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File: 37 KB, 696x449, jibrel-network-696x449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7495635 No.7495635 [Reply] [Original]

This is one of the most promising projects out there right now, explanation below, too long so divided between 3 replied

>What is the Jibrel Network?
>The Jibrel Network provides currencies, equities, commodities and other financial assets and instruments as standard ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.

>What are CryDRs?
>CryptoDepository Receipts or CryDRs are tokens representing a traditional financial asset’s value, denominated in Jibrel Network Token - JNT (e.g. a USD CryDR holds 1 dollar worth of JNT).

>What can CryDRs be used for?
>Fiat CryDRs can be used for remittances, global payments, trading and hedging. CryDRs can also be used to create automated and decentralized financial instruments - such as bonds, commodities, debt instruments and securities.

>What is Smart Regulation?
>CryDRs have smart regulation built in, real-world rules and regulations translated into solidity code and deployed on the ethereum blockchain. Ensuring that while decentralized, CryDRs always follow real world rules and regulations.

>What is jCash?
>jCash is the first roll-out of currencies. USD, GBP, EUR, RUB, AED, CNY CryDRs will be made available.

>How can I purchase CryDRs?
>CryDRs can be purchased from the Jibrel DAO using Jibrel Network Token (JNT).


>> No.7495650


How it works:

>"It boils down to this:

>What is the incentive for me to put my cash into a CryDR and sell it on the blockchain.

>You don't. This is generally for licensed financial institutions to benefit from the high-returns of the crypto-economy without the exposure.

>When the public has full confidence in tether, and the overall market is in downswing, USDT is valued at 1.03 and higher.

>We have a buzzphrase for this, "on-chain / off-chain arbitrage".

>This means stable assets on-chain could be worth more than they are off-chain, if there is confidence in the guarantor.

>So this is what the financial entity would do... It would tokenize some of its cash, exchange it for volatile assets (selling them on-chain for BTC/ ETH), liquidate those assets (the BTC / ETH), and benefit from the arbitrage.

>In addition, the financial entity has just acquired a customer with an account (compliantly, with full KYC done to the level of the financial institute).

>Hope that helps!"

So basically, I tokenize a non-liquid asset as a CryDR (real-estate, gold, etc), and a corresponding value of JNT must be taken out of circulation to provide proof of solvency. When people use CryDRs, the value of CryDRs increases. So if I have 1 billion dollars of gold tokenized into a CryDR, and a CryDR is worth $1.03, suddenly I've made a three percent increase on $1 billion, which is $30 million dollars I can now use as liquid capital.

Essentially, it gives liquidity to non-liquidity assets while also backing up the value of the CryDRs themselves.

There is no risk as the assets still remain assets tied to the market, the crypto component is just an extra way of extracting value from them.


>> No.7495710


>They have Don Tapscott as an advisor, the same guy who is an advisor for ICON, which went over 30x from ICO price.

>Token circulation is 150M which makes the marketcap below $85M (total circulation is 200M, the rest are locked for 5 years between advisors, team, bounties and partners tokens), very small for such a big project.

>Royal family anounced they will provide 10 billion dollars in oil barrers for the jcash pilot, they anounced this during their conference.

>Binance CEO was at their conference, check out their conference here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvfx1XCbuPo i advise you to watch it from start to finnish so that you learn EVERYTHING.

Website https://jibrel.network/

Whitepaper https://jibrel.network/#whitepaper

Roadmap https://jibrel.network/#roadmap

FAQ https://jibrel.network/#faq

Best exchange currently on https://www.bibox.com/exchange?coinPair=JNT_ETH (You can see the price reached 2 sats at some point in the graph, it is a bibox bug, you can reach them on telegram to confirm, order books froze during a 2 minute time frame, the site bugged. It is not that the price acually went that low), you can register even as an US citizen and no verification is required for up to 2 BTC withdrawals daily, like binance.

