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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 959 KB, 3512x2604, CL24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7422877 No.7422877 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw reading the ChainLink whitepaper

Why haven't you read it and /ascended/ yet?

Also ChainLink general

>> No.7422941

LINK 10 dollars June
100 EOY
1000 2020

don’t worry be happy

>> No.7422971





>> No.7423005
File: 822 KB, 2626x2620, theweii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marines report in!

How much is everyone holding?

Love you bro

>> No.7423236
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>> No.7423312
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Leave no man behind.

>> No.7423380




>> No.7423478
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>> No.7423489
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Spiritual successor to Pepe Baller, posts in every fucking LINK thread. Speaking of Pepe Baller, last time he posted he mentioned taking a vacation until LINK mooned. You still out there bro?

>> No.7423505
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>> No.7423536


>> No.7423542

I believe.

>> No.7423775
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More OC

>> No.7423828

Post pictures of Sergey need iT for new OC meme

>> No.7423845

sauce on paintings?

>> No.7423924


Chambers 1 through to 24, just change the URL so it is Chamber_1 or Chamber_2, Chamber_3 and so on. WingMaker Chamber Paintings from the Ancient Arrow Site.

>> No.7423974

These memes seem to be early manifestations of the singularity. I believe.

>> No.7424051

100 eoy will make me a millionaire.

>> No.7424063


>> No.7424067

Apotheosis is nearly upon us, what synthetic god will we have wrought?

>> No.7424080
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>> No.7424145

Close your eyes, try to clear any thoughts you are having
Take long, slow, deep breathes and put all your focus and attention onto your breathing
iiiinnnnnnnn.................... ooooooooooooouuuut

good. Do this for a few minutes, then -
VISUALIZE yourself becoming rich through your LINK investment
ANTICIPATE the things you will buy with your new found abundance of wealth
IMAGINE as though it is all happening now in the present moment, for the present moment is all that truly exists
FEEL the way you will FEEL when that moment comes and you make it!
Open your eyes, look in a mirror, and recite these affirmations (use/add your own that is relevant to the reality you want to create once you make it)
It's important to do this when you wake up and before you go to bed, but do it as often as possible. Also hold the image and idea of us making it and LINK being worth $1,000 or more in your mind as you fall to sleep.

If we do this collectively my LINK brothers, the power of positive thought from a strong community such as ours will allow these desires to come true and manifest into reality, there is absolutely no doubt about it.
Keep believing anons, I love you all

>> No.7424151
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>> No.7424174
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Linkmarines.... get out of your box and get in this space ship....

>> No.7424194


>> No.7424259

“Strongest coin in the market”
“200000 community members projected”

Shop shoo Pajeet

>> No.7424293

The way I feel is it has been ripping all the clothes I've tried to cover it with. We can only describe the mental procedures we engage in when trying to figure out what we're dealing with here. Every now and then I sell low a Link token, as a sacrifice

>> No.7424309
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No problem, if you like it, definitely look into the whole story.

Read the Neruda / Dr. Anderson Interviews and listen to the James interviews on youtube

>> No.7424418

It will make a lot of ppl on here millionaires. That's why i have a hard time believe it will hit 100.

>> No.7424420
File: 6 KB, 197x256, cucumber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I have a green ID, LINK will hit $100 EOY

If I have a red ID then LINK will underwhelm and it will hit $20 EOY.

Blue ID = LINK is a shitcoin philosophy major scam.

>> No.7424505

But I have, didn't understand half of it though. Which is usually a good sign, since it was full of math and not just buzzwords and empty promises with no explanation about how they intend on delivering it.

It's the difference between "we will make feeless transactions" to "we are gonna do this, and thats possible because *shows math equation proof*".


>> No.7424561


>> No.7424588

The transcendental object at the end of time Terrance McKenna was speaking of this stuff in the 60s/70s how novelty and complexity are increasing. The blockchain is the transcendental object.

>> No.7424604
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>> No.7424616
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Well done anon

>> No.7424722
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It begin

>> No.7424815

Singularity is present. I was thinking about McKenna and RAW when browsing this thread. Much love to each and every one of you anons

>> No.7424840


how do you mine it

>> No.7424919
File: 31 KB, 634x422, 98B365BB-2F19-4F57-9C27-2035E03FDEA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McKenna proves more and more a prophet than a nuttjob burnout with each passing day.

>> No.7425017

>Terrance McKenna
Quick rundown please ?

