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7455541 No.7455541 [Reply] [Original]

In order for someone to win (i.e. a Bitcoin) another person has to lose (i.e. give money in return for the Bitcoin).
Bitcoin does not create value, Miners can create value, not bitcoin itself.

People buy only because of the Hype, think they are going to get rich like Bill Gates only because they bought something that everybody is buying.

The tech on the other hand is rather seems interesting.
Can have real use in the real world.

>> No.7455577
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and what if it is?

>> No.7455584

All stocks are a zero-sum game, retard. For someone to win, someone dumber has to lose.

>> No.7455616

>In order for someone to win (i.e. a Stock share) another person has to lose (i.e. give money in return for the Share).
>Stock shares do not create value, the CEOs of those companies and the workers/employees can create value, not the share itself.
>People buy only because of the Hype, think they are going to get rich like Bill Gates only because they bought something that everybody is buying.

literal brainlets, these paid shills... what the actual fuck?

>> No.7455633
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OP stop posting and go fuckin read something
your a fuckin tard

>> No.7455639
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Bitcoin will keep going up in price for as long as it exists. It's fucking limited, contrary to fiat.

>> No.7455666

Bitcoin thus far has acted as a pool of liquidity to enter the crypto-space. It's also withstood the most scrutiny and attacks. Sure, alt/fiat pairings are becoming more common, and it should continue. But basically bitcoin's value is derived by the growth of the crypto space as a whole. If people pour more money into crypto, the pool of liquidity increases.

That being said, another crypto could take it's place, but until then it will serve as a marginally more stable pool of liquidity and store of crypto-value.

>> No.7455700


>Stocks are parts of companies,
>Companies make products,
>Products get to people,
>Companies grow,
>Shares go up,
>Make profit, give to stock holder...
Thus not zero sum game.
You create value, you create something.

>> No.7455703

Why are you a marxist, OP?

>> No.7455727


>not explaining why is not a zero sum game faggot

>> No.7455746
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GOLD is a zero sum game

>> No.7455824


On the other hand, if they withdraw, they kill the business.

If bitcoin wants to becomes the standard, big banks and companies need to use it like they use fiat.

And not because some early adopters want.

>> No.7455850


I'm not

>> No.7455929

>In order for someone to win (i.e. a Bitcoin) another person has to lose
just like real life

>> No.7455996 [DELETED] 

>degenerate gamblers
What's wrong making money off of them

>> No.7456011

>degenerate gamblers
What's wrong about making money off of them

>> No.7456029


I know this self-help/motivational bitcoin speaker.
>1 bitcoin = 1 million bucks
Just because someone said that it could be 20 trillion mkt?

why do you guys believe in everything you hear or see without reasoning first?

>> No.7456034

congratulations, you've figured out how a ponzi scheme works

>> No.7456083

>Bitcoin does not create value, Miners can create value
What do you think "value" is?

>> No.7456114
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>zero sum game = ponzi

>> No.7456137
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Are you a woman? Why a mean of exchange should create value?

>> No.7456139

btc is a ponzi
bch is a deflationary currency (ualitatively superior to any currency in history) that has increasing adoption. This means the price goes up without anyone loosing until it reaches equilibrium with the worlds demand for currency. You are litterally just lucky to be alive for the 20 years out of 13.4 billion while the supply is being distributed.

Speculation redistributes wealth to those that can accurately estimate value but speculation is not exclusive to crypto

>> No.7456166


If company goes bankrupt, stockholders get paid

>> No.7456212

Cryptos + stocks aren't 0 sum games because "loose" in 0 sum game means to loose something.

When somebody buys ripple at $3 they assume the sellers risk, this is not loosing its a transfer of risk.

>> No.7456229

Its quite simple. Its a game. We all agree Bitcoin is worth a million dollars, and we repeat this until it becomes embedded in the public mind. Maybe someone comes along in the short term and sell some for less than a million, but at the end of the day, we're all richer by agreeing on the price of an asset we do nothing with except sell to other people.

