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File: 137 KB, 668x859, 1337323024589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7417476 No.7417476 [Reply] [Original]

Did having money help you get a gf?
I'm a 24 year old virgin and I want to know if my chances will be better once I become a millionaire from crypto

>> No.7417528

I'm under the impression it won't be what you're truly looking for. Unless all you want is a hole.

>> No.7417548

You know that's a 3D model of a girl right?

>> No.7417555

Nah bro, it's over. Become a wizard.

>> No.7417598

I just want someone to be together with for a few hours per day maybe 3-4 days per week max. I enjoy going out but sometimes it just feels weird walking around everywhere alone when everyone else seems to be with their friends/girlfriend. I don't even care about having sex all that much. Living together with another person seems like hell though.


I probably will at this rate anyway.

>> No.7417662

Yes, your chances will be better. If you have a flashy car, a rolex, gucci sunnies whatever blah blah and make a tinder profile but not explicitly brag about ur money girls will be on ur dick like crazy.

>> No.7417679


It gave me the much needed confidence boost I needed to actually go out, not care about shit and just try to find a gf. Currently in a wonky relationship with someone who doesn't know I got into crypto early, thinks I am a cook in the restaurant apartment I live above. Its going to take a lot more time before I will tell her that I basically shit money. Or perhaps I won't tell her at all, who knows.

>> No.7417692

No, but then again I don't go for thots obsessed with cash.

>> No.7417758

No friends? Infinitely better than talking to women. Just join a meetup group for a hobby you enjoy. Even broke dudes have friends and gfs. If you're autistic or nerdy find nerdy meetups.

>> No.7417772

Wizardry is the only way. Otherwise you'll get rekt by divorce or something similar.

>> No.7417791

Don't tell her. EVER. It's for the best.

>> No.7417792

yes if you want to attract gold diggers and yes even if you want a healthy relationship you will also need some form of financial stability.

>> No.7417817

No but going outside did

>> No.7417839

do you want the type of girl that only becomes interested in you because of money?

dont take this as an excuse for despair, just think that money will free you up to develop yourself into someone that would attract someone that you would enjoy either as the foundation or a benefit

>> No.7417843

But how do you stave off the loneliness when you're a wizard? Whores? Or do you find ever more degenerate porn to jack off to? Meditation? Cutting your dick off? My libido feels like it's been increasing ever since I was a teenager, I jack off at least 3 times a day.

And please don't suggest nofap, I know it does nothing from experience

>> No.7417863

>nobody requests sauce
the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.7417865

how ugly or awkwardly retarded are you to still be a virgin at 24? pussy.

>> No.7417919

Virgin at 24? There's no money in the world that could help you

>> No.7417922
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I'm apparently not ugly according to people I know. I am awkward though and can't really connect with other people. You ever see that "undiagnosed mental illness" image from /r9k/? That shit describes me 100%

It's Saya, a 3D (but not PD) model

>> No.7417953
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>image from /r9k

>> No.7417974
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Here I found it for you

>> No.7418006
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>he saved it

>> No.7418042

>But how do you stave off the loneliness when you're a wizard?
Anime you fag.

>> No.7418120
File: 16 KB, 249x249, 1517230896942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude just grow some balls and go talk to a girl, whatever if she reject you, try with another one, and another one, and at the end you'll start to develop some game. Just act like you know what you're doing, just make sure you sound self-confident, without being cocky or saying stupid shit.
Most important thing is don't focus on one girl only, try to talk to 4/5 girl at once, you'll maybe fuck 1 or 2, maybe 3 if you get gud.

>> No.7418166

>going out alone

Woah lol that fucking sucks.

And no being a nerd with money won't be that much different. Poor chads will still get more girls than you. Hit the gym and stop being a loser.

>> No.7418173

Its called autism, I have it too

>> No.7418194
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I plan to get a wife from asia after I've made it. Trying to attract a western slut just isn't worth it.

>> No.7418219

Absolutely disgusting get a chinese girl at least.

>> No.7418254

I've been on dates with multiple girls last year, they all seem to get bored of me after a while though, I'm probably really boring and/or autistic although I think I'm doing alright. I don't know what I'm doing wrong

I'm about to hit 3/4/5 plates for my big 3 lifts, been lifting for years. I don't know how to stop being a loser though

Chinese girls are so crazy. My friend was just telling me about his chink model gf and how she's absolutely obsessed with him and buying him expensive clothes and wallets and shit. I'm not sure I want something like that.

