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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7469996 No.7469996 [Reply] [Original]

I want to rake in the $, so I'm studying Java, and learning economics. Do any anons have coding resources to share? Yours sincerely, Anon

>> No.7470148
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>> No.7470159

Java AND economics? gtfo you can't have both unless you don't have a life

>> No.7471309

currently an MIS major and taking java right now a lot of shit to learn

>> No.7471398

Big Nerd Ranch guides

>> No.7472329

Indeed. IS there another good programming language to learn?

>> No.7472980

Python. Especially If you want to work with analytics and numerical stuff related to economics. It also has great libraries for machine learning. You still need to master a language like Java too, if only for your CV. I personally would go with C++ (it will take much longer to master though) or Go. Most blockchain technology is written in Go and C++.

>> No.7473003


>> No.7473009

And a great way to get familiar with the language is to solve katas on codewars.

>> No.7473027
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If you actually attend university in the current year you’re a fucking retard and deserve the hell that is coming your way

>> No.7473514
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Already did my undergrad in Bio, where uni is much cheaper than the USA. It only cost $16,500 USD to do. I can go straight into doing a post-grad Masters in coding, provided I can show competence. It'll only cost $8,600 USD to complete. Seems like a good deal, anon

>> No.7473888

>spending 5+ years of your life licking up milky from pretentious academics until they grant you the ability to study how to code in Java

>> No.7473945
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I had mine paid by the government and spent 5 years playing with cyclotrons and expensive industrial robots.

It was just for fun, now I'm starting a business.

>> No.7474137

Nah you're just stupid as fuck and can't learn shit. Easy as fuck for me to find a job with a comp sci degree

>> No.7474815

Yeah, you’re buttmad that you spent tens of thousands of dollars to go chase the wizard of oz while the NEETS taught themselves C++ to filter pr0n better. Go back to sucking your bosses dick favget

>> No.7474927

Watch this faggot won’t come back to the thread he’s pooping his pants literally sharting as I stroke my neck stubble

>> No.7475067

boomer middle managent wont hand you a job without a degree
to them this means you are "too stupid" for university

>> No.7475126
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>Not starting your own business

>> No.7475240

Actually, CS is one of the few fields where having a degree doesn’t help much and in places like the Bay Area is looked down upon