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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 152 KB, 312x252, tenor (4).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7420777 No.7420777 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is in the weak handed bitch club? Where'd you sell?


Still waiting to buy back in.

>> No.7420798

you'll get your wish in less than 48 hrs

>> No.7420851

Sold at 7150
inshallah :,(

>> No.7421136

According to my whale group the target for BTC is 4k and this hasn't changed. This is a bounce do not FOMO.

>> No.7421168
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I sold everything at 6500k.
I bought in at 16k

>> No.7421245

About the same as you OP. Don’t even care anymore, not buying in for a while until some stability is shown.

>> No.7421316

I sold all 13 of my ether at 620

FUCK ME, I've been a total asshole at work to everyone, even my close family members. Yesterday morning I woke up at like 11AM and saw it back up and my mom came into my room and brought me a plate of chicken tenders, and I just slapped the plate out of her hand, I was so fucking pissed.

>> No.7421338

>being this retarded

>> No.7421377

Not the tendies

>> No.7421384

Fuck I hope this is true. I sold my bitcoin and eth in the low. Still holding my Neo, Vechain and ripple so I didnt completely fuck myself.

>> No.7421388

why the fuck would you do that?

>> No.7421399

Why would you sell after a fucking huge drop. Just say "fuck it" and make yourself believe you lost everything and leave it alone.
See the market rise and realise you're ok. Fucking tards I swear to god trying to take care of your every cent just to miss on the pumps lmfao

>> No.7421448
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>tfw nocoiner
>work wageslave job at grocery store
>all my income goes to paying bills
>literally have no money to put into crypto
>still lurk /biz/ anyway

>> No.7421492
File: 109 KB, 500x566, when-you-forget-youre-retarded-marca-how-could-i-forget-14500949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you guys buy something and not have confidence in the product? crypto is not some get rich thing but it is a vehicle to accomplish that.

all you morrons did was push the price down so I could get more crypto for my fiat

>> No.7421507

Buy high, sell low. Perfect.

>> No.7421551

>time to buy in, nice and stable at $30K

>> No.7421555

According to my whale group the target is 1000k, prove me wrong. My whale group is also 4 times bigger than your whale group.

>> No.7421567
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>According to my whale group

>> No.7421577

Fucking normies. You see crypto is immature because of people like you buying in hoping to get to lamboland overnight. You either trust the project that you are investing or get the fuck out and never come back.

>> No.7421596

According to my pajeet discord p&d group they will dump it soon

>> No.7421610
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>literally buy high sell low

>> No.7421624


>> No.7421629
File: 278 KB, 1663x791, ez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw iron hands and fearless, Bought more in the crash

>> No.7421635

> RSI first time below 30% on 1 day candlestick chart since September yesterday
> largest 24h volume since 2015 also yesterday
> massive positive news for all of crypto from us senate

You literally sold the bottom, anon. Good luck.

>> No.7421663

Me. I'm a dumb so I sold at 6.4k and autidtic so I didn't buy back yesterday

>> No.7421665

this must be fact! Trips

>> No.7421666
File: 31 KB, 600x765, 1513731307765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell is a whalegroup?
are you mentally disabled? in that case i'm sorry for doubting you. of course you are in a whale group, buddy!

>> No.7421688

Quality larp

>> No.7421692
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>selling ever

>> No.7421709

Participate in airdrops, flip them for ETH and then flip ICOs to get some capital.

>> No.7421710

It's just you anon everyone else memed you while buying

>> No.7421726


>> No.7421743

thanks for giving your coins to (((them))). you don't sell when the market is crashing, you buy. that is why you'll always be fucked whenever there is crashes like the one we just went through.

>> No.7421800

Man, it can't be that hard to save like $50 a month and incrementally build up a portfolio like that.

>> No.7421803

Buy ath sell out he bottom

>> No.7422066
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Sold 4 whole bitcoins at $6,700..I'm literally shaking right now

>> No.7422814

I just assume all of these posts are LARP. No one can seriously be this stupid.

>> No.7422875
File: 212 KB, 1412x1338, Screenshot_20180206-163729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its true and worse than you know. I already sold that purchase for a loss but bittrex logged me out.

>> No.7422976

buy the dips. they will be above your sell out, but that is what you get for being a pussy

>> No.7423019
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holy fuck, lesson learned. If you don't know why the price is going down don't sell. Otherwise you're no better than Tyrone from across the street who panic sells at a 5% correction.

>> No.7423089

sold at +40k instead of +100k after the bubble popped
guess i'm not retiring anytime soon :/

>> No.7423127

I have absolutely zero sympathy for people so retarded that they sell at the bottom of a crash. How retarded can you be? Did you really believe it would never go up again?

>> No.7423152
File: 8 KB, 250x167, crying_azula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-800 euro

I sold yesterday because I'm fucking retarded. I want to get it back but I'm clearly shit at trading so might as well eat the loss and stay away from trading for now.

Fuck, 800 fucking euros. Fuck me. I should have just held, but noooo, I saw it dropping and I sold since I was really thinking *coins are gonna tank really heavy in the next few days.

>> No.7423199

Yes, I really did believe it was gonna die, since cryptos are essentially a new generation of a ponzi scheme.

>> No.7423225

> RSI first time below 30% on 1 day candlestick chart since September yesterday
it was below 30% at 8k too

>> No.7423329

an example of buy low sell high would be B3coin right now anon

so dont waste your BTC by realising your lost.... convert it to B3coin.... wait for lambo....

>> No.7423913

>Yes, I really did believe it was gonna die, since cryptos are essentially a new generation of a ponzi scheme.

>I'm fucking retarded

you said it yourself, you're fucking retarded, so don't believe anything you say or think

>> No.7423981
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sucks to be you. stay poor retard.

>> No.7424053

>so don't believe anything you say or think
What the fuck does that mean? Are you saying I should say thing I don't believe?

>> No.7424074
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pic related

>> No.7424377

sold at $7300, not too bad

>> No.7424489
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I have been unironically considering buying 3 fundamental nodes, but still not sure.

>> No.7425240

Yeah maybe if he spends literally zero dollars on anything other than the absolute bare essentials to survive

>> No.7425308

I always assume these posts are fake here’s why. What kind of inbred retard holds through $19k, 15k, 10k, 8k all the day way to 6k then decides oh shit NOW is the time to jump out? Are you seriously autistic like wtf? If you hold for a $10k drop just keep fucking holding. Not much to lose at that point!

>> No.7425426
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I will just always hold. It may seem stupid but it actually works.

>> No.7425708

Does your mom know you are gambling away yout allowance?