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7419992 No.7419992[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do women have it easy in life or is it just a meme /biz/ ?

>> No.7420027

If you enjoy beeing dominated and fucked, yes
But then you could just be a twink

>> No.7420034

women are just babymakers, they have no purpose other than being fucked.

this means their value is infinite.

>> No.7420070

>this means their value is infinite
No, it means their value is proportional to the number of eggs remaining in their hole.

>> No.7420074

What happened is that as soon as humans settled in communities, most people had constant contact with each other and not just small groups of hunter gatherers, the strongest, most succesful man had access to all the women to a much larger pool, which is why chad fucked multiple women while cucks got btfo.

>> No.7420089
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3dpd is a bubble
it will burst within a decade

>> No.7420097

>the same as "a woman"

>> No.7420099

>father is working 8 to 18
>mother is currently watching television

>> No.7420115
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and it still happens today

>> No.7420144

women are stupid
just look at commercials
all are targeted towards women because you can easily manipulate them
just look when the west started going downhill
same time as when women got emanciptated and got voting rights
really makes me think

>> No.7420210

So because its easy for women to get fucked by chad or gold digg on beta orbiters, life is easy for them?

>> No.7420219

yes chad fucks multiple girls but betas have a chance at reproducing, it's pretty even now days, specially with chads refusing to have multiple kids.
Honestly chads passing on their gens is the way it should be, it ensures the strongest most desirable traits, instead due to the composition of modern families every retards gets to have a kid.

>> No.7420260

Of course roasties have it easier. Obvious dating advantage, more likely to get accepted into a college, more likely to get hired, biased court system etc.

>> No.7420269

>betas have a chance at reproducing,

this only happens in countries with strict religion and arranged marriages desu

in the west your average beta has literally no hope because every girl probably has 20 sexual partners by the time they are 21

>> No.7420274

life is not about sex fool
its about being happy with yourself
Find other outlets

>> No.7420293

roasties have it easier early game but they are very underpowered in mid-late game

>> No.7420306

So we're all the descendants of huge dick chads?

>> No.7420313

>but they are very underpowered in mid-late game

Not really. A lot of beta orbiters have a fetish for cougars.

>> No.7420315
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Without looking up, I want you guys try to guess how many countries have more female suicides than male.

>> No.7420319

big dicks were not a desirable trait until late last century, though

>> No.7420344

>life is not about sex fool

EVERYTHING is about sex. Why do people make money and want power? Its because of sex mate. Fidel Castro slept with over 30,000 women despite implementing communism.

>> No.7420357

No, I was just explaining OP picture.

But yes Life is much easier for women, mainly in developed countries.
That is why women live longer, that's why they have less fatalities in the work place, that's why you're 3 times more likely to become homeless as a male, and that's why women on average have more sexual partners than males aged 16-30 in all developed countries.

>> No.7420385

there are girls who depsite fucking chads have no hope of marrying a chad, eventually they settle down with some beta after riding the dick caroussel and betas get to reproduce.

>> No.7420399


>> No.7420402
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>girls like big dicks because it's the fashion and not because it feels better inside them

>> No.7420420

maybe latvia

>> No.7420437


Eastern european countries have high suicide rates because they have become the prostitute capital of europe. Literally every girl who is college student is probably whoring because it is profitable for them to do so. This causes breakdown in marriages and mental illness that directly leads to a higher male and female suicide rate.

>> No.7420446

dicklet spotted

>> No.7420452

Japan, or maybe something in the vecinity o vietnam

>> No.7420500

Nothing changed.

>> No.7420501

most ancient socities considered big dicks disgusting, in fact greeks worshipped small dicks and considered big dick animalistic.

What we find attractive is partly instinctive but also shaped by our upbringing and society, that's why beauty in the west is so different from what is considered beautiful in sub saharian africa.

>> No.7420505

>eventually they settle down with some beta after riding the dick caroussel and betas get to reproduce.

Only lucky betas get to reproduce. The vast majority don't.

