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7493490 No.7493490 [Reply] [Original]

>a computer archive should value the same as gold

>> No.7493519

Makes sense to me. What's the problem Gramps?

>> No.7493525

>some shiny metal with limmeted use and enormous fees should be valued more than one of the most revolutionary technologies since theenvention of steam engine
Oh wait its actually is

>> No.7493579

either bait or boomer

either way OP is a fag

>> No.7493642

wow the bottom sellers are geatting real fucking desperate

>> No.7493736

data is big business generally speaking, where have you been? under a rock?

>> No.7493775

correction, it should be worth way more than gold, gold is shit, hard to buy, hard to sell, hard to store, hard to move

>> No.7493838
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>one of the most revolutionary technologies since theenvention of steam engine

>> No.7493863

not an argument

>> No.7493874
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>one of the most revolutionary technologies since theenvention of steam engine

>> No.7493891

>a physical substance should hold a same value as an advanced secure value changing method

This isnt 1500 anymore

>> No.7493918
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> Doesn't understand the implications of a distributed immutable ledger

>> No.7493929


2D > 3D

r9k was right!

>> No.7493960

fuck off boomer

>> No.7493994

>your whole post
Yeah cryptocurrency has almost made something useful happen

>> No.7494100
File: 903 KB, 400x300, 1504667372150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not trying to make an argument. We are just laughing at you.
Now I'm going to laugh too.

>> No.7494112
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Imagine believing this

>> No.7494137
File: 404 KB, 1767x347, OUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A rock should be worth more than information in the information age

>> No.7494168

>thinks it needs to be tokenised to work

>> No.7494188
File: 379 KB, 1906x762, silver is a store of value if the value you're looking to achieve is 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7494210

What information? lmao

At least the rock can tell you about the composition of Earth

>> No.7494256
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>one of the most revolutionary technologies since theenvention of steam engine

>> No.7494267

Gold is for boomers and brainlets.

>> No.7494306

people who buy gold and silver

That's not the people I want to be in company with

>> No.7494328
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Make sure you laugh before BTC hits 100k

>> No.7494346
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>a shiny rock should value the same as a worldwide decentralized distributed ledger

>> No.7494352
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>what information

>> No.7494393

don't forget right-wing conspiracy theorists - thats where I fit in

>> No.7494418

this. Gold is not some special, magical substance. It's a commodity/asset like any other that has value depending on what people are willing to pay for it. Sure, it has a handful of useful properties, but if it's value was tied to its actual useful properties an ounce of gold would be about as valuable as an ounce of steel. Only boomers are obsessed with this "but I can feel it in muh hands!" notion.

>> No.7494444

don't underestimate people's feelings regarding the value of things mang

>> No.7494492

I don't. But people have feelings about bitcoin, too. That's my point, people act like gold has some massive "inherent" value, when really its value is tied to people's feelings about it, like anything else.

>> No.7494501

fair enough

>> No.7494518

So just like bitcoin

>> No.7494537

Trust me sweeties
Nobody cares about "block chain"

>> No.7494549
File: 50 KB, 700x636, 1518124220038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> As you get older your brain loses its plasticity at some point and you get wedded to the frameworks that you have

>> No.7494551

Gold has literally no value other than being shiny and having a somewhat limited supply. Silver looks nicer anyway.

>> No.7494582
File: 95 KB, 1920x834, silver is a store of value if the value you're looking to achieve is 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>market drops
>silver and gold drop harder

Nice investment you jew slaves

>> No.7494616

Based chart. Peter Schiff can get fucked.

>> No.7494640

The domain name Cars.com sold for about $800mil. It's iterally just an address on a network.

Networks have more value than metal.

>> No.7494706


Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing

>> No.7494763

How can google make shittons of money? They only work with 1 and 0s