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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7406834 No.7406834 [Reply] [Original]

All jokes aside can you get a high paying job with a lower Iq? Would it ever be possible to make 100k USD + with a 110 I.Q and ADHD? I know it's too low for Uni or anything STEM related so what could I do? Does anyone here have a lower Iq but still has a high paying and fulfilling job?

>ib4 start a business.

That's extreamly risky, and the vast majority of bussiness fail. I'm talking about a job/career.

>> No.7406869

80 > 30

>> No.7406975

110 is above average.

>> No.7407017

IT? not 100k but its pretty good I think right? Sales? Or like most low iq chads, do a business major and become STEM fags bosses. But you have to be a chad to do it.

>> No.7407021

It's below average for Uni, and below average for any nice wealthy area.

>> No.7407078

For anything above 50k in It you have to be very smart I'm pretty sure, I guess I could do shitty tech support stuff and computer repair but you don't get paid very highly for that. And I'm not a Chad. I was screwed by genetics mentally and physically.

>> No.7407105
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>4 boxes
>below average

>> No.7407156
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>> No.7407179


"4 boxes" not "at least 4 boxes".

>> No.7407187

truly best girl

>> No.7407195

goddamit. i totally didn't see that

>> No.7407199

They never said they had to be different boxes :^)

>> No.7407222
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>brainlet hasn't been to uni

>> No.7407236

just get smart drugs and go into tech

anyway, I think being a good people-person is honestly more important than having technical skills. It takes a special mind to be an amazing engineer, but everyone can practice their social skills.

>> No.7407238
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2D >3D



>> No.7407256


get a lisense if your not a total tard you will pass ffind a good place to work read some books and youll be okay

first month i made 7k, but i am smart

>> No.7407375

Well I'm 18 and in Hs. I doubt I could get into one.

>> No.7407379

4 pixels to draw a line through the greater than sign, as it becomes ≯

>> No.7407403

there are countless retards in uni, seriously 90 IQ tards that can't do shit

many of them graduate and get high paying jobs eventually reaching management positions, all the while they're still massive incompetent retards

>> No.7407431


>> No.7407461

Isn't that super boring?
Anyway, I'm considering getting into uni being 25 right now and studying software engineering or the likes.

>> No.7407463

how is 2D greater than 3D

>> No.7407479

I have roughly 110 Iq and ADHD. I'm in uni and loving it.

>> No.7407484

I'm dumb as a bag of rocks and made $120k last FY

>> No.7407500
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Of course not because the only thing that makes the boxes different from each other is their different locations- because if they were all in the same location there'd be only one box.

>> No.7407514
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>too dumb for uni

Intellect =/= being a good student. My ex is in medicine. It will also interest you to know that she asked me "is a solar eclipse when the sun goes in front of the moon?"

If you're 110 and in stem, you will most likely be slightly above the average person around you. Look at being a student as being a skill that intellect definitely helps, but isn't actually mandatory for elite grades.

>> No.7407519

Pls no bully

>> No.7407550

Better women

>> No.7407554

Become a plumber. I never have had to work on pipe clogged with shit and make $70k a year non-union with full benefits and RRSP contributions with just over three years experience and made just over $15k in side jobs last year. Pretty laid back job and plenty of work out there. Will easily be hitting $100k within the next two years.

>> No.7407560

3D is PD

>> No.7407568

Ackshually the 4 boxes are on the 3D side of the image which makes stacking possible

>> No.7407575

do it pussy I'm 20 and fucked off for 2 years but plan to start school in the spring just do what >>7407236 said and load up on nootropics

>> No.7407591

you didnt even know that inequality existed stop fronting weebtrash

>> No.7407602

What are you majoring in?

>> No.7407603

Fuck the trades just tempt me so much. Where do you live to be on that salary?

>> No.7407625



>> No.7407648

112 iq here. Get into trades. make well over 100k. My trading is shit but my trade is a cash cow

>> No.7407662


>> No.7407697

nobody tell him

>> No.7407724

I'm in Vancouver. You can definitely earn more coin working in other areas, but I don't want to leave the West Coast. I highly recommend going into them. The Baby Boomers are all retiring now so if you get in now it's super easy to become a foreman at a young age

>> No.7407732

Uni is piss easy to get into unless you want to do something difficult like advanced maths or science. The majority of people in uni are 100 or below 100 IQ.

>> No.7407734

What trade are you in? And how much money do you exactly make in Usd per year? How many years did it take to get to that?

>> No.7407758

My IQ is around 90 and I couldn't even graduate high school. I cannot imagine a person with an IQ of 90 graduating college.

The only available jobs for people in my IQ range are: Janitor, Wendy's chef, Cashier, etc.. Very low skill, mind numbing, suicide inducing jobs. I envy so much those who have the gift of high IQ (like OP)

>> No.7407793

>Low I.Q jobs
Get a trade.

