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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 225x225, flagslovakia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7417674 No.7417674 [Reply] [Original]

What happens here /biz/ ???

>In terms of business & finance?
>What are the most promising fields?
>What ppl research at uni's?
>Whats their market like?
>Whos the top dogs in the market at the moment?
>Imports & Exports?

(Also if possible, include countries from V4 - Slovakia, Polonia, Czech Republic and Hungary)

>> No.7418158

>What are the most promising fields?
I'm thinking real estate.
>Whats their market like?
What market?
>Whos the top dogs in the market at the moment?
Crony oligarchs.

>> No.7418395
File: 62 KB, 800x800, russia-flag-std.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody put sticker on you flag have you no respect for state symbols ?!

>> No.7418415

What a disgusting flag

>> No.7418436

That's a Slovak flag too.

>> No.7418492

Im from slovakia

we are struggling to somewhat form our identity imo

Majority of industry is focused around carmaking which isnt probably good in the longterm

Majority of capital is concentrated in Bratislava which I believe will become very advanced in 10-20 horizon (hopefully)

Politics, corruption, peoples inability for change and paranoia is slowing progress here

>> No.7418587

also Only czech republic is more advanced but I find the mindset of czech people less favourable. Better, tho still rigid and very backwards schooling system with combination of germanic attitude (the worst kind) of czech is helping them and also stopping them from being better imo

Slovaks are very undereducated and oriented on short term profits too much, which roots from currently bad environment for small buisnesses

>> No.7418625

All in all, I believe Slovakia and Slovenia has the best potential for growth of all eastern block countries

Wish us luck anon

>> No.7418704

>eastern block countries

education has a long way to go in Slovakia apparently

>> No.7418754
File: 75 KB, 267x434, 267px-EasternBloc_BorderChange38-48.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you from?

>> No.7418837


>> No.7418839
File: 82 KB, 363x553, IMG_5741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slovak here.
>literary no niggas and shitskins here
>pretty and based women (pic related)
>cheap cost of living
>infrastructure of first world
>lot of inteligent, skilled and hardworking white slavs

>> No.7418889

>>infrastructure of first world
Ye our roads are fucking beautiful

So is health care
Or Law
Or anything else in public sector

But at least we are white, right?

>> No.7418903

can you read Slovak nigger? The picture shows the eastern bloc until 1948 when the Tito-Stalin split occured and Yugoslavia became part of the bloc independent states (resulting in funding the NMA (Non-Aligned Movement))

>> No.7418907

>paranoia is slowing progress
red dit is that way>>>

>> No.7418912

Infrastructure of the third world can be said about Czech.

>> No.7418935

You dont even understand what I was implying

>> No.7418936

amerifag spotted

>> No.7418950

Spaniard living in Kosice here. There is more work on IT than people in the field, meaning cool European salaries compared the low cost of life. I am happy here though the language is a constant pain. Married with children even. I will pay my mortgage this summer, already thinking on a nice duplex in the city center by 2022 if cryptos and stocks goes as expected.

>> No.7418960

Infrastructure of first world


>> No.7419026

This faggot is absolutely deluded.
t. Slovak
>Many sources consider Yugoslavia to be a member of the Eastern Bloc.[1][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] Others consider Yugoslavia not to be a member after it broke with Soviet policy in the 1948 Tito–Stalin split.[12]
Unironically kill yourself you dumb nigger. For all matters and purposes, Yugoslavia was a part of Eastern Bloc.

>> No.7419056


lmao I'm not. Ask any yugo if he thinks that his country was part of the warsaw pact. I'll spoil the result to you: No they do not.

I'm aware that the average /biz/raeli has barely any functional historic knowledge but not knowing that yugoslavia was independant is just shocking, especially if you claim to be from Europe yourself.

>> No.7419075

No one gives a shit about your biased nigger-tier opinions.

>> No.7419114

>lmao I'm not. Ask any yugo if he thinks that his country was part of the warsaw pact. I'll spoil the result to you: No they do not.


ask anyone in czech if they think that they are eastern europe country

ask the same anyone from any properly developed country

stay deluded

>> No.7419153

>if cryptos and stocks goes as expected

>> No.7419185

glad you like it here jose

>> No.7419186


Are you mentally retarded?
Yugoslavia was never part of the Coвeт экoнoмичecкoй взaимoпoмoщи nor member of the warsaw pact. Just because people generalize it to be part of the eastern bloc it doesn't make it true. In fact beeing the leader of the bloc-free world makes it very special and quite easy to not mistake it to be an "eastern bloc" member.