>> No.7456230
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Usually they don't, shareholders are pretty low on the list of people who get paid out

>> No.7456263


>he still uses bitcoin and cryptocurrencies interchangably

Bitcoin will be replaced eventually. Which means yes its a zero-sum game

>> No.7456282
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You bought one bitcoin, what does that change in the world?
Bitcon does not affect the real world.
What is the real world use of bitcoin in USD?
You buy bitcoin you have risk asset on your portfolio.
>Buy bitcoin and after can't buy shit without paying fees.

>> No.7456285

Bitcoin is a zero-sum game until 2 milestones are achieved:
1 - massive marketcap (similar to gold's $8T). Once this is achieved, it means the marketcap is too huge to be easily manipulated by even the biggest whales.

> This milestone sets bitcoin in place as a viable store-of-value (which it is not right now).

2 - Mass adoption. If it reaches a point where everyone has some bitcoin (i.e. like how the story goes when the stock market bubble popped, the shoeshine boy was talking about it)

Once this happens, shops will start selling things in bitcoin, and price discovery of products in bitcoin will start to happen.

Once this happens, the exchange market will stop dictating bitcoin's value, as REAL liquidity now exists in the real world (purchasing power in most if not all stores).

Selling for USD will no longer be necessary, and bitcoin price will skyrocket (as people will buy up bitcoins on the exchanges if it ever falls below real-world purchasing power value), to use them in the real world. It's basically an infinite sized buy wall supporting the price at the current purchasing power agreed upon via price discovery in real stores (once they start pricing things in bitcoin).

> This can ONLY happen if mass adoption happens.

If neither of these 2 milestones get hit, then yes, this is just a greater-fool game.

>> No.7456313

Its a negative sum game.
Like poker with ante.

>> No.7456333

>Make profit
1 billion $1 notes fresh from the press

>> No.7456391

If it truly serves as a better medium of exchange than other choices like fiat or other coins, then it has inherent value

(Or if it promises to serve as a better medium of exchange once kinks are worked out)

>> No.7456400

>Can have real use in the real world.
it already does though, thats why /biz/ is here

>People buy only because of the Hype
not fuckin true, when i got in to this its cause it fuckin hate the banking system, that is value all i really need, when i buy the dip it s not just to buy some up cheap, but to prop up the market

everyone has a different idea, but your is uninformed


>> No.7456468

it is, but get in and read to the end. it's going to be a massive transfer of wealth from regular folks to the wealthy.
the 2017 run up was people in the know accumulating - silicon valley, hedge funds, etc. also private individuals with money - all the insiders in the know. the plan was to approve institutional entry in January 2018, it didn't go through so a FUD campaign starts and dumping starts so more people who are in the know can buy in.

the rumor now is April 2018, and it looks like the regulatory environment is okay and sentiment is okay. everyone who has money has already accumulated. once April rolls around bitcoin ETFs are approved. later in the year, laws are drafted and banks, pension funds and insurance companies are able to buy. the price skyrockets - hedge funds and the wealthy can slowly dump their bags.

that's "institutional money", belongs to mom and pop, regular people, but controlled by corporations. nobody is really "hurt" because it's a giant corporation and the funds are pooled by millions of people. the insiders win with giant returns. bitcoin's price is stabilized and the bagholders are institutions. wall street will continue trading it with derivatives to make money, but swings won't be as dramatic as now.

genius, no?

>> No.7456503

and this is why 99.99% of the people ash out in FIAT once they are done with the shitcoin?


>> No.7456580


IF bitcoin becomes the standard then, there will be a few billionaire who "din dun nofing" for it. No biggie.
I think i will just have to trade in like everyone else, the purpose is to have a stable money non inflationary isn't it?

But that's one big if. and i tell you why.
Every bitcoin lamboland dream is
>muh bitcoin = 100,000 USD
>change muh bitcoin for House, Lambo and fiat
>be set for life and live on interest

And do you think all the fucking rich people on the planet will be happy about paying a premium for that?
I just don't buy it.

More likely they launch their own crypto.

>> No.7456585

I didn't say it wasn't speculation right now. People buying now are just aware of >>7456285 being true

>> No.7456603



>> No.7456630

I made money from it 3 years ago so I don't give a shit about the rest.

>> No.7456767


People got ripped off buy memecoin for houses and life savings.

Banks and pension funds won't buy bitcoin.
They like low risk investments. don't be delusional.
Bitcoin is not an investment, it's just an trade in assets.
At least you can make Gold into something and that demand also drives the price of gold.
What drives the bitcoin price in real life?