>> No.7407795

The average Uni graduate in the Us has an iq of 118. There's not many dumb people in UNI. Sure there's probably a few in the arts/meme fashion degree crap but going to uni under a 120 I.Q puts you at a huge disadvantage to your peers.

>> No.7407833

how long did it take for you to be a plumber

>> No.7407840

Why couldn't you graduate high school? What problems did you face? I'm pretty sure one of my friends has an IQ around that and she graduated with a degree in commerce. You have to work harder than most but it's not impossible

>> No.7407879

I repair and service a certain luxury good. That led to selling new ones also. Now I have a crew that runs around doing it for me. Start small, answer your phone , show up on time. Find something that fags can't do from their computers.

>> No.7407921

It's a four year apprenticeship so I have one year left. I bounced up in wages quick at my company because I could already read the plans and draw isometric piping diagrams and had a few other skills. I was studying mechanical engineering before I got into plumbing, but dropped out after I got involved with drugs for a bit.

>> No.7407926

>mfw I spent 30 seconds looking at it, turned the 3 into an 8 to get 20 > 80, and then felt smart and smugly scrolled through the comments to see if anyone got the same answer as me.

What the fuck? I'm a decently rich and talented software developer. When did I become retarded? I'm too young to get dementia.

>> No.7407927


So weird on a board that's supposedly smart people pretending to be idiots to see two people earnestly introspecting about their prospects as idiots.

>> No.7407962
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Why does everyone seem to know their iq? Online iq test are BS, i got 130 and im stupid as shit

>> No.7407965

90 IQ is still enough to graduate high school/college

most of the education system is just repetition, following orders, and having at least a half-decent memory.

People with low IQ often have additional problems stacked on top, like drug addiction, excessive alcohol consumption, abusive home/family life, stuff like that.

If you're in a good home/family situation and stay away from drugs/alcohol and don't have immense financial problems, you can easily get through college/university even if you're 90 IQ.

You can probably go back and get your diploma and start taking night classes or something if you clean the rest of your life up and have 100% dedication to earning a degree.

>> No.7407972

>talented software developer

I'd go to the hospital if I was you.

>> No.7407973

>not union
I didn't know such an opportunity existed in the People's Republic of Canada

>> No.7407983

I can't write a paper no matter how hard I tried. And I failed algebra. I just couldn't do it. I highly highly doubt your friend has an IQ of 90.

>> No.7408003

this so much

Forget about everbody in uni beeing above average. I saw people graduating who were too dumb to be able to find out how to post on 4chan. It's more about how you sell yourself (jobmarket) and if you're really not that smart if you're able to put effort in (in uni). Most examen can be done by effort and experience.

But don't forget you are competing with a lot of others doing the same shit. If i just wanted to earn money and could go back in time i would definitely learn a trade. You can have your own company in your early 20s and if you're not completely retarted (IQ below 70) you can earn a decent amount. If you're able to learn and research how to grow a company and talk to people it's easy to pull in more than 100k.

One alternative is to go the start low and just put in more effort as the average high schooler in franchise stuff. Be it McDonalds or any other store which is in need of general managers doing the same shit all over the country. You start low, work your way up by being remotely motivated and stay at the top just by copying what other people in that position do.

>> No.7408026

At my school, people really did not know how to use a washing machine and dryer.

>> No.7408037

You're writing perfectly fine in this thread.. how's a paper any different? If you just have trouble concentrating, there's plenty of drugs for that

>> No.7408044

To make what I make? I work on institutional projects so I make more than the retards who build houses and highrises

>> No.7408050

Your IQ measures you ability to do iq tests

>> No.7408061
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I'm timing you - nobody else answer.

Just curious to see how you do if you struggle with basic algebra.

>> No.7408083

Easy just make it .30 only used 1 black box. What is my prize?

>> No.7408101


The satisfaction of not knowing you're not part of a deviant underclass.

>> No.7408109

Because I am writing about myself, and I only have to write a few sentences. Writing a paper is much different.

I have no trouble concentrating, and I've tried nicotine, modafinil, caffine, and adderal and none of helped or made me "smarter". I just felt high.

>> No.7408132

the underrated correct answer

>> No.7408136

Detailing new and used cars for a big name car dealership. Easy 40k-50k a year with potential to make more the quicker you work. Dummies can do this job you just have to go through the steps thoroughly, be able to drive well, and have a little bit of strength.

>> No.7408138

Where did you even get that figure? You realize that even the figure is accurate (doubt it) it's distorted by students doing harder majors. Those people have high IQs, the average uni student has only a slightly above average IQ, so 110 definitely qualifies.

For the average student, as long as you're average (100) IQ is irrelevant. University is all about jumping through hoops and studying. If you're willing to do what they ask you to do, you'll graduate.

>> No.7408139

Better than nothing I suppose.

>> No.7408142


What is it exactly you find difficult about writing a paper? Where does it become difficult?

>> No.7408145

that's not even that bad if you are able to read and use google (most people aren't)

>> No.7408158

I don't even want to know my IQ. If it's too low I'll get depressed because I'm a retard, if it's too high I'll get depressed because I'm an underachieving loser, if it's average then I'll get depressed because I'm just some regular pleb.

