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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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745468 No.745468 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /biz/ many game company's have tried to mimic grand theft auto but they have failed miserably like watch dogs. I know a formula and have a recipe for a game that is open world and could be even better than gtav. How do I bring it to the attention of a game studio capable of creating the game?

>> No.745472


You don't want to be an 'idea man'.

If you can't make the game yourself, it's not even worth trying to capitalize on it.

>> No.745516

Bump ok but is there any way for me to get the attention of a Developer capipible Of pulling off what im thinking about.

>> No.745521

what is your plan?
besides having an idea for a game?
investors in the gaming world are fucking stupid.

>> No.745546

You know what they should do. Remake syndicate wars as an rpg format thing

>> No.745582

Bump what do you mean plan that's why I came to ask you guys for help. I'd be there to guide the developer along. To help make the game. It's not just an idea I have a rundown of gameplay and such and how it should play out.

>> No.745595

>learn to code
>download unity
>use shitty art assets as placeholders and try to meet a starving art student.

There you go.

>> No.745599

This is just as bad, no, worse, than those fuckwits who want to make an app but can't code and don't have money.

>> No.745623


>> No.745639

You're an "idea person", which means you're nothing. Every single successful person had the skills or the money, if you have one you can get stuff done.

Literally everyone has marketable ideas.

>> No.746403


>> No.746418

Dude, just stop, everyone's already told you what to do, but I'll try to break it down further.

You're never going to find a team/guy to just develop this game for you if you have no credibility in the industry. Despite you denying it, you ARE just an idea person. You're a person without any relevant skills/connections/money, but you think because you have the idea in your head, you're entitled to get paid and have a team work for you.

There are two ways to go about this.

The long way (aka, the way everyone else does it):
Find some in with a gaming company either as a developer (you'll have to learn to code), a designer (there's more to this than just talking out your ideas), or an artist. Get onboard a few good projects. Work your way up to become a project manager. Once you've established credibility, use your connections to talk a studio into funding your idea and hire the team you need.

The short-way:
Learn to code (bear with me, this is the short way), develop an ugly rudimentary version of your idea that at least works. Shop it to some studios and pitch the hell out of it. If they can see your vision, then MAYBE, they'll get on board and be willing to fund it.

The shortest way:
Suck a million dicks for $1 each. Use that million dollars to fund development for this game.

>> No.746422

OP the only thing you need is money and to be smart. get some dude to code your game, like this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwHEsdqM0l0
very insightful what he's done without investor's funding.

>> No.746558

Bump ok I have an idea my idea is very big. But I also have ideas for a smaller project. It's a 8 bit rpg. The graphics will be on par with Mario tennis for the gameboy (hopefully) I make a storyboard and gameplay ideas and put out an ad on cregslist. I hire two guys a programer and artist. They will be guys either in or just out of college. I relese the game on steam and or ios. If it does well will I be able to get the attention of big developers for a large open world game with licensed music on the radio and such?

>> No.746561


>> No.746573

>open world
>beating an established franchise

You still end up mimicking GTA. Just focus on making it fun, and adding a bit of challenge to it as the game progresses. Besides, any game starting out will just be called out for being a rip-off of other games.

>> No.746575

Wht would it do well? There are lots and lots of great games out there that don't get any attention.
Games that "do well" just have massive advertising budgets.

>> No.746585

Bump goat simulator had no advertising budget. People talk about it a lot and it gets more and more popular.

>> No.746590

Bump if I ever get to make it it's going to be similar to scarface the world is yours in the sense you will feel like a real criminal who decides what to do. Not some actor in a Hollywood movie that's an poor attempt at a crime Comedy. Also it's going to have more sense of progression. I also might include multiple characters and there will be heists. But it won't be like gta v where the heists are the main part of the game. They will be there just as a way to make more money.

>> No.747215


>> No.747217


Idea men created the world. Are you stupid? Did Steve Jobs create the Apple computer or envision it's future potential?

>> No.747399


>> No.747402

>code a shit game
>give it shit graphics
>charge people $10 to join the alpha
>call it minecraft

>> No.747412

Kid, save up your lunch money and stay in school.
Also don't be a retard like you were all over this thread.

> trying so hard to do nothing but be the idea guy
fucking pathetic

Please don't bump this thread anymore.

>> No.748240


>> No.748331

>Idea men created the world. Are you stupid? Did Steve Jobs create the Apple computer or envision it's future potential?
this. OP don't listen to the butthurt codemonkeys ITT.