It is only 2.5x over ICO price, they are anouncing new partnerships in 2 weeks, also once it is listed on an exchange like Binance or kucoin in late february, you won't have time to buy it low ever again.

They are also doing their jcash pilot in a few weeks, when they do that, if they were to tokenize only $2bil dollars that would make JNT go over 10x in price. Remember, the price of JNT markets cap is total of tokenized assets (main) + speculative value people give it (less important) = total marketcap


>> No.7495760


Sorry, i meant circulation is 150M and total tokens are 200M.

>> No.7496083

>>Royal family anounced they will provide 10 billion dollars in oil barrers for the jcash pilot, they anounced this during their conference.

This is false. No figure was given.

Otherwise, a great investment.

Market cap of tokenized assets + speculative market cap = JNT market cap can literally make this overtake bitcoin. Sounds spectacular, but it's true. If they secure a big partnership with several banks who each tokenize billions in assets.

Even if Al Maktoum only tokenizes 80 million of their 10 bn fund, this alone would trigger an increase of 100% in market cap. If you know anything about economics you will buy this coin.

>> No.7496469

>Royal family anounced they will provide 10 billion dollars in oil barrers for the jcash pilot, they anounced this during their conference.

This is when you know that even the disgusting JNT pajeets don't even have any clue about their investments.

Never invest into something, when you clearly don't understand the project and have to shill like a real pajeet.

>> No.7496906

cant access bibox to buy this shitcoin. exit scam imminent lmao

>> No.7496965

Bibox is delisting JNT... you got lucky

>> No.7497065

0/10 fud

>> No.7497303


Will happen in a couple of hours.

Screenshot this

>> No.7497359

HEY THE LASt sextion of this is false, the part about getting liquidity from non-liquid assets. It got asked in reddit yesterday or 2 days ago.

It may be implemented in the future however

>> No.7497423

Can JNT go over 1 dollar?

>> No.7497455

Yes. If it worked like tether, ask yourself... how can it be at 60c?

>> No.7497464


>that name

Only thing keeping me from investing desu

Sounds like a cross between a black kid and a Gulf State investment firm

>> No.7497474


>> No.7497506


Yes. JNT is a proof of solvency token. It is used to back the stable assets on the chain. For example, if there are 400 million USD outstanding and all 200 million tokens are circulating, the value of JNT would have to be at least 2 dollars. But at this point, it would probably be quite a bit higher as the next tokenization would be priced in already.

The it can't go above 1 dollar thing is a huge joke to confuse newbies.

>> No.7497516

exactly. from reddit:

>But to add clarity, the contractual agreement / partnership is with SEED Group - a venture aimed at bringing the latest innovative technologies to the United Arab Emirates - led by the private office of Sheikh Saeed Bin Ahmed Al Maktoum.

Hope that helps!

Al Maktoum doesn't have any idea about this pajeet scamcoin

>> No.7497530

The price can either increase, decrease or stay at its current valuation.

Jibreel is the islamic word for the angel Gabriel, that's where it comes from.

>> No.7497531

I thought this was the case as well - but what is the case is kind of better.

Basically people tokenize assets to exchange them on the Jibrel platform. It will be an exchange for tokenized assets essentially, among other things.

They said that you’ll be able to send jCash by SMS also. Alongside the more finance/institutional investor oriented part of this project, it’s also a bank the unbanked initiative.

Super bullish overall. There isn’t really anything out there like this, or at least with such a well developed project with such great connections.

The team is going to be in Dubai from Feb 10-14, they said they should give us some news then.

>> No.7497591
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Whats wrong with Bibox? I cant acces the site anymore.

>> No.7497598


>> No.7497614


Yes of course, JNT represents the total tokenized assets + speculative value from people, the tethered ones are jCash, mesning jUSD, jGBP, jEUR, etc, those are 1:1. But JNT has to has a market cap of at leas the tokenized assets, so it will go waaay above $1 of course. Just a 10bil marketcap would put a (nothing when institutions begging coming in) price per JNT will be aroun $66 per token.