>> No.7408163

Most of the people i've met in high paying position are only there because of the connections they got from their rich parents, so their IQ is pretty low. So yes you can get a high paying job with a low IQ anon.

>> No.7408191

I don't see any mistakes.

My whole point in posting in this thread is that an IQ of 90 is not enough to graduate college, unless you are cheating, having other people do your schoolwork or being forced through for diversity reasons.

>> No.7408193


Sounds like the problem is you're depressed.

>> No.7408199


>I only have to write a few sentences.

A paper is the same if someone teaches you how to write it properly. Have main thesis, break it up into a handful of arguments, and write a few sentences for each argument. I think you're underestimating yourself anon.

>> No.7408207
File: 370 KB, 502x277, 1517770348252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out

>> No.7408218

you motherfuckers

>> No.7408228

Minecraft youtubers

>> No.7408272
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>pic related

>> No.7408273


I don't know you just don't read like an idiot - you seem conscientious and introspective so I'm trying to understand what precise quality it is that you seem to lack if you've struggled or whether there's been some sort of obstacle to your achieving.

You just don't seem like an idiot.

>> No.7408306


>> No.7408320

It's too vague. Algebra I can understand at least, even if I am not good at it. You have a problem and you need to write down the solution. But how am I supposed to write a paper, I have read all the guides on "beginning middle and end" and "thesis sentece, topic sentence", I studies grammar and vocabulary for many hours, but I still can't do it adequately even if I am given several days to write a single page paper. and forget about detailed, multiple page papers.

>> No.7408323

>"at least 4 boxes" is not "boxes <= 4" but "boxes >= 4"
the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.7408357

doesn't really fit the grid though

>> No.7408358
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Mami is how.

>> No.7408374

Exactly. Did this anon think there was some magical element to writing a paper?

There is little difference. I also think you're underestimating yourself

>> No.7408390


I remember going through a bunch of technical questions once for a job interview which I ended up getting so I got to speak to the guy who wrote it.

It really annoys me how people who write tests don't adequately define the parameters of their questions meaning it's open to several interpretations - yet it's still arbitrarily the interpretation they have in mind when they're writing it.

>> No.7408490

>It really annoys me how people who write tests don't adequately define the parameters of their questions meaning it's open to several interpretations - yet it's still arbitrarily the interpretation they have in mind when they're writing it.
That's because they're brainlets. The issue never even crossed their minds. The vast majority of hr people are dumb faggots.

>> No.7408503

I remember in 9th grade I was asked to read and then write a 2 page paper on Romeo and Juliet. I read the play twice and then tried to write the paper, following the guide although not really understsnding it, and I got an F, lol. I got mostly Fs and Ds thoughout my high school career.

>> No.7408609

Well you are typically given a subject or topic. Pick an angle and write about it. Like everything, it needs practice. Your grammar and vocabulary seems fine. That friend I mentioned earlier, you seem way smarter than her desu.

Did you ask the teacher why you got an F?

>> No.7408630

do you remember what the topic was for the paper?

when I was in high school and university most of the papers I wrote were just bullshit, I'd just ramble and tell them what I thought they wanted to hear. It helps to have a good imagination and be able to bullshit your way through things, but reinforcing some of that bullshit with quotes or themes from the subject material.

The big thing they want to see is some amount of effort, and at least a moderate amount of relevance. If it's evident you put no time into writing the paper or reading the source material, or you're so far off topic or rambling about nonsense that it's evident you didn't understand the source material, then of course you'll fail, but as long as you can convince them that you put time into the paper, and that you at least partially read and understood the source material, it's pretty easy to get high marks.

>> No.7408711

Christina T_T

>> No.7408760

90 IQ brainlet here, made a lot of lucky picks in crypto and sold the top.

Have a comfy accounting job at a large firm. Raking in 120k a year.

>> No.7408787


t. maths phd

>> No.7408886

just read other papers in the same field that you are trying to write in, and learn the patterns they use

>> No.7408922
File: 343 KB, 1000x1024, 80 greater than 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are seriously retaded

>> No.7408939

you brainlets need to watch this

IQ is the single greatest predictor for your success in life and what career you're suitable for and will succeed in. This isn't opinion it's science.

>> No.7408956

its not really a proper '8' though, is it?

>> No.7408965

I don't remember very well but I think the topic was about Juilet's feelings after Romeo's supposed death. I did not ask why I got an F but it's not like that was my only F.

>> No.7409042

E) 20%

>> No.7409167

predictor of success, and measure of intelligence are two very different things though. IQ tests mostly just test pattern recognition skills and spatial thinking; which are definitely important, but are not a full measure of someones intellectual capacity. being good at a test suggests being good at following instructions and learning what is taught to you - it doesnt necessarily imply that you have any kind of deep understanding of the subject. but you dont have to be really smart to be successful anyway.

