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File: 83 KB, 443x302, EthPyramid_ChineseRelease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7451108 No.7451108 [Reply] [Original]

Chinese and Korean translations due in the next 24 hours according to the EthPyramid devs.

If you guys know anything about how the Chinese throw money about for wealth and prosperity during Lunar New Year, now's the time to chuck in your beer money.

>> No.7451156
File: 28 KB, 491x343, NoMansSkyImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freudian slip?

>> No.7451194

this shit has got to be a scam right? im definitely late to the party, right? i shouldnt bother, should i? id just be throwing money down the drain, why bother

>> No.7451195
File: 1.34 MB, 1105x694, SPIN.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The robot is upholding his end of the bargain so far

>> No.7451205

Beer money? More like college fund

>> No.7451248

Nah, powh coin went up to 1000eth, this is still under 200. 5x gainz and all the snek dividends your hands can hold

>> No.7451271
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>Tfw GPU mining interferes with FFMPEG

>> No.7451295

snek dividens are so nice to wake up to.. ill throw in some more before the asians come

>> No.7451314

>the world is not anymore the way it used to be

>> No.7451366

I'm still holding this one. Divs whether going up or down and I'm still making bank. Best part is the contract seems bulletproof. A week without being hacked means it most likely won't be. I'm using it for an ETH bank with dividends.

>> No.7451368


Devs have made very clear that this is not to be taken seriously - it's a scam in the form of a zero sum game that's totally transparent about it's inner workings. I'm sure other true believers will do the shilling for me.

You can make a profit by holding on, at the cost of someone else impatiently cashing out at a loss.

>> No.7451389

If I drop 10eth I'll be raking it in. :o

>> No.7451438

Relevant Reddit thread:


>> No.7451465
File: 401 KB, 600x696, 1454975311184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price is going down, which is confusing most of us, but also providing us with sweet dividends from the weak handed...

I only threw what I could afford to lose in there, but it's been going strong and behaving as advertised so far - important to note that the number of divvies you receive depends on the total transactions on the network just as much as the price

If I were to sell now I'd be at a loss, and I'd be bringing everyone else's value by a tiny blip.
Still about 70% of my investment despite the modest drop but thanks to the dividends up until then.
But if tons of people start buying this (in theory), my tokens could easily become 10x or 100x more valuable.

Important thing to understand is that it's like a maths game, and the tokens are not a Cryptocurrency.
It's kind of like ETH gambling, and you get paid for holding onto your money thanks to the many others who come and go.

>> No.7451488

bringing down everyone else's *

>> No.7451508

Better wait for Gauntlet.

>> No.7451519

Pretty much.

Especially when Asia gets here.

>> No.7451592
File: 325 KB, 352x646, telepartsbehindu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking awesome, see you soon in lamboland

>> No.7451633

So this basically is investment banking on steroids? xD

>> No.7451656


Not sure anyone sane should be putting anything in that might snowball into a Lambo, but I'll join you on the beautiful, clean coal train as soon as possible

>> No.7451680


Someone made a point the other day that social security and pensions work in a similar fashion, although they're trying extremely hard to make clear that it's not meant to be considered anything of the sort.

I have no experience in making money, so I'm uncorrupted by good investment decisions!

>> No.7451712

Everyone who throws ETH at Gauntlet (including myself) is gonna get raunched right up the fudge tunnel. EthPyramid has proven to be as secure as these things get. I'm playing both, because I'm an idiot with extra cash.

>> No.7451752

>trusting powh again

be honest gauntlet shillers, how transparent have those devs been? anywhere near as honest as the ethpy team?

>> No.7451781

you got it mate. i have literally 10$ in there i think lambo soon

>> No.7451792
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No, but kind of yes

>> No.7451906
File: 507 KB, 1024x576, ffffffsociety.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> still trusting PoWH

>> No.7451950
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We will see who has the final snek

>> No.7451983



>unhacked smart contract
>decentralised structure
>pays dividends
>why aren't you in this, anon?

>> No.7452008
File: 280 KB, 646x595, 1517866216763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like you're all shilling together only because it's been going down and you faggots want to cash out so you need more dumb money.....

>> No.7452044

Or because it's a good (albeit insane) idea, you'll be kicking yourself when the Asians get here

>> No.7452054


That's the game. Once Asia gets in and you've broken even, then it's THEIR turn.

It's not got 'Pyramid' in the name because it's a solid investment...

>> No.7452086

Just because they're translating the site to another language doesn't mean the word will get out to them. Somebody still has to advertise it to them, right? Or am i missing something?

>> No.7452120
File: 59 KB, 640x560, 1449633439856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole asians getting in thing is a bit meaningless to me, it's more like - if even 1000ETH from anyone bought into the contract it would have such an impact... surely buy ins are inevitable the longer this goes on

>> No.7452129


Sure as hell makes it easier to pitch to them, though. Think - someone who's 10 Eth deep in this is *going* to pay for some sponsored tweets or posts to get their attention. Spin it like "have a gamble for Chinese New Year!" and you might create the perfect storm.