>> No.7497613

It’s not like I partner with Steve Jobs - you partner with Apple or whatever company/incubator they own.

The Al-Maktoum stuff is going to be much wider than expected. More than just the Maktoum tokenizing assets, I expect jCash will be piloted as a digital currency in the UAE.

>> No.7497692


These precise token economics are what makes this coin so amazingly good. I expect that people will need until after the first tokenization happens to understand what's going on.

>> No.7497765


>> No.7497837

Exactly. Honestly the token economics are brilliant - when I grasped the fact that JNT derives value from many different factors - the least important being market speculation - yeah damn I was pretty floored with just how great of a token it is.

I think you are right that it won’t be until the first set of tokenized assets where people understand what’s going on. I think to get a good grasp of the token economics you have to do a good an Int of research, and even then it’ll still fly over most peoples heads .

>> No.7498239

the nice thing is once the tokenization aspect comes online if BTC takes a dive like it did over the last few weeks JNT won't be affected much, the downside is that it also means there's less chances to accumulate later on.

>> No.7498293


>> No.7498345

Which is why I bought a ton beforehand haha. The deadline is basically Q3, when speculative value will cease to be a driving factor for the price of this coin.

>> No.7498857

i saw that too just now...made a thread about it to know if it changes the valuation.

>> No.7498920

YOU Dumbass you can’t partner with a family. SEED is their intitiative to bring the tech to the UAE. It’s better because they have same connections and now a network of potential partners they are tapped into.

>> No.7498964

I moved down from the 450s spot of holders to the 470s. what is this bullshit?

>> No.7499066


Many people are getting in with big money while retards are selling low, you'll keep going down on the holders list as people accumulate more / new people with big money come in. Sorry anon

>> No.7499161

All of you guys shilling JNT is fucking retarded.

You want to fud this shit as hard as you can to keep the price as low as possible to accumilate more..

Same shit our TG group did with ChainLink.

Learn to fucking play the game or stay poor you retards.

>> No.7499351
File: 10 KB, 320x320, 1518037558565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big of a marketcap do you anons think this can possibly reach? Trying to be conservative here but they're going after markets in the trillions..

>> No.7499365

And Chainlink went nowhere. Good job.

>> No.7499366


We dont care about you retards who didnt get in at 0.00035 eth when bitcoin was crashing and everyone were too scared to take the chance.

I went all in right and there at 0.00035 eth, i have 250k JNT, i dont give a fuck about idiots who want to buy in low now.

>> No.7499560

the FUD approach isn't working because whoever's behind the JNT FUD is fucking awful and only makes people buy more
the best kind of FUD I've seen so far is super unrealistic expectations like 1 token being 75k or 150k or even 300k

>> No.7499645

Are you actually an inbred? That's the whole point I was trying to make. Keep it low so we can accumulate a fuckton of it.

Call it 35k gewi instead of your retarded 0.000000000003243eth shit.

Secondly, I got my major position at 38k gewi myself, buying more all the time and have a total of 508k JNT. 0.25% of the entire supply. So please get the fuck out of here and go back to your larping faggoty 4chan discord groups...

>> No.7499700

Yeah right. That's why you will never make it.

Chainlink did a x5 in like 6months, that's like utter shit in crypto world. good luck.

>> No.7499710

Oh look the daily pajeet scam thread.
This was already proven to be vaporware. No one is buying your bags.

>> No.7499727

All we have to do is tell people they are stupid and retarded for buying this shit... Others will see and get doubtful. Do this for months as a passive reaction to every JNT thread and you'll have accumulated enough to retire once everyone, even the ones who fell for the fud realises they're missing out on a legit top 3 coin.

>> No.7499776

>ChainLink did a x5 in 6months.
Yeah if you are a fucking retard who didn't buy into the pre-sale. Or have been skimming the top or buying the dips.

You'll never fucking make it. Sorry.

>> No.7499800

what's a realistic expectation?