>> No.7409244

Anon, i hate to break it to you but plenty of total fucking morons make waaay more than 100k. Be charismatic. Take care of yourself. Wear nice clothes and don't be an asshole and you can climb the ladder as a total fucking moron.

>> No.7409282

Intelligence and knowledge are not the same thing. Having a higher intelligence quotient indicates an ability to acquire and interpret new knowledge more easily. If someone with a 50 IQ spent twenty years studying algebra, but some seven-year-old with an 80 IQ is still struggling with it, that doesn't necessarily mean the 20-year veteran is smarter.

>> No.7409317

lel nice

>> No.7409325

has this thread actually been graced by the legendary Canadian Plumber?

>> No.7409339
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>> No.7409346


>> No.7409378

is the mistake that there is no mistake

>> No.7409396

im not disputing that, but the test itself is not perfect, it skews much too far towards people who have a natural bent towards maths and spatial thinking

>> No.7409418

"Can you find the the mistake?"

>> No.7409440

become a rigger

>> No.7409451

It is up until about 133. After that there's an inverse correlation. The higher your IQ, the more likely you will have a POOR life outcome.

Also: people tend to overestimate the average IQ of a given profession or field. And they tend to overestimate the importance of IQ and technical skill. There is something to the joke that A students are managed by B students who work for C students. Social skills, i.e. being a Chad, count for a lot and can easily lead to a career which eclipses that of your average gifted (high IQ) individual.

>Anyway, I'm considering getting into uni being 25 right now and studying software engineering or the likes.
I am a software engineer and I have mixed feelings about it. Depending on the job and project I sometimes love it, but often times I hate it with a passion. The money is good but not as great as it is often portrayed to be. For some reason people overlook all the trades and professions that can earn more, some of which are less stressful and require less up front investment in terms of education.

A simple example of my points above: I am/was the "gifted" individual with a very high IQ. I have a cousin who was dead average. My cousin is now a real estate agent who makes way more money than I do, and he loves his life. I, quite frankly, hate my life and suffer from anxiety and depression because I don't know how to change it or make it better. And I'm ready to quit my current position due to stress. (The B managers and C execs won't listen to the A student engineers when it comes to tech choices, so everything is a cluster fuck. Then they wonder why projects don't go as planned.)

IQ isn't everything.

>> No.7409458

..which in itself is a confirmation bias, because the people who put the most stock in IQ being important, are generally the people for whom IQ being important benefits the most..

>> No.7409505

Get a hybrid blue/white collar job like servicing technician or field support stuff if you are into tech

>> No.7409622


>> No.7409652

I'm doing a dual degree in Business Management (Majoring in Sustainability) and Media, Communication and Culture. The Media Communication & Culture part is basically an amalgamation of liberal arts degree's that allows me to do journalism, advertising, marketing, PR and anything in between. I am also doing a Minor in German studies.

My GPA sucks and i very rarely do well in my assessment, but very rarely fail as well. I suck at studying but i love learning. Mostly due to the ADHD, i have a hard time concentrating on anything for a sustained period of time that i'm not VERY interested in. That doesn't seem to matter yet though, multiple job offers in my area of study, and i have started a small business doing Media & Communications consulting. This includes doing marketing plans, ect. So far it has been very easy to do.

>> No.7409659

110 is not too low for STEM. I've never had an official test but I'd consider my IQ to be average of very slightly above average, probably 100-110. I'm a software engineer earning $120k/year. You just need to study more than the smarter people. Hard work pays off

>> No.7409667

You could just be bad at following instructions and bullshiting your way through

>> No.7409707

Garbagemen can make more than you believe. Automation is starting to get there though.

>> No.7409795

Real state, huh?

For some reason, that doesn't seem appealing at all. Plus, the future's in robotics, which will need IT and engineers.

Idk man, I know I will hate coding nonstop like a retard, but I don't think I would enjoy real state either. Don't know...

I envy my friend who's already graduated soft. engineering and some other guy who's studying law and finance at the same time.

Maybe I should try to be a network engineer or a network security analyst.

Or maybe I should get into teaching my native language in another country. Or getting into e-marketing.

>> No.7409842


This, just get a script for Adderall and go stem. There's a huge range of options, you'll find something you're good at. I really doubt a 110 iq will prevent you from getting a degree if you actually put in effort. I guarantee you there's at least a few sub-100 iq mongs halfway into a BSEE right now because they didn't over think this like you're doing now.

>> No.7409845

Unironically landscaping

Not that landscaping isn't mentally demanding. It's more a practice makes perfect kind of trade.

I can make 1.5 k after a good days work due to being able to maintain a large, beautiful garden for the mega rich by myself.

All the money is in hedging.


>> No.7409850

Just tell us anon. If it can’t be done from the computer then the 20 other anons in this thread will most likely not be your neighbors and won’t compete with you

>> No.7409922

>For some reason, that doesn't seem appealing at all. Plus, the future's in robotics, which will need IT and engineers.

writing software all day will suck your soul out. if youre already on the computer all day then whatever i guess

t. software dev of 10 yrs

>> No.7409924

Wasn't there a page to find good career opportunities to what you could like?

