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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 78 KB, 219x301, ethpyrfiat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7421205 No.7421205 [Reply] [Original]

It will be too late when you realize...

>> No.7421369

LOL. I should look into this - the pension's not getting better... #wageslave

>> No.7421420

you get paid for other people being stupid with their money, it's better than a bank.

because you know /biz/tards will jump right in when they realise that they can get twitter shills to tweet it out for them and make money off people panicking

it's literally the perfect neet pension, lol

>do nothing
>get money for doing nothing
>maybe tweet someone once in a while
>secure contract

>> No.7421541
File: 54 KB, 400x253, meme9part2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wait crypto crash will end. buy now on dip and you will be rich till end of the month!

>> No.7421842
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old version (without meme-names):

>> No.7421889
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i love me some ETH backed pension. already made 200 bucks thx ETHpyramid i suck your dick all year long

>> No.7421911

Contract is strong that's all I care about. all in

>> No.7421938

why aren't people in this, I'm confused.

Anons, can you let me know why you hate free money from weak-handed plebs?

>> No.7422265

$120 in divs today sweet but I must be mad eh?

>> No.7422289
File: 173 KB, 1000x1000, memes3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and its cheap as fuck now, throw in a hundred bucks now and wait a month, youll be glad you did

>> No.7422293
File: 93 KB, 400x219, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah clearly people aren't getting this, they literally just need to get in and they get money.

but no gotta shill pajeet's next shitcoin

>> No.7422393

Wait is this the new one? After pageet coin?

>> No.7422404

Free money what else do people want. ??? But it can't be that simple can it ? Well I have $120 that says it is

>> No.7422435

This is THE one the longest standing smart contract!!! 6 days young baby

>> No.7422468
File: 22 KB, 215x176, 1290051899658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the completely re written pyramid, no bugs no glitches no bitches.

Its actually made by software developers... unlike the other one that was just copy pasted...

>> No.7422496

What happens when people stop getting in?

>> No.7422511

Pretty yes. Powh code was pajeetry at its finest. Ethpyramid was made by group of independent devs.

>> No.7422554

what happens when people stop using anything?

>> No.7422603
File: 262 KB, 400x225, f5085ef5141718528397396480_700wa_0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you understand it just right

>> No.7422614

You still gain from small flutuation and weeknhamds. People pull out you get divs people but in you get divs , simple or is it ?

>> No.7422694

Join discord chat through the website . Come talk to the passionate madmen who gets free money

>> No.7422737

people sell, you get sweet dividends, and the cycle continues when other people buy in as the price gets lower

>> No.7422837

You guys are all shills from a discord.
Let's run this by basic logic:
This obviously doesn't perpetually CREATE money, right? So all the money coming out is money that was put in.

If you get out with more money than you put in, that means someone got the short end of the stick somewhere along the line. If you. Go in with 1 ETH and cash out 3 ETH, it's not like that ETH was generated from the ether. The only people who make no my from this are those that got in ground floor. Everyone else will baghold forever waiting for enough people to enter in for them to make their money back, but when interest dyes off there will be no more people entering the scheme.

>> No.7422936

No, It gets cheap enough that the scheme starts over again.

This is the point.

>> No.7423031

/Biz/ why don't you like money?
Literally, since I entered, the pyramid has been going down, with not much volume, and I'm still looking for a ROI of 1 month in dividends alone. I can also trade my tokens for eth whenever I want. If you don't get in this you don't deserve to make it

>> No.7423095
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>> No.7423163
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Get plebs in here, anons, and watch Chads work for you. It's that simple.

>> No.7423211
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can confirm I made 2 milli

>> No.7423252
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>> No.7423318
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 1517513815737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought like 13 ETH worth

This could become VERY big and this is my opportunity to buy greedily for low

No need to thank me for the dividends

>> No.7423369

Even Bazinga Coin shilled his scam better than you guys

>> No.7423396

People got burned by PoWHcoin.

The only people that know about this whole thing so far are /biz/ and maybe a subsection of /r/cryptocurrency.

This is huge. It's not going away. The contract is permanent. It just needs volume to feed the pyramid and anons tweeting at crypto youtube channels to get more plebs.

The pyramid will feed itself at that point - and you'll be right at the top.