>> No.7425038
File: 1.37 MB, 5992x6899, 1517647837619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be months ago
>be shortly after chainlink ico
>finally over depression from missing btc boat
>decide to get back into crypto
>first visit to /b/ in about a year or more
>see lots of threads with pic related
>'what an ugly logo'
>decide it must be some scam shitcoin
>continue scrolling down catalog
>'holy shit, chainlink is everywhere'
>decide to check into it plus a dozen other alts
>none of the other alts strike me as particularly noteworthy or poised for greatness
>start reading about chainlink
>find whitepaper
>get to the third page
>mind is now completely blown
>my third eye watches galaxies born out of the cosmic empyreum coalesce and swirl through aeons in the course of a few heartbeats, my spirit rides along the fractal wave on a race to everywhere, my understanding expands to engulf the world as the ocean absorbs a raindrop
>higher reasoning illuminates chainlink with the same brilliant luminescence which my mind only twice before had immediately cast upon both bitcoin and ethereum upon my first encounter with each
>immediately and unironically go all in
>have held my 20,000 link ever since with the exception of one attempt at day trading which generated a few hundred more link at great risk during that crazy almost-flippenning

Holding LINK is literally as comfortable as holding a truly loving girlfriend.

>holding link is the most comfortable experience most neets here will ever experience

Honestly, ChainLINK is well and properly poised for a meteoric rise to market dominance, easily capturing the fifth position in cryptocurrency by numerous metrics including both price & volume, if not better.


>thank us later by commissioning frog-themed statuary commemorating all of us and our meme war against the goddamned globalists

(((They))) never wanted us to know about ChainLINK, but, now that we know, (((We))) will be moving on up.

>> No.7425045

A lot of people on here would have been millionaires if they stuck with BTC and ETH all the way through. A lot of people here who have thousands of LINK will sell when it's 10$ they wont be able to resist.

>> No.7425089

Absolutely bro. I recommend to check out Robert Wilson and Antero Alli if you haven't already. Link fits into the reality these guys foresaw. It's a wonderful time-line to be present in

>> No.7425091

When is the mainnet release?

>> No.7425152

Psychedelic burnout nutjob whose insane ramblings begin to make more sense as technology improves

>> No.7425162

okay thanks

>> No.7425178

Do fellow linkmarines listen to Terrence McKenna and Alan watts?

>> No.7425182

Stinky Linky meme coin, it's no where as good as other coins. No matter how much you shill it.

>> No.7425262

I've seen a few of his things, but I've made my own revelations with 1000+ ug lsd trips

>> No.7425283


I just deposited most of my measly paycheck to buy some ETH and I'm gonna trade it for Link. Hopefully pick up 2.5k linkies tomorrow, you're part of the reason why I have faith. Keep it up!

>> No.7425300

ChainLink is a form of yoga in it's connective nature. My intuition tells me this thing has applications in quantum physics

>> No.7425344

> Currently dating a girl
> Chadding it up on the side
> "I can't do a relationship right know"

Hold 300k Link.

>> No.7425420


>> No.7425483

Checked and approved

>> No.7425522


>> No.7425600

fuck you retard niggers I hope you lose all your money

>> No.7425631
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No need to be upset, my friend

>> No.7425665

can you explain why

I honestly want to know why you think link is anything more than a meme

>> No.7425702


Hard to find any good reads to be honest. I’ve sat and watched hours upon hours of his lectures on youtube while stoned though. Even while sober it is life altering and his prophecies have become reality. He was discussing memes in the 60s.

>> No.7425707
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I did so in my OP

Go read the whitepaper

>> No.7425732

The memetic force that ChainLink draws in has to be reconed with. Nothing else matters bht this. It's why BTC made it to the top, it's why ETH made it to the top and it is also why EOS will never be there. But ChainLink will. ChainLink is already at the top 10, top 5. We've just yet to witness that. Same as every movie already has an ending but you don't know till you see it. Or someone spoils you the ending and you then know. I'm spoiling the ending for ChainLink to you. $147 EOY.

>> No.7425739

thanks anon, may LINK makes you rich

>> No.7425757

there are too many white papers to read I see it has something to do with combining different systems
It's not a bad idea but is it really practical

>> No.7425759


>> No.7425787

>started dating a girl
>so far seems to be a pretty solid chick, really cute
>embraces my obsession with shit like blockchain super supportive with anything I want to do
>looks like she's gonna make it

>> No.7425825

this is why you wont make it anon, read the whitepaper or fuck off you faggot

>> No.7425839

Look m8 none of us have all the answers but if you have no fucking clue what the white paper is about why are you even posting?

