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File: 50 KB, 768x672, CRASH!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7458060 No.7458060 [Reply] [Original]

volume has decreased 15% since 24 hours ago. whats going on

the rally has gotten slower and weaker day by day.
Normies have no idea what was said by the government so stop spewing that stupid meme.

>> No.7458109

We now have to fight for whatever is left, the end times have come

>> No.7458168

you fucking pajeet are dumb af. guess which site is down today.

>> No.7458177

ive been thinking the same surely it has to test 6k again right

>> No.7458197

WALking down the streets of New York, cacophony of voices all talking about the SEC hearing
>omg did you hear what he said
>yea 20T by 2020
Mothers, fathers and even a few children are buying bitcoin

Starbucks is now accepting bitcoin as a currency
>one cafe grande
>that’ll be 0.0000003 bitcoin
Tears stream down your face.

>> No.7458204

im talking volume down on sites such as bitfinex, and gdax. binance is a shitcoin trading site not that it matters much.

>> No.7458222

phony buy walls that are being pulled whenever the price gets close is a bearish signal

>> No.7458224

Im assuming the lost volume will only raise the price, just watch the market

>> No.7458234

Everything is going to moon because it's frozen, WE ARE GENIUS.

>> No.7458252

but time and time again btc has proved that rising on low volume is a bad thing. crashes come soon after

>> No.7458286
File: 44 KB, 600x603, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he sold at 6k
>he will never see 6k again
>he FOMO'd in
>he believed biz
>now he FUDs
>on the internet
>he thinks it will make bitcoin hit 6k again
>in a year he won't even be able to afford hotpockets
>he does it for free

>> No.7458330

why do idiots like you always pop up. i bet youve been saying that since 19k to justify ur holding. only one that wont be able to afford hotpockets is you when this shit crashes.

>are you stupid enough to believe this rally can continue to go up 10-20% daily forever

>> No.7458336
File: 563 KB, 703x703, Remote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No volume means no inertia to break resistance.

We're fucked.

>> No.7458344

Regarding to the chink twitter. Binance got hacked to oblivion. Most shitcoins are lost, the stolen ones are exchanged to Bitcoin cash.

>> No.7458365

I think the markets might be waiting to see what the fuck happened to binance before pumping.

>> No.7458369

The fuck are you guys talking about, we are almost touching 400B still.

>> No.7458399
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Yep. Long term trends tell a different tale. I've seen this many times on forex. News tells something good/bad in a currency's fundamentals and yet still went down despite the good news or went up despite the bad news. And this didn't last for just hours like with the "sell the news" meme. The trend actually lasted for MONTHS before another trend reversal. Fundies are basically lying to themselves that charts aren't the best tool to gauge price action. Charts tell real time action and trends.

Expect declines in the coming weeks.

>> No.7458404
File: 307 KB, 828x1017, 1C723001-A483-4586-9B46-F9D0E31E22B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time and time again, omega has proven that he is a fucking piece of shit that needs to DIAF. Take this scammer’s word with a huge grain of salt, anons.

>> No.7458409

>volume has decreased 15% since 24 hours ago. whats going on
binaance is down, newfag quit losin your shit

>> No.7458416

low volume. todays high is only 2% higher then yesterdays high.
rally is getting weak.
>people who fomod in because of the news are impulsive and are 80% more likely to sell.
>bitcoin cant keep going up forever before another drop

>> No.7458427

no volume could also mean less people willing to sell

low volume just means a breakout is imminent

>> No.7458436

I doubt one exchange has this much of an impact in volume. Why are you lying to yourself?

>> No.7458442


>> No.7458479

lol are you fucking stupid can you even read candle charts? Those 3 candles are not the same and dont mean the same

>> No.7458526


>creates a topic
>screams in all caps

holy fuck man you want attention lol

>> No.7458548

Rofl the guy who disappeared from his own thread yesterday when he advised idiots to sell 7500

Neck yourself faggot

>> No.7458556

>doesn't understand swings
>doesn't understand highs and lows
>not the same despite the similarities
KYS my man.