Not to mention the media attention that is still to come and Asian markets.

>> No.7423437

why bother invest in a scam anon....

just get B3coin and watch it moon....

>> No.7423463

I don't even believe in EthPyramind, and even I believe in the Chinese gambling addicts

It might not be over yet, buy 5 bucks they aren't like other schemes that try to get $5000 from you all at once

>> No.7423469

Or get Ethereum dividends forever, maybe? How are you this dumb?

>> No.7423470

not even on coinmarketcap yet... chances are you make it big like u say... but also chances are u lose everything before they list on an exchange....

>> No.7423574

The token won't be listed on an exchange. It's internal to the contract.

Don't believe that it works? I won't push you to put anything in. But if you drop 5 dollars in this, it'll make you at least a 10% return overnight.

Doesn't sound like much. But that's a 10% return RIGHT NOW. WITH NO VOLUME. When people hear about this thing, as they now are, shit's going to go bananas.

"What? I can get Ethereum for free, just by sticking it in a smart contract and forgetting about it?"

Yes. You can. It's that easy.

I completely understand the vitriol after PoWHcoin, but I'm telling you that this contract is different.

Make your own choice, but while you fuck around and do nothing, just know I'm making money from nothing and so is everybody else sitting in the contract.

>> No.7423676
File: 246 KB, 600x471, meme6alt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once you get hooked on divies theres no turning back

>> No.7423795

isnt this just a scam for newcoiners?

>> No.7423849

Try being less obvious next time faggots, it's very easy to see that this whole thread is just a couple of pajeets samefagging.

>> No.7423887


SOMEONE here was telling the truth at least, jesus.


>> No.7423908
File: 724 KB, 862x1124, memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a game that you can win if you know how to play.

>> No.7424060
File: 225 KB, 1000x1000, 1516575992499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no ragrets

it's shit like this to make you the big shekels

balls of steel

>> No.7424085


Next one you make try to trow in peer to peer (P2P) as some sort of PCP meme here

>> No.7424115

You'd like the discord, he'll anyone interested should check out the discord. I'm sure some ethpy fag will post

>> No.7424121


Peer-2-Pyramid, you say?

>> No.7424128

kys dipshit

>> No.7424402

i personally almost 3x'd on OG PoWH i beleive in this one. its fine if you dont, ill just be here pulling divies while you stay mad

>> No.7424485

Dude just put in 13 eth. You think that dude is fucking around?

>> No.7424964

Bump for 13 eth guy

>> No.7425021

its all gone

>> No.7425383

Nice fud, no pyramid coiner. That guys realizes he can pull his 13eth out whenever he wants and Willimantic interest on it until he does. He also realizes the pot cannot drain so it can never really be "all gone" because it's his.

>> No.7425546
File: 315 KB, 480x270, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling this hard

>> No.7425651

If I am right, is it still shilling? Or does that just how it seems to you? Unless you can explain why this isn't top tier shit, you are just shitposting

>> No.7426282

He prefers to FOMO in when the contract holds 50MM of Ether

>> No.7426327

Best part is, however tall the pot/contract gets is only half the divs...you still get the ride the gravy train alllllll the way you downnnn

>> No.7426445
File: 283 KB, 600x337, efa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its obviously not all gone
>panicking this hard

>> No.7426493
File: 571 KB, 1310x740, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a handy infographic for you.

Maybe it'll help you understand why someone just put in 12.5 ETH.

>> No.7426607

lol 95% of this thread is people trying to rope other people into this because they are already stuck with bags

Also its really obvious that all of you guys are shilling this
Didn't we have this shit like 2 weeks ago, why did it start again?
I'd rather scam people directly than have some fuckniggers scam other people for me and drain the contract on some stupid shit

>> No.7426745

The dev has been here, the way you make money is people not understanding how it works and literally playing themselves. It should be much much harder. But it isn't. It will be.