I'd like something including creative thinking and designing, but I'm not really into the engineering kind of designing... I wish I was a 3D modeller maybe. I supose marketing could be a decent career choice for me.

>> No.7409925

if you like robots, mechatronics engineering is more practical than something like mechanical engineering, which is a lot more maths and physics based. plus you get to make sweet robots. we had some cross-over classes with mechatronics engineering students when i was doing mechanical.
They always were doing much more fun projects than we were and did much easier maths than we did - some of the students had articulated into university from the technical college

>> No.7409966

You don't need a high IQ to make money.

I know guys dumb as dog shit that just know how to talk to people and make mid six figures a year.

>> No.7410050

Hmm, I wonder if there are degrees regarding robotics where I live that I could actually get into. I'm yuropoor.

I dislike math at the moment. Not because I'm dumb or anything, but because I skipped a lot of classes during my last years of highschool and uni preparation and that led me to hate it a bit. I have a good logical thinking though, so I could totally learn math, but I'd prefer to evade extremely complex mathematics and physics.

>> No.7410122


>> No.7410185

sounds like mechatronics engineering could be a good one for you then

>> No.7410190

I've seen that thread already

Your problem is your autism, not your IQ

>> No.7410225

Go into finance. Finance is full of averagely-stupid people.

IQ doesn’t mean much anyway, just work hard and keep learning. The ‘learn how to learn’ course is free and online, would recommend

>> No.7410244

but 33% isnt an option. its the barber paradox all over again, self-referential

>> No.7410261

that's why I didn't do that, desu

>> No.7410285

wait it's already true

>> No.7410300

this guy knows

>> No.7410402

the the the the the the

retarded alert

>> No.7410443

>nobody else answer
fuck im retarded

>> No.7410556
File: 54 KB, 544x529, 8F901771-AB7F-4346-B607-B2CECBF1BF9A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My iq is probably around 70 and I still get a 4.0 gpa most semesters, maybe it’s just a personal thing for you?

>> No.7410570

>make it an image where it's easily to be over look
>forgetting that on a subconscious level we correct errors with out thinking about it
just abuse the structre of the human minds process

>> No.7410602

This might be the only reasonable post on here. OPs problem isn't IQ though, it's actually making an effort, so plumbing probably won't work either.

>> No.7410671

Just let them believe, it's all they have.

>> No.7410739


I mean to be fair it's a peculiar sort of thing these teasers because the brain does naturally try to simplify information and fill in gaps because it has to all the time to operate efficiently so it can focus only on novel aspects of its environment.

It's inviting a person to initially note what's unusual then extrapolate the format of what they're being tested on.

>Sequence of different colored numbers.

> 1. Numbers seem to follow consistent pattern.
>2. Colors seem consistent across spectrum.

>Content and format.

>3. Format - "mistake" is in bold.
>4. Content - sentence is grammatically incorrect.

It's interesting how some people spot it immediately and some people don't.

>> No.7410797

you didn't follow the rules, why would anyone reward you. it said 4boxes, you cant just use 1 and think youre a genius. The approach could have worked anyway with a little more effort, you just didnt complete it because you got self-entitled, fuck

>> No.7410862
File: 34 KB, 206x250, 1484099379387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It will also interest you to know that she asked me "is a solar eclipse when the sun goes in front of the moon?"
It isn't?

>> No.7410878

Laying brick.

>> No.7410894

It's unlikely. The 110 IQ is doable, but true ADHD is a death sentence. You can make up for an average IQ with high industriousness but again if you have true ADHD then you're fucked in that department.

>> No.7411156
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>> No.7411176


>> No.7411264

50%, it's either right or it's wrong

>> No.7411288


>> No.7411359

Same here anon 114 IQ but suffering with adhd. I'm good at mathematics but I'm really suffering with attention. Graduated bba with 3.2 GPA ( I know i can get 3.6 if my brain would just comply ). I want to take master in businesses analytics but I'm afraid of i can't follow it. I'm diagnosed with adhd back in 2013, but my parents don't believe with adhd so i have no access of any kind of meds.

>> No.7411362

Please be trolling

>> No.7411418

It's either A or D, so 50%

>> No.7411453

PIenty of peopIe found it though, what's your excuse? lt's almost as if some peopIe were sharper than you and you were mad as fuck.
>you didn't even find the mistake in this post
TruIy a brainIet of a very high caIiber.

>> No.7411462


>> No.7411491

Whatever you do, don't go in IT. Sure it doesn't require even average IQ, but you need to memorize long boring books just to compete with pajeets for what is essentially a minimum wage job, only even more soul-crushing. Either try to put in the effort for a real STEM degree, or go for a trade.

>> No.7411511
File: 30 KB, 480x480, IMG-20180206-WA0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0%, r-right anons?

