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7408676 No.7408676 [Reply] [Original]

day 2 of me trying this shit to forget about blockfolio losses.


10mg valium
20m zolpidem
1 gin shot

when is this shit kicking in? should i fight the urge to sleep? can i drink more gin or will i die of slow breathing

pls respond

>> No.7408724

Bro you’re going to die your respiratory system will slow to a halt. No joke I’ve seen it happen.

>> No.7408770

Watch benzodiazepine withdrawal videos on youtube.

Btw the market srabilized.

>> No.7408780

dream market?

>> No.7408796

Be careful with benzos m8 at least try not to do them every day. If you get hooked which can happen quickly when taking them daily you become physically dependent and when you stop the withdrawals are shit and can cause seizures and/or death

>t. year long clonazolam habit quit pretty much cold turkey
>luckily no seizures but took a long time to feel normal again

>> No.7408802

For fucks sake don't drink and take benzos you idiot. Vomit up whatever you can.

>> No.7408807


i been told my dosages are ok. now u making me panic m8

>> No.7408846

10 mg valium isn't shit you won't die from that small of an amount although zolpidem I don't know much about. But don't take more and don't drink much either and you'll be good. Smoke some weed if you're not feeling it yet

>> No.7409046
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oh shit its starting

my body is much heavier and my moves slower

should i do another small gin shot for absolute cozyness or will it be too much

>> No.7409104


you should transfer me some eth or btc

why not guyyyyyyyyy

>> No.7409140

Take another shot you'll be fine. God I miss benzos, not worth it though they fuck your brain up too much

>> No.7409153


gimme ur wallet bro. i have -+30k swings with every refresh i wouldnt even notice if 500 are missing. why not do sometjhing nic3e

>> No.7409192

More gin my friend, you can never lose

>> No.7409194


It's just idiots crying. Link me a good one.

>> No.7409224



>> No.7409252
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please bro im bleeding out here and really want to buy some more shitcoins. poorfag looking to make it

>> No.7409253

>now u making me panic m8

clearly havent taken enough

>> No.7409255


bro this tangerey is legit smooth af. id down the bottle if u gimme ur word ill be fine

>> No.7409277


nah no more panic about mixin em. we over thaz stage. now i ask about tje gin

holy fuck i canz tapre

>> No.7409323


alright so im very comfy now but my eyesight doew what it whants it doesnt lloik where i want it to

>> No.7409342

this. you will fuck up your brain if you dont die from respiratory depression. dont mix benzozs with alcohol anon. just take enough benzoz to get fucked. literally not even one shot just take 30 mg of valium tomorrow.

>> No.7409351
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OP, you should find better ways to cope with your stress.
Go take a walk. Cycle around the city for a while.

Also, I dont know whats giving you this level of stress but if its crypto losses I can tell you that trading is not your thing if you are this susceptible to stress.

>> No.7409367

dude don't actually drink anymore. But you are fucked up on benzos and will drink anyways.
(I had a benzo problem in high school).

>> No.7409387

In what way?

>> No.7409390

yea smoke weed dude fuck the other shit.

>> No.7409395


Come on send it before you die plz

>> No.7409406
File: 1.67 MB, 4128x2322, tramalol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't listen to the brainlets fearmongers you can push way much with benzos but you are right to start it cool.
valium is shit and you build tolerance quite rapidly, but zolpidem is the real deal. If you manage to not get asleep for the first 30min you will start to hallucinate and be supracomfy, but it's quite exhausting.
Over the time i advise you to go for the opioids tho, it will fuck your serotonin levels but benzos literally poke holes in your brain if you abuse them for too long, and damn... you just become too resistant, so after few years even zolpi wont help you to sleep, especially if you are a very stressed person like me.
the slow breathing if super comfy and part of why it's nice to use them, just don"t abuse alchool and you will be fine. btw you should just simply stop to drink alchool, they also help you build resistance to benzos and diminish the comfy effects.
don't take more than 80mg zolpi per day. If you can take tramadol alongside, go ahead.

for the ballslets, pic is what i took last year, i'm taking massive opioids + benzos since 10 years and i'm still alive, stop fearmongering if you don't know what you are talking about plz.

>> No.7409409


alright so im alightly nuked and cozy in.bed nowm

my plan to take a small anotjher gin.shot and then.go smoke 1 while liatint to musikü

>> No.7409414

benzo w/d sucks. some say worse than heroin.

use low doses to manage anxiety, high doses will give you seizures, paranoia, loss of memory, and worse during the withdrawal.