>> No.7419275
File: 15 KB, 469x331, 1516891777584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 citations claiming Yugoslavia was a member of Eastern Bloc
>1 citation and a butthurt yugoslav shitposting on a latvian sheep taming forum claiming they weren't

>In fact beeing the leader of the bloc-free world makes it very special and quite easy to not mistake it to be an "eastern bloc" member.
I'll grant you that Yugoslavia was more independent than other Eastern Bloc countries. Still Eastern Bloc. You mad?

>> No.7419306

you missed the point. if you ask people from czech poland or hungary everyone will confirm that they've been under the rule of the UDSSR until ~1990. If you do the same with former yugoslavian countries they'll tell you they've been ruled by Tito and were independant which is btw true.

Read up on the Tito-Stalin split and why it happened and which consequences it had.
Education is something that should be held in high regard and might be of help for a poor slovak like you. Btw thanks for assemblings Kias.

>> No.7419388

why so much salt?

>> No.7419449

give me a single citation of those sources that claims that yugoslavia did not seperate from the eastern bloc? All those seem to claim that it was once part of it and the editor of the wikipedia article didn't bother to further read up on it.

>> No.7419512
File: 1.07 MB, 900x622, v4_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Slovak and only thing I can tell you is FUCK OFF WE ARE FULL!

>> No.7419521


well because I'm frankly surprised by the ignorance of people like you. I mean how could you not acknowledge that they've been bloc-free when there are sources that their troops traned to defend them against NATO and the WARSAW PACT at the same time. Wtf..

>> No.7419540

You realize you can click on the source number right?
>Eastern Bloc. The name applied to the former communist states of eastern Europe, including Yugoslavia and Albania, as well as the countries of the Warsaw Pact
>Within the Eastern Bloc, Poland, Yugoslavia and Hungary tended to be reformist and deviated most from the rigid Soviet model
>In the Eastern Bloc, only Yugoslavia, alongside efforts to eradicate or at least degrade previously existing nationalisms, made the gallant attempt to both foster a new nationalism and a new identify, that of being a Yugoslav.
And I could go on. Stay buttblasted, faggot.

>> No.7419547

how old are you ? how long are you living here ? are you slaving for t-systems or doing actual work ?

>> No.7419588

look, dumb-ass

you were either with the west or with the soviets

as you were clearly not with the west, you were with the fucking soviets, even if it might not be as clear for you

There was no middle ground you dumb cigan. I don't care what that bitch Tito thought about his deal with Stalin was, but the moment Stalin would ask Tito to help with attacking west, your conscripts would follow the orders. Now shut the fuck up or I will bash your teeth back into your cigan neck.

>> No.7419613

Nobody gives a shit about some historical nuances. Everybody who ever heard of yugoslavia consider it a ex comie shithole like a rest of ostblock.

>> No.7419646

I'd take my niggers over you Russisnd-lite

t. American

>> No.7419648


I am 34, I have been here almost 10 years but traveling regularly abroad. T-System is for ladies and students, I am working for a german payent processing company and doing personal projects too.

>> No.7419715

shooo shooo la creatura

>> No.7419737

very nice. I know some people at wirecard. We might have even met on some tech event before

>> No.7419769


The world is small, isn't it.

>> No.7419795


lul at those american publications with a single line which maybe has been put out of context.
anyway, general consensus of the political research here in germany is that yugoslavia was independant.

>> No.7419847

This is some /int/-tier rebuttal. Maybe you ought to go back to your containment board. Yugoslavia was Eastern Bloc. Deal with it or stay mad.

>> No.7419853

yeah. do you want to connect ? I am working on one project which is about harvesting 4chan data & trying to predict crypto moves - would appreciate second thoughts on that

>> No.7419883

You two need to fug already.

