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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 737x184, mcafee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7430976 No.7430976 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right?

>> No.7431007

fuck this nigger

>> No.7431029

Dont care. Hope he eats shit and dies, this time.

>> No.7431065

I like crazy people. Every time somebody accomplishes something, its somr crazy fuck.

>> No.7431080

lol he's just some bat shit crazy mother fucker who paid a team of people smart than him to make one of the worst anti virus programs that exist today.
..you should listen to him

>> No.7431088

Not even sure what he is basing this on.

>> No.7431105

>bubbles are mathematically impossible in this new paradigm. So are corrections and all else

>> No.7431117


doesnt really feel like it, volume is too low and we're most likely will double test floor.But the floor HAS been found.

I am 50/50 atm, noticed a massive price increase at 9am UTC and big boy dumps after 9pm

>> No.7431125

Yes I am sure bitcoin will reach 500k EoY like he predicts. 1 trillion dollar market cap is definitely sustainable

>> No.7431197
File: 122 KB, 938x290, mcafee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the feeling he has to compensate for something. But what could it be??

>> No.7431245

Only unreasonable people change the world. And only them set themselves on fire.

>> No.7431273
File: 49 KB, 625x491, EB994E34-5611-47B4-9EB5-0EE9426F4850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7431310

His dick is on the line it has to

>> No.7431421

I hope this PnD scamnigger dies.

>> No.7431445


prolly why he's shilling tron

>> No.7431558

He’s a rapist and a shit eater.

>> No.7431714

>shit eater.
yeah, literally

>> No.7431768

If it was so easy how come you didn’t do it? Faggot

>> No.7431820


>> No.7431831

I like him for the sole fact that he is unironically using his public profile to shill for cryptocurrencies. Don't ever forget that he is helping you and me out in the long run by doing this.

That said, he seems a bit 'off'. Anyone here read about him being suspected of killing his neighbour in Panama or somewhere?

>> No.7431901

Never change /b/iz lmao

>> No.7431911
File: 85 KB, 388x218, 1470440711074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scat is the thinking man's fetish

>> No.7432000

You have to understand that the more people buy a coin, the higher its value goes

So ANYONE that's currently holding bitcoin will tell you things are awesome. You literally cannot trust what a coiner says. I mean now that cryptos are mainstream, there is no way that everyone will magically become a millionnaire. The smarter people and the well-connected ones basically take money off average Joes

>> No.7432039


He's fucking embarrassing, the kind of guy you DON'T want on your team.

>> No.7432078

This fag gets it!

>> No.7432157


>> No.7432204

Do you guys think old, successful, well off men sit on twitter pumping and dumping scams? The guy probably has no fucking money left lmao.

>> No.7432229

It was always a gambling asset

>> No.7432237

god damn i am sick of this dick-eating joker.

>> No.7432244
File: 52 KB, 339x355, 1517523072655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7432265

>Hope he eats shit
He likes that.......

>> No.7432289

>in August 2009

So if he just held until now he probably has closer to $200 million. No one who held more than a couple of years lost any money in the financial “crisis” (unless they were Madoff’s customers).

>> No.7432394

Yeah this is the kind of thing a willful idiot believes. There's more to blockchain technology than gambling

>The smarter people and the well-connected ones basically take money off average Joes

Yeah you really don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.7432515
File: 202 KB, 1019x720, 1472158192883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really cracks me up that every time BTC dips /biz/ panic sells at a loss instead of waiting a month for more gains. Everyone that got the FUD and didn't hold is fucked and making threads bitching about how /biz/ told them the floor was 1k and other stupid shit. Never listen to fucking /biz/. I bet barely any of you keep 25% of your shit in USDT/cash for the sole purpose of buying dips. I held and was still able to rebuy at 6k, so I can sell at the next ATH again.
Weak as fuck hands on you guys.
>tfw buy high sell low is not a meme, but a mantra here

>> No.7432557

he allegedly got his neighbor killed in Belize, after said neighbor murdered his dogs
it was the subject of a documentary by (((Nanette Burstein))), prompted by journalist Jeff Wise who has had an unhealthy obsession with badmouthing McAfee for years before this even happened

>> No.7432619

No, he's right. It will be worth listening to McAffee when he starts acknowledging most coins are a bad investment. Until then he's just a shill.

>> No.7432774
File: 28 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be looking at craigslist ads for a Nintendo DS to give my nephew for Christmas
>find an ad for a DS with couple of games, no pictures or list of games. Ad has been up for over a month
>seller is asking for $25, so contact him and drive to his place to check it out
>door opens, it's actually a 15 y-o jailbait. She's probably selling to buy weed or something
>look at the goods; it's a DS in PRISTINE condition including a neat case
>10 games, including mario kart, new super mario bros and picrelated
>hand her over the money, she's super happy that I bought it. Tells me I'm the only person that replied after a month o
>drive back home, put an ad for picrelated on craiglist. The same evening some soyboy game collector comes pick it up for $75

>> No.7432851

Wrong thread my bad

>> No.7432870


Very interesting, thanks for the information.

He seems to have lived a very interesting life. I respect it.

>> No.7433049

American's don't travel well never have

AN alleged American national, who went to loge in a hotel, at Vitorial Island, Lagos has been found dead in his hotel room. The incident has also sparked off a high level probe into the cicumstances sorounding his death.

Commissioner of Police in the state, Mr. Yakubu Alkali said the pobe becomes necessary to ascertain the cause of death. DAILY Champion gathered that the American, simply identified as Jerry Brent Perry, was a guest at the hotel, located at Idejo street Victoria Island . A police source said he had gone to bed in a sound condition of health, after having some drinks at the bar with friends.

>> No.7433165

kek good thing he bought a shitload of xvg at 1/5 of a cent

>> No.7433204

you should have fucked her idiot

>> No.7433252

good point double O seven

>> No.7433332

How the hell?

>> No.7433418

he's a nigger that married sheboon kek you even ask

>> No.7433641
File: 14 KB, 456x320, c3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait wasn't this guy a billionaire? why is anyone here even listening to him?

>> No.7433724

Ah, the trump maneuver. Claim huge capital losses and never pay taxes again.

>> No.7433782

got some news for you anon...

>> No.7433875

He is a billionaire again. After he lost all his shit in 2009 he started a mercenary company and a "pharma" factory in Belize, which led him to setting up a bitcoin mining farm.
He was in jail 12 times during that time. The word is, he was one of the Silkroad barons.

>> No.7434047

Even if thats true he probably made 50m plus just from manually pumping shitcoins last year.
Not to mention his long term BTC hold and if he held his investments from before the 2008 pop....

Dude has at least 200m

>> No.7434110

McAfee desperately needs the coins to rise in price, it's his only way to financial freedom. He's fucked up so much if coins go to shit he will be negative net worth

>> No.7434199
File: 226 KB, 394x397, 1515231148147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this is actually a huge sell signal

>> No.7434541

McAfee has been in the market before you were born, norman

>> No.7434666

Holy fuck, that Tyrone Pepe should come with a beverage alert

>> No.7434974

unless /biz/ has already forgotten
he last shilled RCN
buy RCN while it's still sub 3k

>> No.7435038

>Believing everything the media tells you.

They said Trump was bankrupt too.

>> No.7435849

>smart than him

>> No.7435970

wtf, I hate crypto now

>> No.7436681

>not dicking the jailbait