>> No.7420510

Closest so far, I'm just going to drop it
>The contrast is even greater today, with WHO statistics showing China as the only country where the suicide rate of females matches or exceeds that of males

>> No.7420538

It was worse pre agriculture. In fact monogamy was invented so that betas would work the fields

>> No.7420562

exactly the way it still is
funny how the zog tells cucks otherwise and they actually believe it, pathetic

>> No.7420573

probably just parents killing them and making it look like suicide so they can have a male.

females in China are now perhaps more privileged than their western counterparts, there are 6 to 1 male ratio in most cities, you have males literally fighting each other for you.

>> No.7420574

greek men did yes

>> No.7420575

Fidel lived to the grand age of 90 years.
If what you say is true he would have slept with one woman per day from birth until he died (on average).

I’m not saying he didn’t fuck a lot, of course he did. But not 30k.

>> No.7420576


thats because decades of their one child policy made it favorable only to have males. they probably have a huge male to female imbalance that on average it just appears that women commit suicide more than men.

>> No.7420584

Just accept that the world isn't fair. And that your parents failed you by not teaching you the ropes soon enough.

And pick up the pieces where you can.

>> No.7420631

There's millions of women missing in rural areas.

>> No.7420644
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>If what you say is true he would have slept with one woman per day from birth until he died (on average).

Not at all unrealistic to achieve if he had regular threesomes or orgies.

Male pornstars easily sleep with tens of thousands of women like this.

>> No.7420664
File: 72 KB, 634x809, WHITEBOI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a large piece for you to pick up white boi.

>> No.7420686

Sorry, I don't live in Africa.

>> No.7420723

This. It's so sad how easy women are to manipulate.

This as well

>> No.7420743

Dicklets are like jews in the way that they want everyone to think like themselves. Ancient Greek dicklets made a cult following of small dicks because they were so intimidated by chad dicks.

>> No.7420753
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Bitches love communism

>> No.7420759

This is good. There was one chad fucking all the women and now the majority of us have chad genes.

>> No.7420782

Nah, the chads all died in warfare. And now everyone is a beta orbiter.

>> No.7420804
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>now the majority of us have chad genes.

Sadly these chad genes mean nothing if betas are unable to harness its power

>> No.7420814

quality shitpost

>> No.7420824

If you actually look it up, male pornstars that have been on the industry for around 10 years say themselves that they have slept with around 1500 - 2000 women through out their careers, taking into account regular threesomes and orgies.

So yeah, that's pretty unrealistic, specially if they meant sleeping with 35.000 different women.

>> No.7420899

Every 100 years there is a great purge where all able bodied alpha males get pitted together in a battle that wipes out the entire generation of alphas. And 1 in 17 is either the coward or cripple that managed to escape the great purge and gets to procreate with the entire village while the men are either dead or away.

>> No.7420935

All while preaching peace and love of course.

>> No.7421142

Interesting, is it from wikipedia or do you have a source that talks a bit about why

>> No.7421265

>your average beta

aka average married man

>> No.7421332


This is incorrect. Armies are mainly full of failed normies, not chads. The chads end up in high ranking positions such as officers, colonels and generals, who are more likely to survive because they are not in direct combat.

>> No.7421410

I'd imagine why is anyone's guess, we only have the statistics.
Iirc most are 30-50 that lose their jobs or something? So I suppose the pressure we put on men to be breadwinners has some effect.

>> No.7421512

100 girls
Before industrialization and feminism

>top 10 genetically and in education, upbringing get married to 10 high class men that are usually a class above their own in wealth and similar or a bit lower in genetics
>another 30 that are just under the top 10 by being a bit lesser in genetics, or not having good education, or not being virgins, or lived in commoners class get married to 30 upper middle class men like soldiers, traders, that either have good genetics and medium wealth or higher wealth but medium tier genetics
>another 40 that are average, not pretty enough for two classes above, not educated or skilled, from poor families, from unfortunate backgrounds, peasant girl that was tricked into fucking with more than one man, city girl that grew up on the streets and lost her virginity, etc. get married to their genetic and class lower end male counterparts or go on to live as old maids in rare cases because they can't find their match
>bottom 20 the fat, ugly, whores, poor genetics combined with no education shit upbringing, no domestic skills, no skill other than spreading their legs, etc. end up in brothels and monasteries and some that are very lucky get married to some low life scum similar to their tier or to some genetic waste man from the lower classes