>> No.7458599

This, OmegaFag shorted BTC and got liquidated and now is trying to spread FUD to buy cheap.
> he thinks 4chan has any influence in the cryptospace

>> No.7458605

Ah, yeah, you're right.

It might bounce again before that though.

>> No.7458614

Stupid fucking tripfaggot nigger go back to plebbit and KYS

>> No.7458651

Ok so I'm assuming everyone flaming me believes bitcoin will hit 20k by march rofl

>> No.7458710

You will literally never see 6k again you daft nigger, get in now or FOMO back in at 13k ROM

>le forex expert
Same goes for you dipshit, tic toc

>> No.7458715

Are you retarded?, binance has the third largest bitcoin volume

>> No.7458725

Well, you don't have to guess. Go look. They do half a billion in BTC volume per day. Number 3 exchange behind Bitfinex and OKEx.

>> No.7458740

it can happen but $4-5k is more likely.

>> No.7458786

Why are u dodging the fact sitewide volume is down on every site. Binance isn't a part of the calculation on site specific volume

>> No.7458790

>volume has decreased 15% since 24 hours ago

surprise surprise, binance is down.

>> No.7458811

>le bitcoin HODL expert
>TO THE MOOOONNN!!!! 20k by the end of the month coz fundie expert
>does this unironically
I'm going to rub it in everyone's faces when BTC goes down the coming weeks just so I can enjoy watching idiots like you sperg and squirm that you lost money on your vietnamese basket weaving forums.

>> No.7458817

Refer to since you don't know how to read. It's obvious now though that only idiots still have their bags.

>> No.7458842

Bulls are overbought from buying in during the last couple failed breakouts, so they have no money to push the price up. Thus, the now powerless bulls resort to spamming random shit on forums in order to try to get bears to buy back in to stop the decline. However, time is on the bears' side; they merely have to wait until bulls are forced to liquidate their coins to pay for living expenses and/or taxes based on last year's BTC value. I see 6k being tossed around so much....must be the default retort of the bulls. The behavior of the bulls has drastically changed from early January, they really are becoming scared.

>> No.7458883

And they get mad and sperg out when the integrity or value of their sacred revolutionary memecoin is questioned. It isn't a wonder why retards who are emotionally invested tend to lose money. They let their emotions cloud their judgment.

>> No.7458895

Capped nigger see you in 3 weeks

>> No.7458900

>binance is down
this in itself will shake trust and put downward pressure on.

>> No.7458915

See you when I see you faggot. Don't kill yourself when you lose everything. I want to see you squirm and sperg out first before you do that.

>> No.7458918

Exactly who wants to be forced to hold btc during a downtrend

>> No.7458924

To be frankly honest with you, it probably is still related to Binance.

A lot of folks probably don't know wtf to do, so they're doing nothing to see how that situation shakes out.

We still don't know if this is just a hickup, or if we have a full fledged Mt. Gox on our hands here, and yes, I have skin in the game on this one. If Binance exit scams, that 15% waiting is probably going to dump, if shit smooths over with it, we'll probably see a slow and steady increase in volume back to and possibly beyond normal levels...

That's just my 2 cents, I'm not an expert, just drawing logical conclusions here.

>> No.7459110

Do you know anybody that has stopped trading who don't use binance. Yea me neither

>> No.7459113

This is what is happening to me.
Not because the possibility of exit scam, but the market will change a lot once it's open again.
I'm holding 50% tether 50% btc just to be safe because i don't know what will happen once binance trade available again.
Last night BTC drop to 7.6k, and the moment binance goes maintenance it goes back to 8k but most of the alts bleed to normal level

>> No.7459181



anon i have bad news

>> No.7459195

Binance is frozen you stupid fuck

>> No.7459225

Its not like binance is temporary down retard

>> No.7459263

>volume has decreased 15% since 24 hours ago

>> No.7459273

It's not like you guys read the thread retards

>> No.7459291
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Look asshole, I don't know anybody in crypto personally, I don't go spouting off about my finances with people irl.

