do so?

>> No.7501944

This is not true, bitcoin with full segwit and lightening adoption will blow everything out of the water expontentially. We are talking 1,000,000+ transactions per second. I have a masters in data structures and algorithms. The only currency coin you should hold long term is BTC.

>> No.7501949

He's obviously not a degenerate gambler like you.

He's conservative. And in the long run he'll probably come out with more

>> No.7501975

Litepay will be extremely popular eventually.

In the short term, it's a real world way of scaling a crypto for payments. Which means Litecoin will moon so hard and so fast it will rip your face off.

I also think OMG will moon HARD this year.

>> No.7501981

LTC was the test bed for BTC

>> No.7502035
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I know it's a poorfag folio, but this started as $150 in early January so I'm pretty proud to be here. I really just need a true 10x so my gainz actually start to mean something.

>> No.7502045

Hmmm. Why wouldn't the devs upgrade LTC as well? Hell, with all the updates they do for bitcoin. I'm sure LTC has room to improve as well.

Btc is here to stay but you can't just have one crypto currency. Just like you can't have one fiat currency

>> No.7502136
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>Holding an inferior BTC clone
>Holding an inferior XLM clone
>S-sorry nocoiners
You fucking goofball, this is an awful portfolio

>> No.7502160

Nah, I play safe with OMG and VEN.

I'm just smart enough to know that currency coins are useless because of a long list of reasons.

>> No.7503076
File: 296 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180209-182607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'r gonna make it, annon

>> No.7503130

did your discord tell you to pump litecoin now?

>> No.7503856


>no you won't

You'll make it in terms of being able to send a non implemented currency lightning fast between 2 of your wallets

>> No.7504654

>Visa doesn't charge buyer a fee
t. underage

>> No.7505666

OP want to bet on who makes it to 300k-500k first?

>> No.7505688
File: 83 KB, 750x971, IMG_1343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300k-500k folio

>> No.7506356

ok but nano scales much better as do eos which can actually run smart contracts and NEO which has the chinaman behind it and for godsake vechain which has the entire fucking peoples bank of china

>> No.7507306

bitgrail just exit scammed so RIP NANO

>> No.7507423
File: 1.72 MB, 302x339, nope, I'm writing you down.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a nigger?

>> No.7507467


FIAT payment options with a smart phone have been around for years. Nobody wants to use them. Whens the last time you saw someone use google wallet or whatever the apple equivalent is to buy something? Not fudding or shilling anything, but liltepay isn't likely to see any adoption outside of the niche crowd that already wants to receive a payment in crypto.

>> No.7507497


Minimum 1mill eoy

>> No.7507611

>he invested in payment coins
lmao enjoy losing money

>> No.7507721

Sellers won't charge you less so you're essentially paying fees twice.

>> No.7507741


>> No.7508221

>currency coins

>> No.7508325

When BTC will get the LN all your LTC will go straight to the moon. Congrats rich anon.