After industrialization and feminism
>top 10 genetically and in education, get either spoiled by promiscuous life and marry a man that they would not see in time and space while in their 20s and early 30s, or are married into rich corporate owner, royal, jew kike banker,etc. men that usually aren't even close to genetically being the best in the stock or never get married and become slaves of their careers(actresses, models, singers, ceos...)
>30 that are under the top 10 by being a bit lesser in genetics, or not having good education, or not being virgins, or lived in commoners class; at least 5 of them are morbidly obese and lowered to bottom trash and at least 5 are aborted

>> No.7421556

>If you enjoy beeing dominated and fucked, yes
Most women do, so no problem.

>> No.7421570

>beauty in the west is so different from what is considered beautiful in sub saharian africa

Has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that sub saharan africa is full of niggers that look and act completely different than the whites that are native to the west.

>> No.7421778

But that's because all greeks were pedo faggots who didn't wanted to be drilled.
Your tipical todays trap lover is probably a worshiper of "femenine dicks".

>> No.7421881
File: 107 KB, 700x593, 1497348594620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in fact greeks worshipped small dicks
this is complete nonsense youre spewing
the greeks worshiped
▬▬▬ A E S T H E T I C S ▄ ▄
not sexuality, there is a distinct difference between beauty and sexual appeal.
There are universal rules of proportions for the human body that dictate beauty.

>> No.7422077

Yeah but then the beta's kid isn't even his because the woman can't help but sleep with other men still

>> No.7422131

not if you're ugly, no

>> No.7422159

>and betas get to reproduce
>my wife's son
not so fast

>> No.7422253

no. its not what happens now.
the ratio is so skewed, it is an unexplained historical finding. historians and anthropologists cant figure it out.
its something cataclysmic, like a virus that kills men only or something

>> No.7422257

What is this? 2018?

It's pretty shameful not to march into battle with your army and die along your men.
With an attitude like that you won't even get let into heaven

>> No.7422284

Thor would be very disappointed in the beta generals of today.

>> No.7422296

there are ugly men too

>> No.7422302

>its something cataclysmic, like a virus that kills men only or something
it's just women fucking chad. the same thing happens now

>> No.7422333

did you know that man has the biggest dick compared to all other primates? so yea

>> No.7422383

>18 to 1 ratio
lol nope, not in history of recorded man has it happened

>> No.7422399

>i'm a beta and what's this?

>> No.7422432

lel retard

>> No.7422459
File: 241 KB, 1200x1600, 1200px-Statua_Marco_Aurelio_Musei_Capitolini_Fronte2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communications officer. Hand the satellite phone. I need to communicate with the troops.

>> No.7422471

if 16 out of 17 men were consistently rejected by women the guys would start raping like crazy

back then there was no porn and 4chan for people to waste their time, imagine working all day in the field and then literally all girls refuse to fuck you, you would get absolutely mad

>> No.7422578

This desu senpai. I can't imagine how fucked sciety would be if men didn't have outlsets like gaming, alcohol, sports, or porn. Most western men are tame not only because our societies tamed them, but because they have toys they play with which distract them from bringing chaos and mayhem to the world.

>> No.7422595

you better believe i'd be doing some raping. but remember that families/tribes were more tight-knit then so if you raped a bitch then her chad family might hunt you down and cut off your balls

>> No.7422597

Don't worry men. In the dark forests of Germania there will be plenty of barbarian women that you can have as the spoils of war.

>> No.7422619

Those are visionaries and leaders, but not all chats are leaders. I can promise that your high school QB might be dumb as a rock, but brave in battle. Could get decorated, yes, but develop tactical strategies for invasion, no. You can be alpha and still dumb or a norman. Look at frat boys.

>> No.7422660
File: 666 KB, 1222x1322, diversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are places in Russia with a 10:1 ratio of men and women because Russian men don't know how not to die young.

In recent years it has gotten better though. Back in the stone age I am sure you had a similar situation going on. Stoneage man was probably twice as smart as a Russian, so let say it was a 5:1 ratio of men who were alive.

