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745333 No.745333 [Reply] [Original]

>UK Citizen
>Earning 80k at the moment straight out of university

Can somebody tell me how to avoid tax? I mean i'm willing to give away maybe 1% or something but that's it.

Pic Related - Its the car i plan to buy with the taxes if would have payed to the govt.

>> No.745336

You're gonna end up in prison. Then you won't be earning shit

>> No.745341

I don't want to evade paying taxes, all i want is a good loophole in the system. It is frowned upon, not illegal though.

>> No.745345

Ok then,
>own your own business
>spend tax-free money on your 'business expenses'

>> No.745346

you'll never be able to do it yourself, talk to an accountant, see if they're willing - plenty are.

>> No.745348

Belgianfag here,

2. UK residence and tax

Your UK residence status affects whether you need to pay tax in the UK on your foreign income.

Non-residents only pay tax on their UK income - they don’t pay UK tax on their foreign income.

Residents normally pay UK tax on all their income, whether it’s from the UK or abroad. But there are special rules for UK residents whose permanent home (‘domicile’) is abroad.
Work out your residence status

Whether you’re UK resident usually depends on how many days you spend in the UK in the tax year (6 April to 5 April the following year).

You’re automatically resident if either:

you spent 183 or more days in the UK in the tax year
your only home was in the UK - you must have owned, rented or lived in it for at least 91 days in total - and you spent at least 30 days there in the tax year

You’re automatically non-resident if either:

you spent less than 16 days in the UK (or 46 days if you haven’t been classed as UK resident for the 3 previous tax years)
you work abroad full-time (averaging at least 35 hours a week) and spent less than 91 days in the UK, of which less than 31 days were spent working
I hope that helps

>> No.745353

Pay your taxes, you dirty gypsy.

>> No.745363


Only idiots pay taxes

>> No.745365

My room mate at university is now a qualified accountant and he seems pretty corrupt, we used to do coke together so im sure hes up for it.

>> No.745367

Ill let you pay them for me mate.

>> No.745462
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OP, do you know the difference between rich people, middle class people, and poor people?

Poor people waste their income on "shit". They use it up on stuff that only accumulates up in their house, tons of tiny little expenses that they think they need. In the end of the month, they have no money, and as time goes on they accumulate the "shit" they can't sell.

Middle class people, like you, waste their money on shit like cars and expenses that only cost you more money as time goes on. You build up monthly payments and expensive gasoline, and shop expenses with that little GTR, and only making 80grand a year to cover those costs.

Rich people buy things that generate income. They put their money to work. From the money they make, they invest in more income generating investments. The cycle continues, and the rich get richer. It's not about the money, it's about the mindset, and you're doing it wrong.

>> No.745466

>I mean i'm willing to give away maybe 1% or something but that's it.
sides > liftoff

Good luck paying 800 in taxes on 80k. The government will forcibly take their 40k + interest from you, then put you in prison. Have fun.
Give all of your money to charity, then maybe you won't have to pay taxes on it. There's probably a limit to that tax credit though, you could max that out every year. You'd still be out the money.


>> No.745476

>tfw you pay a whole paycheck's worth of taxes each month
>tfw that money goes to the bottom dwellers that you have to walk among
>tfw you could have used that money for everything but feeding everyone's kids.

>> No.745484

Hey mate. I am from the UK and sometimes manage to avoid tax.

If your first trip and last trip are on a ship outside British waters, and you spend 180 days out the country (holidays count towards this). Then you can get companies (Seatax Ltd) to claim back all your tax.

This year I hopefully will be working on a ship for >180 days in Brazil and therefore should be able to claim back my tax on my £52k/year income.

Last time I got a rebate of 8 grand for 2012/2013

>> No.745502

Why don't people ever fight the IRS? The only thing I can remeber is that guy in Texas that crashed his plane into an IRS building. Other than that almost everyone seems to bend over and take it. Seems like more people should be ready to rebel.

>> No.745503

you first

>> No.745508

Scientology took them on and won. They basically just threw so much paperwork at them they had no choice but to capitulate

>> No.745513

OP Here

Was originally just going to buy the gtr to show off and then give it to my dad while I'm away working (
I work as a software engineer on a contract basis) for 6 months at a time then during holidays take it for a spin. Though I am living frugal at the moment I'm making almost 2k a week and I'm living on 100 or maybe less sometimes. My wage will peak at around 700 a day in a few years and I intend once I have bought a few luxury to Invest like crazy.

I just don't want the govt fucking me in the ass and taking 40k when I could invest...im thinking real estate

>> No.745535

Fuck you, I couldn't care less about your tax when you just want to squander it on a car to make up for your tiny penis. Save your fucking money, invest, and get something with a bit more class like a BMW or Mercedes

>> No.745538
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>> No.745545
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BMW and Mercedes don't make classy cars...My next car after the GTR will be the Aston Martin DB9. And I am planning to invest I just plan to flaunt my wealth a little. I worked hard for it I want people to know.

