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File: 133 KB, 413x403, crime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7427060 No.7427060 [Reply] [Original]

You guys are aware that the only endgame for cryptocurrencies is a bubble pop, right?

I'm not telling you don't invest in it since you obviously can make shitloads of money along the ride, just don't have any delusions of cryptos ever being a sustainable, high value investment or, god forbid, an actual currency you can trade for goods or services.

>> No.7427128
File: 251 KB, 646x553, fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-you to

>> No.7427175

Sauce pls

>> No.7427210

You guys are aware that the only endgame for cryptocurrencies is everyone using them and no coiners getting btfo, right?

I'm not telling you invest in it since you obviously can lose shitloads of money along the ride, just don't have any delusions of cryptos ever being a speculative bubble, low value investment or, god forbid, unusable for anything.

>> No.7427225

The bubble is already popping.

Don't you guys realize that ACTUAL RICH people all exited in December?

Charlie Lee, Roger Ver, winklevoss twins, selling bitcoin. EVEN BITCONNECT EXITED IN DECEMBER

they all had their excuses.

And then crash.

coincidence? biztards will think so.

>> No.7427243

Actually we cashed out when bitcoin hit 100 dollars

>> No.7427332

When and where exactly do you see people using cryptos?
Companies have been dropping support for bitcoin because it's so volatile.

>> No.7427345


HA! poor delusional OP

he actually believes that every person using crypto is going to suddenly and magically stop

that's like believing everyone on the internet is going to suddenly log off forever for no reason


>> No.7427415

People aren't using crypto.
They're gambling as an investment with crypto.

And they will stop that when the bubble pops.

>> No.7427420

He sold the bottom or shorted.

>> No.7427443

using crypto how? nobody spends crypto, they buy it with the intention to sell it at a higher price to someone else

>> No.7427447


>> No.7427479

I love these fucking retarded threads with retarded faggots speaking their inexperienced, ignorant opinions as fact.

You are fucking dumb, kys

>> No.7427508


keep telling yourself that

have fun with your .001% interest on savings and 25% interest on loans

I'm gonna stick with the instant global internet bank thanks

>> No.7427518

thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.7427539

You guys are aware that the only endgame for the internet is a bubble pop, right?

I'm not telling you don't invest in it since you obviously can make shitloads of money along the ride, just don't have any delusions of the internet ever being a sustainable, high value investment or, god forbid, an actual useful tool you can use to trade for goods or services.

>> No.7427546

how are people using stocks in their day to day?

>> No.7427563

This is true for literally everything ever, it's just a question of time, so I'm going to need a timeframe for what you're talking about.

>> No.7427564

they wouldn't be so inexperienced if you just provide the sauce

>> No.7427575

this guy gets it

>> No.7427594

bubble already popped OP this is just the ride to the bottom

give sauce now

>> No.7427612

OP is getting thrashed

>> No.7427662

Why do nocoiners think crypto is just for buying stuff?

You do realize there is a huge technological revolution behind it right?

>> No.7427695
File: 91 KB, 645x729, twisted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CryptoCURRENCY is meant to be used to day-to day. Stocks aren't.
Stocks: ownership of a company, authority to make decisions, dividends. And most importantly they aren't valued solely off greater fools paying a higher price and feeding the ponzi.

>> No.7427699

You guys are aware that the only endgame for the cellphones is a bubble pop, right?

I'm not telling you don't invest in it since you obviously can make shitloads of money along the ride, just don't have any delusions of mobile phones can ever being a sustainable, high value investment or, god forbid, an actual means of communication where you can talk faster than other means.

The fax and the mail are where the real money so dont get caught in when the bubble pops

>> No.7427723

just give sauce u fucking faggot OP

>> No.7427732

Proof of Stake ? isnt that like dividends? or NEO's GAS same thing....

>> No.7427760

You guys are aware that beanie babies have uses outside of being cute right? They're a STORE OF VALUE.
and I'm done talking with you. Are you sure you're over 18?

>> No.7427800

link to loli doujin?

>> No.7427806

A 10 year old one.

>> No.7427823

its different cellphones are an object

>> No.7427829

So staking then? The fuck are you talking about, do you only know of btc?

And why do you think stocks rise? Because of what the company does and might do in the future. Also stocks do rise because someone is willing to pay more than the other guy.

Crypto is the same thing.

>> No.7427915

People poor millions of dollars a day into betting on the price of corn or oil. Where is the usefulness? When will the bubble pop?