>> No.7456887

Just to expound on the 1st milestone, being a store-of-value...

The main appeal of crypto as a store-of-value is being unseizable and unfreezable.
That's a HUGE market, just check the Panama papers.

Thing is, BIG money won't place a considerable amount of their net worth in it UNLESS it was 100% reliable as a store-of-value.
They'll probably only place a very small % just to play speculator.

And if you have to forever worry if bitcoin fork #526357 will replace bitcoin, or if the newest privateraietherippleledger coin will replace bitcoin as the crypto leader, it is not a good enough store-of-value that the BIG money will place most of their % in it.

This is basically a world experiment whether we can create an unfreezable unseizable store-of-value (which is even better than offshore accounts or shell corporations, as you can send it effortlessly to anywhere in the world, and spend it anywhere as well if merchant adoption picks up, although you can cash it out anywhere in the world as well anyway).

You can't have it be replaced easily or else it will never be considered by the BIG money as safe to place a HUGE % in. This is basically the only shot we have in this social experiment.

And also, crypto made by centralized parties like corporations won't cut it, as it loses that feature (e.g. the IRS can ask them to do things only they can do with their authority).

>> No.7456891

Fuck the rich and fuck the banks, no one will use a bank crypto. They make billions ripping us off with fees and massive interest on loans, but my savings is only .001% interest?They can get fucked with the biggest sharpest stick. I'm banking with ethereum, the market is already controlled by bitcoin and ethereum anyways.

>> No.7456936
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>make "profit"

>> No.7456948

>What drives the bitcoin price in real life?
price momentum/greater fool. cost of electricity to mine. so basically nothing.
but connect the dots, they're there. why else would people with lots of money buy it? what you don't understand is they want to put a bunch of 1s and 0s and give it to your parents as the ultimate end holder in their 401k. that's the joke.

>They like low risk investments. don't be delusional.

read that >>7456285

once it hits a giant market cap nobody will have the money to buy it. the price swings will be stabilized. it will literally become a store of value.

>> No.7456976

>And if you have to forever worry if bitcoin fork #526357 will replace bitcoin

Only summerfags still worry about shitcoins replacing bitcoin because they are fucking stupid.

>> No.7457002

exactly look at the art market as an example. picasso's painting is just a piece of paper, but it's 100 million dollars. bitcoin will be a means of exchange for ultra wealthy individuals for convenience

>> No.7457095
File: 22 KB, 367x476, AHAHAHA-FAGGOT_o_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>until it becomes embedded in the public mind.

>> No.7457121

arent they the first? by law

Unironically asking, I dunno, but learned that shit in grad school IIRC

>> No.7457176

Thats a negatory ghost rider. There is a well of stocks the company holds to trade to keep it fluid. Thats not the case for coins.
This is why you need to actually do research before making random claims.

>> No.7457208


That because they rule, not you and me.

>> No.7457213

Well if the stock is a dividend paying one. Consertvative investors tend to look at the fundamental aspect of a stock before getting in.

That said, most people in biz that I noticed tends to lean more on the Technical side of things which is always 50/50 in many regard.

>> No.7457260

Bitcoin is a payment network, much like PayPal, MasterCard, Western Union. In order to gain access to the network you need to have Bitcoin, and so it's theoretically very easy to estimate a fair value for Bitcoin, you only need to figure out the actual usage (for instance how much Bitcoin is being spent on prostitutes, guns and ammo, drugs and online betting) as opposed to market speculation.

Buying Bitcoin for the sake of just HODL is literally the definition of stupidity, because HODL adds literally zero value to the network, because it's just a speculation that the usage of the network for real transactions will increase. But if you HODL you contribute to inflate the price of Bitcoin making the entry level higher by rising transaction costs making alternatives much more attractive to the black market.

I don't know what the future has in stall for Bitcoin. Right now, it's too expensive for its own good, but the creators of Bitcoin got greedy and cared more for personal gain than the actual future for the network.

Transaction rate and price is too high for it to function properly as a network, this will force out what actually creates value. It is a Catch 22. If you want to speculate in Bitcoin becoming a dominant alternative payment network you need to own Bitcoin, but in doing so you contribute to making the network less competitive ultimately causing it's decline in a Death spiral, all the way down to zero. Fascinating.

