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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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742534 No.742534 [Reply] [Original]

Which of these majors would you pick?


Also anyone here do a TAG agreement to transfer to a real uni?

>> No.742538

Feminist Studies

>> No.742540
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I was thinking black studies

I really wanted to go to UCSB for compsci but it's in the Engineering College which is not accept the TAG agreement, so if I was to go I'd have to pick one of the majors I posted.

Other schools I can transfer to are UCD, UCI, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UCSB, and UCSC.

I'm also in honors which means I'd get priority consideration at UCLA but it's not a sure thing

>> No.742543
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Noooo! I was obviously joking! Don't do that, you're going to live a shitty minimum wage-restrained life if you go down this path. Choose something that is god tier like IT, Engineering or Finance, you'll have more chances of making it.

>pic related, a guide for you

>> No.742545

What is M7 and T14? Sorry for my ignorance :/

>> No.742548

I was kidding to lolz

As far as the UCSB College of Letters and Science options go I was flirting with the idea of going for Actuarial Science because I want to make money. Thing is I don't have a passion for math and everything I've read so far says you REALLY have to like math if you want to pass the actuarial exams.

I want to know what the next best thing on that list could be. Statistics maybe?

>> No.742556

I dunno, this chart was probably made by an American. I'm not American, I just chose it because it shows the "shit tier" jobs.

> I want to make money
I like the way you think, my friend. Personally, I'd go Information Technology or Economics. IT Directors usually make ~150k based on the company they work for. Finance is really useful one the long run too. But, if you choose IT, you'll probably start out with 40 to 50k off the bat and work your way up to the top. If you're all about making money like me and have a knack for Math, IT is the shit.

>> No.742569

Why are all of the well-off people I know arts majors

>> No.742577

IT isn't on that list :(

>> No.742586

nice booty

>> No.742588
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>> No.742612 [DELETED] 
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Here's more

Pls more input guys

>> No.742613

>real university

Pick one.

>> No.742615

Go to PayScale or Salary.com and search for the average salaries on IT. They are big. An IT director makes as much as 250k a year.

Good to hear. What do they do?

>> No.742676


>> No.742682

>An IT director makes as much as 250k a year.

Do people really believe this? Yes an IT director makes bank. How many IT Directors are there in comparison to code monkies/wire pullers/geek squaders.

Everyone going into IT seems to think they will be running a fortune 500's entire IT division...

>> No.742683

And everyone going into law seems to think they'll make partner at a big law firm. And everyone who goes into med school thinks they'll escape the family practice trap. And everyone who goes into finance thinks they'll make IB at a major bank.

>> No.742684

I graduated from UCSB with ChemE and now I'm working with a food company in LA, 80k a year. I enjoyed my time with the program and it's done me well.
Also if you're a fan of booty as you seemingly are you will not be disappointed with what UCSB has to offer.

>> No.742686

t14 is the top 14 law schools
there's a wikipedia article about it

m7 is best mba schools
those are Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, MIT, Northwestern, UChicago, Columbia

>> No.742716
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Not gonna lie, that and Santa Barbara definitely play a role in my wanting to go there so bad. Staying at home and watching my friends having a great time makes me less excited to go to a place like Davis or Irvine

That's what sucks the guaranteed transfer program doesn't apply to the engineering college, so I'm trying to see if its worth doing any of the available majors.

Sorry for the lack of booty, I was watching boxing

>> No.742724


im a pessimist.

>> No.742725 [DELETED] 
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>> No.742746 [DELETED] 
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>> No.742790 [DELETED] 
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>> No.742806

Fuck all this bullshit, how do you become a booty photographer? Pay me 18k who cares?

>> No.742807

I am curious into marketing, wonder what makes a PhD super tier but a bachelors bad tier? What jobs do you get with a PhD?

>> No.742844

>Black studies

Does this allow me to cast a level 35 dark orb?