Where does the rest of the ratio unbalance come from? One big thing is slavery. In many cultures something like 70% of the population were literally slaves. I am sure the owners would have no prob knocking up all their slave thots.

You also have polygamy as well, this causes a severe waman shortage for betas.

>> No.7422674

you draft all strategic plans
war booty bitches suck on chad's glans

>> No.7422678


>> No.7422692

>16/17 of men are unworthy of having their genes passed

the 1/17 were all basemend dwelling NEETs ... right ... ?

>> No.7422715

you lead the charge and all your bones are shattered
chad takes credit for winning the battle

>> No.7422721

Come on Chads, let's fight the invaders.


>> No.7422735
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>that image
wrong. i'd love to see how they classify "diversity"

--i bet they're saying "smarter offspring" as compared to the pure-shitskin parent

>> No.7422810

theres no social to explain an 18 to 1 ratio.
thats like 6% of all men.

>> No.7422850

>Inferring his comment still doesn't stand as a fair opinion of value

>> No.7422865

>theres no social to explain an 18 to 1 ratio.
go hang out at a club for a few weekends and see who goes home with the sluts

>> No.7422894

its not 18 to 1 faget

>> No.7422900

Explains why i turn genocidal when on nofap and nogame

>> No.7422908

>its something cataclysmic, like a virus that kills men only or something

Or like war maybe?

>> No.7422923

In history big dicks in social species are typically a sperm competition response to high promiscuity in females (big cock can better shovel other males sperm from cunt). Female gorillas only mate with alpha male so gorillas have tiny cocks.

As monogamy increased our dicks changed evolutionary (we used to have penis spines like cats). Whether or not big penises are selected for now I don't know but I imagine the pressure would be from sexual selection rather than sperm competition.

>> No.7422952

6% of the guys beating everyone else isnt really war as we know it

>> No.7422984
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>> No.7422989

sure is business and finance in here

>> No.7423029

Localized to the club it is some thing like 20% men that get a girl that evening. On a more global scale the percentage gets lower to something like 10% because of the goyim that never went to the club.

>> No.7423032

hey did you know that on reddit dot com they will ban off-topic comments. also they ban anyone who hurts your feelings and you can even downboat them!

>> No.7423034

Imagine living somewhere with no internet and no porn while every pussy is fucked by the same couple of men
Goddamn I would rape so hard.

>> No.7423064

still nowhere near 18 to 1

>> No.7423070

it's true, thats why every beta is secretly packing.
spread this rumour and we can all get laid

>> No.7423097

Imagine living somewhere with internet and porn while every pussy is fucked by the same couple of men

>> No.7423135

should I rape?

>> No.7423191

>betas get to reproduce.

you never know that because women hide their time of ovulation . also science shows women find the most masculine men attractive during ovulation. she can just practice "dual mating strategy" and cheat to get the genes of chad while cucking the beta for resources.

>> No.7423237
File: 7 KB, 250x169, 1337743145843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high promiscuity
Only in your MGTOW threads, pornos, and hentais.
Human incubation is the toughest investment nature has. It takes humans longer to grow into independent creatures than literally any other animal on the planet. Every time a girl spread her legs, historically, it gave her something like a 25% chance of dying 9 months later, and it gave her a 100% chance of doing nothing but caring for a little one over the next 6 years. Besides that, humans are polygamous by nature, not polyandrous. The Cracked.com anthropologists that looked at the shape of a human dick and declared themselves experts at saying "IT'S SO YOU CAN SHOVEL OUT ANOTHER GUY'S SPERM!!!" got you so twisted around their cocks it's hilarious. I mean, look at the bullshit study that started this thread off -- one guy banged 17 women for about 1,000 years. Not the other way around, dumbass. That shows the promiscuity of MEN. Too bad the study was bullshit, but eh.

>> No.7423242

It's basically self-defense by now.

>> No.7423255

i would rape.

>> No.7423269

>be stable boy virgin
>write poetry everyday for month to housemaid you love
>get called to war
>die from arrow
>not even in combat
>chad wins battle
>gets married to princess
>the housemaids sucks his dick everyday

>> No.7423274

not an argument

>> No.7423278

You aren't considering time in the equation.
It maybe is like that for one evening but when years are taken into consideration, and aborted ones, genetic waste ones from their parents degenerate lives, morbidly obese useless ones, std ridden infertile ones, heroin, meth, krokodil, etc. junky destroyed ones...
Then you add globalism, murder and immigration into the mix.
And rampant faggotry...