Crypto is infinitely more useful than stocks and futures, even in this infantile stage. Things are just getting started.

>> No.7427935

bad example, the internet had a huge bust in 2000 that took 3 years to partially recover.

>> No.7427969

OP is a 70 iq monkey

dont worry i found the sauce https://exhentai.org/g/481615/2271624455/

>> No.7428018

Are you seriously asking about the usefulness of oil and corn?

And if you're talking about trading stocks in general, there is usefulness if the pooling of money to allow for greater efficiency due to economies of scale, but I'd admit that most people trade stocks to make money. But compared to cryptos, there is sustainability there because at the end of the day it is based on a good or service provided by the company.

Of course, bubbles happen in the "regular" market as well, but they're not necessarily the endgame unlike cryptos.

>> No.7428077

The dotcom bubble wasn't about "the internet" - it was about internet companies. Meaning, stuff was being produced/services provided, meaning there was and (for a select companies like Amazon, Ebay, Google, etc.) is potential sustainability as the endgame.

>> No.7428124

gtfo OP sauce has been posted, ur thread is irrelevant now

>> No.7428154

>ownership of a company
Irrelevant by any measure
>authority to make decisions
Lol no, you need 50+% and even then you won't have dictatorship (depending on local jurisdiction). No normal stockholder has 50+% and companies mostly hold the remaining 51% to themselves. I don't think there's ever been a day when some whale bought all the stocks out of private investors' hands.
Make the stock value dump about as much as they give you. Literal zero sum, and only applies to dinosaur companies that have not much headroom to evolve anymore.

Stocks are a massive global bubble and how they keep rising beyond any of their limited intrinsic value is fucking terrifying

>> No.7428161

i really want to know the sauce for this picture. its really hot

>> No.7428219

bubble pop or adaption like with other technology too !

>> No.7428232

>winklevoss twins

lies. they didnt exit. stop spreading fud

>> No.7428248

>picture of crying bear
wtf is this?

>> No.7428271

>an actual currency you can trade for goods or services.
It doesn't take long to realize nobody needs this. Could crypto ATMs be a thing? Maybe but we definitely do not need them.

>> No.7428287

How did you manage to do that?

>> No.7428317

Come on man. He spoonfed you and you still can't get past the crying bear?

>> No.7428333


holy shit look what i found aswell. they are ultra bullish on it

>> No.7428336

fuck off newfag

>> No.7428349

exhentai is stupid have you tried getting onto it

>> No.7428366

Sour grapes

>> No.7428375

Yes because once a particular piece of technology is invented it stays like that forever.

I am posting this on my 1mb computer which takes up an entire room.

Brb gotta change the vacuum tubes.

>> No.7428431

here is a mirror for anyone who is interested

>> No.7428459
File: 523 KB, 1228x1600, 1402089268122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awwww looks like someone was late to the party.

>> No.7428479

ah man these trolls with their tulips sure sold the bottom and try to FUD it down to buy back in

>> No.7428547

It pretty much did for 10 years.

>> No.7428568


Yeah, cause if we get a few THOUSANDAIRES on biz to sell, we'll be able to buy back in.

Get fucking real.

>> No.7428604

It's not FUD.
It could very well reach that 20 trillion by 2020 meme mark and make all of us billionaires, all I ask is for you to understand it's a bubble and it will pop.

>> No.7428638


Also, its still at a lower price than it was any time except yesterday. Like What the fuck. If one wanted to buy back in, they surely could.

Do you guys really forget what happened the last two rallies? we had one to 15k.

Then one to 13k.

Then one to about 12k.

Then one to 10k.

The ceiling keeps getting lower on these rallies.

So talk to me when you break thoes ceilings, not when youre sitting at the old floor.

>> No.7428834

No but seriously to the people disagreeing: What is the endgame?

As long as it's this volatile, it won't see any use as a currency, we can agree on that, right?
So what's the alternative? A speculative investment opportunity - what's happening right now. Do you think this will just go on forever?

>> No.7428896

you the real mvp

>> No.7428916

Lol get good

>> No.7428972

been saying this for years

>> No.7428991

Yeah and it works fine on my computer and on my phone, what's the problem?

