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File: 40 KB, 900x1213, Bitcoin Cash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7406651 No.7406651 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin Cash will flip with BTC this year, you've been warned.

>> No.7406701

no one cares about btrash, fuck off

>> No.7406714

>Bitcoin Cash will flip with BTC this year
So it will become slow, expensive, and sliding into irrelevancy? Shit son... it had a head start.

>> No.7406733

Fuck off. Roger shill tard.
Go trick old people you are the "real bitcoin" .
Should be fucking destroyed

>> No.7406754
File: 107 KB, 650x794, 1510658512158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7406759
File: 305 KB, 1024x530, anal_vore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7406794

when plz

>> No.7406822


>> No.7406824

..says the guy sucking off Roger's jewery

>> No.7406831
File: 310 KB, 873x567, 1510445052608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's copy what they did!

>> No.7406859
File: 2.77 MB, 900x506, cRASH.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7406873

bitcoin cash is THE bitcoin, that corecuck bullshit is backed by nothing but mass shill groups and brainwashed brainlets by scammers like theymos and other corporate overlords

>> No.7406889

lol when was this made

>> No.7406939

will never be true, no matter how many rupees you pay pajeets to say it

>> No.7406953

Crypto is based on trust. Look at the bcash team and supporters
-fake satoshi
-vinny lingham

Jihan is the only credible guy of the bunch.

Besides...no one uses crypto to actually buy anything. Bitcoin is digital gold...if you want to buy something online use a credit card or venmo it. It's also why 90% of these coins will be worthless since they dont have the digital gold argument like gold does.

>> No.7406955

Now if only it'd hurry up and stop sucking dick that'd be great.

>> No.7406991

Crypto is based on being trustless. That's the whole point of it. You don't need to trust any of those guys.

>> No.7406997

ethereum is bitcoin.

>> No.7407037

Obvious short sighted boomer.

>> No.7407041

coming from the faggots that took pages right out of shareblue and tried to character assassinate anyone against the corecucks, censor opposing opinions aka facts, have actual groups dedicated to shilling btc via general bs and low key mind games. kys retard

>> No.7407055
File: 57 KB, 651x711, 1513100495659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto is based on trust

>> No.7407058

>Ring Ring
>Hey, boo.
>It's me.
>Hey, bebe.
>Y'all on your way home?
>I'm still at 7-Eleven.
>I forgot what you wanted.
>Y'all can't never remember nothin'!

>> No.7407085

Okay calm down there roger.

>> No.7407172

That time they tried pushing the whole "every positive post about bitcoin cash or negative post about bitcoin" is a Russian troll farm. Super pathetic and lasted less than a day and all it did was show how shook corecucks really are

>> No.7407220
File: 31 KB, 640x360, wiseau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big if true haha
Thanks OP just bought 100k haha
anyway how's your sex life?

>> No.7407589

No one shills btc, because no one needs to. All anyone does for btrash is try to sell bags

>> No.7407636

April 2018
The king must fall for the people to rule.

>> No.7407694

Okay Roger Ver thanks for letting me know about your delusional Bcash prediction

>> No.7408117
File: 49 KB, 352x388, 1514700249886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

core cuck playbook
>roger ver

>> No.7408159

Fukken saved.

BCH needs to stop dropping though ffs.

>> No.7408241

>literally proving his point

>> No.7409030

holy op you know how to get the trolls going.

Trolls, please go back to Blockstream Corporation. Do tell them that trying to keep BTC afloat solely with negative PR techniques is not working. We know all devs are leaving Blockstream so their choices are limited, but they are taking BTC on the path to oblivion with this approach.

>> No.7409341

Thoughts on this? KYC on LN
