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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7469157 No.7469157 [Reply] [Original]

were going to 10k
you're welcome

>> No.7469759

Prooooove it!

>> No.7470155

>elliot hulse theory

>> No.7470484

And BOOOM news fucks up your prediction
Enjoy being liquidated.

Reminder to not trust any TA fag that doesn't not show his LEVERAGED positions that concur with his analysis.
If he doesn't trust his money with his TA it's because it's not worth a damn.
>"but I don't like gambling"
So TA is not that solid if it's a gamble for you then?
Anyone can hold, not everyone can net profits on leverage and avoid liquidation until cashing out, it takes real skills and balls, because you can not afford to be wrong or you'll lose all your money, unlike when you're not on leverage.

>> No.7470531

so you broke out of your shitty triangle by like 50 pips and you think it means something, look at that triple top you got going on there

>> No.7470629

not reading

>> No.7470753

Who the fuck is buying at these prices?

>> No.7470873

Fomoers who sold at 6k and are realizing that its not coming back down. Whales who sold at 20k and are getting ready for the next parabolic run.

>> No.7470948

>Whales who sold at 20k and are getting ready for the next parabolic run


It's a fucking fire sale - people were just seeing if they could FUD it lower.

>> No.7470964

This man gets Laid, I'd listen to him

>> No.7471020

He's right you know

>> No.7471128

Not so fast, we need to break out of the 8.5k resistance and we won't do that until binance re-opens. Nobody will put money into BTC knowing that there can be another goxxing in 4 hours but at the same time everyone has seen the uptrend and doesn't want to liquidate the position. This results in a sideways movement getting closer and closer to resistance, which will be broken once the news come that everything works to perfection.

Any time there are news coming you'll notice a similar pattern (unless it leaks out or something)

>> No.7471212


shitheads on reddit and biz say this every single time any coin drops

>> No.7471326

lolololol... wut thought it broke 9k, it barely went past mid where its been snakey snakey,,,it'll continue that way.../biz-nance/ floodgates hasn't even opened up yet...
>forgets while /biz-nance/ was open down 7k, -> /biz-nance/ shutsdown goes 9k
think about that...

>> No.7471423
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>> No.7471471
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Ok you are crap at counting waves

>> No.7471497


Only skilled day traders or absolute retards are buying over 5k.

>> No.7471594


>> No.7471642

>Only skilled day traders or absolute retards are buying over 5k.
I read that as skilled+retards

>> No.7471762

are you guys serious with these meme lines?
this market is volatile as fuck , every fart creates unpredictable waves gtfo coinstradamus tarot readers

>> No.7471811

lol no

>> No.7472841

Binance isn't getting goxxed; one can clearly see their wallets still have funds. They have about 180k ETH and 90k BTC. Only idiots who didn't check the wallets (which are on the first page of both rich lists) fell for the FUD.

>> No.7472844

TA doesn't work.

Proof: If it did you would be rich by now.

Further proof: Link one of your correct predictions. You can't, because you won't find it among the equal number of wrong ones.

>> No.7472906
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just wannabe traders playing games, crypto currencies come out and suddenly everyone is some kind of hot shit day trader

>> No.7472984
File: 106 KB, 1538x878, bitcoinbull2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ta can work, but most ta is retarded. I predicted the bottom a couple days ago using basic ta.

>> No.7473109

but that first mark isn't the end of a crash and the sentiment was the exact opposite of how it is now.

I'm not a bear but every time I see this chart I always wonder why people think the two are identical. Comparable? Sure.

>> No.7473289

That was a 40% correction which many people were calling the popping of the bubble. Sentiment is irrelevant, don't ever mix TA and FA. TA is based on historic price patterns and nothing else. It doesn't guarantee anything, it just provides signals so you can make better than random decisions. Fundamentals can easily change and over rule the signals.

>> No.7473824

so basically the 300 day moving average was the support?

>> No.7473991

>Haejin lee

>> No.7474041

feb 25th, big boom to moon

>> No.7475105
File: 412 KB, 2542x590, Screen Shot 2018-02-08 at 6.48.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at these idiots. all i can say is i told you so.
all i heard was
>weakhanded cuck who sold you can buy back now or fomo in at 10k

now look at you idiots you guys never fucking listen never

>pic related every god damn time

>> No.7475299

I can't predict the future but what's happening now looks like just a dip. Same as what happened 2 days ago. It's already going back up.

>> No.7475306


not before retesting $7k first

>> No.7475400

i can already tell you its not a dip. it didnt even break 8.5k the momentum is over. this will start heading straight to 6k again

>> No.7475438

It's gonna retest 6k support once more

>> No.7475477

If you like your money tether up now guys.

>> No.7475500
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>> No.7475513

But not now, bears are not that retarded. They will let idiots buy some more up to 9k and then just them like germans justed french. It will go straight to 4k

>> No.7475528
File: 29 KB, 358x406, laugh girls 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus is this 5 minutes candles? The utter state of /biz/

>> No.7475532

what they say about american attention spans is real I guess

>> No.7475578

I revise my guess to 1 hour. Still terribly low timeframe.

>> No.7475666

>it didnt even break 8.5k the momentum is over.
I doesn't have to break 8.5k to kill momentum. A lot of people were waiting for a dip to buy in. I'm seeing very high buying volume on GDAX.

I could be wrong, though. If this keeps falling for more than 3 hours and if it dips below 7.6k you might be right.

>> No.7476213
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I wonder when all the people who got JUST'd shorting at 6k will finally admit they were wrong

>> No.7476566

>shorting at 6k
If you short an asset after it loses 70% of its value you don't deserve to own your money.

>> No.7476993
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>> No.7477133
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>it's going up again

>> No.7477181


Greed and stupidity is a nice mix

>> No.7477223


>> No.7477336
File: 105 KB, 1822x923, GRVkNoSZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been rejected by the Pink Wojak Line.

>less than 200 BTC
>very high buying volume

>> No.7477480
File: 304 KB, 2025x1097, bubblepopped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you still here idiot