>> No.7499845

Sold my 100 ETH presale bags pre the sibos conference. No clue what this shit project is even doing. But you compare shit with shit, so i don't get your point.


>> No.7499857


Dude, fud aint working

See the pic below. unless you think they are going to lie to the worlds media, don tapscott, the ceo of binance, the ceo of neo who were all in attendance at the convention in the pic.Oh and allow them to be sued by one of the richest families in the world, maybe the richest?Videos from that convention below too.

don tapscott, the don of finance and crypto


binance ceo, cz, also on the front cover of this months forbes


Da Hongfei ceo of neo


>> No.7499886

10/10 fud

>> No.7499940
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop fucking shilling this shitcoin, pajeets REEEEE This is a proven SCAM, just look at their partners

>> No.7499958
File: 230 KB, 845x397, kikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retards really can't see how the whole fucking conference was fake?

>> No.7500007

that convention was already proven to be a fake.

>> No.7500110
File: 548 KB, 1686x730, 5snm6q4jwab01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see the pic . unless you think they are going to lie to the worlds media, don tapscott, the ceo of binance, the ceo of neo who were all in attendance at the convention in the pic.Oh and allow them to be sued by one of the richest families in the world, maybe the richest?Videos from that convention below too.

don tapscott, the don of finance and crypto


binance ceo, cz, also on the front cover of this months forbes


Da Hongfei ceo of neo


>> No.7500111

Nice try larping faggot. Had you been in the pre-sale you'd known it was a minimum of 300eth contribution.

>> No.7500135


I will be posting threads with facts copying the old ones every single day until everyone realizes people fudding it are just trying to get in at a lower price. I dont give a fuck i already have the stack k want. Every time this thread dies ill repost it with the best facts from the ones before it. I told you idiots yesterday if you pajeets created just one more nonsense fud thread that i would do this. No more accumulation for you, youll have to buy high.

>> No.7500147
File: 35 KB, 793x113, talal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see pic

>> No.7500152

Just let those retards lose their money, really. It's such an obvious fake, that you have to be a literal mouthbreather to not realize it

>> No.7500164

its easy when you get paid to do so, huh?
fuck off pajeet

>> No.7500206

a number pulled out of their asses, i'd be surprised if he even managed 100k

im starting to think the same, this is worse than trx

>> No.7500212
File: 218 KB, 280x3009, long.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres a fud campaign from the telegram, from pajeets who have 80 dollars in, who are literally scared SHITLESS it goes up before they can add next months 80 dollar wages in.See the pic for proof.Very sad, we should pity them

>> No.7500216

yeah, fuck off

>> No.7500221

GJ loosing your money in a shitcoin faggot.

>> No.7500243
File: 154 KB, 1061x977, talal2222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7500251

You all do realize these are the bazingacoin people right?

>> No.7500271
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Price goes up with the assets added to it

>> No.7500276

>PAJEET scared to get in
HAHAHAHAHAHAH go on and invest with your fellow pajeets

>> No.7500297

forbes article on jibrel


>> No.7500311

ur mum is loose

>> No.7500321
File: 571 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180209-145938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are Doc G, right?

>> No.7500342
File: 61 KB, 922x245, maktoum reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7500368

The Maktoum family, richest and ruling royal family of Dubai


>> No.7500419

hahahahahaha, poor doc g.Image saved

>> No.7500437

these are your "sources", people.

>> No.7500526

Now you confirmed yourself that you are a complete idiot.

There were 100, 150, 300 and even 500 bulks

Mostly 300 and 500 were leaked at 4chan, and i guess you just threw in your poor fag money in it to gamble.

>> No.7500562 [DELETED] 

Can you guys stop shilling this? I don't get it. You don't need to shill it. You hate money?

>> No.7500611

You are literally retarded. Go back to /r9k/

Because they are fucking stupid.

>> No.7500717

At least your are realizing rn how retarded you are. Next time don't larp around like the pajeet god himself.