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File: 1.60 MB, 1600x900, dumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
743162 No.743162 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck am I supposed to write for a cover letter?

Seriously google gives me 100 thousand different answers.

Why is this important, why the fuck does this matter, why the fuck are employers taking the time to read me jerk off about how I want the job so bad.


This is the "write an essay about yourself" of adulthood.

Its bullshit

>> No.743164

What country? If USA no one wants to read a cover letter.

>> No.743168


Should I just not send a cover letter then? I feel like that makes me seem lazy, like I couldn't be bothered.

>> No.743184
File: 29 KB, 190x236, Herman Warden Lay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't listen to this guy >>743164

Google image search cover letter template/example and just copy/paste but in your own words.

So far I've gotten invited for an interview to every position I have applied for.

Just remember, if they ask for a cover letter then MAKE A COVER LETTER.

Also, even if the company only asks for a resume, send a cover letter along with it.

Trust me.

Good luck bud.

>> No.743188
File: 34 KB, 433x432, 1411446717212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What this guys says.
employers look about %50 cover letter 50% resume.
the resume us dry, a cover letter takes what you wrote in the resume but adds a human touch.
write about what your goals are, what you'vyou've appreciated the most about the last company you worked for and what you hope to find in the next. Not just "i do purely for the money" it means you'ryou're cheap and will only socialise and make friends if money is involved. Nobody wants to work with a guy like that

>> No.743303
File: 155 KB, 626x841, 3dprinted Missingno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good, it's a place to sell yourself. Just tell them that they need you and make them believe it and you'll get the job. Doesn't matter how shit your cv is.

>> No.743332
File: 68 KB, 606x404, savage-edit001--606x404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a dumbass! Write the fucking letter. If you just send a resume. you're a fucking refugee of sorts. "Wah wah I got laid off or sacked or fired and I don't want to talk about it so look at me..."

If you write a cover letter you are stating, Hey Motherfuckers! I have an enormous swinging dick and I'll solve all your fucking problems in (name of area you're good at) and I've fucking done that in my past if you'll take a fucking look at the resume I've provided because YOU FUCKING NEED ME and HER I FUCKING AM SO FUCKING HIRE ME.

That is what the cover letter is for.

>> No.743359

I instantly trash any resume with a cover letter, I don't want to work with narcissists

>> No.743431
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>> No.743949

>Take job posting into excel
>Write a paragraph for each bullet


>> No.743969
File: 148 KB, 675x395, 1428983336148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Take job posting into excel


>> No.743973

Make a table

>Copy job posting into excel
>Make each bullet point its own row
>Next to each point right a paragraph about how you meet this qualification
>Compile in Word
>Format, write a thank you paragraph

>> No.744086

But you are a jizz mopper in a peep show establishment!

>> No.744319

Maybe he uses the resume to soak up the jizz

>> No.744417
File: 88 KB, 653x501, Snip20150504_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cover letter is still a key part of an application today. It says:

- who you are
- what you are applying for
- why you're a good fit for it
- who your point of contact was
- how they can move forward with you

attached is one I used recently, its a little formal, but I think a good example.