>> No.7409445


bros i cant read anymore inswear. i undetstand em. juat wtite everythint in.cligf nottes

>> No.7409488


>> No.7409543

so can i drink my 3rd gin shot and smoke a cig after???

after 20mg zolpf and 10m valium

feelins rihjt now: good.eyes are heavy, muvh hard3r to.write or read or understanf anything wz all

>> No.7409592
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>> No.7409602

be careful about drinking too much, you aren't going to realize how fucked you are.

>> No.7409615

Benzos will make you fiendish but you're probably already pretty fucked up and not even feeling the full effects yet. If you continue to drink you will likely black out. Also valium has a long half life so you will probably wake up still feeling lingering effects.

>> No.7409628

Dude he is already lost. I need to stop posting in this thread this is actually fucked.

>> No.7409658


i dont feel like fappin

ok coke i always did


so now music gin and a cig

lets dooo this frens

>> No.7409716

>1 gin shot
You're missing about 9 more you fucking normam faggot.

>> No.7409721

go to 420chan

>> No.7409774

OP, if you really want to kick this experience up to the next level, you need to mix 1 part white vinegar with 4 parts milk into a shotglass, drop a penny into it and shoot it. Make sure you swallow the penny. If you aren't from burgerland any low-denomination coin with a high zinc content will do. You can trust me, I have a PhD in technical analysis.

>> No.7409775


i did 3 now and they somehow legit feel like 23 lol

>> No.7409791

pls sirs

>> No.7409832


we got 3 eth adresses who is the legit dude

tell me

>> No.7409914


>> No.7409939

we are all legit sirs pls

>> No.7409978

dude don't overreact. not worth it to destroy yourself over it.

>> No.7409980

rum + tamazepam y'day. couldn't move for like 3 hours

>> No.7409988

send me eth and ill give you some super dank benzos tunes m8

>> No.7410013

Stop encouraging him guys just let him have his fun. If he drinks more he will die. It is not as uncommon as you would think.

>> No.7410245

im now in bed about to pass out any second. will the dreams be cozy

should i smoke a cig? take a nother ambien 10mg?

>> No.7410416

your a fucking retard. 9 shots mixed with valium is like taking 36 shots. your really trying to kill an anon?

>> No.7410420


i have enough of gin. that shit made buzz too much even tho it was only 3 shots

now what now

a cig and 10mg zolpidem to end it?

>> No.7410449


holy fuck why is the alcohol hittin in at full speed lmao

>> No.7410484

dude dont take any more alc or benzos. you need to smoke a bowl and you will realize you are fucking hammered.

>> No.7410532
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Realtalk OP stay the fuck away from benzos - I’ve been hooked on everything from ritalin to cocaine and molly - benzos will fuck your life up and are as hard to get off of as heroin because within only a week you’ll become physically dependent and when you try to quit you won’t be able to sleep for two weeks if you dont stop now. Dont do the mistake as with your bitcoins get out while you’re ahead

>> No.7410546

take both faggot

>> No.7410584


ì have weed here but that shit makes me paranoid, pessimistic and depressed

so im thinking to pop another ambien to put me to sleep

>> No.7410607


ight m8

>> No.7410609


Look after yourself /biz/bro.

>> No.7410615

you just swallowed glorified sleeping pills. why do you think that will be fun?

>> No.7410629


my body wantd to vommit the gin


>> No.7410634

t. idiot that doesn't know how to cycle off and on

>> No.7410645



I'm on my phone now, no wifi. Swear on my momma.

>> No.7410662


it was fun yesterday but today my body is abit confused. mixed with gin and upped the ambien

hope a cig will clear me out now but my body is kinda stuck and u cant get up yet lmao

>> No.7410683

just try and sleep as is anon start counting to 100 with your eyes closed and i doubt youll make it

>> No.7410705


3 small gin shots feel like i downed 4 bottles

mind nuked

>> No.7410723

na the paranoia is you realizing you fucked up about something. I guarantee if you smoke a bowl right now you'll realize you are fucked up and wont take anything else.

>> No.7410737

If you transfer me whatever you have in ETH, I'll give you advice.

>> No.7410776


>> No.7410796

My advice is that dry Gin is the superior drink.

>> No.7410874

This thread reminds me of the time I spent a year of my life doing meth everyday and then knocking myself out with flobromazolam to get to sleep. Interesting time back then.

>> No.7410913

100g of brain and maybe you will stop investing in shitcoins.

>> No.7411222

flubro is crazy shit i tried some for a few days, then got withdrawals and that led to a year of clonazolam abuse that ended in the ER. But the first few doses of flubro were godly I imagine that's the closest we'll get to Quaaludes these days

>> No.7412047

Enjoy your permanent brain damage OP you fucking idiot