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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7467667 No.7467667 [Reply] [Original]

Some of you may not know, but bear market after such a dump (that hasnt even finished) does not end in one month. This is not correction, this is start of bear marker. Fear, uncertainty and doubt will soon set in. Normies have been btfo by these dumps, money that pumped btc sky high is no longer there and wont be until this shitcoin is replaced by faster and cheaper one. You have been warned.

Short term

- BTC in rising wedge
- broken out of it yesterday, started new one
- target - 9.2K
- getting overbought and slowing down
- volume dropping by day and price needs to be pushed higher and higher
- will get btfo by Saturday
- By mondey there will be sea of pink wojacks here

Screen cap this

>> No.7467711

You don't have to be a genius to see a crash coming.

Corporate buybacks will be the culprit.

>> No.7467786

So cash out at 9k ?

>> No.7467788
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>> No.7467866

Another fag who sold the bottom lol

>> No.7467898

Sep. 2015 to Dec. 2017 looks dream-like, I wasn't there back then but hopefully it's not the last time we see something like that.

>> No.7467900
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I fear we are not out of this yet. Looks too good to be true. If its at 9k, we sell - then buy in at the bottom right? Like sell all my BTC - tether up, then rebuy it at 2-6k? Never done this.

>> No.7467954

The 6K cuck brigade, fudding desperately

>> No.7467967

Not really. Ive been selling since first bull trap. Understand that sentiment towards BTC has changed alot, there is no mania, its depression. This is completely normal after big bubble pops, it will come back. At least cryptos, BTC IMO will never come back in same manner duo to being fundamentaly broken.

>> No.7467980

Learn what an Eliot wave is and then kys

>> No.7467995

stop shitting on the street, pajeet.

>> No.7467999

i think we might be in return to normal bulltrap
it might go up to 13k

>> No.7468044

i wanna jump back in eventually but i’m scared of tether

>> No.7468047

Its meme, thats what it is. All you need to do is look around and ask yourself. When BTC was 8k back in November, was sentiment around like this? No. No it wasnt. People are staying away from crypto because they have been dumped on harder then they could ever imagine. You had grannies putting their life savings in fucking shitcoin like BTC just to crash 70% in month. Oh but this is not a bubble, its completely normal occurance.

>> No.7468074


You are comparing 2014 (mt gox) with this correction..

>> No.7468080

8k cuck reporting in. sold for tether when it started to drop yesterday on binance and locked out during the rise

>> No.7468130


its ok, you'll fomo in like evreyone else at 12k and make this shit pump to 20k in a day

>> No.7468135
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we feel sorry for your leveraged short faggot
>this is you

>> No.7468160



>> No.7468225

Yea you see, we went from tiny market full of enthusiasts to full blown bubble that was fueled to 20k by millions of normies. Enthusiasts will be resist till the bitter end, but there will be long losing end. Normies will run for the hills. If you think you will be able to dump your bags on bigger fool next month after I already did last month, then you truly are biztard.

>> No.7468239

Holy shit that TA is some of the sorriest I ever seen lol.

>> No.7468251

dude you are doing it smart. but if you invested 200k in the stock market. you also lost already 10%.

right now there is a lot of shit going on behind the scenes. governments, banks evaluating crypto.

if someone of that weird 0.1% who invested his life savings is now against crypto fuck them. they are reatrds. you only see people losing complaining not the ones winning. but the few are louder than the majority.

>> No.7468277


and if it manages to break 9.2k? Will we go on a wild ride?

>> No.7468359

Anon, this is natural. We are in for bear market that will last for few months at least. We have been on perma bull run last year, going 10x in last 3 months. People are exhausted because big guys have dumped on them, and there is no crazy money to push it up again, market needs a rest. You will see it works for every asset, stock or market in the world and thats because its simple human psychology put together on graph.