>> No.7452182

I bought in the first day at 0.130. My tokens lost more than 50% of their value, and I made 20% in dividends.
If you buy right now, you buy at about 0.08. Contract balance has been slowly bleeding from 500 eth to 170 eth.
Not going to tell you whether that's a good deal or a scam, you shouldn't trust anyone shilling. There's the numbers for you to form your own analysis.

>> No.7452270

So is it low now or should I keep waiting?

>> No.7452276
File: 1.57 MB, 400x225, ree.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bought in during the rush through the doors when the price skyrocketed. Now is the best time to get in because the price is low.

Volume is coming. The contract has gone up by around 20/30 ETH over the past 24 hours. If you want to get left behind it's your choice to make.

People were paying 100k+ for cryptokitties. How much do you think they'll pay for infinite dividends?

>> No.7452287


I think that's what everyone is thinking. Eventually someone will take the plunge. No one knows where the floor is, or the next ceiling.

>> No.7452305

Cryptokitties was dumb but at least it had cute cats. This is blatantly advertised as a pyramid scheme which a lot of people are afraid of.

>> No.7452353

The longer the contract lasts, and the more people see it works, they'll buy in. It's already happening.

I wouldn't recommend putting more than beer money in, beer money is relative for many people.

The contract goes up, you get dividends. The contract goes down, you get dividends.

>> No.7452354


a buy in of significant size will trigger a huge run imho. there are a lot of people waiting on the sidelines to see if this is worth it. anything above 50eth growth within an hour will send this thing straight to 1k

>> No.7452360

How do you get dividends???

>> No.7452365
File: 68 KB, 373x531, rememberus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing mate

>> No.7452394


Read the "whitepaper" (lol):


>> No.7452403
File: 571 KB, 1310x740, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hope this helps

>> No.7452470

Aaaand someone just dumped in over 3 Ether.


Get in, or stay poor.

>> No.7452538

Won't the dividends go away and change in price die once this loses attention as all internet things do?

>> No.7452550
File: 32 KB, 1130x307, 6ef6af0e8b1a16a974f298d0f4b0455e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the price won't be this low for long

>> No.7452567


Dividends are locked in as Ether. They can't change or lower in value.

>> No.7452577


That's the beauty of this - the cycle will then start all over again. The smart contract will live on the blockchain forever. The pyramid will last forever.

>> No.7452578
File: 2 KB, 207x63, AAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decides to try buying one token as a test
>this ends up being my balance

>> No.7452653


You'll have gotten some of your own buy-in as dividends, just reinvest to crawl over the top :')

>> No.7452662
File: 10 KB, 320x320, satanic pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I put in 13 eth at the bottom

i'm the fucking pharaoh

>> No.7452679

lol and the longer you hold, the more you get

you absolute madman

>> No.7452698
File: 160 KB, 1374x662, aaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no booli discord chat

>> No.7452727


> getting dumped on by a dev
> lol

>> No.7452729
File: 26 KB, 461x461, 1477630348684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's February 11th, 2018.

PoWH's countdown timer is at 0:00:57.

PoWH's discord server has over 300 active users flooding the chatroom.

The countdown goes down slower and slower, and everyone is dying to throw their money into a black hole.

The timer reaches 0, and...SUCCESS! The new website loads, and you can now invest in the new PoWH token!

The token contract balance only says 1.08 ETH, so congrats, you're early! You invest 1 ETH, the contract balance goes up to 2.08, and you have 142 tokens. You scored big!

But wait just one minute...

You look into the website's source code, and you find out that the address you contributed to was actually for EthPyramid. But wait, that wasn't the contract address you sent it to! Oh wait, the contract address you sent it to actually automatically sent those tokens to EthPyramid via its contract coding, and you only got a small amount of tokens. The tokens you got from the new PoWH was actually a FAKE look and is completely meaningless.

As you try to cash out or reinvest, you notice that the buttons don't work on the PoWH site. The only way to cash out would be to go to the EthPyramid site, as that's where your money really is.

In a 4-minute timespan, over 700 ETH is poured into this "new" contract. The early investors of EthPyramid make out with amazing dividends while the investors in PoWH lose money in the process.


What I've just described to you is a discussion held on a private discord server. Now that I've revealed it publicly, I'll probably be banned from the server, but I don't care. I'm sick of these stupid ponzi scamcoins, and I'm sick of discord faggots spamming them on /biz/ 24/7. You can believe this as nothing more than a FUD, but beware that this kind of thing is more than just a thought in the minds of those who want to make money.

>> No.7452790


Wait a second, what? I'm going to need that explained to me again. I'm Ron Burgundy?

