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File: 407 KB, 612x684, Screen Shot 2018-02-07 at 11.51.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7450377 No.7450377 [Reply] [Original]


we could sit here all day and argue about this game and you fudders will say some incorrect shit. but anyways here it is.

0x just tweeted 2 times in a row about Ethercraft. If you want to argue about this then bring it on. This is only the beginning. We have tried to warn you about this for quite some time.

>b-but it's a scam

You can literally have a filled inventory for free (just pay gas prices)

Stay woke biz

>> No.7450408

>inb4 a screenshot of the discord and the dev blows the 'leaker' out again

pep called the discord leaker a cuck

>> No.7450431
File: 6 KB, 190x200, 1409901803018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wat? So we are supposed to argue...about your...tweets or something? Look no one gives a fuck. Go play Minecraft with your crypto or whatever just don't wet the bed again honey.

>> No.7450440

No, They are using ENJ

>> No.7450454

don't act like ethercraft wasnt fudded for no good reason on /biz/ for weeks - now it's finally proving to be legit.

what's your problem bud?

>> No.7450455


1. Paid tweet. Obvious.
2. Items sold count is going down? How is that possible? Scam fucking confirmed.

You “devs” are trying to push this scam so hard. Too bad it will always stay dead. Keep making new metamask accounts and buying the free items to make it look like there’s activity. There will never be a game to launch with this. This is a failure and I pray you’ll realize this soon.

>> No.7450462

crafting is going live. next stop, suction house. shop items ends feb 14, never to be seen again,

>> No.7450474

I hope this will spread like a wild fire, 0x has a lot of high qualitiy followers who could retweet - very nice

>> No.7450476
File: 65 KB, 720x960, E269669F-69A4-457A-89D8-8F7C913B55CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...Anonymous (ID: gl7JJU0x)
02/08/18(Thu)02:58:39 No.7450455
>>7450377 (OP) #

1. Paid tweet. Obvious.
2. Items sold count is going down? How is that possible? Scam fucking confirmed.

You “devs” are trying to push this scam so hard. Too bad it will always stay dead. Keep making new metamask accounts and buying the free items to make it look like there’s activity. There will never be a game to launch with this. This is a failure and I pray you’ll realize this soon

>> No.7450477

you realize they'd be paying over $200 a day in tx fees alone (assuming the smallest possible gas usage of 21k) to do this right?

>> No.7450487
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>> No.7450498
File: 151 KB, 443x848, 76137822-B2F9-44F4-B82E-170E52848185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shill. Learn about low gas prices.


1. Paid tweet. Obvious.
2. Items sold count is going down? How is that possible? Scam fucking confirmed.

You “devs” are trying to push this scam so hard. Too bad it will always stay dead. Keep making new metamask accounts and buying the free items to make it look like there’s activity. There will never be a game to launch with this. This is a failure and I pray you’ll realize this soon

>> No.7450502

These aren’t my tweets. They are from 0x’s official twitter, I think they have 91k followers and are a pretty big deal in the ethereum world.

>> No.7450510
File: 99 KB, 1280x420, 2018-02-08 02.59.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get used to seeing ethercraft, you'll be seeing it a lot

>> No.7450527

Look at the team recycling ETH over and over again making the volume look high



>> No.7450531
File: 343 KB, 2264x1498, 8DD86046-146E-4F81-979C-2306220FAC90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re an idiot. If it was paid it wouldn’t have been posted twice.

Also the item sales are up you idiot, they reached the target faster than any releas before. Maybe DYOR first before you start to fud.

>> No.7450538

yeah dude they're spamming thousands of transactions per hour - just to advertise themselves on an obscure website that launched less than a day ago

>> No.7450551

Troll confirmed. This shit launched over a month ago and is a garbage scam.