I just said I made a guess as to how it could be related to the 15% lower volume on other exchanges. If you want to be a nigger about it that's your business, but if you want to be an adult, you can actually offer up some solid conversation on the issue rather than just being a dismissive little bitch.

>> No.7459292

OP is a fucking retard

>> No.7459323

Looks like it's going down and when binance opens back up expect a huge dump

>> No.7459334

OP getting blown the fuck out.

Can't even FUD right you stupid Mexican tripfag.

>> No.7459345
File: 40 KB, 731x483, ksstksstkssst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you comprehend that Binance is among the largest and most used exchanges?
Can you then stretch your wits to encompass the possibility of people having their assets frozen on Binance and can't trade, resulting in a volume drop?
If you can, congratulations. You've made your thread obsolete and you can delete it.

>> No.7459354

>Not because the possibility of exit scam, but the market will change a lot once it's open again.
This was my exact thought on why people would slow their roll during an event like this.

There, happy now? We have some evidence that some people are in fact doing what I suggested they might be doing to explain your
>muh 15%

>> No.7459408

Kek flaming that's an old term

>> No.7459437

Does that explain the other 35% from 2-3 days ago. Binance has little to do with the steadily declining volume during this rally. GOD HOW CAN YOU IDIOTS BE THIS BLIND

>> No.7459443

what if chinese agents went to chinky boy and said suspend the market this is supposed to be a bulltrap

>> No.7459450

Howdy nigger faggot?
Still waiting for muh 3k dip?

>> No.7459455

We don't know that. YOU don't know that.

It's possible there will be a dump by weak hands. It's also possible that the good news that this was just a minor service interference and everything going back to normal will be perceived positively by the market, and folks will cautiously pump prices up again.
I want to be optimistic about it, but if it goes poorly, I'm not going to shit the bed over it.

>> No.7459497

Sorry to tell you guys but binance was hacked by the Chinese government to help solidify their standing for the future crypto war of 2020

>> No.7459539

Now you're talking.

I would suggest that after the big dip we just saw, a lot of folks are on the sidelines, waiting to see where the trend will go. I personally waited out the dip to see where it would bounce. Turns out it bounced around 6.5k or so. When it started going up, I grabbed a small amount. I have more on the sidelines now, I'm waiting to see how things shake out to put more in. I'd really like it to dip more to be honest, so keep FUDing, I'm cool with it.

>> No.7459556

Yea I'm sure the largest shitcoin exchange going down for an entire day while the bubble pops is a sure fire way to regain confidence for the investors

>> No.7459641

I guess that's the name of the game, huh?

I want it to go down. You think if this shit crashes again, people are just going to say:
>Welp, it was a nice experiment, but I guess blockchain technology was a failure, lets all just forget about it now.

Seriously though, if anything them coming back online with nothing missing and all issues resolved would place more confidence in them for being on the level with people throughout the ordeal. That's just me though, I don't speak for the whole market, like you.

>> No.7459643
File: 189 KB, 1276x768, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I fucking end it or what?

>> No.7459709

youre retarded

>> No.7459725

How the fuck is Binance volume revelant to Bitfinex volume? Holy shit you guys are retarded. Volume started to decline even before the Binance shutdown. 90% of this board is seriously mentally retarded. Just shows how many newfags with have.

>> No.7459796

Could reflect bagholders sitting tight.

>> No.7459798
File: 139 KB, 394x360, 1499254191721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7459805

thats what im saying its like they purposely overlook things that dont give evidence to their ideology (similar to republicans)

>> No.7459853

yea bag holders that cant do anything but sell. People that wanted to buy would be buying right now.