>> No.745822

you sound like an indian

>> No.745995

pay your taxes, contribute to healthcare, education, roads, hospitals, social security

>> No.745998

How about an offshore bank account? try the British Virgin Islands, you're british anyways.

>> No.745999

>paying for redguards

>> No.746119

Nope white...I hate Indians, in my field of work I always delegate the hardest work to them because why not?

>> No.746129
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>I worked hard for it I want people to know.

Good goy

>> No.746797

>Paying for a war that benefits no one but oil companies

>> No.746960

As a salary man, there isnt much you can do.
Also tax avoidance isnt tax evasion (big difference). Do you have any retirement accounts you can invest in that the contributions are tax deductible?
Do you have a wife? Is your profession: dentist, doctor, accountant, lawyer?

>> No.747494

Nope none of that...Im a software engineer so I'm in the tech industry basically.

>> No.747643

move to Bermuda

>> No.747651

Fuck You. Just turn yourself in. Bastard.

>> No.747683

Honestly, I think before any major war, there needs to be hige tax increases on the population, The average citizen doesnt feel the weight of the recent wars and the bill is passed onto future generations who have no say in the matter.

Forcing a draft for every major conflict is an option also but it will lower military effectiveness. Raising taxes is the answer to avoid the oil wars.

>> No.747789

why should others care about your wealth and theres millions of others who do the same thing you are about to do

>> No.747796

Go away Robert Kiyosaki

>> No.747814

Jesus Christ man, these cars don't match your income level, especially when taxes come into consideration. It's like you're blowing half your salary on cars.

>I deserve it wahh

As someone who has worked in auto finance, you're our favorite type of customer. You make just enough to pay your monthly payments but not enough to buy without financing. Also you feel entitled to the car so we can really fuck you over on financing that sucker.

>> No.747962

Now now OP, pay your taxes please.

On another note, feels good learning all the loopholes while working for the devil.

>> No.749362

there u go then pal

>> No.749378

>UK citizen
>how do I into low taxes?
vote UKIP

>> No.749411

But he isn't wrong.

>> No.749733
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>> No.749745

I understand the desire not to pay full taxes;40+percent of all the money I make to live in a place crappy roads, an even crappier school system, a mediocre police force, and policies I always vote against that happen anyway because more people voted for it than me. And I'm supposed to pay 40+ percent of my money for the privelege of it all.

>> No.749746

* privilege

>> No.749765
File: 182 KB, 404x266, 1b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't earn 80K. as a matter of fact I think you have no job at all and never had a job.

If you work just like this Britbong here in the UK you would know that your employer automatically keeps the tax off your gross salary and pays it to the HM revenue and customs.

you are just full of shit

>> No.749776

If you are middle class like op, how are you supposed to invest and in what? Inveeting 1k/month ain't change shit, however can significantly boost your quality of life. If rich people loose 80%, threy are still better off than most of you wasting your entire hard worked cash on virtual money markets.

>> No.749778

I love idiots like you OP, pissing away their money.

>> No.749809

You work in IT. Do you have the option to work remotely/from home? If so, rent out your house in the UK, move to Bulgaria, rent a flat there and stay just long enough per year to lose UK tax residency.

Then you won't have to pay HM taxes. You will probably have to pay Bulgarian personal income tax, but they have the lowest rate in the EU, 10%.

If you do that, vote UKIP because fucking immigrants taking our jobs, for the lulz.

>> No.749880

>not being paid on BTC
>not buying directly with BTC
>not being 100% detached from the system
Fucking LOL. Feels good being a pioneer.

>> No.749889
File: 585 KB, 594x581, richkidsofinstagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, poor people wagecel and a few ascend after years of wageslaving and having luck with investments/muh whatever while living a shitty frugal life.

Middle class people still wageslaving after college earning more than poor people and thinking they are hot shit. Some buy poverty wannabe rich cars like an R8 or whatever, and other the ones that want to become legit rich still living a shitty frugal life convincing themeselves they don't need anything more. By the time they have enough money they'll be balding and tired, except enough money doesn't exist.

Rich people get passive income while doing shit nothing from their family's past efforts of living a shitty frugal life and workceling, saving up and investing.

Just LOL if you aren't a trust fund baby like me and my friends. I don't know literally anyone (except the 1% that win the viral lottery with shit like Facebook, Instagram, or some shitty app) that is legit rich without inheriting.
Just LOL if you have to spend your prime years working like a retard to die without experiencing the finer things in life. Thanks to hopecels like you me and my friends can live on a perpetual vacation doin shit nothing.
Let the hopeceling and coping below.

>> No.749963

>from their family's past efforts
>of living a shitty frugal life and workceling, saving up

>> No.750000

ok boyo

>> No.750777

If you're In IT. Then just become a limited company and have your employer higher you on contract basis. Then you have many options to legally avoid taxes. Some including offshore loans.