>> No.7426807

I have a PAYG system
no contracts until actual retirement, mandatory for any kind of legit work, left at the whims unilateral decisions of the government
I am snek, destroyer of communists lel

>> No.7426858
File: 64 KB, 300x300, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're shilling cuz we beleive in the project. PoWH failed due to sloppy coding, that issue was fixed. while it was going lots of people saw profits, and this could be a great wonder of the internet one day, but it needs volume to survive. so buy in or not, maybe you'll make money, likely you wont, but its a fun little project to toss change at

>> No.7426883

Do you think I have more in this than I can lose?
Tell that to the guy that just dropped 12k into ethpy 15 minutes ago. Can't wait to get your divs when you finally crack

>> No.7427014
File: 5 KB, 211x239, 92d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not possible for the developers to exit scam. There is no backdoor. The code is open source and is freely available to view.

Some clones have had 'developer' exit scams before. It is unclear whether PoWHcoin had an exploit like this.

However, this contract simply does not have any. It was also extensively tested for exploits before launch (both manual and automated testing) and no exploits were found that the contract could not deal with.

>> No.7427129

<nobody can put in more than they can lose anon ethpyramid can't put you in debt

>> No.7427189
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>> No.7427256
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>> No.7427285

90% of your inital investment is always available to withdraw fucktard

>> No.7427355

are you actually this autistic right now
its 80% btw

>> No.7427382
File: 54 KB, 364x301, ethpy_stair_meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, 100% of your investment is withdrawlable at any time, 10% is givien to divies for each buy/sell tho

if you buy the dips and sell high you can make money the "normal" way and collect divies on the way up, but if you hold thru crashes and stuff, you get more divies too

>> No.7427383

How will I go into debt if I can always get 80% back? Hmmmmmmm?

>> No.7427411
File: 57 KB, 600x338, sminem buterin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this reaches Bitconnects highest cap I'll have 100MM worth in the fucking contract

>> No.7427494


People don't get this. The contract will be around forever. It's less than a week old. We have only received one article (two if you include mine) and one youtube video's worth of media attention.

This IS the ground floor. This IS just the beginning. The SEC said crypto would have a 20 trillion market cap by 2020 - wouldn't it be nice to get money just for holding eth in a contract along the way?

>> No.7427560

>all those transactions coming in right now

Feels good man

>> No.7427606

the only way the ponzi sustains itself is constant fomo. once fomo dies, the ponzi dies. all the ponzis died a week ago, give it up

jesus fucking christ anon. if you're not a discord shill trying to bait people YOU NEED TO GET YOUR ETH OUT NOW YOU GODDDAMN FUCKING RETARD HOLY SHIT

>> No.7427613

Then there came a sound, distant first, that grew into castrophany so immense
That it could be heard far away in space
There were no screams, there was no time
The mountain called EthPyramid had spoken
There was only FUD, and then

>> No.7427620

Fuck this scam coin, I'm only investing in shitconnect.com

>> No.7427626

It's about time, honestly. Pyramid schemes, traditionally, have been limited by geographic or cultural or language barriers.

With Ethereum and smart contracts, none of that applies. There's also nobody at the top of the pyramid waiting to fuck you.

The pyramid doesn't care. It just rewards those that holds and fucks those that don't.

It really is that simple.

>> No.7427754
File: 551 KB, 750x715, meme4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

traditional pyramid schemes are shitty, but this isnt traditional, you can move you way up by buying dips and get paid the whole way. toss in some spare dust and check back in a year and it will have grown substantially i bet

>> No.7427762

There's nothing in my portfolio I can feel as certain about... This pyramid is going to make me bank

>> No.7427819

Where were you?
When it all came down on me?

The mountain called monkey has spoken, there is only gains

>> No.7427850


i hope you're a millionaire that doesnt give 1 single fuck about that eth. when you finally withdraw it in 2 weeks you'll get like 3 eth back

i cant imagine anyone but a millionaire being so frivolous with their money

>> No.7427958

Also, it runs 24/7. I love waking up to find I've made money's in my sleep. Slept /comfy/ every night.
How many other coins can always, anytime, offer you 80% of you inital investment? It's nuts

>> No.7427970
File: 1.29 MB, 498x280, tenor-19.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


maybe he's a millionaire because he's smart with his money and chose to store it in an appreciating asset.

>> No.7428005

How many tokens do you have?

>> No.7428113

it would be appreciating if the contract was going up. the contract will do nothing but go down. with minor variations like when a completely oblivious millionaire throws 13 eth in after doing about 3.5 seconds of research

>> No.7428150

Not enough

>> No.7428210


With the current volume, you may be right. But please remember that this is just over a week from when PoWHcoin was hacked. I can imagine a lot of people are on the sidelines right now waiting to see what happens.