>> No.7459880

riiight could have done the exact opposite and marked the beginning of every dip and called it a bears dick you goof. aint hindsight some shit? off yourself

>> No.7459914

oh god not this fucking faggot again. FUCK OFF ALREADY DIE NIGGER

>> No.7459923

Everything you ever spewed was either wrong or retarded.
Kys trip faggot.

>> No.7460005

i know you guys are panicking price will continue going down till binance re opens up February 9th 4 am (UTC). Imagine what tf is going to happen when they see bitcoin going down

>> No.7460063

LMFAO. So true. He is retarded, it's been confirmed.

>> No.7460078
File: 247 KB, 613x421, 1348075077052.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but you seem to be confused about the concept of holding. It means they don't do anything with their bags, regardless of whether they're up or down.
Though the term "bag holders" is usually referring to folks who are under their initial investment, and don't want to take a loss in the hopes that they might see positive or neutral gains again someday. This implies at the very least that they are not selling. And if they're not buying more in the hopes of lowering their break even point, then they're doing nothing, which equates to no volume from those traders.
Tell me where I'm wrong.

Also, I want to buy, but I'm not buying right now because I don't have a clear idea of the short term direction of the market, so you're at least wrong about me.

>> No.7460181
File: 216 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once the 8200 buywall on bitfinex disappears. you guys will finally realize the whales were attempting to keep the price high to dump on you guys
>exactly the same that happened on pic related

>> No.7460273

buy wall BTFO in 5 seconds. 223 btc dumped in 1 transaction

>> No.7460321

Dump holders are being BTFO

>> No.7460337

Binance is down, silly goose.

>> No.7460371

read the thread before posting silly goose

>> No.7460400

If you were consistently right maybe people wouldn't be shitting on you. But you aren't. Get your average up and maybe people won't chuckle at your theories.

>> No.7460405

I cry evrytiem

>> No.7460408
File: 16 KB, 379x295, 1516101382406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> screencaps self saying "screencaps this"

>> No.7460412

If you still think (Repub vs democrat) you're a retard yourself. Also implying democrats are filled with factual information is laughable at best. Anyway back to topic, there's going to be a dump when binance reopens, if you niggers think we'll never test supports ever again you're delusional

>> No.7460421

Binance has over half of xrb volume.

>> No.7460455


>> No.7460477


>> No.7460493

Smaller exchanges slow after binance shuts down. They follow prices set at larger exchanges. It also halts arb but that's none of your fucking business.

>> No.7460518


>> No.7460522

>Binance isn't a part of the calculation on site specific volume
Yes it is.

>> No.7460555
File: 272 KB, 2048x1366, 1516147323951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone needs to take a chill pill

>> No.7460725
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I do hope you're right though, I'd like to see a dump and price crash. But I'm not going to cry if things go up. All smiles for me.

>> No.7460757

>6k cuckold trying to FUD
The biggest exchange is down you retard. BTC has been consolidating at 8k for days now, buy in now or you'll FOMO back in at 11k.

>> No.7460811

All the boys look retarded but the girls look qt ( except for the far left girl)

>> No.7460996

It’s cuz Binance is down baka

>> No.7461081


>> No.7461105

Volume decreased because it was exceptionally high over the past 2 days. What goes up must come down.

>> No.7461139

You kidding? Everyone looks retarded in this pic, no exception.

>> No.7461215
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>> No.7461254

I would tbqh

>> No.7461360

>wow ANOTHER 6k cuck

>> No.7461421

WRONG I actually sold at 8.12k because i see this going down further. not everyone is a 6k fomo cuck like you

>> No.7461467

lmao the 6k cuckolds start screaming everytime you point them out

>> No.7461480
File: 76 KB, 1536x2048, Screenshot_20180208-120353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even care anymore. The market goes down, I accumulate. It goes up I take pleasure in thinking about the fiat I will eventually have. Crypto is fucking life man.

>> No.7461516

this -- 95% of you need to sit down on investopedia for a day with a bottle of 30mgx30 adderall

>> No.7461888

volume dropped 3% since this post!!!!