>> No.7429030

[Himeno Mikan] Kyarame-Loli

>> No.7429087
File: 153 KB, 629x596, fatal illness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reply niggers

>> No.7429326

Damn OP, are you really that dense that you can't see any application beyond the currency aspect?
If so, please do not invest but also don't give advice on bubbles since you obviously don't understand the fundamentals.
I agree with you that it is / was a bubble, the heavy correction was a first pop and I don't think we're safe yet. But crypto won't cease to exist since there are legitimate applications beyond the speculative nature. Right now blockchain is overhyped and many projects will rightfully die, there will probably be another pop but if you're in the right fundamentals that won't matter in the long term. Statements like the bubble pop being the endgame are naive at best.

>> No.7429360

One of the best doujin I have ever read. Thanks.

>> No.7429364

What are those applications?
And do they even remotely justify the crypto market cap?

>> No.7429402

How did you find the source through that dude, let us know so we can stop asking. PLEASE COME ON.

>> No.7429453

you just outed yourself as knowing absolutely fuck all about crypto, why would anyone ever take you seriously? kys

>> No.7429490


Lol you idiot

>> No.7429497

Crypto drops from 830 billion to 280.
>This bubble needs to deflate

Where were you on new year's?

>> No.7429507

No, I'm asking people to be specific.
The applications for blockchain are neither new nor revolutionairy.

>> No.7429544

You figure out that yourself, I won't spoon feed you. I can think of a handful at least.
Not that black and white. Most of them aren't, some of them are. We are at a weird stage right now for several reasons, but the good fundamentals will eventually exceed today's marketcap without being overvalued.

>> No.7429583

>im not here to educate you

>> No.7429607

How the fuck do you guys not know how to search by image? It's built into the fucking vanilla board for fucking crying out loud jesus fucking christ GO BACK TO PLEBBIT YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKING FAGGOTS

>> No.7429642

no, you don't know anything about this space apart from the fact crypto can be a digital currency, literally 10 minutes of research or even basic knowledge of other cryptos that aren't bitcoin and you would know why this technology is useful. you also fell for the market cap meme and actually think the market cap represents how much inflow of cash has gone into crypto. you know nothing and your opinion is worthless

>> No.7429651

Thanks for the totally new information pal. It’s about 6 months late

>> No.7429739

How did you make that red (You) text? Wtf


>> No.7429783

>newfags can’t (You)force

>> No.7429834
File: 236 KB, 674x602, 10_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more loli porn to post during Bitcoin crashes

>> No.7429867

Nooo i want to cum to loli doujin but the panda won't let me whyyyy

>> No.7429870

I'm sorry you're too retarded to think of the future use cases of cryptocurrency.
>Provide real time data for fiscal policy
>Immutable record keeping
>Debit cards that don't use Visa terminals
I'm done spoonfeeding you nocoiner faggots, just don't get in and kill yourself in the coming years

>> No.7429910

1 Delete all exhentai cookies first
2 Log in/Create account (i think you have to wait 1 week for new registration) https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?act=Login&CODE=00
3 after logging in you can use the links

>> No.7430002
File: 199 KB, 425x417, 2448B9EC-8D0E-4790-9087-B02F2234F666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tulips was a bubble
>people don’t buy flowers anymore
>dot com was a bubble
>people don’t use the internet anymore
>housing market was a bubble
>people don’t live in houses anymore
>student loans is a bubble
>people won’t go to college anymore

>> No.7430017

you are not worthy

>> No.7430062
File: 298 KB, 600x512, 084[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an actual currency you can trade for goods or services
I can literally use my BTC for goods and services right now

>> No.7430063

I can buy goods with BTC any time, nigger.

>> No.7430123

Fuck me, I actually wrote an essay for you and closed the tab. Sorry, I can't be arsed to write everything again.

Just as a hint, if you want a sensible discussion actually start with a sensible statement. Saying something is going to happen without any reasoning whatsoever seems like weak bait. Do your research and construct your argument.

And >>7429507
Having a public and trustless ledger is at least somewhat revolutionary. It's no surprise big players, traditional investors and companies are actually bullish on the matter.

Even the currency aspect won't die outright since there are legitimate use cases for it (legal as well as illegal), despite declining adoption.

>> No.7430441

nice false equivalences

>> No.7430480

ETH is 3 years old

>> No.7430482

I gave plenty of reasoning. Whenever someone is pressed on what those oh so profitable, sustainable and groundbreaking applications are, I get "lol google it".
It's like arguing with a wall.

>> No.7430534

Yeah and there are sites where you can buy goods and services with robux. We both know how limited the use of crypto as an actual currency is.