>> No.7428229

Bitch, how long do you have to look at a duck before you know it's a duck? Guy dropped that coin because he knows what's up. Never underestimate human greed.

>> No.7428357

literally only works on fomo. theres no more fomo. the fomo died after the first night. if you've actually been observing the ponzi games and actually think theres any chance of ethpyr going up ever again - you are BEYOND saving. like you're literally never gonna make it and probably going to die from eating paint chips

i understand you're just a discord shill doing his job, but if you actually think in your heart of hearts that you if you put money in now you're going to get more out at some point in the future you are HOPELESS

>> No.7428443

> ad hominem argument

Discarded. Try not to be so emotional

>> No.7428563

You are not convinced but your argument is flawed.

The fomo died from the first night from this board and maybe a small subsection of reddit. The internet is a much bigger place than /biz/.

You're ignoring the fact this contract does not exist in a vacuum. As long as the Ethereum blockchain exists, Eth pyramid will be there, handing out dividends. People will fomo in whether you like it or not. The pyramid is also propelled by fud because holders receive dividends on sells as well as buys.

You cannot go wrong with this.

>> No.7428711
File: 12 KB, 169x301, ethpyramids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7428728

i could explain the system. maybe the 13 eth guy really doesnt understand that yes, he does get dividends when people cash out, but his overall coin worth goes down every time.

so when a shill says - >>7427958

you can start to understand that no one is happy when the contract is going down. the only reason you would be is if you REALLY believed it would go back up at some point - which it never does. the contract has been slow bleeding since the dev cashed out, and it will never go up again.

this isnt rocket science. the contract used to have 650 eth 1 week ago. next week it will have maybe 50 eth (remember 13 eth dude, your coins will be worth around 3 eth at this time)

do you really need a graph and meme lines to understand where this is going? do i need to be more clear about the mechanics of the contract that ensure it will never go up again(unless theres massive fomo - WHICH THERE NEVER WILL BE)?

>> No.7428808

Get in or not, just don't go crazy. Do you know when people say don't put in more than you can afford to lose? Don't put in here anything you don't EXPECT to lose. Like 0.2 ETH is fun, but don't put 20 unless you really enjoy this kind of thing .

>How many other coins can always, anytime, offer you 80% of you inital investment? It's nuts
Half of /biz/ would be ahead considering how everyone trades.

>> No.7428854

Your entire argument hinges on the belief it will not go back up, correct? So what if your premise is wrong? You have no other coin to compare this to because this is the evolved version of what started with ponzi coin.

Please keep wasting your time though

>> No.7428915
File: 278 KB, 1663x791, 1506884180275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The contract started less than a week ago. People got burned on PoWHcoin. If anyone puts in more than they're willing to lose, they're a fool.

If people don't promote the pyramid, it'll die. But it's an attractive prospect - passive income on your ethereum, forever.

These things do thrive on volume, and they need volume to survive. But do you really think people don't want free ETH?

I know I did. I'm not getting much, but I've got ETH for free without spending a penny. Pretty good imo

>> No.7428925

>People will fomo in whether you like it or not.

no, they won't. its ponzicoin #50 at this point in a sea of ponzicoins all with their own shills trying to get people to throw just 1 eth in so they can cashout.

powhcoin had movers rights that started the fomo and was the only contract with a chance of success

its actually sad if you haven't been able to figure this ponzigame out after a week, its really simple.

>> No.7429073

The fundamental mechanics of pyramid schemes in real life are the same, but many can exist at the same time, and some thrive more than others.


It's plain and simple: marketing and volume.

Yes, people can make clones. Yes, PoWHcoin had first mover advantage.

But Ethpyramid works, and it has an active community promoting it here and elsewhere. It won't be long before somebody from the media picks this up. Then the public will start to take notice.

>I can get more ethereum, for free? What?

I understand you're cautious and trying to protect people, but I'm telling you that this is different. It's the first of its kind. A borderless, language and culture agnostic pyramid scheme. It's beautiful and it's here to stay.