>> No.7457284


>people with lots of money
>early adopters who put few thousand bucks
>rip off normies

>> No.7457358

When declaring bankruptcy they usually get their debts restructured in a way that cucks the shareholders, so when they fold later it's the private equity injected late that gets paid out first. This is why I stopped dealing in penny stock bullshit, it's for suckers

>> No.7457380


>> No.7457391

That's sadly just bullshit. For instance there's a limited amounts of shares in a company, that doesn't mean that the shares will always increase in value. The long term value of Bitcoin is dependant on one thing only and that is the actual usage of Bitcoin as a payment network. People HODL-ing aren't creating value, neiter is its limited supply, it's payment transactions that create value, because when you think of it, that is the only long term demand that is sustainable. Greater fools game always end because there's only so many greater fools to keep up demand.

>> No.7457418

Companies make profit. But why should shares of a company be worth anything?
If you own stocks you just want to sell them to someone for profit. Crypto currencies at least have a use case, but stocks are useless.

>> No.7457420

Its technically not a zero sum game because of things like trader and transaction fees. So the traders have to put in more money just to strike equilibrium with what traders (as a population) see in return, because money is constantly being siphoned off by miners and exchanges.

>> No.7457428


Dont take financial advice frome someone who cant grasp his own language

>> No.7457479
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>comparing picasso with memecoin

>> No.7457484

you're clueless

>> No.7457569
File: 82 KB, 971x665, usdcoin forks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low IQ post

>> No.7457603
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>comparing an useless piece of paper with some shitty picture on it which has value due author becoming a meme vs revolutionary technology that protects you against (((them)))

>> No.7457607

tell why me it's worth that much and why other expensive pieces of art are worth 60 million+ dollars. why is that new da vinci painting 450 million dollars

>> No.7457654

It is glass handed potatoes buy the top
Sell the bottom and take the loss

>> No.7457701


That includes you too faggot

>> No.7457737

I'm sure you'll keep telling yourself that allt he way down to a few hundred dollars which is the price that should reflect actual usage of Bitcoin as a payment network as opposed an instrument for greater fool's game (which always dies out because of limited supply of greater fools).

>> No.7457741

This, you can't do shit with stocks apart from trade them
Cryptos can be used as 'gas' for networks, burned so the supply decreases, staked for earnings, all sorts of things. Tokenized economy is the way forward

>> No.7457748


the "winning condition" is just keeping the network up in the first place in order to keep mining, silly boi

>> No.7457750

Bond holders are the first paid. Equity is last paid.

>> No.7457790

dunno bout u man but i rule

>> No.7457834

Of course you can. Stocks give the vote in company future and participation in profits.

If you dispute this then you might just as well say that votes in democracy are not doing anything. Yet even the most cynical politicians want to have enough of them.

>> No.7457841

It isn't a zero-sum game retards.

Consider the following:
Person A buys coin at $1
Person A sells coin to person B for $10
Market trades sideways forever and person B is able to sell the coin at $10, use it as a utility token or exchange for goods and services.

The gains are not equal to the losses, ergo it's not a zero sum game. Fuck this board is trash.

>> No.7457843

Yeah well technically the exchanges can collapse unless they are able to hoard enough money from the fees, market manipulation and x100 leverage liquidations.

>> No.7457867

are you really this retarded? if you are the major stockholder in a company you literally control it and can increase dividend, fire board members, for example a majority stockholder could force them to pay out all their cash reserve via a special dividend. if you buy all the outstanding stock you own the company. if you buy all bitcoins you have nothing

>> No.7457923


You are correct, but revolutionary is the TECH not bitcoin itself, I said that the technology has value.

And the meme author, Picasso started the cubism. Artists, Fashion designers and music producers,
They said what you will wear, listen and what color you will paint your house.
If you buy a shirt on a macys, its there because they want/allow you to wear that.


Da vinci, one of the most influential minds on earth, great advances in biology and engineering because of him, also a hell of a pinter.
Maybe it has more value do to its uniqueness, history and people willing to pay to see it (ie Mona Lisa on the Louvre)
Try taking your Bitcoin in to a wall and see if people go "is that a bitcoin, how amazing"

You guys were homeschooled by any chance?