>> No.7425858

keep that obsession and she will stay anon

>> No.7425873

I already am riding the early adopter bitcoin meme and don't need to do much else

there are too many memes especially when you need to rely on a broken eth chain that can't scale

>> No.7425877

I have read it. I actually used it as a reference for the final essay in one of my writing classes.

>> No.7425922

I have read it, and I've been following LINK since it was 0.07$ in September/October.
But if LINK was truly the savior, it would be valued so much more, and the peak was only $1. Also, there was SIBOS conference, which was followed with a 50% drop in price in under 1 hour. I haven't seen the footage, but it had to be something awful.
It looks very much like another speculative shitcoin. My heart has hope in Segey, but my brain tells me that ChainLink won't succeed.

>> No.7425954
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I remember 2016 ETH threads with anons saying they'll never make it with their pathetic 50k eth stack
the reality is that yes, not many LINK holders here will make it. because they'll sell their position too soon

>> No.7425955

>and the peak was only $1


>> No.7425991

The token doesn't have to be erc20, it could literally be anything else, and it wouldn't matter.

>> No.7426034

She doesn't understand it and really hasn't done the research herself but doesn't let her not knowing about it get in the way of trusting me to handle my shit like I always have.

I know that crypto and blockchain innovation is a golden ticket man I'm keeping the obsession, trust me.

>> No.7426083
File: 222 KB, 736x945, 1517642707092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too many whitepapers to read
What the fuck are you wasting your time on, anon? Geez, if you just take the time required to finish a SINGLE chapter in that paperback novel you're reading...

>oh, shit, he's probably not even reading any books
>he probably hasn't read a single novel since breezing through "a catcher in the rye" for that high school paper

...anon, listen -- and this goes for *everyone* who *ever* asks about ChainLINK:

If you only read one whitepaper in 2018,
make it the ChainLink whitepaper;
otherwise: don't ever ask me for
answers to anything ever again.

>> No.7426120

oh there's a whole story behind it? the website looks weird, like those late 2000's conspiracy sites

>> No.7426126
File: 5 KB, 257x91, Screenshot-2018-2-7 biz - ChainLink Whitepaper - Business Finance - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...in fact, here's a handy reference image to post as a reply to all questions about chainlink asked by brainlets who have not yet read the whitepaper.

>> No.7426132

idk it just seems like an unnecessary middleman I'll keep an eye out for developments and research more
I don't see why a damn token has any value in connecting things

>> No.7426145
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LINK hate makes my peter hard

>> No.7426160
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>> No.7426267

>I haven't seen the footage, but it had to be something awful.
It wasn't awful. Sergey is a great speaker. Doesn't stutter, talks technicalities, not buzzwords. The reason the price dropped was because he not even once namedropped ChainLink and didn't announce partnerships, which is what people were expecting.

Watch this video. It's short

>> No.7426283

How much was it, then? $1.30something for like a week?

>> No.7426381

I'm on page 5 and it looks like the biggest load of bullshit I've ever read

>> No.7426415


>> No.7426469
File: 277 KB, 570x444, IMG_0112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good dude, buy möbius. /biz has moved on from LINK anyway

>> No.7426579

Furthermore, I want to add that your approach of "I won't buy it because it's cheap" is beyond retarded. This is what a norman would do. The point is to buy in before it explodes and Brad from across the street hears of it.

>> No.7426614
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>> No.7426671

It's like the third time I read the exactly same words in a link thread.
Don't listen to this fucking pajeet.

>> No.7426700
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>> No.7426705

The WingMakers are us from the future and the Ancient Arrow site where all the paintings were found underground is a time capsule put there by them in the 8-9th century.

Look up the Labrynth group and the ACIO

Bonus points for Al Bielek visiting 2749 and his descriptions of the WingMakers

In 2749 society is run by a crystalline AI computer network built and programmed by the WingMakers. It has a reputation system and a credit system built in.

Sounds like an incredibly advanced version of a blockchain infrastructure

>> No.7426717

you all are getting scammed
you don't need a limited token to provide this service

>> No.7426726

10 dollars would make me a millionaire. I wish.

>> No.7426793

That's the reason why you're going to cash out at that point.

>> No.7426804

Ok if you don’t bother reading the white paper to the most shilled coin on /biz/ then don’t invest in it. Mobius has a white paper for you with promises of moon missions.