>> No.7429309


i really hope you're not a true believer and you're just doing your job as a discord shill

this contract is going to zero, there is literally nothing you or anyone else can do to stop it. yes if you erased from everyones mind everything that happened with all ponzi contracts, and then delete all current ponzi clones, and then do some massive media campaign its possible to get people to buy in.

but not now. not with the current state of things and everything that has happened in the past. its literally not possible

its a slow bleed for sure - bagholders hold on HARD - you know theres actually still people bagholding BCC right?. but its going to zero. sorry

>> No.7429315

>currently rising
Ya guys it's totally dead

>> No.7429335

FACT: Humans love ponzis and pyramid schemes. Need proof? Look at every MLM scam in existence. People know it's shit, and hop in anyways because they HOPE they'll succeed.

FACT: EthPy works the same way that social security does. Contributing to it isn't contributing to a scam. It's an investment for the future.

FACT: Besides the original two (POWH, Shadow) that we're hackable, there isn't another more legit ponzicoin based on volume. The others will die out because they are just random scam copies.

The way the ponzigame works IS simple. Buy in, and after that point, any volume makes you money. The time it takes to recoup your investment depends on the volume of the contract, and nothing else. This isn't a fucking scam any more that social security or casinos are a scam, and those are legally sanctioned. However, I've made a fuck of a lot more money on this shit than either of those shit shows.

Stay poor fuckface.

>> No.7429455

>massive media campaign
>buying retweets for like 3 dollars

shit spreads fast on the internet, friend.

listen, i'll do you a favour - chuck five dollars in right now. I think the minimum deposit is 1 dollar. check back tomorrow and see what you made.

I don't know what else i can say to you

>> No.7429470

and everyone who holds on through the night will get mad divies when it comes back. we are playing the long game. this contract isnt gunna be a 3 day wonder like POWH was, we know that. but we are looking for those long term gains when it somehow grabs its 15 minutes of fame

>> No.7429552


yes you found a couple suckers, grats

>the contract will do nothing but go down. WITH MINOR VARIATIONS like when a completely oblivious millionaire throws 13 eth in after doing about 3.5 seconds of research

>> No.7429633

The whale that threw in 12 eth is in discord, and knows exactly what the fuck he bought. You know how he got to be a whale? By not being a retard and recognizing good (even if risky) opportunities and being a fucking alpha with the trigger.

>> No.7429645
File: 6 KB, 297x170, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, you and all the BCC holders are gonna profit hard once these ponzis rebound

hold strong brother, you're sure gonna show us

>> No.7429697

i'm not in discord though, is someone pretending to be me in there?

>> No.7429763

i mean hes a crypto whale he can do whatever he wants and it literally doesnt matter at all as long as he doesnt go 100x leverage trading he'll probably make it out just fine.

but if you're willing to put more than the garbage you scrape off your shoe into this contract you should really reevaluate what you're doing in the crypto world right now.

>> No.7429806

comparing us to bcc is dumb tho, we are completely differnt from that bullshit. this has potential, bitconnect was obvious fucking scam, this is a game that looks like a scam if you dont know how to play

>> No.7429859

lol, wtf
why are YOU trying to pretend to be me. I'm definitely in discord.

>> No.7429891

its the opposite lol. its a scam that looks like a game UNTIL you understand how to play (hint: the dev knows how to play and made the only winning move)

>> No.7429927



>check the id's

>> No.7430207

Dis disinformation bump

>> No.7430273

> Our system mitigates the risk of fast dumping by penalizing sellers for doing so. If there is a sell off period, you will still be collecting dividends, as well as gain a larger portion of the total token market share in the process. If a buy/sell cycle occurs, the token holders will still collect dividends off the sales, in addition to gaining a larger portion of the total token market share in the process. This way, those who attempt to time the market and perform swing trades; selling high and re-buying low, will be risking a lot - and losing out on soaking up all those precious divvies. If you'd prefer to sit back and play it safe you will profit off of the madness of the greedy whales and weak-handed alike.

It works on FOMO, it works on FUD. It doesn't work for those who join without understanding it. But it is zero sum.

>> No.7430300

right, I've only posted in this thread once
would a whale use a nujack anon?

>> No.7430628

Exactly. All you have to do to win the game is hold.

>> No.7430640


>> No.7430845

Bump for interest

>> No.7431016
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>mfw uptrend

>> No.7431363

Out of no where tho