>> No.7457940
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>You are correct, but revolutionary is the TECH not bitcoin itself

2016 called

>> No.7458009


Looks like we have a Fields Medal over here.

>> No.7458034

>the exchanges can collapse

exchanges are unnecessary, they're only there because they provide trust

which is like a semi-dysfunctional look at the technology

ethereum solves exchanges, which is a full-retard dysfunctional look at the technology

>> No.7458082


If that's true, the tech is useless.

>> No.7458116

Life is a 0 sum game pajeet.

>> No.7458130

This chart doesn't make sense.

$100 dollars was worth $100,
Now $100 is worth a little over $3?
I understand that the dollar has lost value over time but this graph is not complete.

>> No.7458189


No shit Albert E.

>> No.7458212

Yes this is well documented its called greater fool theory

Just dont be the greatest fool

>> No.7458213
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>sell to A for $1
>sells to B for $2
>sells to C for $3
>total amount of money becomes -1/12
not zero sum, it's even worse

>> No.7458221


>> No.7458277

Explain to me why Apple stock is not a zero sum game.
Explain to me why USD is not a zero sum game.
Explain to me why any investment ever is not a zero sum game.

>> No.7458289

it implies it's a ponzi scheme

you could say the same about derivatives since they also are a zero sum game, but derivatives are based on an asset with fundamentals; therefore, not a ponzi

>> No.7458294

hello /sci/duck

>> No.7458317

every currency does that. it's called inflation and it's always happening no matter how much you don't like it.

muh "a coke used to cost 25 cents". i used to think everyone older than be was silly for thinking a coke could cost "only" 50 cents, but now i remember back when it was a dollar. now it's like a 1.25 minimum, some even go to 1.50

honestly buying a single coke for like a quarker would be really comfy. we should just wake up one day and reset it all back to ten cents buys a loaf of bread.

>> No.7458322
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>bitcoin doesn't have fundamentals

>> No.7458346

you're fucking retarded if you think that.
bitcoin has an abstract real value at a point in time. its value at that point might not be its real value, it can be overvalued or undervalued. the only thing giving real value to bitcoins is the dark web where you actually need them to buy stuff.

you ignorants are just financing drug lords kek.

>> No.7458348

>honestly buying a single coke for like a quarker would be really comfy
You're neglecting the fact that average wage at that time was like $5000 instead of $40,000

(yes I know that wages haven't grown in purchasing power since 1970s but whatever)

>> No.7458352

Purchasing power of $3.64 in 2010 is $3.64, in 1900 that same $3.64 was basically the equivalent to $100 in 2010. What's not to understand?

>> No.7458353

that's all bullshit. the only people who care about arts cultural value are trust fund babies and people who majored in art history. same crowd. for people who control the money, the art market is for

>Fraud, money laundering, trafficking in cultural property, tax optimization, artificial increases of prices, confidentiality and anonymity

sounds a lot like bitcoin. basically it's to make a quick buck/move money around.

>> No.7458367


>> No.7458376

None of them are games to begin, they are "assets" that people can use to play games with. For fuck's sake people use logic.

>> No.7458377

That isn't an argument against bitcoin having fundamentals, care to try again?

>> No.7458381

for capital gains stocks yes, it's basically a zero sum game.

dividends don't pay much but stocks that do pay out are not zero sum.

>> No.7458384

Hardly anyone uses BTC anymore for darknet shit - it's a public ledger.

>> No.7458395

It is a zero sum game and the ones who will have to pay out will be the old and decrepit who don't know how to use a computer yet have all the wealth.

>> No.7458449

it is and it doesn't. it's flawed for one since it's hackable. it also is not efficient since it takes long times to sell out of it. and many other things.

>> No.7458457

the solution is to dump it on institutions and have them be the ultimate end holder

>> No.7458466

>im too stupid to understand what bitcoin is

low iq post

>> No.7458489
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>> No.7458511
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>What is increase in market cap
Bitcoin ownership follows a Pareto distribution, no doubt, but it still keeps roughly the same percentage, even though total amount is increasing.