>> No.7423304

>Human incubation is the toughest investment nature has.
Have you heard this marvelous new invention called contraceptives?

>> No.7423412

none of thise things can get the rate at 18 to 1

>> No.7423420

>Human incubation is the toughest investment nature has.
explain how every fat unhealthy beaner and sheboon can shit out welfare sponges with no effort

>> No.7423447

>fetish for cougars

>not realizing they're just settling for what they can get

>> No.7423473

idk, mate, i fuck around a bit and the women 35+ fuck like animals while the early-20s girls are typically dead fish or too drunk to do much

>> No.7423507

This is just another reason why men are objectively superior. Our Y chromosomes had to be fit as fuck to get passed on

>> No.7423535

I said it's probably sexual selection now over sperm competition. Read.

Sperm competition 100% happens in primates though. Look at all the citations loads of studies


>> No.7423555

You are just too brainwashed to see it.
It is hard to accept for you because you are programmed to not accept it and to dismissi genuine information about it.

>> No.7423590

the post I replied to specifically said beta orbiters have a fetish for it.

sure some guys like old women, but I'd wager these thirsty gentleman are doing it for other reasons.

>> No.7423598

Modern medicine. Pre 1950s birth was fucking metal.

>> No.7423613

>genuine information
top kek even historians cant explain it dumbass

>> No.7423621

This talk against all women isn't going to help anon. Just accept that women expect to date up. If you don't like the girls below your current value, you need to improve yourself. Also, keep an eye out for your type, probably not the classic sorority wench. This will make chemistry more authentic.

>> No.7423638

>the women 35+ fuck like animals

it's insane. probably has something to do with their failing ovaries sending out one last massive distress signal.

>> No.7423643

Please stand and explain to the class how contraceptives make HUMAN INCUBATION less of an investment. Mind you we're not talking about sex, but what comes *after* the magical point of conception.
If it takes no effort and no resources, what do you care that they're popping out youngsters? I'm 99% sure your problem with them doing so is the MASSIVE DRAIN on the entirety of society for doing so.

>> No.7423673

All historians are payed by governments and interest groups that have interest in altering the recordings of history.
You can find more genuine information on /pol/ and /int/ and /his/, fuck even on /x/ than in historian publications.

>> No.7423681

Here in the Netherlands you have villages and cities where the majority of people are conservative Christians, who believe that using medicine means you have questionable faith in God. In those areas the birth rates are also 4+ children per family.

>> No.7423693

I don't have to. Please explain to the class how the introduction of contraceptives somehow does NOT affect the promiscuity levels of women.

>> No.7423713
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>what do you care that they're popping out youngsters? I'm 99% sure your problem with them doing so is the MASSIVE DRAIN on the entirety of society for doing so.

>> No.7423719

>fidel castro had sex with more women than the total number of days he lived

>> No.7423724

If a disease spreads through the country you can always exactly map it to those villages.

>> No.7423811
File: 48 KB, 1000x1000, sloyjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't have to explain my argument!
>Now please explain to me an argument you never made!!!!

>> No.7423816

>takes the 18 to 1 statistic as truth
>but doesnt believe the historians who came up with it
pick one you cognitive dissonant faget

>> No.7423835
File: 841 KB, 1370x2000, Loving an Onahole (Comic MILF 2013-02)[Fue] [English]{desudesu}_COMIC_MILF_2013_02_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This desu.

>> No.7423857


>> No.7423865

So yes, human incubation is still a massive investment. In certain communities, that investment is shouldered more by society than by the mother/father.

>> No.7423877

Allow me to quote you:
>>high promiscuity
>Only in your MGTOW threads, pornos, and hentais.
So what you are saying is that modern women are not in fact highly promiscious, and the easy availability of contraceptives definitely could not cause higher promiscuity in women? (in men as well really)

>> No.7423889
File: 61 KB, 600x395, 2957595011_1_3_2UN2jLPS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hamstering hypergamy

Reality shows everyday that a woman prefers to share an alpha with other women than having their own beta.
That's why the "groupie" phenomena is almost purely feminine, you will never see men acting like that unless they are cuckold fetishists.