>> No.7418264
File: 171 KB, 720x911, -_62957446_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went from 5 k to 300 k. NO It doesnt help. Not at all.... Okay, you can buy a bunch of expensive clothing, which does help. but seriously, the best way to get girls is
1.) try to be super polite, opening doors, doing favors, etc
2.) MAKE A BUNCH OF FEMALE FRIENDS first before trying to get a girlfriend. Seriously, i would have 2 chinese female friends, with all types of connections by now, if i didnt try to fuck them.

>> No.7418282

Lost my virginity last year and I'm 25 post grad student so broke af. In short, start going to the gym, take care of hygiene and start interacting with as many women as possible. It's kinda crazy how quickly I found a woman when I actually started trying instead of sitting inside all day.

>> No.7418295

24 here too, no poor af mostly, still got laid, I'm probably a 5 or a 6/10, getting money will make it easier of course, and the quality of their looks will prob increase, don't expect a decent gf out of that, unless she's richer than you, in which case your chance are back to square one

>> No.7418303

you'll just end up like those pathetic cunts that order thai brides and can barely converse with them, but if that's what you want go for it bud

>> No.7418317
File: 64 KB, 960x947, B8VDEJjIUAA8aWW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.) try to be super polite, opening doors, doing favors, etc
>2.) MAKE A BUNCH OF FEMALE FRIENDS first before trying to get a girlfriend. Seriously, i would have 2 chinese female friends, with all types of connections by now, if i didnt try to fuck them.
Holy fuck, you're beyond help. OP, do this if you want to die a virgin.

>> No.7418330

Clean your room OP

>> No.7418336

Even if most women you interact with don't wanna fuck try to befriend them anyways so they can set you up on dates with single friends. I landed so many dates this way before I met my current gf.

>> No.7418338

pretty sure it's because you're too scared to grab them by the pussy.
jk but you sound like you've been on date waiting for her to do something for you. while it's you who's supposed to take the lead.

>> No.7418342

AHAHAHAHAH god you are a weeb

>> No.7418354

You want your kids to have good genes, the chinese are smart.

Marrying a flip is just like marrying a nigger.

>> No.7418362

you have to be the guy that takes what he wants not waiting for someone to hand it to you.

>> No.7418375

I will teach her my language and we will love each other forever. :) The power of love may not be underestimated.

>> No.7418386

1.) try to be super polite, opening doors, doing favors, etc
anyone who thinks that's some shit that impress grills deserve to stay virgin.

>> No.7418397

You're pathetic. Please don't reproduce.

>> No.7418428

marrying a western women is like setting yourself up for a potential trap, there is roughly around 54% chance that you will eventually divorce.

last time i dated a 8/10 blonde she was trying to stab me to death with a kitchen knife in my sleep because i was talking to another girl during a gaming session.

i would rather look for a beautiful and loyal Asian girl instead, they are smarter at spending money, can cook and usually not a psychopath.

>> No.7418446

>I have to get fit
>I have to get a shitload of money
>I need to act like an asshole
>I need plastic surgery
>I need to go to a PUA class
>I need to be Chad

Just go and fucking talk to women.

>> No.7418458

fuck you dude :) Enjoy your western wife, until she divorces you and takes all your crypto gains :)

>> No.7418472

Nope because you NEVER disclose how much money you have, you use it to be smug and a confidence builder.

Because you were an autist before, money doesn't suddenly go "POOF YOU'RE A FUCKING CHAD NOW".

You could have a good car and show off but then you attract bitches that will leave you at the drop of a hat.

>Money will never make that qt girl love you that didn't love you before.

>> No.7418495
File: 481 KB, 3300x1840, tinder a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly right. I feel sorry for all the poor cucks who still go for western women.

>> No.7418499

>Enjoy your western wife
Just because you're a pathetic virgin who wants an asian nigger-tier wife does not mean I would ever marry a western girl. Kys.

>> No.7418526

>I-I was only pretending to be retarded, I swear!!! :((
Fuck off.

>> No.7418538

just become a trap and you'll have everything in life paid for

>> No.7418550
File: 482 KB, 707x1000, 86571cfd7d1cfd1fb264d2df6292f2b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, my strategy works for any girl worth a damn of time. I know most of you """"chads"""" ask out bar roasties who are looking for a daily dicking.

And fyi, i asked out multiple girls myself before. Ive ranged from trying to hug them or holding hands on dates, and each time, it drives them away. These kind of actions are the reason why they dont text me back. If girl finds out you want to fuck them, and theyre not interested, they wont give you anytime.

>> No.7418565

Having money gets you a gold digger.
Being stable gets you a girlfriend.