>> No.742868

i go to community college in irvine and im xferring to UCSB next fall through TAG in Econ/Accounting. Irvine social life is non existent bruh try to avoid it if you can

>> No.742874

i'm thinking about statistics, I probably will. the courseload is not as heavy as engineering and you won't have any timevampires known as labs. But It seems to become a statistician you need to get at least a masters, so I will take actuarial classes and be an actuary then maybe complete a masters in statistics.

>> No.742912

Ahh, thanks a lot for the reply mate. Much appreciated :)

>> No.743117


>> No.743248
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Fuck man.
Also when you transfer through TAG, are the classes you need to take any different from the ones on assist.org? I'm meeting with my counselor tomorrow and have been looking at all the prepreqs for like every major over and over.

Are you thinking about Statistical Science or Financial Statistics & Math?
I'm really pretty pissed I can't do CS, I just want to pick the next best thing that will make me money from the L&S majors.

>> No.743251


>> No.743282

the classes on assist.org can all be completed at junior college which is what i did. except for one class which isnt offered at cc so ill have to take it at UCSB.

i dont know if you have considered accounting, but everyone i have talked to speaks highly of accountings versatility, it isnt hard to find a job and its decent pay. but good luck to you wherever you go

>> No.743293
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This might actually be plausible because I've already taken a bunch of classes which coincide with their prereqs.

Thanks man and good luck to you too.

Here's more butts

>> No.743300

>comp sci phd top tier

feels gud

>> No.743315

OP, which community college do you go to?

>> No.743316

Don't go into CS for the money. That rarely works out unless you go to one of the top five universities.

>> No.743429

I'm stuck on what major to do right now. I'm at a college that doesn't offer computer science, which I think is what I want to do. I started as an engineering major, but my work ethic isn't the best for memorizing the formulas and such need for it. I found the college has a major titled: 'Business Administration - Engineering Management Option'. I switched to it without much research because the workload is a manageable mix of engineering and business classes. It's a bachelors, which is odd because googling around, it seems that 'Engineering Management' is a masters that you can get with an Engineering Bachelors so I'm not sure if I could find a job or get a masters with it.
I don't know what would be best for me to do in the long run making a nice income. I'm a lot more interested in business than engineering, and even more interested in CS. I don't know if i should switch to like marketing or fiance or back to engineering, or just transfer elsewhere to do CS. I just completed my first year taking a good mix of gen eds, engineering and business classes.
Thoughts? BTW the college is Fort Lewis College and I would switch to UCD for CS.

>> No.743440

If you asked 17 yo me going straight into a 4 year like I did, I would've picked Cell & Developmental biology.

If you ask me now I would say chemical engineering.

It took me too long to realize I actually really like engineering, but I was not at an engineering school.

>> No.743466

Applied there for Mechanical Engineering this year and ended up choosing CSUN instead (same major)

>> No.743554 [DELETED] 
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>> No.743559

Mathematician checking in

>you all are plebs
>bow down to the king

>> No.743583

Whoever made this had a hard on for agriculture. But I guess it makes sense.

Applied economics masters here I come next year.

>> No.743596

how do people enjoy high level math?

>> No.743612
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Also which do you think would yield better prospects, majoring in accounting or statistics?

>> No.743615


>> No.743622
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mfw when I'm a performing arts student

>> No.743629

>yfw when I have a BFA and make six figures

>> No.743632

>phd in marketing
>superb tier
confirmed troll

>> No.743636



And top IT positions are fragile and never last. IT is an extremely unforgiving field and companies are always seeking to cut cost for their IT staff and make them redundant.

IT is very similar to retail, most do their time and get the fuck out and do something else with their lives. The ones who stick around either go down two directions, find a decent paying position that reflects that level of responsibility but with little possibility of promotion and career advancement or climb up the management ladder to get paid a shit salary that doesn't remotely reflect the amount of responsibility or pressure of the office.

>> No.743758

I'm thinking about statistical science I don't imagine the going into financial statistics will make me more money. if you really like CS go to a university that has it.

half of wealth is your paycheck the other half is what you do with it. So don't pursue the meme degrees out of need for a high income.

If you don't hate math I think you can become an actuary, you just have to have discipline and trudge along. Most actuary or statistics major requirements don't require the same high level math courses that math majors take. so it is not the same level as math majors.