>> No.7423977
File: 218 KB, 720x725, fatbeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In certain communities, that investment is shouldered more by society than by the mother/father.
i would like to shoulder their spawn off a cliff

>> No.7423999
File: 101 KB, 883x622, dutchCucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>influx of African and middle eastern sandnigger muslims can't be related

You just don't want to get it...

>> No.7424005

really shows how far we've fallen as a society that someone like bieber is viewed as an alpha male.

>> No.7424046

>just believe i know what happening even though i cant actually explain it

>> No.7424049

*Some* modern women are promiscuous. As far as the human race is concerned, however, women are the gatekeepers of sex. They are not NEARLY as driven to sex as men.
In general, a promiscuous woman simply accepts the advances of men. Think about that for a bit. When a woman initiates the entire relationship, pays for everything, and then expects a man to put out on a first date, well, you probably already have the mental image of the 40 year old woman driving a blue Mustang, but that kind of woman is as promiscuous as EVERY MALE that is simply entering the relationship game.
You think women are promiscuous, but they're not. even. close.

>> No.7424061

t. virgin

>> No.7424141

Those areas don't have foreigners.

>> No.7424155 [DELETED] 

modern Germany is a prime example of this

>> No.7424158

that changes around 35 my friend. completely.

>> No.7424166

>Those areas don't have foreigners.
because ethnic europeans don't exist, as per your government, so every apefrican nigger and dune coon is dutch lmaooooooooooooo

>> No.7424181

Name a single female virgin.

>> No.7424197

Not really. In Dutch statistics foreigners, their children and their children can't become native Dutch. Even if they are mixed.

>> No.7424226


>implying every expendable jarhead room temp IQ chad US marine, who is literal cannon fodder, is General material
>being this retarded


>> No.7424237

100 woman
>30 are morbidly obese useless landwhales, more fat than human
70 woman
>10 are destroyed heroin, meth, crack, krokodil,etc. junkies
60 woman
>10 are dykes
50 woman
>10 are infertile from sexually transmitted diseases and abortions
40 woman
>10 are married to their corporation/ career until its too late
30 woman
>5 are killed before reporducing
>25 woman

>> No.7424257
File: 3.92 MB, 4655x5001, sweden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that's raysiss

>> No.7424279

It's not. It's just how you track people. Even our King is considered a non-native because he has German blood.

>> No.7424292

Oh please.
>I've known 2 cougars. They were ALMOST as horny as a typical low-test male of their age!

>> No.7424294

A lot of women never had to struggle in their life. Like Beyonce or Denise Richards. They just won everything they ever tried and their looks played 100% of the factor.
Some women have it real hard bro. They are abused, beaten, raped, emotionally and psychologically abused, just shit on. Not to mention ones sold into prostitution.
I suggest you treat women with some respect unless they blatantly show you why they shouldn't be respected. I mean women are awesome they suck our wee wee's.

>> No.7424313

And our queen is considered a non-western foreigner.

>> No.7424322

Name a single female promiscuous enough to sleep with you.

>> No.7424335

your mom

>> No.7424401

>thinking ugly girls don't have endless action on Tinder/OKC/etc

>> No.7424423
File: 417 KB, 1846x867, 1517767124046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also they all fuck their kids, resulting in retarded offspring
in the netherlands all christians have glasses and bad eyesight
this phenomenon started generations ago

>> No.7424435

It comes from colonial times. Where you had to separate the Dutch people from the muds. To prevent muds from coming back to the Netherlands. So both your parents had to be Dutch.

>> No.7424521

This was also a big issue during the decolonization of Indonesia. Where hordes of white people lived who might or might not be considered Dutch.

>> No.7424622
File: 31 KB, 995x558, dutch births.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up dutch birth statistics

sweet jesus, RIP europe.

>> No.7424689

uh wrong. the ancient "men with small dicks = more desirable" meme is literally the same "feminine penis" meme we have today. they are more desirable TO FUCK, not to do the fucking.

