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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7411422 No.7411422 [Reply] [Original]

So is the dip over or is this just a short term bull trap

>> No.7411452

We are finding out right now actually.

>> No.7411477

this is btc's make it or break it moment everyone should be watching the charts rn

>> No.7411492

checked, currently consolidating in price

>> No.7411493

Well rn is a bit over the top, the next twelve hours will make or break it

>> No.7411500

My heart says recovery but my brain says trap

>> No.7411512

if it breaks 8k anytime soon we are firmly back in bull territory

>> No.7411537
File: 158 KB, 1825x780, 9876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually on the side of bulltrap. But check the buy volume and what happened last time. My guess is that Lightning Network will now carry BTC all the way to 30k. And I don't like to say that.

>> No.7411617

the implementation on paper is fucking awful though. Can we just force this shitcoin out of the market. Fuck man... I bet its not even the coin thats being pumped, its just bot piggybacking ETH or something.

>> No.7411625

Trap. Watch for the double bottom. It'll bounce back soon but there are still people who want to cash out. A lot of people that held through the crash are going to take profit.

>> No.7411663

The only people who could possibly dump it at $8k to make a profit would be old fags. Anyone new got in over that price

>> No.7411669


>> No.7411699

I suspect a pretty nasty justing is incoming. Seriously this looks like a standard pump and dump at the moment.

>> No.7411710

South Korean government officials just advised that "there is no strong reason to ban cryptocurrency". We're going to 9K tomorrow boys, strap in.

>> No.7411807

WHo will be willing to buy Bitcoin after it dropped from 19k to fucking 6k in 2 months? The bots that are tethering Bitcoin to all of the other coins can only work when Bitcoin is the coin that is being bought during the pump. If nobody is buying Bitcoin and they are going with ETH or some other coin then what will happen is you see a sharp spike then Bitcoin will dumped everything back down again while no progress is made.

We are literally watching Bitcoin hold back the entire market right now.

>> No.7411839

Its going to be impossible for crypto to have a bull market ever again until either people begin exclusively pumping BTC or if BTC and its bot army are removed from all exchanges.

>> No.7411911


Hard to say - seems to me like everyone's just paying attention to the TA to see when they can best buy in.

I bought in a couple of days ago and I'm happy either way - if it goes down harder it'll fuck the alts a little harder and I can buy them even more cheaply, if it doesn't at least I didn't miss the opportunity to buy BTC for $1k less.

It's just a question of how many people feel the same.

>> No.7411929

how does this image work?
my brain... unka dunka

>> No.7411965
File: 79 KB, 1413x902, OMG_ITS_CRASHING_FOREVER!!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have been saying the same stupid shit for years. You're new, you might not realize that. When BTC crashed multiple times shedding 30%+ value, and every single time recovered and surpassed previous prices that were once considered bubble prices. Stick around and learn something kid.

>> No.7411982

This pump looks like maybe ETH is getting a ton of upward movement while BTC is stagnant so we are seeing Bitcoin holding ETH from going up too much in sat value.

This pump is having to work 2/3x harder to go up at all...

>> No.7411987

the dip is over, february has come. strap in faggies

>> No.7412028

Nope years of experience. I am fully aware of the market manipulation of Bitcoin holding all other coins back right now. The bots try to maintain a specific sat value on all coins.

We wont be seeing anymore moon missions ever again until BTC is decoupled or until BTC becomes a good coin again.

>> No.7412067


That is old as fuck news.

>> No.7412072

Its not bots you fucking retard. All pairs lead back to BTC. You literally have no clue what you're even talking about. "Years of experience" my fucking ass.

>> No.7412103

Soon you'll be able to but alts with fiat so btc days are numbered

>> No.7412118

This is also true.

>> No.7412209


people who feel they missed out on it the first time, that was just the fist bubble, there will be dozens

>> No.7412465

But you can already pair trade with Ether. Why anyone bothers with BTC is beyond me.

>> No.7412566

Lol fucking faggots saying btc has to die, greenhorns dont know fuckall.
learn to show some respect, also how do you fucking faggots not understand that you need something like btc to trade with?
YOU GET MORE FIAT, if thats what you fucking plebs are after.
you all have alot to learn

>> No.7412569

legacy and high USD value...literally the only reason (also highly invested miners and other infrastructure)

>> No.7412584

This. Everytime there is a sizable green dildo Rajeet fomos in and gets justed. Every fucking time.

>> No.7412605

I just bought the dip like the fucking degenerate gambler I am.

>> No.7412916

>I just bought the dip like the fucking degenerate gambler I am.
you are degenerate gambler if you haven't sold at least half

>> No.7412942


>> No.7412945

Buy high sell low

>> No.7412999


It's called ethereum and it's a good deal better to trade than shitcoin.