Seems like you really want to do CS, why not go to Irvine (or another univ with cs) I know some other anon said social life sucks, but you are going to school to learn. You don't want to miss out on a dream career because you couldn't deal with being boredom for 9 months of a year, for two years.

>> No.743765

This chart is extremely delusional.

To begin with a PhD in finance will get you around 60k starting at most.

>> No.743772

Here you go, see starting column at number 20.

>> No.743780

How fucked am i if i am doing a bsc in economics and management? Im doing this as a wide foundation as im terribly uncertain about my career, what masters should i do?

>> No.743849

are you sure you want to do a masters? Why are you uncertain about your career? your degree sounds perfect for middle management. You can go out and live comfy life.

>> No.743888

Because they had all the connections (through conditions set up by their parents - as evidenced by allowing them to go to fucking art school) to begin with. Art school is for idiots who live in a bubble. Not the super rich, but the ones that are well off enough that they don't care if their kid "pursues their dream", even if that dream might not lead anywhere. Those kids will get a job because of their economical and social status, and because they're generally neo-liberal cunts who will nod along and agree with anything you present to them, as long as it supports the current conditions.

Art school is for people with such a good set-up from the beginning (not by their own doing), that they can just waste their entire opportunity of education.

>> No.743936

>near 6-figure salary with great job stability
>law and biology
>"unemployable in field, a degree in these subjects is equivalent to having no degree at all"
topkek m8

>> No.744037

you do know the hospitals are importing filipino and mexican nurses. Nursing is so hyped. STEM has some entry barriers of hard courses so that is kind of safe.

>> No.744081
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what made it a good idea to pay for that?

>> No.744253
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Alright guys, I just talked to my counselor about my options.

I can easily get into Computer Science at UCSC or Econ/Accounting at UCSB. The rest of the schools (besides Merced and Riverside) are a bit of a stretch for compsci. What do you 4chan wizards think I should do?

I'm kind of leaning towards accounting, my reasoning being that it's a pretty stable career path so finding work shouldn't be that hard. If I start wanting to kill myself, I can teach myself programming and see if any of my CS friends can hook me up with a job.


>> No.744283

If you are swole but too shitty for sports you can be the Buck Nurse, the man all the women hire and secretly masturbate too at night. In other words you can be really important in your job because you can do everything that a female nurse cannot do. If there are any 6'5" 250 pound junior college DE's consider doing nursing.

Just tell your jock friends its physician assistant which it almost is but you don't have to lose street cred.

Also remember that while law is virtually worthless there will always be a need for truly brilliant lawyers I don't think give up unless you can't get into a T14 school then consider medical.

>> No.744286
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>tfw your best friend is struggling in college just for criminal justice and criminology with a side of english. Claims there's no way up in this world.
>tfw you went straight into the working world and are already better off.

>> No.744294


Congrats you're so fucking specialized that you'll never use most of it.

High utility = more demand = moar money

Highly specific = less demand = less money

>> No.744409

More demand doesn't mean more fucking money, it just means more jobs.

>> No.744413

don't be a finserv douche

seriously though, your income is capped unless you become some sort of algo wizard and that's not even accounting, that finance. Go comp sci, so much room for success

>> No.744421

That's true. There's lots of demand for grocery store Deli Counter associates....

>> No.744449
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>finserv douche
a what

>> No.744542 [DELETED] 
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>> No.744718

I would give them both finserv douches with my tongue.

>> No.744762

alright brehs

I'm transferring to uni from community college in the fall. I'm admitted to the business school, but idk what I want to major in for sure. As of now I'm leaning towards Management & Leadership, what are your thoughts? Money-wise, I just want to -eventually- be making like $80k per year. 40-50k starting would be acceptable

(PS I will graduate with little to no debt)

>> No.744899

Its okay to do that but you won't be starting as a manager anyway ... might be smart to take a economics minor so you have good skills and can work your way up the ladder with something.

>> No.745213 [DELETED] 
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>> No.745415




>> No.745433

>they do it for free