>> No.7450557

you dumb fuck thats the eth thats yet to be withdrawn by the shops - if anything this shows that the dev hasnt exit scammed with 175 eth sitting in their contracts

>> No.7450573

i'm talking about dappradar which is the site in my screenshot (of which you're replying to) you dense cunt. i wasn't talking about ethercraft

>> No.7450581

you're doing a really shitty job at covering up your self fellatio dude

>> No.7450607
File: 108 KB, 900x900, 25E624D3-B8AB-4D46-93B5-DA232B8B7A19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol yeah let’s get notoriety from a website that nobody knows about.

People will keep seeing successful releases and will soon fomo in. It’s only a matter of time.

If you’re reading this and don’t know much and don’t want to be swayed by random opinions. Please feel free to read the medium articles, join the discord.

>> No.7450646

>don't be swayed by random opinions
>go seek out my tailored random opinions

>> No.7450650

Self fellatio?

What the fuck is wrong with you. All I did was post a screen shot of 0x’s twitter. Do you think I’m 0x or something lmao

Hey guys here’s some insider info on 0x (ZRX) it is going to be used on Etherfinex and will be huge. Non of you guys know this because I am a main dev and I’m leaking this info to you. KEK

>> No.7450692

also the balance/volume to transaction ratio is far too high, clearly spamming low transactions

>> No.7450695

The medium articles are cut and dry. The proof is in the pudding. Fud, stay poor, do whatever makes you sleep at night.

This game is only going to snowball from here. Sustainable in-game economy with rpg/permadeath, dungeon crawling for eth. If you can’t see the upsides that Ethercraft is working to offer then please BTFO

>> No.7450712
File: 112 KB, 744x878, 2018-02-08 03.12.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about half of the items are free brainlet

theres over 51k transactions for gift bags alone

it's not spam

>> No.7450716

It’s from fucking addicts who are buying up all this shit before it expires.

You literally don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. Check etherscan before you fud. Atleast have some verifiable shit before you fud

>> No.7450731

dude you suck yourself off so hard to hurts to read

>> No.7450733

>hurr durr the devs paid eth out of pocket to deploy contracts for free items so they can spam them to climb a leaderboard for a dapp aggregation site no one cares about

>> No.7450765

except you, apparently.
Nobody on /biz/ cares about your minecraft shit you fucking children

>> No.7450809
File: 94 KB, 686x848, 2018-02-08 03.17.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also the balance/volume to transaction ratio is far too high, clearly spamming low transactions

omg the devs are spamming again!!11!

>> No.7450811
File: 204 KB, 1600x1150, 06EACE8A-E009-464D-8A8D-D2C387C95CAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I can see this is going nowhere. I’ll check you off the list of idiots that didn’t prevail.

Next time atleast have some quality shit

>> No.7450831

>Nobody on /biz/ cares about your minecraft shit you fucking children



>> No.7450848
File: 386 KB, 800x800, BE3020DC-0AD7-480F-A0A8-49D7826D5D3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao obviously you care, you’re not interested in ethercraft but you’re wasting your time and energy to spread fud.

I think anon has some underlying issues that haven’t been solved. You’ll get there. Stay strong

>> No.7450859

>Non of you guys know this because I am a main dev and I’m leaking this info to you. KEK

explain how this isn't sucking the very life out of your prepubescent penis

>> No.7450862
File: 106 KB, 708x878, 2018-02-08 03.20.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WOW the devs must have went into overtime spamming transactions, surely this isnt genuine interest and /biz/ is right again, the blockchain experts are on the case!

>> No.7450898

For Ethercraft to be a game, it would have to have gameplay.

There is no gameplay, thus it is not a game. It is a ponzi scheme with a pixel art overlay, and a pachinko algorithm to determine outcome of a gambling attempt.