>> No.7468377

I’m very short term long right now but I have the exact same opinion as OP we are so far below the 200ema now.. something that hasn’t happened since 2015.. we’re in a bear market you can’t deny it, don’t get me wrong I’m still super bullish long term but we’re looking at Q1 Q2 bear market at a minimum

>> No.7468440

>t. 6k cuckold

>> No.7468459

All things considered, kind of. Dip has been harder than most, but not terribly out of line with history. Last October we were at 4k, and most people were thinking you’d be nuts to 5x in the next 3 months. But there we were.

Sentiment now seems uncertain, with people both celebrating the “death” of bitcoin, and others excitedly waiting for the next run up.

>> No.7468472
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>Normies have been btfo by these dumps, money that pumped btc sky high is no longer there and wont be until this shitcoin is replaced by faster and cheaper one.
Stopped reading right there. Subtle btrash shill confirmed. Fucking kill yourself you wanna be sausage fingers roger ver pole smoking faggot. You don’t know shit

>> No.7468544

yes a logical expectation is a bear market which began end of december. which is not wrong. but how long it is and what happens 1 hour from now nobody knows. human psychology is not always predictable especially in a market like crypto is. it could go to 50k tomorrow or to 1 k. i think it will go sideways for a few weeks.

>> No.7468563
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>muh 'i missed the dip'

>> No.7468578

No, because there is no reason for it to go on wild ride.

Look at the downtrend BTC is currently in. Just last week we where at 10k, 2 weeks ago we were at 12.8k. Back then, we still had to go through downtrend that was 13k, but there was no one to push the price out, because people dont believe it is worth it. Every drop we had tells people "last weeks high is not worth it, let alone 13k".

6k volume was great, because alot of people put their buy orders on thinking thats the bottom. It went past 7 and now its stuck in 8k for 2 days, cannot pass first resistance in 5 tries, drying volume with each new candlestick. That means that there is no one that will come in and push the price up. What will happen is we will limp to 9.2k (like last time we got to 12.7k) and get dumped hard.

Its in no bodies interest to dump BTC from 10k to 6k in 3 days, because price will plummet and people with tons of BTC to sell will have to sell it at much lower prices. Thats why you see suckers rally every 10 days just to fizzle out when first strong resistance comes.

It will be sub 6 by mid next week.

>> No.7468585

No sense in doing TA when Binance has been down for almost 24 hours you fucking faggot

>> No.7468697

whatever everyone thinks btc will do, it will do the opposite. the market is a trap and it manipulates people into buying when they should sell and vice versa.

>> No.7468709

Fuck of core cucks. Cant stand you nor bcash fags with their fucking trash fork. Just GTFO and leave this market to 2018 tech.

Yes, but consider that we are now on CNBC every evening. People have been exposed to it and BTC has been exposed to normie money and bigger the audience. When we dipped from 4k to 2.5k it was just that, a dip because of China ban. Bear trap if you will. BTC was riding with its king banner. But no body sees it that way anymore, not after 300k unconfirmed transaction and 50$ fees. Everyone knows now, and to bring it back new investors and ALOT of them will have to push it back to 20k and that ain't happening anytime soon.

>> No.7468717

>No sense in doing TA when Binance has been down for almost 24 hours you fucking faggot
who cares about chink shitcoin pump and dump central?
their btc-usdt pair is irrelevant to the rest of the market

>> No.7468722
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>“We owe it to this new generation to respect their enthusiasm for virtual currencies, with a thoughtful and balanced response, and not a dismissive one,”
- J. Christopher Giancarlo, Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission

>“I hope people pursue it vigorously,”
- Jay Clayton, Chairman of the SEC. Appointed by President Donald Trump

>"The crypto market could be worth $20 trillion by 2020"
- Senator Mark Warren, the wealthiest US Senator as of 2012 and a pioneer in cellphone technology

>"However, recent developments, such as the listing of Bitcoin futures contracts by US exchanges, could lead European banks too to hold positions in Bitcoin, and therefore we will certainly look at that."
- Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank

It would take a special kind of retard to sell now. No matter what you think your meme lines are trying to tell you.