For example, if at 100M market cap, top 2% of crypto owners have 90% (90M) of crypto, they will have the same 90% percentage of crypto if the market cap was at 200M (180M).
Because of this, the non-2% can still make money off of crypto. The percentage of crypto owned by elite would have to keep rising with the market cap for it to be a zero sum game.

>> No.7458512

Bubble pop does not mean an asset will never rise again.

>> No.7458533

i got my first real job in 2006 and thought i was too late for aapl, goog, and amzn. lot of fud at that time. turns out i was too early.

it's the same with crypto

>> No.7458535

Bitcoin is a payment network, and in order to use that payment network you need to own Bitcoin, and so what fundamentally gives Bitcoin value is the demand for its payment service. Long term demand for Bitcoin as a speculative instrument cannot create fundamental value, and in fact, it errodes the long term competitiveness of Bitcoin by inflating transaction time and cost.

>> No.7458552
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Let the normies sell their bitcoins. As if they ever deserved to get rich.

>> No.7458557

So you took one stock, one of the top10 best performing stocks ever as a comparison point? And you dissmiss that
1. You would have tripled your holdings by selling and buying at bottom
2. That took 20 fucking years to grow.
3. Most companies went bankrupt.
4. Nobody is saying crypto is not coming up. What we are doing is selling high and buying low, the only real way to get rich.

>> No.7458568

Explain to me why Gold is not a zero sum game

In order for someone to win (i.e. an ounce of gold) another person has to lose (i.e. give money in return for the gold).
Gold does not create value, Miners can find the gold, but its value is traded thousands of times above its use case value.

People buy only because of the Hype, think they are going to get rich during a crash like Peter Schiff only because they bought something that everybody is buying.

The element itself on the other hand is rather seems uninteresting.
It has extremely limited use case in the real world compared to its trade value.

>> No.7458578

Interesting concept

With that idea what is an example of a zero sum game ?

Im legitamately curious not trying to be a dick

>> No.7458618
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>it's flawed for one since it's hackable
you're dumber than i thought

>> No.7458636

nigga theyre the last

>> No.7458655

you're assuming that everyone will cash out which they won't
it's like gold, but instead of having intrinsic shininess which gives it value, bitcoin has mystery and the spirit of human technological progress behind it. People value it because they don't understand and think it is more than what it actually is, also it has the same kind of zeal around it that nuclear energy had in the 50s or internet had in the 90s

>> No.7458719

You haven't given any argument but I'm the dumb one.
Bitcoin has fundamentals in the sense that it can be valued but it doesn't create value itself. This reminds of the discussion between buffet and other hacks like you about gold and stocks

>> No.7458743


You are comparing different kinds of assets.
You do understand that?

A company Stock is not like Bitcoin.

Is goes up because it pays money back

If a stock pays 1 dollar and costs 10
and next year they are going to pay 3, the price goes up (lets say 11), someone is willing to pay one more dollar to get 3 next year.

Take a look at the profit of those companies throughout the years.

>> No.7458764

Please explain how you think bitcoin is "hackable"


>> No.7458766

People are betting on the future of block chain because they believe in it. In 20 years, if there exists a coin that can be used to purchase shit through mobile apps and it can handle transactions in the thousands or millions/day, that is going to be massive. It's a speculative gamble, but just like anything, what draws smart money into crypto is seeing it's possibilities.

I guarantee you most people couldn't foresee online shopping and social networking 30 years ago, buy the ones that did are living large today. Of course there are millions whose risks didn't pay off but that's the nature of speculation.

>> No.7458785
File: 426 KB, 1920x1200, bitcoin-laws-of-the-universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's hackable

>> No.7458799

life is zero sum game

>> No.7458801

only aapl pays dividends, and they started that recently
there is also stock buyback, amzn has never done that nor do they pay dividends. i believe google has done a share buyback.

>> No.7458845

You can steal someone's wallet!

>> No.7458882


Gold is used to create value, the computer you are typing has gold you illiterate... limited use kek

Did you buy your computer with bitcoin?

It is not just to store value.

>> No.7458996

Bitcoin can create value, to say it can't is to say that MasterCard, Visa, Western Union, PayPal so on so forth don't create value.

>> No.7458999

Most of the value of gold is speculative, use cases are almost irrelevant and could be replaced by any other metal, but turns out gold is a meme.

