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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 842 KB, 738x1163, 7 - GvtJ8DS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7409105 No.7409105 [Reply] [Original]

Long story short, why aren't we all buying as much fucking Nvidia stock as we possibly can right now? I know it seems super obvious but I rarely see anyone bring it up. The crypto mining industry just kicked the door open on their potential margins for profit.

Whereas before their consumer base was primarily restricted to gamers, video editors, artists, and a few other niche industries. They now have a new and voracious consumer base that isn't going anywhere and is buying up all the cards they produce at massively inflated prices. They have a stable core in the gaming industry and even if crypto were to somehow entirely collapse, they'd still be fine.

I know we all have boners for talking about our favorite cryptos but lets get creative here. Much like the California gold rush most of the people who got rich were those selling supplies to the miners. What other industries prop up crypto that we can use to turn a profit? Energy stock? Air conditioner manufacturer stock? ISP stock?

Primarily naming potential stock purchases here but you get the gist of what I'm saying.

>> No.7409160

Amd. I also like to buy semiconductor ETFs like BAKA. Also Samsung is starting to manufacture Asics.

>> No.7409158
File: 147 KB, 1600x1039, 1464315094873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to choke this elf with my dick
how much bzc would be that?

>> No.7409226
File: 64 KB, 640x800, 9 - ojIhv8v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the queen of /biz/ for a reason.

Looking at AMD as well, what about Intel? I know their valuation took a hit not to long ago because of that massive security breach reveal. Thinking it might be a good time to get in while they're still recovering from that.

>> No.7409265
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>> No.7409267

whats that face called where the girl has the tongue out and eyes up? i see it all the time on here

never had a girl in real life doing that but its sexy as fuck

>> No.7409286


>> No.7409290
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>> No.7409292
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>> No.7409305

Intel is ok. Nothing special. Shitty practices but probably undervalued in the long term. Better off buying an ETF like $s.m.h

>> No.7409318

wow thanks, i think i found a new fetish

now i have to figure out how to get my girlfriend to do this, i guess ill just show her this thread or those images

>> No.7409352
File: 55 KB, 499x449, oh come on anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Natalie Mars

Looking into it, I'm pretty new to stocks in general but it seems like a good way to make a profit off crypto while shielding myself from a lot of the volatility.

>> No.7409428

>Natalie Mars
Dammit everyone knows her kek.

>> No.7409483
File: 216 KB, 1363x2048, 2 - QDFT1nA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually spoken to Natalie a few times on twitter, pretty cool person. Sue Lightning's pretty chill as well.

>> No.7409985
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>> No.7410062

Proof of Stake, you idiot.

Proof of Work is obsolete. You'd be investing in myspace at the tail end of the bubble.

>> No.7410123

muh shitcoins

>> No.7410224

These pedo-esque cosplay pics are so degenerate, scat porn feels like it cleanses the palette.

Kys fagot

>> No.7410331
File: 1.11 MB, 640x1136, IMG_2306.PNG.9534d877c3d09ac7bb12738d0b62a3b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn protect her smile

>> No.7410372
File: 109 KB, 1080x1080, 1517384363867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn hug her and tell her it's alright

>> No.7410430

Who is this

>> No.7410487
File: 152 KB, 1389x2048, 3 - lQy94w0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn violently choke her while hitting it from behind and slapping her perfect ass

Bellaumbrella on IG.

>> No.7410533

I fucking hate it when normies see some hentai pics on internet and start to whore by mimicing them.

>> No.7410537

fuck off with this ugly trap loon to /b

>> No.7410569
File: 28 KB, 600x600, but thats wrong you fucking retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Insulting the queen of /biz/

>Thinking traps ever pass this well

>> No.7410578

You fucking faggot. I've had Nvidia stock since 2007. I also have AMD stock which is in a perpetual state of little sister syndrome. My question is why the fuck isn't AMD on top right as all the best mining cards are AMD and they can't be bought easily? Why is my AMD stock fucking $11? Why?

>> No.7410604

>Whereas before their consumer base was primarily restricted to gamers, video editors, artists, and a few other niche industries
>niche industries
Niche industries like public cloud datacenters? Yeah.... I bought into NVDA 2 years ago when AWS and Azure started using GPUs for cloud processing applications. The Wall Street nerds weren't too far behind. Have fun buying in at the top.