>> No.7411516

The funny thing is, most of these puzzles would actually prove harder for the people we consider traditionally intelligent. Intelligent people are able to process data more effectively by recognizing patterns intuitively and using shortcuts without realising. Show that sentence to somebody who's only recently learned to read English and they'd notice the duplication much more readily than somebody who reads extremely quickly and doesn't have to focus on every word closely to understand a sentence. I watch objectively highly intelligent individuals fall for this on a daily basis when doing contact analysis and document review.

>> No.7411527

it's 0%
>choosing 25% means its a 50% chance
>choosing 50% means it's a 25% chance

>> No.7411542

Because sour grapes. Degenerate NEETs can't get real women so they settle for imaginary cartoon versions.

>> No.7411600
File: 105 KB, 1067x1190, 1512856152397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean for this again the question is open to interpretation:
1. Is there even in a "correct answer" to this question given it specifies no actual question involving percentages for these MCQ answers to correctly answer?
2. If it is presumed there is simply a secret percentage which you have to simply guess is it any of the answers listed?
2.1. If the answer is 50% your odds of picking it at random are 25%.
2.2. If the answer is 25% your odds of picking it at random are 50%.
2.3. If it's none of them your odds of picking it are 0%.

It's almost like a self-referential paradox.

>> No.7411629

If it's 0% then it would actually be 25% because 0 is only on there 1/4 times. There is no valid answer, not even 0.

>> No.7411885

What does the question even mean though? Is it mcq questions in general? Because if it's just mcq questions in general then the answer is 1/4 =25%

>> No.7411899
File: 20 KB, 450x450, higherpower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you got so few real answers, I'll give you this:
Work is not a meme. There is a whole generation being bred that thinks that they are too good to work for a living. If you can't stand an office enviornment, go work with your hands. Learn a trade.
Some of the brightest people I've met are tradesman. They sure as shit don't belong talking to the general public, or customers, or owners, but they can do shit you can't imagine.
I know a guy that could rebuild a transmission blindfolded, or adjust the timing of an engine by ear, but can't balance a checkbook.
There is a big difference between smart, clever, and wise.
There is a big difference between valuable and useful.
It's something you need to figure out yourself.

The only safe bet would be to kill yourself and make sure you don't pollute the gene pool with your indecisive and weak nature.

>> No.7412139

Actually there's no reason to do anything. Society conditions us that we must work to be useful or whatever and the faggot in your pic helps with the conditioning. There is no actual need to do whatever. Do whatever the fuck you want as long as it doesn't hurt other people. Work, don't work, be a neet, be a yogi, whatever.

Humans aren't here to simply work for a living. A creature as simple as an ant works for a living yet you don't see it bragging about it like mike rowe. If 'work' is all you've done for you're bound to be unhappy when you die because you've essentially achieved nothing other than acquire materials and comfort. Ever see a dissatisfied rich old boomer? That's the typical human that learned next to nothing

We're here to learn what it means to be human. I'm not saying don't ever work. All i'm saying is if you treat something which should be of 5% importance as 100% your sole purpose you're bound to suffer.

>> No.7412196



>> No.7412204

I don’t know why don’t you ask rich blacks.

>> No.7412246
File: 98 KB, 899x1599, IMG-20180207-WA0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finaly get it guuys.

>> No.7412289

Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.

Also, an ant that refuses to work is expelled from the colony.

>> No.7412314

Time to get into the rap game.

>> No.7412323


>> No.7412460

Sure, and 'chop wood, carry water' is 5% of life. The majority of people make 'chop wood, carry water' their everything, that's the problem.

>> No.7412467

I'm with you. I'm certainly not advocating mindless toil. It's a sad state of affairs that there is a minimum legal requirement of pay that doesn't clear the poverty line.
Since it's a shit system that we most likely have to participate in, I'd suggest finding something tolerable. If you hate the sort of fucks that pretend to work in offices, I'd suggest looking elsewhere.
A lot of the folks that tend to hate offices like working with their hands is all I was getting at.

Go be homeless or live at mommies house. I don't give a shit. OP is the cunt that is asking a Cambodian origami forum for advice. I was just trying to help.

>> No.7412536
File: 168 KB, 866x635, ants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, an ant that refuses to work is expelled from the colony.
Unironically this isn't true lol

>> No.7412589

>A lot of the folks that tend to hate offices like working with their hands is all I was getting at

>> No.7412614


>> No.7412632
File: 60 KB, 750x750, 15589718_1520432721307237_1420671602304452890_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm pretty fucking dumb and i just broke 6 figures for the first time in 2017 (108k gross). i'm 27 and work in silicon valley. sometimes all i fucking do is manage technical documents and make powerpoints. 2.8 GPA from a mid-tier CSU college. Base bay is ~78k and i signed up for every stock benefit possible and the stock has nearly tripled since i started.

yeah i kinda got lucky lol

>> No.7412634


I don't know dude I've worked since I was 13 and so hard in the last 5 years I end it up going slightly blind in one eye from central serous retinopathy - I know what hard work is from building sites to corner offices and it sucks a billion dicks.