>> No.7459097

It's the opposite. Because gold doesn't corrode like silver, copper hell even platinum and palladium, gold has electronic uses that other metals never can compete with.

But you are right though that the current price isn't fundamentally sustainable if golds only use was as a conductant, but let's use logic, is gold only used as a conductant?

>> No.7459196


>bitcoin has mystery and the spirit of human technological progress behind it.

That i can buy.
People are comparing bitcoin to the next credit card. To bad it does already exist


Too bad when you buy a piece of jewellery you bay the comercial "speculative" price of gold.

Gold and other precious metals have their price because they don't interact and react through time
Plus you have price variations due to demand.

>> No.7459266

here's the short answer OP

if people actually used bitcoin for TRADE and TRANSACTIONS, then it wouldn't be a zero sum game because there will always be people buying and selling for non-speculative reasons. Since nobody uses btc for actually any transactions and everyone is buying to sell then yes it is zero sum game

>> No.7459350


Thank you

I was planning in buying BTC IF it went bellow 200USD or 100USD.

But nobody is using for its purpose. Its like trading dog food, there are better things to trade on.

>> No.7459486

so far the only possible use of btc is that some exchanges require you to have btc in order to buy other coins, but a lot more other coins are available to do that like ETH and LTC. When exchanges start offering direct fiat/altcoin pairs then btc will really have no use at all

>> No.7459789

They do because they charge fees and interest. The consumer is making trade offs

>> No.7459823

Or Google it you dumb cunt

Just ask permission to take a shit and fuck off. You're dismissed

>> No.7459844

Isn't it faggot?

>> No.7459894
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>> No.7459930

The point being it's flawed as I stated

>> No.7459984

That's not "hacking Bitcoin" you fucking idiot, that's gaining access to someone's data/wallet keys. Like stealing someone's physical wallet - sorry that reality is flawed in that you can interact with other matter. Fucking brainlet, don't reproduce.

>> No.7460014


>> No.7460076

500 millions isn't pick potting my wallet

>> No.7460123

holy shit you think being able to copy wallet.dat means it's hackable

just kys

>> No.7460146


Do you have Autism by any chance?

>> No.7460147
File: 88 KB, 645x729, wojaked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick potting

>> No.7460158

Keep your private keys private (see, it's in the name) and you're safe. It's physically impossible to brute force your fucking key before the Sun engulfs planet Earth. What do hacks of some exchanges have to do with anything? The coins you give to an exchange aren't technically yours because you don't control the private key. You don't understand the fundamentals. Fuck off and stop wasting everyone's time.

>> No.7460195

Itt: nerds get triggered that I used back in the common sense of the verb instead of their literal definition. Meanwhile they can't refute any of the other arguments I've mentioned or offer one.

I bet you're all triggered and shit but are the ones on online games calling hackers to modders.


>> No.7460221

Lol I knew that would be the argument. I dropped it in purpose. Nothing at all to offer as a rebuttal.

>> No.7460222
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>> No.7460232

and why would someone want to put his money in the "cloud" that can lose all his money if lost a single number? if you put your money in the bank they are always secured. even if you lose all your passwords and codes you can still go to the bank and get your money back. if someone steals the bank you still get your money back. No serious person would risk putting his savings in a magical internet cloud with no security

>> No.7460299

>146 replies

>> No.7460769


We should have been stockpiling 12 packs of coke since the 70s. Shit's going for $1 now, just think how rich we'd be

>> No.7461180

>exchanges provide trust
>half the point is that cryptos are trustless
Exchanges provide liquidity and an entry point. Good on you for making me respond Ricky Retardo.

>> No.7461711
File: 20 KB, 842x595, Untitled 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately most of those replies are hacks and CS nerds who get triggered at someone who uses the common, more broad definition of the verb hacking but at the same time can't refute any argument or offer one of their own since they don't know wtf they are talking about so they resort to memes and ad hominem as a way to dismiss someone who actually knows wtf he's talking about (t.Economist)

good technicians; not great thinkers.

>> No.7462727

> I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.7462895

what's a cellphone

I noticed it; I left it.
Attack the argument, not the words.

>> No.7463410

Get the fuck out of /biz/.

>> No.7463443

Now I know who are the retards who panic sell the bottom...