>> No.7410685
File: 50 KB, 1081x720, 5 - twSnrFY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you anon, I didn't have the money two years ago.

>Buying in at the top

If crypto has any sort of longevity and growth potential, which I believe it does. Then this is nowhere near the top and you're a fool for believing it is.

>> No.7410711

What I would give to fuck her gently

>> No.7410732

Can you link me a repository for this sanguine semen extraction specialist?

>> No.7410758
File: 64 KB, 639x960, 1517048767297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon in case you haven't been paying attention she's wearing S&M gear. She's a sub, gentle aint what she's into.

Like I said, Bellaumbrella on IG.

>> No.7410800


>> No.7410871


>> No.7410933
File: 15 KB, 650x366, 7087605_a-patrick-bateman-american-psycho-ugly_t9ea12964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ girl of choice

>> No.7410967

yes, selling shovels is always a good idea.

I'm personally going to start my own crypto consulting firm to help small businesses. I've already started writing mock-up reports and the city I live in is full of ambitious young business owners (so lots of $$$). very few people are taking advantage of this where I live, and I have a small amount of experience in marketing and design so I'll at least be able to run most of it on my own for now

>> No.7411798
File: 952 KB, 500x270, hell yeah anon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No soyboys allowed on this board anon.

>> No.7412147

More of this pls.

>> No.7412216

Technologically speaking, Intel is going to hell middle term. They bet on the FinFET technology 10 years ago and never hopped on the FD-SOI technology train, meaning they will be stuck with their fast but heavy-heating and high-consumption chips for a while now. They don't even have the lead on the next wave of thech (photonics interposers/photonic BEOL).

>> No.7412832
File: 330 KB, 634x793, 2017_11_08_07_48_23416428_1963751840564990_8878589383935000576_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's currently beating them in that field?

>> No.7412858

hideous mutant homosexual

>> No.7412915

i hadn't seen this picture, is there another album somewhere

>> No.7413158
File: 402 KB, 1700x1321, crypto gfx cards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait to get my cheap graphics card for half the price

>> No.7413180

>Still thinking this is a trap

Protip anon, not all flat chested girls have cocks

>> No.7413245

wait, this isn't a faggot, is it?

>> No.7413267

Christopher Bale is the prime human male

>> No.7413307

Son, that's an ugly dude, why would you save that? You some kind of faggot or something?

>> No.7413312

No, she's not a trap, traps don't pass anywhere near this well. Please take the shit tier fantasy to /b/.

>> No.7413370

im not a faggot which is why i used the word faggot. it's just that ive seen faggots that easily looked just like this chick.

>> No.7413394

Like who? I've met a fair number in person due to my profession, none pass. You can always tell.

>> No.7413403

everyones a faggot 'round here boi

>> No.7413445

literally all these pictures are guys you faggots

also you are LATE as BEYOND LATE as fuck for nvidia. you think you were smart coming up with that idea?

>> No.7413489

lmao no
Belle Delphine

>> No.7413548

Considering you still think Belle Delphine is a dude I'm having trouble taking anything you say seriously.

>> No.7413636
File: 50 KB, 500x357, queenofbiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7413844

Maybe with deepfake we can put some dick on that girl, we truly live in a great time bois

>> No.7413897
File: 24 KB, 640x532, bc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4000% da queen.

>> No.7414127

meeting them in person is quite different than seeing them on a still photo from a certain angle. also i couldnt say who even if you paid me, i dont keep track of random gays on the internet

>> No.7414205
File: 57 KB, 1024x529, 42lsvgjz2le01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7414450

Take a look at moria token. Basically it's a mining company that is going through the ICO process right now to raise capital for their operations. The neat part is it's going to give you shares in the form of tokens, pay dividends quarterly in eth- straight to the wallet you hold it at.

I think we're going to start seeing more and more companies that do ICOs follow this format because the SEC is involved and it helps remove the volatility.

>> No.7414571

nvidia is overpriced as shit

AMD sells just as well due to the crypto boom, sells processors too

but somehow ENTIRE AMD is worth 10x less than NVDA?