>> No.7426819


>> No.7426839

Where can I buy link? And should I be waiting for a dip? Going to throw my profits into it asap but I need to know how to do it first lol

>> No.7426899

if and that's a big IF chainlink devs were granted the opportunity to link together different functions they're not going to give a fuck about returns for fags who bough this coin
there's no reason or even thought process to push big time customers to buy a limited token that neets bought early thinking they'll become rich

>> No.7426910

The emergence of the esoteric memeticism and flowing spiritual energies further solidifies LINK’s place in the higher dimensions of coin market cap.

Kek’s will be done. Memetic energy is truly leads to this transcendental object with LINK being the ontological medium. $1000 EOY.

>> No.7426927
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>there are people on this board who didn't read the whitepaper in september

>> No.7426973

but some neet is an oracle node he owns all the memelink you need to give him profit before you can use our system!

>> No.7426976

Don't bend to the trend
Hold link tight till the end
We will all ascend

>> No.7427039

How would you use the service if you wish to stay anonymous?

>> No.7427064

oh great neet oracle node grant us decentralizatio for tokens we bought from the central service

>> No.7427115

please 1 example of a contract that requires anonymity

>> No.7427145

>holding link is the most comfortable experience most neets here will ever experience
Can confirm. For the first time in my life I feel absolutely relaxed about the future. Since I passed the golden 10k point in december or whenever, all of my worries have gone.

>> No.7427155

Go back to your designated shitting street.

>> No.7427176
File: 2.00 MB, 5532x2325, Sergey_dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Brigadier General and I'm unironically not going to sell one single LINK before we reach $100. I'm dead serious. ChainLink is the next ETH, except the success of ChainLink isn't dependent on Ethereum, whereas Ethereum's success is absolutely dependent on ChainLink.

Also: Love you bros. Been here from day 1. Will be here for all eternity.

>> No.7427178

>my third eye watches galaxies born out of the cosmic empyreum coalesce and swirl through aeons in the course of a few heartbeats, my spirit rides along the fractal wave on a race to everywhere, my understanding expands to engulf the world as the ocean absorbs a raindrop
>higher reasoning illuminates chainlink with the same brilliant luminescence which my mind only twice before had immediately cast upon both bitcoin and ethereum upon my first encounter with each

... I know that feel bro. 51k over here

>> No.7427207

Great reading there. Thanks, anon.

>> No.7427218
File: 22 KB, 538x537, 1506134452350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The team are literal mutes. They haven't tweeted anything in 4 months, or made public announcements of any kind in since new year. No partnership announcements, and constant FUD.

Yet it still manages to claw its way up the ladder, being among the top 100 based solely on the whitepaper.

Now, what do you think will happen when announcements, partnerships and marketing begins to take place? Not to speak about the finished product.

>> No.7427265

this idea is stupid as fuck and even if it had value the components are no where near developed for it so you'd buy some pajeet token and hold it for x amount of years hoping for some future organization to hopefully BUY it when this shit should be automatic and not require some neet oracle or whatever give me a break

>> No.7427303

How so? ChainLink tokens use Ethereum network. However, I reread your post, and you may be right: it is decentralized, so people can support it exclusively to transfer ChainLink tokens.

>> No.7427309

Wow thanks for this anon

>> No.7427334


>> No.7427364

Learn how to post full-sized images, you king of brainlets

>> No.7427388

the shills here are worse than bcash what a waste
enjoy your worthless token I'm not risking my millions in some stupid fucking idea

>> No.7427433

kek just buy 200 of them just in case

>> No.7427462


>> No.7427469

You are right about the approach. My worry is in other thing: right now, most of the token holders are big whales, who are in this SOLELY to speculate and make gains. When they all dump, LINK may not recover anymore.

>> No.7427470
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have any marines met Sergey? I'm going to sxsw to meet him

>> No.7427478
File: 20 KB, 313x470, 1511862221280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ChainLink is, at it's core, blockchain agnostic, so whether the preferred blockchain platform of 2050 is Ethereum, IOTA, Nano or something completely different, ChainLink will be the link that will connect that chain to the outside world. This means ChainLink doesnt need Ethereum to be the primary blockchain platform of the world. However Ethereum absolutely needs to be connected to the outside world to be worth anything.

>> No.7427484

Not gonna make it...

