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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 152 KB, 1500x840, VeChain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7407057 No.7407057 [Reply] [Original]

give it to me straight biz. is ven actually a reddit meme or a bluechip?

i hate this cultist neckbeard circlejerk vibe this coin has with also retarded insiders on twitter like that cck. wtf is this gay cringe shit?

wasnt this shit a wine tracker which all of a sudden turned into muh neo killer and copied its dividend gas marketing meme?

icon looks clean and flawless in comparison.

im all in on it but i feel retarded having a large sum in 1 coin only.

im thinking of doing icon, omg and maybe ven if yall say its worth it

>> No.7407161

yeah bro sell ven right now
ven is super gay bro i agree

>> No.7407232

Sell your VEN and buy ICON then.

ICON is done, simply because koreans dont give a shit about the supposedly "korean ethereum".

>> No.7407241

Sell ven buy xvg anon

>> No.7407249

>>if yall say its worth it

>> No.7407273

i will bro
have fun being broke, boss
ven is a hype shitcoin

>> No.7407287


so thats why icons tg and kakaotalk are super active you absolute brainlet. chew a dick you mouthbreathing mongrel.

>> No.7407319

don't be brainless, hold both.

>> No.7407327

VEN got banned on /r/cryptocurrency for heavily shilled and yes CCK is a gay cringe

>> No.7407367

Shady CEO, fake acronym partnerships (DVGL, PWC, etc), I would sell it all.

>> No.7407394

>banned on leddit

that actually worries me. coins need the normies behind them to get huge

>> No.7407421

Buy ICON it's got a low market cap and has recovered nicely. It just dipped and is going up again.

>> No.7407433
File: 1.64 MB, 1000x1000, pep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>koreans don't give a shit
>trust me guys I know the ins and outs of korea

>> No.7407436

buy WTC instead of VEN sir

>> No.7407506


VEN isn’t a real project. It was revealed that the DNV GL presentation was faked and that the speakers were actors. DNV GL is just a shell for Jim Breyer to pretend like VeChain has real partners.

>> No.7407705

Until they show off their tech, VeChain is just vaporware.

>> No.7408474

Streisand effect
BANNED FROM REDDIT = a force to be reckoned with

>> No.7408531
File: 6 KB, 166x176, 6znpce2xgce01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All you need to know is Breyer Capital is invested in VeChain. Don't ask a bunch of autistic fucking retards what to invest in, take a look where the institutional money is going. Look at VeChains customers. VeChain will be one of the best performing cryptos of the next few years.

>> No.7408611

their CEO sunny is into some shady activity, i pulled my ven into eth last week

>> No.7408648


VEN official name on reddit is now Voldemort.

>> No.7408678


>> No.7408696

ven might be alright. but if you're looking for to moon in the near future icx is a much better bet.

>> No.7408873

i flipped icx for a nice little profit but see no reason to hold it long term. lots of hype very little substance. the conference was lame. much more upside with VEN. OMG may be the biggest winner of the 3 tho. hold your VEN until the rebrand then flip half over. i could see it going 100+ eoy easy

>> No.7408968


100% true. they were crypto actors.

>> No.7409293

What the fuck do you care about retarded fanboys when you sell your chips to some company wanting to cover their expenses on blockchain in couple of years or sell them tor ffs. Everything vechain touches is gonna turn into gold soon enought. Also its gonna wipe out whole bunch of immature projects.

>> No.7409940

They're building a smart city in China, Google it

>> No.7410359

fuck off nigger. its for the longrun.. im sure you cant even find the korean google

>> No.7410928

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.7411049

This coin is trash son

>> No.7411244


reddit loves this coin so much they banned it from being discussed there

>> No.7411255


this doesn't mean anything you fucking imbecile, it is pure marketing
just what type of dumbfuck do you have to be to fall for "we are building a smart city with so and so"

>> No.7411301

If coins needed Reddit then XRB (Redditblocks) would be 100x by now

>> No.7411338
File: 7 KB, 225x225, yfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7411391
File: 171 KB, 960x704, D6B82BFD-137A-450B-A3D3-85DD174CB243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your poverty

>> No.7411395

I actually checked out DNV GL "records" the company is registered in the middle of nowhere and found in the 1800s , yea right like im suppose 2 believe that, i then check their records and they have fake books with "revenues" in the billions, clearly a work of a proffesional or professionals, this dnv gl things goes much deeper then we think

>> No.7411494
File: 103 KB, 500x524, 1517136375355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7411513

Buy AMB ffs. How can you people be so stupid?

>> No.7411539




>> No.7411578

Can operate the internet, can’t detect sarcasm.

>> No.7411602

>all caps
That’s enough 4chan for today buddy.

>> No.7411608

it did go 100x in october you dumb faggot

>> No.7411683

What shady activity, or are you just repeating what you've seen other keks post here?

>> No.7411784

its a fucking meme u retarded faggot. ever heard of a joke? lurk moar or go back to plebbit

>> No.7412855

Are you retarded? The gui'an province is building a smart city with blockchain technology that is being contracted to vechain. Seriously, remain poor

>> No.7412903

I cant tell whats a meme anymore