>> No.7418584

no, i have a high paying job at 23 but still can't find anyone because my only interests are anime and gaming, and my job takes up all my other time i might use to find new hobbies

>> No.7418599
File: 39 KB, 650x650, d18131-591-205156-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this /r9k/er still thinks women prefer being treated by garbage
i think you have your statement about being a virgin the otherway around...

>> No.7418624

Go back to your containment board you scum.

>> No.7418632
File: 95 KB, 659x369, hotlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes if LINK. No otherwise.

>> No.7418648

this. western women are garb(age)

>> No.7418683

>ShareBlue pays me 7.25 per hour!

>> No.7418685
File: 491 KB, 500x370, 1517889362001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the same person who wrote

Of course its the bitter r9k'ers encouraging people to act rude to women and to try to fuck them on the first date

>> No.7418708

Never unironically visited the board, but you surely know awfully lot about it.

>> No.7418723

nofap kills your libido eventually though

>> No.7418726
File: 195 KB, 353x484, 1517937413454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude NO GIRL like "le white knight" guy, if so redditors will be all setup with /10 blonds right now.
if you act like that, they'll just consider you as "a good friend" which suck balls.
you need to let your animal side talk with grills, basically.

>> No.7418728
File: 278 KB, 1200x1697, 18405bc15cfe4113f42868734c5fc24d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway OP, consider this. Who would you rather be talking to right now, a bunch of bitter r9k'ers on biz who have less than 10 k in crypto and spam pepes as a past time.


Would you rather be talking to actual girls right now who might introduce you to more females irl. You decide.

>> No.7418752

Money will always help everything. But if you can't get a gf without money it won't help you if you get a gf. Money basically just makes everything you do easier, you must be able to do it in the first place though.

>> No.7418767

how do you even use money to get girls like without being an obnoxious loser literally paying people to go out with you

>> No.7418774

Hahaha, what a pathetic idiot you are.

Fucking be a billionaire. Ill fucking laught and spit at you, you pathetic loser.

Im 21 and already have a gf addicted to me. Its not fucking hard.
Just stop beeing such a faggot.

>> No.7418779
File: 66 KB, 630x468, fWHR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women like a good face and being tall above everything else. The one on the right can get more women than the one on the left while treating them like garbage, but that doesn't mean the one on the left can get more women by treating women like garbage... OR by being more polite even.

>> No.7418793

>If girl finds out you want to fuck them, and theyre not interested, they wont give you anytime.
Sounds like you both saved time desu
You DID want to fuck them right?

What I found out that works best for me is acting like I KNOW they want to fuck me, and act accordingly. Makes them nuts

>> No.7418804

my gf is chinese and I can confirm she is not crazy (yet?)
Anyways filipino girls aren't that hot imo, but just get an girl desu instead of focussing on a specific race girl thats kind of lame
I didn't pick a girl because I'm some kind of cucked weaboo but it just so happened that she was asian

>> No.7418843

Stop doing useless shit like gaming and anime and start improving your actual life brah

>> No.7418850
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>surely know awfully lot about it.
Dont know much about it, its just plain as daylight you'd fit in there perfectly, friend :^)
redditors are people who blantant cringy shit and make a show of it. Theres a difference between being a nice person and just being a white knight. I say this as someone in middle school, who went from having no females interested to me at all, to females literally saying greeting me and telling me good bye often.

All it had to take was just saying "hi" to them occasionally and opening the door once in a while, and not expecting anything else in return. If youre just a genuinely nice person who isnt expecting to get fucked like a redditor, "quality" Women will come to you. Especially if you dress real nice and have good hygiene, unlike most people on /biz/

Because, would you honestly waifu a girl who likes being like trash?

>> No.7418851

Women want one of two things from men: a good dicking or a raise in their social status from being his woman. That is all. If you want a gf, you need to be able to make her feel superior to her peer group. Wealth does not automatically confer this status.

>> No.7418866
File: 76 KB, 678x678, b1be32-1220450652_1_640-56a2e3a63df78cf7727af8da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL I love this man.
>basically shit money

>> No.7418898
File: 404 KB, 600x694, 1517977233239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats my point. You want as many female contacts as possible. the more female contacts you have, the greater the chance that one female will have the hots for you.


>> No.7418940


>> No.7418947

>Dont know much about it, its just plain as daylight you'd fit in there perfectly, friend :^)
Never itt have I supported the notion that one should treat woman like garbage. That's just your deluded straw man argument twisted into an ad hominem to make you look less pathetic. No one but your mom will ever love you, because you're an autistic worthless mouthbreather. Might as well kill yourself now, instead of posting your degenerate trap images.