>> No.7452792
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big if true

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.7452794

I missed the start so i'm down a little bit on my initial buy in, but have made 25% back in divs in a couple of days so i'll keep holding. The dividends have been starting to pick up as the price has lowered, the 10% on sell compounds with the reduction of the token supply so your dividend share increases at it goes lower, it will be absolutely fascinating if it crashes because anyone left will be getting a huge share of the pot, and that's absolute worst case if it just crashes, if it bounces up again which is quite likely then the rollercoaster ride begins

>> No.7452877
File: 13 KB, 290x290, 1393891555098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I think what you're trying to say is, invest more into ethpyramid?

>> No.7452893

yeah if this powhcoin copypasta is true that'd be the smart move, buying up tokens to capitalise on the hype for a 'new product'

>> No.7452921
File: 8 KB, 192x263, that_post_tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The bit I'm not parsing is... if this is true, who's engineering it? It sure as hell isn't the EthPyramid devs. So confus

>> No.7452969

>3.525 eth buy in

here we go

>> No.7452993

>hey guys these scams that literally say they're scams are actually SCAMS

if you put your money into this I don't know what to tell you. The purpose of it is to scam you and it isn't even hiding it.

>> No.7453027
File: 1.97 MB, 480x270, 1516969054395.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7453054

so thats a buy, right?

>> No.7453118


There is no exit scam. There is (almost) no possibility of the contract being drained. This wasn't made by pajeet devs like PoWHcoin. I'm getting dividends right now.

Get in or sit it out, but this shit is gathering momentum.

>> No.7453124

That's a no my boy

>> No.7453142
File: 724 KB, 862x1124, memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best scam to ever happen to me guys

>> No.7453215


>getting interest in ETH for holding
>literally what I've been doing for years but I get ETH for free
>biggest smart contract no-brainer ever

"bb-b-but guys it's a pyramid scheme"

no fuckin shit lmao

>> No.7453336

I like how i just heard about this an hour ago and have already made .02 ETH in divs.

This site has finally reached chink niggers from what I can tell.

>> No.7453457

The site seems to be down from the sheer volume of traffic from chinks.

>> No.7453468
File: 158 KB, 846x534, meme9part2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this is gunna be big in a month, div snek never stops working

>> No.7453537



>> No.7453673
File: 6 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they're coming

>> No.7453973


Temporary front-end up at ethpyramid.io

>> No.7454143

best thing since sliced bread. cant wait for the aasianbois

>> No.7454229
File: 1.33 MB, 800x585, mfw dividends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

money is starting to trickle in again, here we go boys

>> No.7454712
File: 86 KB, 540x542, bog ethpyr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for ground floor

don't fucking miss the next big ponzi

>> No.7454891

Shout out to the guy yesterday that said it was never going back up. Eat a dick, you dont deserve the snek.


>> No.7455047

morning bump

>> No.7455076

If you hear about a ponzi on /biz/ it's already too late.

>> No.7455102

You can see for yourself how little Ether the contract contains right now. It will go to 1K ether very soon

>> No.7455264

Yeah I'm sure this is the one and it won't fade away before you'll be able to make decent gains like in any other copycat

>> No.7455292
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>> No.7455297


> EthPyramid
> copycat
> literally started the clone wars

>> No.7455417
File: 2 KB, 221x61, YESYESYES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dividends already paid for me to not be at .9999 anymore! maybe i should put more into this, hopefully an even number.

>> No.7455495
File: 192 KB, 512x512, fyrIAR4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Site is already back up niggas dont miss out on literally free money

>> No.7455706

earning dividends upon dividends, i'm gaining eth as we speak

better than any pajeet shitcoin

>> No.7455748

Dunno if larp but would be hilarious if someone pulls this off

>> No.7456012
File: 19 KB, 436x428, 1490915600881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but if everyone knows they should never pull out why would they ever pull out

>> No.7456039

Because people will always need money and pull out or look for greener pastures. We are all impulsive as fuck.

>> No.7456095

Also, this shit is like our pension system on crack.

>> No.7456560


>> No.7456683

The craziest thing is earning like 1-2% a day, just on churn in the balance without the overall balance moving that much. LOL, I'm even making $$ of everyone that reinvests their dividends, and we are ALL reinvesting our dividends.

It's like there is no downside to staying in, I'll earn enough dividends to pay me back what I put in over the next 3-4 months, and if a bunch of Chinese arrive here one day?

To THE MOON>>>>>>>>

>> No.7456742

Peeps will pull out when they double or triple, cause they don't want to be here when it falls - that will cause it to fall, and peeps will sell cause they have weak hands and don't want to 'lose', leading to a price drop making it attractive to buy again

Rinse and repeat

If you ignore the whole thing (most can't), you'll make dividends the whole time

>> No.7457055

it's basically crypto social security, lol

>> No.7457347

>reinvest dividends

>> No.7457494

and your tokens increase in value when eth goes up as well, as do your price-locked dividends