>> No.7419890

Fuck you Slovak lurkers
Say bad things, anyway
I am getting rich and enjoying my country full of hot chicks and my fellow white countrymen

Stay poor and grumpy, fucking faggots

>> No.7419900

> t. burger

> beeing so deluded that stalin (at this time) could have made his puppy states attack a fellow communist country and get back on track when they could barely handle riots.
They couldn't even deal with Albania 10 years later, how do you think they would have dealt with Yugoslavia. LMAO

>> No.7419913

>tfw Slovenian
>tfw proud Eastern European

>> No.7419931

>the absolute state of delusion
Glad I left the shithole. Enjoy your hot chicks, corruption and ruined economy.

>> No.7419939


I am already involved in more thing I can handle, sorry. Good luck with that.

>> No.7419970


>> No.7420029

triggered austrian horsekeeper detected

>> No.7420036

Where did u leave for?

>inb4 cz

Y so spiteful? Feels like you have some issues with your decision

Slovakia will be good, gotta believe it mate

>> No.7420060

you didn't even have to write t.
everyone knows only Mr. Burger could write this shit

>> No.7420118

eastern bloc ≠ eastern europe
you guys should be glad (and I'm sure you are) that the UDSSR didn't also ruin your country and that Tito held up so well, despite having his own flaws of course.

>> No.7420282

>glad I left
I bet you still have SVK citizenship and come home for Xmas you fucking homeless expat

>> No.7420285

We have no problem with identity, you plebbit faggot. We need to hold strong and learn from western failure.
This however is very true, Czech bureaucracy and rigidity is taking them backwards.

>infrastructure of first world
Kekd hard

>> No.7420343

>We have no problem with identity, you plebbit faggot
Another meme reddit fag which has no idea what I was implying

Yes we do have problem with industiral identity or are u saying that Slovakia staying an assembly line for cars isnt a problem?

Its fucking vital to get ahead of the curve in emerging tech, pharma or some other markets otherwise we are fucking dead

>> No.7420484

We have comparable infrastructure to neighbouring EU countries, including Austria
Yes, the highways should be longer and hospitals better equiped
But go to real third world country outside your resort and you will see what Im talking about

>> No.7420509

Germanfag here CZ is alright used to live there for a while bsck in university. Reasonable taxes, hot chicks and no shitskins. Co sidering going back there but the language is a pain in the ass

>> No.7420524

>We have comparable infrastructure to neighbouring EU countries, including Austria

I agree its not a third world tier (or Romania tier) but roads are terrible and could be 500% better in majority of the country

Just look at Spis region

>> No.7420652

Spis region is about 5% of the country and one of the most infested with gypsies
There are modern highways connecting all the major cities with the rest being built
lol just look at the map and tell me im wrong

>> No.7420758

If we are better than 3rd World in infrastructure, that does not imply we are on par with first world.
muh "we are better than pajeets and niggers" You cant be serious. Weh ave to look up to Nips, Koreans, Anglos and Germs

As a nation we are fine. You are correct about our cucked gov. Slavemasters should be limited to invest only in 51% owned state companies if they want to assemble anything. Like in China.

>> No.7420811

Yeah I unironcially think its getting better but public sector is fuckin tarded and as far as politics goes there is no salvation nowhere in sight

>> No.7420836

yea because fucking cigans are responsible for regional infrastructure

the ultimate state of kotlebovolic

>> No.7420995

>yeah lets build 1st world infrastructure roads for fucking poor criminal never-working cigans
you are a disgrace and brainlet

>> No.7421094
File: 44 KB, 600x803, 5f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah just everybody living in a poor ass region why are u still poor lol

>> No.7421719

>why u are still poor
because u dont work, dont educate your kids and dont pay taxes, you inbred subhuman

>> No.7421816

Guys, OP here, I need answers for final exam at uni (final paper)

-Economically hows the V4 (Slovakia, CR, Poland and Hungary)???
-What they produce???
-What they do research on the stem fields (more specific please)???
-What they import???
-What they need???
-What kinda of business they like/like to work???
-If someone would like to invest in the v4 what they have that is their "golden goose" ???

Thanks you a lot for the answers so far.

>> No.7421913

u missed the point sulikboy

>> No.7421914

I'm in Denmark, but that's only until I finish my degree.
Yes I do and no, I don't celebrate your gay christmas.

Any other questions, you raging faggots?

>> No.7422684

y so much salt?

>> No.7423359

Brno fag here, Slovaks, read this and go back to Bratislava pls. Your grills can stay tho.