>> No.7450908

it has crafting

>> No.7450922

are you actually autistic?
like really lmao nigga you didn't even read my post. I bet autist 16 year old wannabe programmers like yourselves still love minecraft and I can't argue it sold well but my point, dear autism-kun, is that no altcoin daytrader worth their salt plays minecraft

>> No.7450929

Lol dude keep continuing to live a miserable life. If you spent this energy in bettering yourself then you’d probably have a better life and/or a girlfriend. Time is money

>in-b4 b-but I get more bitches than you

>> No.7450944

who the fuck cares about 'altcoin daytraders' when this is clearly targetted towards normies for mainstream adoption (like minecraft)

>> No.7450961

Yeah it is a Ponzi scheme Kek

Anon doesn’t know that ethercraft offers a range of free items that will have you set up to dungeon crawl for loot (eth). Enough about the ponzi shit, there’s free items. Please bring on some better fud.

>> No.7450982

People still care about this shit? If you do some quick calcs unless you're the very first people to buy the item you're royally fucked, and even if you are the gains aren't worth the risk, AND even then people who get early are going to get fucked one day too since there's less and less purchases with each new item.

This is a pajeet pyramid

>> No.7450987


That is not gameplay unless player interaction with objects affects the outcome. As it is, the crafting is just math. 1+2 always equals 3.

>> No.7451000

at least I don't play minecraft :)
stay mad

>> No.7451045

>free items get a lot of volume

No fucking shit, poor teens and third worlders cling to anything. You can test this on /biz/ too, this board has a low volume and most threads die after a bunch of posts, but go on and start a thread where you promise to give something for free, you'll get to the bump limit in 20 minutes and start seeing posts full of emoticons.

>> No.7451056

>If you do some quick calcs
another Very Smart Poster who doesn't realize that these are items for a game and not a dead-end like the majority of projects /biz/ promotes and dumps a week after


plenty of free items here that you can pick up with 0 risk and sell for eth when they're not available in 6 days

>> No.7451071
File: 52 KB, 451x374, 1517820310874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what the fuck do you think is in them? dogshit? coal? .001% chance of a legendary/decent item?

>> No.7451089

For the second time, there’s free items. You don’t need to spend anything other than gas for them.

If you’re so worried about the returns then it’s easy to see why you’re mind isn’t able to grasp this. This will be much more than just buying an item and getting returns. The auction house will open soon and you’ll be able to sell them for market price. Or keep them and use them to get loot in the dungeons.

Imagine being a crafter and crafting up some crazy shit and selling it to an ethercraft whale for $$$. It will be like that. Crafting is about to go live within 24 hours is my guess.

There’s so much that is going on with the development of this game. If you guys want to listen to baseless fud then please go ahead. DYOR like most of us people who have brains did. See it for yourself

>> No.7451091

interesting how the FUD narrative has shifted from
>"its a scam"
>to "devs spamming transactions"
>to "pajeets play this game"

>> No.7451109


There is no game. It is a replay of an algorithm. There is no user interaction or decision making at all, except choosing parameters before hitting "go". Its gambling.

>> No.7451155

so let me get this straight, you want a game with real time input, with real money on the line, in a game where someone could potentially hack/cheat or use devices like lagswitches to their financial advantage, nevermind the fact that there are conncevtivity/power issues to be considered

you seem really smart and intellgent, how would you handle a scenario when a player disconnects in the middle of a duel, or if their power goes out in a storm?

>> No.7451167

>It's a scam because the developers are spamming free transactions to make paid for options look more legitimate, making it a typical pajeet ponzi scheme

although you seem pretty complicate in all of this anyway so I'm just telling you things you already know

>> No.7451189

you can see the paid transactions on each shop, how would someone confuse 'free' transactions with paid ones?

>> No.7451276

you're intentionally dodging the point.
You've posted screenshots showing high volume of transactions in a poor attempt to make your shit look legit and then backpedaled when you got caught out. Nobody else posted screenshots from that 'obscure' website you claimed to not give a fuck about?

>> No.7451312

screencap this thread and remind yourself you were wrong in a month

>> No.7451349

Lol nice, I don’t play it either. I play the Minecraft w/ big nuts (EC)

>> No.7451351

lmao dude you have no comeback to that at all, nobody buys it shills ;)

also your website runs like aids

>> No.7451377

Dude you have over 10 posts in here and you don’t even care about this game or plan on playing it. What the fuck are you doing with your life, holy fucking shit. You sure are a special one

>> No.7451424

>admitting you have a shit computer

time to go to bed pratham

>> No.7451452

This makes me want to sell my ZRX. I won't though.