Making Fuck You money on crypto is much easier - now I can afford the conceit of my work being some sort of zen, philosophical lifestyle choice. Perhaps it's a generational thing if you're older than 25 but we've been handed a world where speculation and parasitism pays better than working hard and being productive.

If you want that to change all you've got to do is kiss your pension goodbye, see 70-80% come off the value of your house and not speak out of turn when we're putting society back together.

I'll be happy to listen to your critique about this whole generation after that - not before booboo.

>> No.7412670

By the way, I got ADHD too. Got diagnosed a couple years ago and also diagnosed with depression about a few months ago too.

>> No.7412738

A high paying job won't fix your cripplingly insecurity, faggot.

>> No.7412747

>The average Uni graduate in the Us has an iq of 118.

There is no way this is true. More than half the grads are women.

>> No.7412888
File: 66 KB, 640x640, autism cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are actually quite a few high paying jobs that don't require a tremendous IQ. My cousin is dumb as shit but he started working as a driller for a petroleum company and is doing quite well. I don't know exactly how much he earns but it's well into the 6 figures.

I know that there are also quite a few trades that can pay extremely well as you move up the ladder - welding is a good example.

But speaking from experience, you don't need a brilliant mind to be successful and earn a good salary. Learn an in-demand skill and learn it well, be reliable and hardworking - you'll have a great career.

I can't tell you how many "brilliant" people I know that have done nothing with lives because because they just can't apply themselves.

>> No.7412892

>"What is the answer to this question?"
The question is self referential and meaningless.

>> No.7412968

>There are actually quite a few high paying jobs that don't require a tremendous IQ. My cousin is dumb as shit but he started working as a driller for a petroleum company and is doing quite well. I don't know exactly how much he earns but it's well into the 6 figures.
Basically anything technical in the oil industry will make dosh, in the US or everywhere.

Unironically it's harder to make dosh as a purely white collar in this industry it seems.

>> No.7412997

Dude, there are so many dumb fucks in UNI you have no idea.

>> No.7413011

How does one become a driller? I hope it does not involve paying tons of money for a Masters of Oil Drilling Diploma in Oil University of Texas.

>> No.7413026

>Society conditions us

The alternative to working is literally death. It's not societal conditioning, it's evolution. If you don't work, you will quickly be selected out by nature. Society is a trading platform but you need something to trade to participate.

>> No.7413046


>> No.7413051

It's not true in the US, nor in any other country in the world.

>> No.7413100

In my country you can get there after a technical high-school diploma for entry jobs, or get a bachelor equivalent from a technical university. Not sure about the US but it's usually not a very long curriculum.

>> No.7413183

>Unironically it's harder to make dosh as a purely white collar in this industry it seems.

That's been my experience as well. If you study some form of engineering, medical etc. then you'll have no problem finding good work but if you're not going that road then a trade is another easy way to get a good job without debt.

I knew a lot of people who majored in things like "business management" thinking it would get them a white collar job but would up having a much rougher go then people like my buddy who dropped out of high school to become a mechanic.

Everyone wants a white collar job - that's created a big demand for skilled tradesmen.

>> No.7413276

>I knew a lot of people who majored in things like "business management" thinking it would get them a white collar job but would up having a much rougher go then people like my buddy who dropped out of high school to become a mechanic.
I have a masters degree in a STEM field, very technical, yet a big part part of my former classmates have choosen to go for business management jobs, they get hired easily.

One did go for the oil industry and is making twice as much money as I do.

>> No.7413283

is this one of those things where autists come up with out of the box solutions that only a smalle percentage of people pull off
(inb4 u get mad because u had the same solution)

>> No.7413305

>writing software all day will suck your soul out.
Dubs speaks the truth. There are exceptions, but your typical dev position sucks in every respect except, of course, for the money.

>> No.7413335

I couldn't tell you exactly but I know he doesn't have a degree.

From what I understand he got a job in North Dakota during the oil boom about 8 years ago. After getting a few years of experience he got hired on as a driller by a buddy.

I mean, there are plenty of people who work in petroleum with specialty degrees and they make buckets of cash. Petroleum engineers make a god-damn fortune.

>> No.7413346
File: 15 KB, 588x471, 1517424090865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can actually solve this with 1 dot.
20 > 3.0 kek

>> No.7413411
File: 59 KB, 610x396, jennifer-aniston-horrible-bosses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ll jokes aside can you get a high paying job with a lower Iq?


>> No.7413438
File: 100 KB, 500x334, 1517231031703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% as my gf is doing this.