>> No.7461976
File: 579 KB, 700x700, ahjiOBm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volume is down because Binance is down and many people have pulled their money off other exchanges because of the extremely poor handling of it.

>> No.7461987

People rather buy than sell... So low volume is indeed bad for the price increase

>> No.7462057

>dont get your financial advice from someone that has 3 hours to argue with brainlets on a mongolian spear hunting forum

>> No.7462369

and whos going to take financial advice from somebody who fomod at 8.6k

>> No.7462515

You people gotta realize with this much fud surrounding the binance debacle, the fact the prices haven't plummeted actually means something. I think the market is handling this shit show remarkably well. I'm actually impressed with how adult everybody is acting. Let's see what the chinks do in a few hours.

>> No.7462531

its gone down 4% while still being like 15 hours away from re opening. youve seen nothing yet

>> No.7462550


>> No.7462654

Lol bears just pushed the price to day low in preparation for weekend justing. They just eased off quickly. They will do the same today most likely, not so price crashes but to push it down, buy it at 7.5k, let bulls lock 9.2k and just all the way down sub 6k. This thing is on shakey legs.

>> No.7462685

The ones who are always refusing to believe in obvious chart signals are the ones yelling AAAAAA in pink wojak threads and unironically holding their bags through dips. When we are sideways they will consistently act smug and claim we found the floor at x price and we will never see x price again. Happened at 15k. 12k. 10k. 9k. 8k. 6k. Etc etc etc. It is honestly them trying with all of their might to will their positive thoughts into the market. Basically Linkies shit posting more or less.

>> No.7462698

Its 4% of BTC daily volume. This does not account for 15% of drop over all other exchanges INDIVIDUALLY.

>> No.7462702

Only brainlets care about short term swings

>> No.7462709

It only went up because the market with pumped with 72 million artificial euro tethers. Do you really think that anyone with access to real capital would invest a sizable amount in crypto?

>> No.7462803

((( they ))) want everyone to get some cheap BTC. pushing it down so it coincides with the 900k on robinhood's waiting list

>> No.7462877


And you basically longed it. More people are basically longing it than shorting it. Dow is now down more than 650 points. If we keep getting nearer and nearer to 1000 we are going to see some hilarious shit here in a second. Volume and macd are so weak compared to the last time it happened

>> No.7463118

>3rd highest daily volume of all time
GEE I WONDER WHY ITS DOWN. fucking kys brainlet.

>> No.7463203

if you listened you would have saved urself 5% but no you're just a fucking brainlet

>> No.7463454

I shorted at 8130.. Will I do okay?

>> No.7463620

yes its about to go sub 8k and wont go above it this time around

>> No.7463669
File: 52 KB, 1794x820, 0c9841dc0166bfb930aacf2adc02ab96c476706c5b214c3bcac0a28f488f6fa9_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here man, 8130, fuck this sideways action

>> No.7463675

>volume has decreased 15% since 24 hours ago. whats going on

Oh maybe that's because one of the biggest exchange is down at the moment? fucking moron.

>> No.7463694
File: 90 KB, 1125x681, 1341422668042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away you fucking faggot

>> No.7463698


>> No.7463822

>t. brainlet

Prices match across exchanges due to bots, and now a shit load of total volume is missing.

>> No.7463845

I shorted now I hope it crashes

>> No.7464010
File: 178 KB, 992x527, whatammigonnado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omega is a fag
But I'm not sure about this bearflag tho
It could drop inbetween 8k and 6k
But there is still hope if Binance returns in time

>> No.7464920

>volume has decreased 15% since 24 hours ago. whats going on

binance is down, lurk moar.

>> No.7465325


>> No.7465478

It is. It will be 25k

>> No.7465521


>BTC 16+ by eom

>> No.7465600

BTC 14k next week screen cap thisb

>> No.7465635

Rising wedge pattern. It's gonna fall soon.

>> No.7465930

It's obvious at this point no idea who are the idiots buying