>> No.7468773

give me a call when you reference a real exchange (bitfinex - 10k minimum sign up)

>> No.7468792

Do you see anyone around you acting like its November? Back when it was 8k, then 9k in 3 days? BTC is fucking trash, they are propping up news to get people to buy last couple of pumps and after that its back to mean for a longer period of time.

This is no longer 2016 when you could have shit product (BTC) and tell normies its best thing since sliced bread. It fucking sucks as currency, its technology is prehistoric. This is Nokia 2.0

>> No.7468867

I don't expect a bullrun right away, but a few weeks or months of steady increase before a bullrun occurs.

Expecting a continued drop right after the US government as well as the European Central Bank just endorsed Buttcoin and restored peoples faith in crypto is delusional at best.

>> No.7468870

Bear market until April. Crypto money in Korea is leaving and relocating operations to Japan and Hong Kong
Once they've moved it all, the money returns

>> No.7468978

They also wanted to regulate it. It's hilarious how people are spinning neutral news as "bullish af".
What makes you think Bitcoin is worth $20k, 10k, 8k, or even 1k? I bet most of the people here have never actually used Bitcoin for commerce. Bitcoin was working perfectly fine in 2015 when I was using it to avoid chargebacks. Bitcoin at $8k works just as well for that purpose as Bitcoin at $300.

>> No.7469035
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> BTC is fucking trash
> It fucking sucks as currency, its technology is prehistoric. This is Nokia 2.0

ohhhhh super kek

>> No.7469045

>Guys I can't say much else but

>> No.7469048

Mate, no one even knows it nor cares for it. If CCN (not CNN) tells you european banks are thinking about crypto it won't make people crazy about it next day. Its like jacking off two times in span of an hour and then ugly chick trying to get you hard again. Won't work. Exhausted. Plus shes ugly.

That is BTC now. It exhausted market with that crazy bull run and people won't be buying it anytime soon. Bubble bursted and yet no one even feels desperete or depleted because, you guessed it, this is not the end.

Go to tradingview, look at 4h graph. Look at volume each time it rebounded (9k and 6k). People bought what they considered dip, but won't go 3-4k more thinking we are going 100k next month. Exhaustion kicked in and market needs a rest. Let the bear in your heart and short it at 9.2k, buy at the dip and dump your bags on someone else again.

>> No.7469052

you understand it wrong
what is good for crypto market in general is bad for bitcoin
when sec regulates icos and allow burgers to buy and trade them with usd like other commodities - there will be no need for btc anymore
and we already fell 70% after introduction of futures - you think european futures will make it better? banks are not interested in volatility and without volatility bitcoin will keep bleeding to the bottom where he will stay for a very long time - it will go up, but we will never see 2017 level grown after that

>> No.7469063

>They also wanted to regulate it.

They wanted to crack down on ICO scams and systematic P&Ds. That was all the regulation they wanted.

How exactly is that not good for the cryptomarkets?

>> No.7469122

For general use its absolute state of the art trash. Basically its been kept alive by mining cartel and whales propping prices every 10 days to dump some more, but its pure, unadulterated trash.

It is literally usable when fucking autists are using it after everyone else leaves the party (2014 and now). Once it needs to scale it fucking clogs like a motherfucker.

>> No.7469156

I've had basically everyone I know and their grandma buy in during this, some at 13k some at 11k some at 8-9k, I don't know of or have heard of a SINGLE normie/non-trader who panic sold, not one and honestly no normies I know are falling for the MSM FUD as in calling it a scam/ponzi normal nocoiner stuff either. Its a myth that they want us to all believe. I bet nearly all of you bought your first coins near the top of whatever current upward price wave there was at the time due to FOMO, I know I did at 150 USD in 2013 and not once did I think I should sell. The only people who have to panic sell are the ones who over used credit to buy in, again I've never met anyone who did that or was that stupid.