>> No.7424762

Our statistics are more accurate than in other European countries.
>1 foreigner gets kids here
>breeds with 1 Dutch women and gets 2 kids
>you now have 3 foreigners
>they get 2 kids with a Dutch women
>you now have 7 foreigners
>despite some of them being 75% Dutch
It's literally the one drop rule in effect.

>> No.7424842


I can assure you they follow modern procedures even if they don't use modern technology, they wash their fucking hands unlike doctors before 1900.

>> No.7424892

Post bobs kind lady or please depart

>> No.7425001

I know a veiled dick pic request when I see one.
#realtalk anon, did your single mother raise you this way?

>> No.7425013
File: 7 KB, 355x222, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are my russian bro's at? What's the girl situation in there? Are they slutty like most girls in the west or are they obedient and wife material because of societal norms in the east? And how do the girls view foreigners? I want to visit Russia this summer and don't know what to expect, advise me putin brahs

>> No.7425042

That was my point faggot

>> No.7425105

>190cm on average aryan chads
how can you get cucked by subhuman shitskin manlets? jesus

>> No.7425148
File: 944 KB, 1988x3056, 1507116342478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Women would still rather share/compete for one Chad than date you.

>> No.7425155

If you like your face unwrecked don't hit on any of Sminems girls. I've seen him rip a head of clean with his chernobyl hands

>> No.7425159

hey man its what hangs is important. whites cant compete with bbc

>> No.7425245

look at the chart again, it's by origin of the mother. natives rarely intermingle with non-western immigrants anyway.

>> No.7425265

mine's 19cm guess im moving to the netherlands even though im black

>> No.7425278

Desireable to women who judge based on dimorphism (maximizing masculine or feminine traits) and neoteny (youthfulness). These are fine criteria for fitness on the serengeti. But being an aggressive, impulsive, tatted-up peterpan hooligan is of little utility to a society based around long term investment and office work.
Worse still for the survival of a space-faring civilization.

>> No.7425437

>space-faring civ
Lets be fair. We only got to the moon thanks to aggressive, impulsive peterpan flyboys. Only one scientist ever stepped on the moon. The rest of the moonwalkers were chest-thumping test pilots with death wishes. The only reason Gene Cernan didn't fly off into space during his spacewalk (before they put handles everywhere on everything) is because he spent hours in the gym, every day, trying to outdo the other potential astronauts. He still barely made it back into the capsule alive.

>> No.7425445

Thats why money is replacing all these traits.

>> No.7425703

Its a simplified description. Our King is a foreigner. Our Prime Minister is a foreigner. Wilders of the anti-Islam party is a foreigner. Thierry Baudet the leader of the alt right party is a foreigner.

>> No.7425728

>being an aggressive, impulsive, tatted-up peterpan hooligan is of little utility to a society based around long term investment and office work.
>Worse still for the survival of a space-faring civilization.
we should castrate repeat criminals and their offspring

>> No.7425785

>attempts to deflect, makes no argument
stinky hole detected

>> No.7425930

>just won everything they ever tried
Nobody has it like that. Also looks don't give you some super advantage in daily life, people don't want to do stuff for you just because you look good.

First person has to have the social trade skills. Then person can sometimes use the looks to smooth things out or maybe gain something a few times in their life. But that does not create a constant advantage. One thing is that there are many good looking people, and another that your contacts matter more than looks - hardly anyone keeps all their contacts because of their own great looks.
To top that, good looks give disadvantage if you are around competitors, like good looking man around worse looking man (even if it is just in their mind). It makes the social game harder because others try to undercut you.

>> No.7425942

Let's just get elon musk to ban black people from going to space

>> No.7426004


Nigger what?

>> No.7426072
File: 185 KB, 1280x960, 1517957267104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guys that didn't fug
Were they the original soyboys?

>> No.7426265

it's satire you dotard

>> No.7426297

Take for example Beyonce. She was born into wealth. Grew up rich, became prom queen, which in turn turned into modeling, then popstardom, then movie acting. Tell me she struggled. Try.

>> No.7426306

my mind is blown
My world is not any more the way it used be ugh ugh ugh no no no

>> No.7426340

i realized that lmao