>> No.7427490

Tripfags ruin everything

>> No.7427503

Because the token could run on any other blockchain it doesn't need to be a erc20
the value doesn't lie in the token or the blockchain
the network of oracles will give it the value
And eth is depending on chainlink to work unless all you want to do with smartcontracts (which is the most important aspect of Eth) is to play stupid cryptokittie games

>> No.7427583

Cube is love
Cube is life
75k ride or die

>> No.7427607

Sorry, I may sound fucking stupid: right now we are holding big bags of ERC20 tokens. How do you transfer those to another network without replicating a blockchain?

>> No.7427621

This post. I like this post

>> No.7427640


>> No.7427657

>I'm on page 5 and it looks like the biggest load of bullshit I've ever read

what exactly
"2.1 On-Chain Architecture
As an oracle service, ChainLink nodes return replies to data requests or queries made
by or on behalf of a user contract, which we refer to as requesting contracts and
denote by USER-SC. ChainLink’s on-chain interface to requesting contracts is itself
an on-chain contract that we denote by CHAINLINK-SC.

>> No.7427679

you can link if you want to
you can leave your blockchain behind
but if you don't link but if you don't link you're left behind

>> No.7427690

>I'm on page 5 and it looks like the biggest load of bullshit I've ever read

what exactly (rest of pg 5)
"Behind CHAINLINK-SC, ChainLink has an on-chain component consisting of three
main contracts: a reputation contract, an order-matching contract, and an aggregating
contract. The reputation contract keeps track of oracle-service-provider performance
metrics. The order-matching smart contract takes a proposed service level agreement,
logs the SLA parameters, and collects bids from oracle providers. It then selects bids
using the reputation contract and finalizes the oracle SLA. The aggregating contract
collects the oracle providers’ responses and calculates the final collective result of
the ChainLink query. It also feeds oracle provider metrics back into the reputation
contract. ChainLink contracts are designed in a modular manner, allowing for them
to be configured or replaced by users as needed. The on-chain work flow has three
steps: 1) oracle selection, 2) data reporting, 3) result aggregation.
Oracle Selection An oracle services purchaser specifies requirements that make up
a service level agreement (SLA) proposal. The SLA proposal includes details such as
query parameters and the number of oracles needed by the purchaser. Additionally,
the purchaser specifies the reputation and aggregating contracts to be used for the
rest of the agreement.
Using the reputation maintained on-chain, along with a more robust set of data
gathered from logs of past contracts, purchasers can manually sort, filter, and select
oracles via off-chain listing services. Our intention is for ChainLink to maintain one
such listing service, collecting all ChainLink-related logs and verifying the binaries of
listed oracle contracts. "

>> No.7427722

>I'm on page 5 and it looks like the biggest load of bullshit I've ever read

what exactly
last of pg 5
"We further detail the listing service and reputation systems
in Section 5. The data used to generate listings will be pulled from the blockchain,
allowing for alternative oracle-listing services to be built. Purchasers will submit
SLA proposals to oracles off-chain, and come to agreement before finalizing the SLA
Manual matching is not possible for all situations. For example, a contract may
need to request oracle services dynamically in response to its load. Automated solutions
solve this problem and enhance usability. For these reasons, automated oracle
matching is also being proposed by ChainLink through the use of order-matching
Once the purchaser has specified their SLA proposal, instead of contacting the oracles
directly, they will submit the SLA to an order-matching contract. The submission
of the proposal to the order-matching contract triggers a log that oracle providers can"

>> No.7427931
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Praise Kek

>> No.7427998

he... retards, with homoclub calling each other little marines and to hold..

haha, you fools.. while people telling you to hold they are actually selling this hot garbage haha..

LINK is shit and old, crypto is moving at a fast pass while you cling on to these meme.

stay poor, keep holding while bags get dropped on your heads

>> No.7428139

that's how you know it won't happen

>> No.7428167
File: 88 KB, 553x278, 1517961215966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope this is just bait

>> No.7428218

Send ETH/BTC to Binance and do it there

>> No.7428408

likewise anon
>tfw obsessed with crypto and the decentralized vision
>tfw mom is high ranking mortgage banking consultant, doesnt understand it but will start linking me with people to network and figure out more
>tfw im literally going to shill chainlink to bankers
checkd, thank you kek

>> No.7428856

Ethereum's only selling point is smart contracts. Those smarts contracts straight up can't be used for anything in the real world without LINK's oracle service.
in essence ethereum is worthless without LINK

>> No.7428981

If LINK succeeds with its goals and becomes the only crypto to deliver real world, inherent value why do you think it would not recover?
Besides, whales aren't dumb. They will not dump 100% of their position, they know LINK will only appreciate in value as it sees more and more use.