>> No.7469193
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Fee's have dropped back to below normal levels and most <10sat tx's are confirming so stop with your FUD you autist


>> No.7469271
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$40 billion just entered the total crypto market cap while Binance was offline. Get the fuck in here boys:


>> No.7469277

As I said. Once not in use, it works relatively well. I waited 1.5hr for 2 confirmation last week, this is amazing call for normies. Just have to explain them that they are doing it for greater good and that chink miners are making big bucks from it while sucking country worth of electricity and we'r great.

This is like ETH kitties. Once used, it sucks. Much less then BTC, but it does suck. Thats why you see them looking for solid scaling solution and not LN trash tier junk.

>> No.7469302

Fucking OP is a trash retard, bet he was bullish asf when bitcoin was 20k and now that its low he starts bearish, Great fucking job OP. keep chasing the price, buy high sell low. Nothing fundamentally has changed for bitcoin, its still bitcoin. Its not a bubble and you're going to be btfo in 3 weeks when bitcoin rises above 15-18k.

begin march bullrun incoming, screencap this faggets.

>> No.7469386

Technically, it is a bubble. It literally slashed by 70% in span of a month.

Second point, yea its still bitcoin. Its still 2009 tech that was just shown to the world as being absolutely useless. It was nice jacking off in your mothers basement when 5 autists sent 3btc's for 3 grams of dope 3 years ago, but as soon as larger amount (not large, larger) starts using it it fucking chokes.

>> No.7469406
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Ironic because waves show a ride to 9.2K as well and then a retraction to the 5K area

>> No.7469410

You are hopeless :) you are blinded by something, not sure what but until then throwing logic your way won't help. Seek professional help.

>> No.7469419

>$40 billion just entered
jesus fuck are you that stupid or simply trolling?
market cap is not equal liquidity
nothing entered anything
shitcoin prices just jumped back to previous level where they were before last dump when bots closed sell orders and somebody bought at an old price

>> No.7469442

Well fuck huh

>> No.7469531

How is my logic bad?

>BTC is trash
>Literally 2009 tech
>Its practically ATI card in 2018
>cant scale for shit
>will NEVER scale for shit
>uses entire country worth of electricity in what is still just niche market

Why are you sucking BTC cock so much? Even fucking Richard Heart put it under ground and spit on its grave.

>> No.7469551
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>buy one XRP for $1000
>there is a circulating supply of XRP
>total marketcap is now nearing 40 Trillion

omg guis look at all that money pouring in

>> No.7469556

>ITT: desperate bottom sellers

>> No.7469625

bitcoin needs to die. it's outdated tech that has literally been taken over by a corporation that wants to keep the network in a permanently crippled state in order to force people to use their IOU tokens.

>> No.7469634
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what kind of argument is that? By that logic, when it was $1000, nothing changed by the time it was $20,000. The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.7469724

Ya fuck this FUDster when binance comes back TRON will go on a bullrun to 10k

>> No.7469885


This is the beauty of unregulated markets, the feeling of having your stomach ripped out of you. Thats normal, and now that it has dropped 50-70% or what ever percentage you're scared to death, and thats normal. But don't become a lil bitch and fudding everyone else. Because we bought the dip, And we're going to the moon very soon.

Go back to stocks if you want a temporary lock on price when it increases by 5-10%, fagget reddit piece of cum shit.

>> No.7469909


>> No.7469923

Nothing changed for bitcoin, and nothing will be changed, magnitude is a fun game. Fucking goon, go back jerking off to females with a dick, faglord.

>> No.7469973

Don't be mad that you will have to wait a long time to fuck normies over with that piece of shit. In fact, BTC probably wont be the one being dumped as it will definitely fade into irrelevancy.

So yea, just like in stocks, or any other market, when bulk of people investing get fucked over by a bubble that is all smoke and mirrors (and BTC is just that), then recession and bear market comes. We had bull run that lasted a year, from 600$ to 20k, let the bear in now.

>> No.7470069

When people talk with this much certainty about something they have absolutely no way of knowing it means they are COPING and trying to justify their position.

You want to ask yourself why you are coping, rather than actually trying to take a realistic position on the market and trying to make a profit.