Shitcoin stats

> $30 transfer fees
> Slow as fuck you could wait a day in some cases

>> No.7413140

Yeah, maybe its fucking magic. Maybe this entire market is not being manipulated and I am just imagining it all.

Even if all coins lead back to BTC it still wouldn't explain all coins graphs being nearly fucking carbon copies. Its market manipulation and it prevents a flippening from ever being possible.

Bitcoin is applying downword force on all other coins right now. So the only way shit goes up again is if everyone pumps BTC which isn't going to fucking happen.

>> No.7413220

This entire fucking market is rigged with washtrading bots preventing coins from going to far outside of target sat values. If the entire world decided to buy ETH today it would cause BTC to rise.

Either intentionally or not Its fucking rigged by a damn shit coin.

>> No.7413331

is this the dragon's true power?

>> No.7413343

Bitcoin needs to be removed from every exchange or we will never see solid gains again outside of random shitcoin moon missions that last a short time.

>> No.7413408

The dragon was killed. BCH flippening was the last time we will ever see anything like that happen again. When BCH was moving on its own and was not locked to Bitcoin it was a threat. Shortly after the first huge spike you can look at the graphs and see that BCH was moving independant of BTC. WHen BCH went up BTC went down. Then all of a sudden, one day it stopped moving that way anymore.

The dragon was bullshit, we will never see a flippening if people can manipulate the market like this.

>> No.7413761

hopefully the run up is nice and long so I can accumulate more

>> No.7413785

Get out of crypto before there is no money left to recover.

>> No.7413872

bcashies really believe this
kys my man
Its funnny because Roger and Blockstream are actually manipulating the market

>> No.7413946
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>US government saved crypto

what timeline is this

>> No.7413989

... should I trade from alts back to btc
That's the only question anyone should have

>> No.7414024


the market is heavily manipulated, yes, but who is doing the manipulation?

>> No.7414063


If it has a strong clean break through 8100 tonight I would without question. Unless the stock market has a black day it is going to test 9k then. Alts will be left behind for a bit. On the other hand if it can't break 8k and gets sent back to mid 7s then I think we are in for a very interesting week with another test for 6k.

>> No.7414919

im a no coiner, just want to know why should you pull out of alts to go back in btc or eth when it goes on a bull run

>> No.7414937

Shitcoins are valued in btc so obviously if btc rise in value the shitcoin raise too with the same pattern

>> No.7414955

I think you need to blow your brains out

>> No.7414979

I don't think its even being done deliberately. All it takes is 8 + years of idiots who tell their bots to value sats over USD. That is literally all it takes. If another coin goes up in sats it gets sold. drives the price of the alt down and drives BTC up.

If the alt goes down the bot buys it back up. Its really simple. that drives BTC down and the alt back up. rinse repeat.

There is no Illuminati.

>> No.7414997

That's fucking stupid and you should feel bad.

>> No.7415036
File: 5 KB, 197x256, 1515644705660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw missed the dip

>> No.7415051

These are weak bull signals. Not exactly a trap, more bulls than yesterday but still more bears overall.

>> No.7415119
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>> No.7415343

I'm Luke Skywalker fuck you.

>> No.7415430

The one where jews lose control.

>> No.7415553

I only got my pay today, should I buy on more now? I fear this could be a bulltrap but I'm unsure.

>> No.7415645
File: 97 KB, 659x729, 1516952082846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tight jeans with that figure
>thigh gap

>> No.7415656
File: 997 KB, 3072x2304, 4FB77D80-2C4C-4779-911E-ECF9FBA358E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I want to believe.

>> No.7415670


Pay attention to the news and you'll realize things will stabilize for a day or 2.

>result of the U.S. Senate Comitee's hearing was "cryptos are not going away anytime soon, and there's not much new regulations can do about it".

What happens after that though is anyone's guess

>> No.7416392

Its looking really bullish right now. And its not stopping.

>> No.7416540

>Its looking really bullish right now. And its not stopping.
it looks too bullish
too much support
no way people just though "oh, it fell 70% but now it is instantly back to normal, let just buy every fucking tiny dip from now on"

>> No.7416642

People are pretending it's all fine because they want the price to rize. For many the trust has left for good, they just want to p&d the moment they see greens

>> No.7416669

agreed. But we have seen pumps before that were this strong.

The big difference is that normally when BTC pumps like this alts are supposed to go into the red. Looks like that meme is dead because all coins are lockstep and climbing together. That shit is weirder than all of this combined.

>> No.7416694

>16 posts by this ID
shut the fuck up you faggot

>> No.7416768
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Bull trap my friend

>> No.7417854

the one where hillary lost.

>> No.7418043


>> No.7418616

That alt meme died in November. Too many people in this space that don't give a shit about accumulating sats or trading back and forth loads.