>> No.748347

Steve Jobs was a hell of a designer with plenty of management skills, knew how to motivate people, and acquire funding for his ideas.

OP has a vague idea of a game that might be kind of cool and is posting on a Cambodian Chapey Dang Veng enthusiasts board as to how to get people to do the things that non-useless idea men should be able to do themselves.

Not the same thing.

>> No.748355

>no advertising
>biggest YouTube channel there is played (read featured) it

I'm not saying they payed him to do it, but they were able to grab his attention and he showed the game to all of his viewers. That is the best advertisment a shitty Indy game can get.

>> No.748402
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Guys, this is the same OP that made the last 3 BS threads. He always makes some purposefully ambitious plan with holes bigger than his mom's ass, and he always begins his replies with some stupid opening like "bump" or "lol". He's been doing this for weeks, if not months.

>> No.748416

People have already thought of ways to make a game better than GTAV
It just takes alot of money. Rockstar hires hundreds of game developers and has lead people with decades more experience than you at thinking about how to make a game good. You can't capitalize on this. Get a real job. If you want to be a game developer like every 2nd guy from high school then go do that to get your foot in the door to become a proper ideas guy.

>> No.748418

Great comparison.

>> No.748447

/biz/ connoisseur

>> No.748464

I recognize this shitposting, what with the bump in front of everything. Weren't you here trying to find coders that would work for free for an app a month or two ago? Shat all over that idea, and I'll shit all over this one. Bring something to the table other than "Guise this is the bestest idea ever u don't even kno" and someone might take you seriously someday.

>> No.748522

No you don't

Finish highschool and get a real job, you're delusional

Having an idea is worth nothing if you have no idea how to apply it

>> No.748773

I was trying to push the idea to a large game company

>> No.748801

>had gaming ideas as a kid, would email companies in detail about possible sequals
>always got replies, including from that guy who wrote psychonauts

People who are saying you can't be an ideas guy are fucking idiots, there's literally a title for it in gaming (creative director), but like anything worth doing there is a barrier to entry beyond playing gta while high

Anyway, talk about it. What's the perfect open world¿

>> No.749055

Bump ok I have a different idea. Start out smaller. Find some startup or company that posses the capabilities of 2k Czech. And from there help develop a game. My past threads had retarted things like make an app when I have no idea what the app would do. Or on oar with make a car that runs on piss when I have no idea how a car works. However I'm good at making stories and settings so I could do a storyboard for a nope world game. I'm thinking a game with a slightly larger scale than mafia 2 but less go here kill this and more action and adventure and progression sense. It would be set in the 70's most likely or possibly the 80's. But it would have that same comfy feeling mafia 2 had just more lifelike.

>> No.749083

At the moment, you haven't made any games, so you don't know how to make a game.

It's like um - maybe I have a really good idea for a film, but I don't know how to make films, and if I tried to make it into a film it would be a shit film.

What you need to do is to rapidly make a bunch of games and not aim for perfection, but aim to learn something.

Start out making a mod or helping a mod team create something you believe in.
Or, if you are set on being mr ideas, get a 1-5k together and comission a series of simple games for $500 each for android.

Once you've figured out how to make games people like, you can go and pitch your idea, show your results, and maybe someone will give a shit.

>> No.749086

Bump I could commission a android game for 500k would I need to know programing to do that?

>> No.749087
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"Bump" yourself, you troll fucking faggot. It legitimately pisses me off how every one of these lying BS threads in which you make a purposefully stupid idea you keep starting each post with "bump" or "lol". It shouldn't make me so mad, but it does, and I hope you get herpes from a toilet seat.

God. Fucking. Damn it.

10/10 trolling, I mad.

>> No.749089

Sorry 500$

>> No.749090

Sorry I will stop withe bumps I use to browse /b/ where shit moved fast. Also I will think about beer I post so I don't post autistic stuff.

>> No.749094
File: 32 KB, 500x282, tumblr_lvosvsFpaz1qkoakl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump just wiffed some blow on the toilet. I too have an idea, but I don't feel like sharing at this particular time.

>> No.749096
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Fine, but I'm watching you.

>> No.749104

Here's what I have so far. Some guy said I could finance a basic android game for 500$ for a little more I'd like to get it on ios. If the game does really well I pitch my minor open world game ideas to smaller company's and work my way up. Am I getting this correctly? Also how do I finance an android game for 500$?

>> No.749182



>> No.749185


Are you going to be paying them? No one will work for free.

>> No.749382

Op here sage