>> No.7470138

>When people talk with this much certainty about something they have absolutely no way of knowing it means they are COPING and trying to justify their position.

Kek what are you coping with anon?

>> No.7470192
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Fixed it.

>> No.7470285

I mean when you see anons saying "Bitcoin is GOING DOWN" it's a cope.

I've caught myself doing it when I was less experienced, after I took a short position or something. In reality I had no idea if it was going down, I just hoped it was.

>> No.7470539

Show us your open positions OP
Reminder to not trust any TA fag that doesn't not show his LEVERAGED positions that concur with his analysis.
If he doesn't trust his money with his TA it's because it's not worth a damn.
>"but I don't like gambling"
So TA is not that solid if it's a gamble for you then?
Anyone can hold, not everyone can net profits on leverage and avoid liquidation until cashing out, it takes real skills and balls, because you can not afford to be wrong or you'll lose all your money, unlike when you're not on leverage.

>> No.7470712

This shit is going to 5k. If it cant even break through the second fib retracement level with massive buy volume, there's no way its going to moon. Got my buy order placed at 5500

>> No.7470842

There already IS a scaling solution. It's called BITCOIN CASH. All my transactions confirm in the first block with less than 1 cent in fees.

Oh and we're up 30% today, bitcoin core is getting replaced soon by the REAL BITCOIN

>> No.7471364

you fucking faggot, longs are mooning on bitfinex and shorts are decreasing, we gonna break the 200 EMA at 8.7k and once we close higher we are going for 10. People sold because big boys released fake government FUD every where by buying out news anchors and editors. Your a cuck buying into their propaganda. Hope u kys.

>> No.7471458

Im not actually, I shorted, took my money and will do it again. Bubble is bursted and cant come back to life in 3 weeks.

>> No.7471607

The bear has left its cave for a good while.

>> No.7471933

If you have never done that you will fuck up if you try to short at 9k.

>> No.7472290

bulls are on offence bears aren't even attacking up we go

>> No.7472350

It’s going sub 4K

>> No.7472439

16th of February is when the market will begin to recover

>> No.7472464

no resistance is at like 8500 to 8800
so if it breaks that it might pump a bit I expect
its also where the initial bullrun began after november last year

>> No.7472676

Longs increased before the dip to 8k as well.

>> No.7472678

How did you get 9.2k?

t. shorting since 8177

>> No.7472743
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>Corporate buybacks will be the culprit.

>> No.7472812


lmfao, there was no reason for the bump in December either. Fuck off with this shit for once man

>> No.7472836

-fuck off normie

>> No.7472864


Yes, this is what I tried to tell peple the other day.

It doesn't matter how you feel about the fucking tech or how fun inveting in crypto is or whatever. A BUBBLE WAS FORMED AROUND IT.

Once you are in a bubble, you must treat it like one.

>> No.7472882

No one actually believes that we're in a bull. Well, some do but they are morons that make the rest of us wealthy.

>> No.7472894

If there's anything you should know from being in this market it's that you truly cannot predict what it is going to happen.

>> No.7472992

US preparing for govt shutdown. Time to JUST coiners.

>> No.7473005

Yes there was. Ever since beginning of a year, when BTC started with pumping and ETH got everyone wet, it caught public eye. This then exponentially grew from September to November just to cap it of with craziest bull run in decades. Everyone was on it, moms pops and grannies. People literally payed for BTC with borrowed money at 20K.

It then dumped so hard and violently that it lost 65% of its value in a month time. Its still not finished mind you, alot more people wants of this ride and dump it to next greater full, bears just need to find a right position (9.2-9.5k). As soon as retards got FOMO again, they will be dumped on.

>> No.7473066

Honestly, you guys are fucking delusional. OP is not wrong. Where is the new money coming from? There is no buy pressure.

OP even said the bear market will last a couple of months, which I can agree with.