>> No.7451458
File: 324 KB, 500x387, IMG_5705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0x is tweeting about Ethercraft. Corner the Enchanted Kimchi-jjigae Market effective immediately.

>> No.7451463

just getting some /comfy/ posts on biz before china wakes up and bitcoin goes up a few percent
at least I'm not shilling for a ponzi minecraft ripoff clearly made by a bunch of faggot teenagers who think they can outsmart some adults for some pocketchange ETH

>> No.7451505

>he trades bitcoin
lol, explains a lot

>> No.7451523
File: 175 KB, 868x943, tryharderfaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to program better faggot

>> No.7451535

>he thinks hardware is the only thing that goes into a computer and not the USER controlled configuration of drivers and programs

>> No.7451564

>not the USER controlled configuration of drivers and programs
fuck me, if you're shitting little website is unresponsive it's nothing to do with what I have running in the background haha
are you this dense?
maybe it's that transaction spamming slowing your server down?
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about it's so funny

>> No.7451572

sounds ripe for a fat lawsuit by microsoft

>> No.7451591

>he thinks you need more than an i7 and 8gb to open a webpage

>> No.7451612
File: 84 KB, 586x434, B9644A2A-29BF-46A5-9782-0457F2103339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao funny how you try to start off sounding super casual and then towards the end you just let it eat you apart.

I can tell ethercraft really hurts you deep down inside. Stay strong anon

>> No.7451621

>he rips off minecraft branding and posts about it on 4chan like he isn't going to get assblasted

>> No.7451651

Yeah let’s sue a decentralized game that is not infriging on anything! That’s why digimon sued Pokémon and put them out of business before they could blow up huh. Still a little too early for you? Or do you just not have a brain

>> No.7451678

lmao funny of you always end your posts the same like you're not also shilling yourself to death to stroke your ego.
I can tell any criticism of your scam really hurts and you need to put up a facade and accuse anyone who calls you out of being salty or in an unstable mental condition. It's very projecting anon you should really stop everyone can tell.

>> No.7451681

Lmao guys, the fudders are running out of things to say. Now they’re talking about copyright infringement.

Digimon CEO saw this post and is now suing Pokémon! Holy fuck look at what you guys started

>> No.7451687

works fine on my phone, not sure what your problem is pajeet

>> No.7451717

haha you are such a fucking loser - this is a legit project
go cry somewhere else

>> No.7451725

Also this isn’t my project, I’m not related with the devs or 0x. Although I am in ethercraft, the only thing that proves about me is that I have a brain.

Don’t worry though, you can keep your 15+ fud posts in this thread. They didn’t do anything but help keep this thread alive for smarter eyes to see.

Soon you will see more posts about how successful this is, maybe soon you’ll fomo in. Luckily you’re an anon so you’ll be able to make a smooth transition

>> No.7451758

OK my work here is done
Anyone who sees this thread will see this devs shilling for themselves so hard I bet they've came 3 times each over the amount of replies they got.

Everyone can see you're shills and your website AND idea are shite and you've done yourselves no favours by acting/being pretentious arrogant teenagers what drop they're the devs of the project while shilling it on an anonymous forum.

at least you tried x

>> No.7451885
File: 212 KB, 1024x443, 744BB715-DB31-4788-857D-D3AD43D7D5EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the work here is done.
This whole thread was fudded by one guy who supposedly doesn’t care about this game but also made 15+ posts in here. I’ll let you guys be the judge.

Soon this inventory will bring me to the promised land along with many others. Good luck to all of my fellow ethercrafters. See you on the moon!

>> No.7451885,1 [INTERNAL] 

Last time there was a power out in my hometown was in 2011. The local electric company paid like 1M€ in fines.

Greetings from Europe