>> No.7414685
File: 215 KB, 2048x1363, 8 - nBkWfsW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't pretend to understand it either, that being said I'd imagine it has something to do with Nvidia's much larger marketing presence.

>> No.7414833

it doesn't MATTER, there's a huge shortage of cards for mining, any card is being sold instantly

any shitty new card AMD releases will fly off the shelf no matter the price

>> No.7414852

holy shit i forgot about that

>> No.7414878

NVIDIA holds 70% of the GPU market, AMD less than 20%

>> No.7414893

>"hey man I'd like to buy a singular gpu from your house"
>pay and leave
>hire blacks to break in and steal the rest and pay them $20 per gpu

>> No.7415022

Right now they have lost their #1 to Samsung, probably gonna be overtaken by TSMC in results in the next few years. Technologically they are already late compared to those two, and to other large manufacturers (GloFo). TSMC supplies AMD and a ton of other minor CPU manufacturers.

>> No.7415035

Fucks sake. This is unironically a bloke

>> No.7415070

You never, ever make deals at your house

>> No.7415116


>> No.7415176

You guys do realize that NVidia holds like 75% of the marketshare, right?
And that's just the consumer market. Nvidia has a huge share of the corporate market as well where they supply graphics and animation companies with $10,000 cards

>> No.7415275

>75% of the market
>90% of the market cap

let's not forget that intel holds 75% of the CPU market and ALSO has 20x market cap (although that's actually reasonable since they're like 99% in the server market)

>> No.7415326
File: 98 KB, 960x960, Sosenka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen you fucking degenerates.
Search for SOSENKA on facebook. Thank me later.

>> No.7415327
File: 55 KB, 644x790, 2017_11_08_09_52_23347493_126369564699843_7679867232846872576_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't seem to understand what we're discussing.

>You guys do realize Nvidia holds 75% of the market share right?

Are you retarded or just incapable of reading? We know nvidia holds the majority, we're discussing why.

>> No.7415639

There's no reason for AMD to be below $20 a share. It made a profit in 2017, will easily make a profit in 2018 if everything else stays the same.

>continue to beat earnings
>stock doesn't budge

what the actual fuck

>> No.7415886

>Samsung is moving in with crypto mining chips
>Ongoing bear market will make miners GPU useless if ETH crashes below a certain point
>ETH to go PoS eventually
>market will be flooded with cheap GPU
>NVIDIA stocks will tank
At least buy in later, not now that it has pumped

>> No.7416119
File: 86 KB, 961x1442, 10 - fNVSiSw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell market manipulation.

Fair enough.

>> No.7416748

its Proof of Sex
now prove it you virgin neckbeard

>> No.7417486

Once ETH moves over to POS, the mining community will take a hit as it is the most popular coin to mine.
But normies might not know that and stll buy GPUs thinking they will get rich off it instead of buying ASICs.

>> No.7417578
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>> No.7417661

And reported right during the index’s pullback. Dow, Spy, and nas all lost 5+ %. Even explosive growth can’t overcome that.

Protip:watch indexes before betting.

>> No.7418478

>im not a faggot which is why i used the word faggot.
this is what faggots believe

>> No.7418703

Numba 5
Never sell no crack where you rest at.
I don't care if they want an ounce, tell em bounce!

>> No.7418807

i woke up to see this, and it made my day

>> No.7419070

Nvidia, alongside many other semiconductor/microprocessors is included in many Tech ETFs, like IXN, or VGT. You can get exposure to many equities that could profit from crypto-mania, or just general technology-boom, without putting all your eggs in one basket.

I wouldn't put all my money into Nvidia, or any other single stock, without spending at least a week buried in 10K's and 10Q's, to make sure I'm actually getting a good price for the company. And I definitely wouldn't go all in just because someone on /biz/ posted a clever idea about it.

>> No.7419402

she’s got braces too?
are you trying to fucking distract me god dannit

>> No.7419487

fuck off reddit

>> No.7419511

Kek, welcome to 2014

>> No.7419581

Take this crack licking whore out of /biz/ you degenerates

>> No.7419789

sorry OP I'm not nearly gay enough to fall for that