There are many things to consider to have a new wave of money come in, as the normie wave happened already. Now it's a matter of massive institutional money and slow growth

1) South Korea said by JUNE they may have a decision on the ruling of crypto (which fucking sucks because I'm balls deep in ICX)
2) We saw the CFTC was bullish about crypto, but institutional money can't move in if it is largely unregulated, and since it is a WORLD market, how the FUCK is the US going to regulate it? It's only retail investors at the moment. How are you going to explain to your clients that the market dropped 30% because some faggot in another country released a FUD article that scared everyone? How is the U.S. going to regulate P&D's?
3) All of these shitcoins were GROSSLY over valued. How the fuck can you justify the marketcap for some of these shitcoins? Now it's time to see what they are worth.
4) Again, where is all this new money coming from?
5) We cannot move forward as a market unless we decouple from BTC. It is a slow piece of shit. MAYBE with Lightning coming out, bullish sentiment will return. Mempool has shrunken down so that is good. But still, we need to wait on FairX, Bittrex accepting USD, and Robinhood to actually inject REAL FIAT into the market to actually give a good valuation of these smaller caps, NOT just having faggot whale NEETS who mined BTC back in 2011 wash trading the entire time.

Where is the buy pressure going to come from for the next couple months? At BEST, we will see BTC stabilize a little, but you'll only see the current money invested moving from shitcoin to shitcoin chasing pumps.

>> No.7473076

Fuuuck I hate the boring sideways movement for the last 10 hours

>> No.7473126

in mt gox bearmarket BTC was actually still functional...
Now its just a slow expensive shitcoin

Some alt or BCH is taking over this year and BTC cant do anything about it

>> No.7473581


Well, thre is the issue that Bitcoin itself is a systematic P&D, though the small fish cannot see it because the Pump nad dumps they;re used to last like one day.

Big money pump n dumps over a year.

>> No.7473623

*sideways your path*

>> No.7473704

Where will institutional investors put their money?
>QE fueled stock market bubble
>Low interest and Chink fueled housing bubble
>virgin crypto market that’s finished crashing

>> No.7473775
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im here to stay guys

>> No.7473817

Its not finished crashing and everything is still FAR FAR overvalued. BTC was 2K in September, and then it was considered expensive. It was not till normie zombies started to buy it in a droves that whales figured they can pump up that price to stratosphere.

Smart money is NOT buying BTC at 8-9K don't delude yourself. This thing won't be going north of 10K anytime soon.

>> No.7474172

How the fuck do you know faggot.

>> No.7474280
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We're going sub 8k again

>> No.7475018
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You are going to get JUSTed so hard in 3 days, here have a wojak, you'll need it

>> No.7475884


Look at how little FOMO there is. No one wants bitcoins except overtraders who didn't sell in December.

Whales have only been buying to pump through resistance to fool TAs and then they dump on everyone over a period of days of "bullishness" before continuing the downtrend

normies dont want it

people like you are the only target audience for bitcoin right now

it was a pump n dump dude.

>> No.7475920
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>> No.7475934


Also, do you guys think whales would actually need to buy more bitcoin after retards gave them all their bitcoin during the TRX, XRP, XLM, and ADA pump n dumps?

>> No.7475990


I really want to stop taking ur money but I just cant stop

>> No.7476035


It won't be. There will be one last, soul shattering crash before the real moon mission begins. I'm talking post mt. gox level bear market upcoming...just with bigger numbers.

Everyone on this board still has a chance to be a millionaire. That's just how many people are going to be scared off in the coming months.

>> No.7476105

hedge funds, silicon valley money and everyone in the know is already in. the ultimate end goal of the wealthy BTC insiders is to dump their bags on pooled money/traditional institutions (banks, pension funds, insurance companies) for astronomical gains.

for that to happen regulations need to be passed, and they will be. the US government also does not need strategic reserves of BTC because its a bunch of useless 0s and 1s and the ultimate goal is to cash out to fiat anyway. they will have an excuse to print more dollars in fact because of a new asset class

>> No.7476163

Fantastic, more time to accumulate.

There is literally no downside to this

>> No.7476267