>> No.7413532


>> No.7413590

your life

>> No.7413601
File: 845 KB, 1440x936, president_trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this map. Find the closest red county without a Chick-fil-A. https://www.chick-fil-a.com/Franchising/Franchise
>For an initial financial fee of $10,000 selected franchisees (who we call Operators) are granted the rights necessary to operate a franchised Chick-fil-A Restaurant business. The Chick-fil-A franchise opportunity requires that the individual be free of any other active business ventures and operate the restaurant on a full-time, hands-on basis.
>Chick-fil-A Operators must successfully complete an extensive, multi-week training program prior to taking over operation of a franchised Chick-fil-A restaurant business. With additional development courses and franchise support available, Chick-fil-A Operators are equipped to handle decisions and reap the rewards of a challenging business.
>Chick-fil-A, on the other hand, pays for all startup costs — including real estate, restaurant construction, and equipment.
>In turn, the company leases everything to its franchisees for an ongoing fee equal to 15% of sales plus 50% of pretax profit remaining, Chick-fil-A spokeswoman Amanda Hannah told Business Insider.
Your average white community will probably help you raise the funds, we love Chick-fil-A. You're in the chicken now, /biz/.

>> No.7413651

oh for fucks sake IQ isnt that important buddy
most people who post their IQ's are autismo fags, everyone else understands that it is a mayor signal that you are actually a dumdum

>> No.7413692


the average uni graduate in the US is probably ~105

>> No.7413730

>Your average white community will probably help you raise the funds

You're either naive or retarded

>> No.7414212

simply gotta do jobs that require some but not many skills, that are low in supply and high in demand

carpenters, welders, plumbers all make good money

but everyone thinks hes too good for that shit
meanwhile the plumbers wife has a diamond ring and the mcdonalds employee with uni diploma can barely pay rent

>> No.7414247

I found work which makes you $70k a year and only requires 16 weeks of study

>> No.7414349

16 weeks to stretch your anus seems a bit long.

>> No.7414614

Honestly this.
Trades with useful skills make money, STEM also makes money.

>> No.7414702

And what is that?

>> No.7414795

commercial diving. demand is massive here in Norway

>> No.7414845

Chick-fil-A kills it in blue counties, too, even in places like Portland and Seattle. A very tiny minority of hardcore SOCJUS lunatics might talk shit but that's all.

>> No.7415034

animeniggers should just kill themselves

>> No.7415181

lim (n->infinity) (1/n)

>> No.7415186

this. and once you are competent and know the business well you will have knocked out most of the risk to going it alone. if you aren't literally retarded and try to do good work you will make it.

>> No.7415203

animeniggers should kill themselves, seriously

>> No.7415268


>> No.7415387

my head! arghh

>> No.7415418

you can have an iq of 70-80 and be a programmer

>> No.7415456

its just a russel's liar in different terms

>> No.7415487

Fucking what

>> No.7415554

Choosing an answer at random implies a non-selective answer thus 4C1 = 4 thus the chance of selecting a single answer is 0.25, but 2 of the answers can be considered identical thus letting A = D, selection is 0.33, B and C are still 0.25 since its subset selection. So your answer is EITHER B (with the assumption that a correct answer can be selected and is present) OR C (with the assumption that there is no correct answer present) but since this is paradoxical and creates a correct answer out of C by its very nature then it has to be B

>> No.7415568


Most people at college are fucking retarded dude.

>> No.7415641

>Be charismatic.

>> No.7415721
File: 168 KB, 1000x1024, 77F81D63-8744-481C-8629-E3574990A7B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, you absolutely retarded troglodyte Neanderthals.

>> No.7415731

Not trolling, but are you a minority by any chance?

>> No.7415752

Sucess= money
You are implying dan bilzerian has a higher IQ than mathematicians
Because he surely is more moneyed

>> No.7415774

I'd loan you $10,000 to open a Chick-fil-A near me.

>> No.7415806


>All jokes aside can you get a high paying job with a lower Iq?

Lol when applying for a job they don't test your IQ. Also IQ isn't the factor that will make you better at your job. It's just up to you how much you understand how to be more effective on your job. Also in my opinion "IQ test" is something very general and can't measure the actual smartness of someone since the human brain is much more than solving some puzzles. Someone could be smart on a different way.

>> No.7415851

That's not a proper 8.

>> No.7416093

work 24/7 uber driver

>> No.7416157
File: 74 KB, 625x423, F853632C-ABB2-4BF7-A7D3-D8EAE0FEB8DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7416225

Phrased in another way. The probability with four trials (that is enough to determine the outcome) that 25% is selected 1/4 times is 25%

50% selected 50% times is ~21%
0% selected 0% times is ~31%

>> No.7416249

sounds like you'd be perfect for IT. Just smart enough to know how to google, dumb enough to know not break anything someone smarter than you made.

>> No.7416567

taken the mensa test online twice the last two years, gotten 131 and 130. does that give me the right to go around saying I have an 130 IQ? not that i will lol

>> No.7417214

136 IQ on mensa, ADHD, depression and about to drop out of HS at the age of 19. FeelsBadMan

>> No.7417514

Essentially your mind (merely a tool) has turned on itself because you don't know how to use it. Meditation can help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxgD9En6Vso

>> No.7418301

you have to take it in person