>> No.7419144
File: 28 KB, 437x431, 1517974109228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this

>> No.7419190

Yeah women is like money, it takes money to make money, it takes women to get women

My point was that you shouldn't be a beta doormat in order to 'accumulate' starting-capital women, this will taint your supply

You can act uninterested in them, but not in a sour grapes way

Whatever you do, don't treat them as equals or 'one of the boys', equality is a lie so absurd that only an intellectual could believe. Not making claims of inferiority, but women aren't men and the sooner people understand this the better.

Basic courtesy is fine

>> No.7419255

Charlie and the Elliott Roger Factory


>> No.7419354
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>> No.7419541

This picture freaks me out. It's as if one of my old classmates made it to poke fun at me. What's the story?

>> No.7419868

What in the actual fuck this is 100% me

>> No.7419943

Yes, imagine being able to go other countries where they all want white dick

And it doesn't matter, you can move anywhere on a moment's notice because you have the money

Your options become unlimited

You will want to be with your gf like all day (maybe not every day). Because you'll want to watch movies, cuddle, hike, whatever the fuck

and you will like it

>> No.7419984

what are those types of vigne cover or pants called

>> No.7420064


Is this pic real

Fuck this shit with the right camera I look almost as good as he does

>> No.7420117
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No, but having a functioning car does. I guess thats a function of having money, but really not all that much.

Women dont want to hang with you if you cant transport yourself and her around. Who wants to take a lyft everywhere? Or worse, public transport.

>> No.7420169
File: 130 KB, 1456x903, tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is real.

>> No.7420170

>tfw have a car
>tfw hate driving and only take public transport

>> No.7420236
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If you actually want a partner and can't get one it is because you aren't striking out enough, have no redeeming qualities, just plain aren't trying. Think about it for a second. Why would a girl want to date you? Write down pros and cons, why the fuck would a chick even want to hang out in the same home as you? Most girls, even "gamer" girls, aren't going to want to live that NEET life with you. If you try to get a girl with your money without actually changing yourself, you are only going to get burned.

THe thing most incels, redpillers, and MGTOW's need to do but won't, is actually become better people. Invest in your interests, and I don't mean fucking video games and anime, develop into an actual human being and participate with other actual human beings, and you may find that things tend to just come together.

I personally have never had money, but have had a string of cute girlfriends for anywhere from 2 weeks to 5 years. Another harsh truth is that looks do matter. So if you don't have an above average face you better get in the fucking gym or just accept your fate, which harkens back to the fact that you most likely to to actually focus intently on improving and developing your self before expecting anyone else to want to spend more than 5 minutes with you.

>> No.7420310

see a lot of GF threads here is the deal. ironically the more dependent you appear to be the more gf you attract they want to save you and make you the ideal man. You need money to get a quality wife. She will demand it. Being a loser gets you tons of chicks. Look at all the artists.

>> No.7420413


This is a great way to get dumped and feel even worse off than you did before you had a gf.

Avoid the ones who think they can "save" and "change" you like the fucking plague, seems too good to be true but they are honestly just as bad as the THOT's who reply like horny dogs to the fake tinder profiles of had thundercock

>> No.7420569

Ive had 50 GF and 1 wife. Ive always been honest with myself and always felt great. You are not gonna make it ove night and there is no reason to not practice becoming a man with thots that you genuinely wish the best for in the future. We stastically almost all become parents at somepoint. The past is your own private affair. You can always start over as a new persona. Dont be had on yourself and dont pass up a flawed love in fear of failure. Lifes a jouney ma nigga. Its better to share it with fellow losers till you make it. Why are we on an anime board if what i am saying is not a universal truth?

>> No.7420589

This desu. Just do it and you will find treasure. Its a cliché but be yourself and be honest. Thats the way.

>> No.7420898


I'm assuming you aren't married anymore because fucking that many chicks totally obliterates your ability to pair-bond. If you go for quantity over quality you are going to die alone.

>> No.7420913

You can't even see how attractive any of those girls are, for all you know they could be uggos and extremely easy lays. I'm like a 5/10 and have gotten girls to say stuff like that, it's not really an achievement.

>> No.7420993
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>> No.7421054

alright well you keep projecting your one truth on 6 billion people. Hope it serves you well. Im gonna keep telling people to try thier best and forgive themselves and to not put expectations such as yours on themselves.

>> No.7421059

"Pair-bond" holy fuck. Have you ever even fucked a virgin girl? Newsflash: the sex is shit and they will become jealous, crazy hags the second they see you communicating with another woman.

>> No.7421062

This is just designed to be generic enough to fuck with people.

>> No.7421091

Seriously, do you guys not realize that literally everybody fucking daydreams lmao.

>> No.7421320


Sorry I triggered you